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((Y/N)'s POV)

This was so embarrassing. Dantalia had Zahara and Luna in her wolf form in her room with us and they were teasing me. When I said no brainwashing she made a deal with Luna and coached Zahara into doing things for her. Zahara was holding me up for Luna to give me a tongue bath while Dantali used her tentacles to tickle my feet and make me too tired to fight back or squirm for them. Luna made wolf noises during the bath and hit me gently with her fluffy tail that had a strong, but nice smell to it now. Dantalia just wanted me to be embarrassed and follow the rules for her extra payment from the job, but I don't think she cares about money at all. I wanted so badly to just run out of the house, but something inside was just telling me to stay here with the girls. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but then we heard a knock on the door.

Dantalia-We're busy! I have a lot more time!

Grace-Um, it's important.

Just then Luna changed back to her human form.


Luna-Are we under attack?

Grace-No, but-.

Luna-Then we are fine and I am sure it can wait, Honey.

Grace-That is not a good idea.

Dantalia looked annoyed and focused on something before she raised an eyebrow.

Dantalia-Huh, looks like we have visitors.

I was confused and Dantalia picked me up to leave the room while holding me and Luna looked annoyed while Zahara was sad that 'playtime' was over. We made it to the living room and besides the girls, I noticed the 3 visitors first.



Mother-My baby!

She ran over to me and tried to take me from Dantalia, but she held me away from her by turning her back to her. Mother still tried to get through her to get me, but it was not really working for her.

Dantalia-Woah there. I'm not willing to share right now.

Mother-He is my son! Let me see him!

I saw what Dantalia was about to do. She was going to brainwash her maybe even the other too and I don't know if Vita can even stop her.


She ignored me and grabbed the three of them before Vita slices her tentacles into bits to cut herself free with a magic sword before she pulled out a real one.

Release my friend, the queen, and the prince, NOW!!!

She suddenly had a tentacle sneak up on her and got into her ears. Mother and Celia were next and I was so desperate.

(Y/N)-Dantalia, stop!

Dantalia-Oh relax. I'm not going to hurt them, but they are not taking my turn from me... I'll put them to sleep.

She wrapped me up and covered my nose before her body sprayed off a mist to fill the house and this knocked everyone out, except us. She finally let them go and the others were put into their rooms. Now, she looked annoyed.

Dantalia-What a mess. I had so much babying I needed Luna and Zahara for... Guess we have to jump right into the extreme stuff... If only I could have made Luna and Zahara watch, but oh well.

(Y/N)-We can't just leave them like this!

She ignored me again and took me back to her room with a smile on her face that I did not really like.

Dantalia-Let's see... We couldn't finish your tongue bath I promised the Fefnir Wolf, so how about we get you a real one next... I think you would be much cuter acting like a baby too. ~

(Y/N)-No brainwashing! You said you would not do any brainwashing!

Dantalia-I didn't say that. You said you would... Brainwashing would be a mercy because you would not be embarrassed during it at least.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Luna's POV)

I already hate these 3. I had to sleep through Dantalia lightly teasing my Puppy when I was supposed to be doing it with her. It was dinner time, so she finally gave them up and since I was cheated out of it, I had Puppy with me while we were all waiting in the living room for dinner to be done. Aurora, Vita, and Celia to to take him, but I was not going to let them even if I had to transform to beat them to a pulp and then pinned under my paws. After awkward silence from those 3, the stupid bitch of a mother decided to open her mouth.

Aurora-(Y/N), Mother found out about what Father and (B/N), and most of the staff were doing... I am 'so' sorry. It must have been so horrible and scary for you to tell anyone from what might have happened.

(Y/N)-Um... It's ok. You just didn't know.

Luna-No, it's not!

All of this talking about Puppy's abuse and neglect was making me very mad. They are lucky that he is here or at least half of us would be trying to kill them.

Lillian-It was the king that was abusing his own son?

Vita-He confessed when I found out the truth and tried to have me arrested... Prince (Y/N), I swore to keep you safe as well and... I have failed you. I will not forgive myself for that.

Amara-Whatever reasons and apologies you have, our leader is spoken for. He will be staying here with us.

Celia-Leader? He's just a child. Barely more than a baby.

She looked at him and I started whacking Puppy with my tail and she knew what I was doing. I could see the jealousy on her face, so I smugly smiled.

Luna-Well, he just has his ways and takes care of us. Unlike another boy who loves to bark orders for every little thing and throws a tantrum when it does not go his way.

Aurora leaned into Vita and then Vita hung her head when I rd her whisper if I was talking about her other son.

Luna's mind-How did a little genius come from her?

(Chelsie's POV)

We left them behind for a reason and if they finally realized what they did then they should stay away from 'my' baby! When dinner was done, I left the room to go make plates while everyone kept on talking By the time I got back with food, I could hardly enjoy my food with 'her' here.

Aurora-This is amazing! Is there a special occasion?

Zahara-Her food always tastes like this.

