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The tombs and mausoleums of the Graveyard of the Thoughtful Daughter encrust the hill in the northeast of city of the gods concealing the older graveyard that has been here since the foundation of the city that stood here before.

A secret door in the stonework of the mausoleum of Ankrabar the Violet leads down into a series of tunnels and crypts leftover from the original graveyard. Tight damp tunnels lead from crypt to crypt and to the occasional sealed tomb. Some of these tunnels have evidently been cut from the earth and stone by relentless claws and bones - sure signs of trapped ghouls and other foul creatures.

At the northernmost point of the map, a collapsed stonework wall grants glimpses into a much larger underground sepulcher. However moving all that stonework will require the effort of many men and many hours, unless of course you can transform into mist or perhaps the form of a bat...

If you would like to hunt vampires in the Graveyard of the Thoughtful Daughter you can download the high resolution map from the blog post at http://wp.me/psUVp-2sG


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Is the top of the map supposed to be cut off like that?


Indeed... it hints at things beyond the tunnels... a buried sepulcher of some kind. That might get mapped out and extended in Tuesday's map. :)