They looked surprised by this and they should be. The only one I cooked for back home is (Y/N) and he was not going back there. After dinner, Aurora cleared her throat a little before looking around the room at all of us

Aurora-There is... another reason why we came here. After my husband and I broke up, we left for our safety and well-being. We also wanted to apologize to my son for not knowing what he was really going through. We even brought a gift for him.

Vita went into her bag to pull out a box and kneeled down in front of Luna and (Y/N) while she was still feeding him his last bite. I doubt whatever is in that small box will make up for the hardships he was forced to go through when I was not caring for him. He unwrapped it and opened it up to show an amulet.

(Y/N)-Um... An amulet with a defensive spell, I think... I don't think this symbol was in class.

Celia-It's a charm that takes a hostile take to what amulet can handle and shoots it back to cancel out the attack.

He looked amazed and put it on and I was not shot away from him and Luna's tail could still hit him, but that was because she meant no harm to him. Aurora really wanted to take (Y/N) from her, but Luna was reluctant. (Y/N) only reached for her which shocked Luna a little before she looked really annoyed.

Aurora-*Gasp*! You forgive us?!

(Y/N)-I was never mad at you. I just left to see if I was good enough... Did you really leave home?

Aurora-Yes, we did and I only want to be with you right now.

(Y/N)-Well... I guess we can try to make some more room.

Lillian-Grace and I have enough room for another. How about you, Vita?

Vita-Thank you. I shall.

(Y/N)-Um, Luna... How about you take Celia into your room since you have more room in there for her? I would put her with Chelsie, but I think Mother would like it more with her.

Luna-... I would 'love' to have the neko.

Chelsie-Wait, I have too much in my room since I took the smallest. There's no room for a second with me.

There was. but I am not sleeping with the dumb bitch of a queen in my room or I just might lose my temper.

Aurora-(Y/N), don't be silly. I'm your mother, so of course I will be sharing a room with you.

Chelsie-... Excuse me?

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

It felt so weird sharing a room with Mother and she didn't have much with her to move in with. She was also hugging, kissing, and saying sorry a lot. I really was not mad at her for what happened at home, but I think this is more for her than me. When we were getting ready for bed in my own bathroom, she got in the bath with me. When we got out of the bath, we saw Dantalia on our bed and Mother covered us both in a towel.


Dantalia-Relax, I am not here to do anything... And I already gave him a bath myself before. Everyone did.


(Y/N)-Dantalia, what are you doing?

Dantalia-Just came to say goodnight to my leader and thought I should properly introduce myself to your mother. Maybe even tell her some things she is missing out on. ~


Dantalia-What, it's nothing bad or about adult stuff... Unless you count the SS-rank mission we took on today and you were upfront in the lines against an army of S-rank Fefnir Spiders.

Aurora-What?! He was what?!

Dantalia-Ohhhh, I guess he didn't want you to know about that. But at least I didn't tell her about how we met in 'another' SSS-rank dungeon.

Mother's face was losing color with her mouth open. I saw what she was doing and I tried to get her to stop by running up to her to push her out.

Dantalia-Oops, my bad Master. How about we take on another S-rank or above quest tomorrow to show her what you can do?

(Y/N)-Dantalia, you're making my mother-!

Just then I was picked up from behind and when I turned, I saw Mother's face in tears.


Mother-Wh-Why would you put yourself in danger like that?! My poor baby!

(Y/N)-Mother, I can explain!

Mother-That you ran away from home and did things most die at?! I thought the Goblin Lord you slayed was it!

She was shedding more tears and I was mad at Dantalia, but then she leaned into us which made Mother flinch away from her since she knew how dangerous she was now.

Dantalia-It must be so awful to learn your baby was in danger. I assure you he has use to help look after him and he takes care of himself for someone his age, but what is love compared to cuddling, and reminding him how much of a baby he is to you? ~


Dantalia-Oh he loves cuddling and he even pays us in them too... Oh, did you not cuddle him back at the castle?


Dantalia-*Gasp* No cuddles?! You owe him a lot of motherly love and care, but I will leave that to you... One more word to the wise, he was not drinking a lot of milk lately. Night. ~

She finally left and Mother looked at me before she looked at her chest and then sat on her bed to cuddle me.

Mother-(Y/N)... I... I feel like I should put you back on breast milk and spend extra time with you.

(Y/N)-U-Um, I don't think-.

(Aurora's POV)

That monster was right. What kind of mother am I when I only paid attention to my husband and queen duties. I shoved my boob in his mouth to feed him and cuddle him under the blankets. He tried to push away at first which made me cry even more to almost sobbing, but then he stopped.

Auror's mind-I am going to make 'everything' up to you, Sweetie... I promise.

(Celia's POV)

I just got back to my new room with Luna not even a minute ago from taking a bath before I was hung upside down by a snare trap in the room. Luna tied the rope to the leg of her dresser and walked over to me.


Luna-So... You think you three can walk in here and take Puppy from us?

Celia-Wh-What? We only came to-.

Luna-Let's get one thing straight here. I only agreed to this for favors from Puppy. He always gives you something in return, even himself. And if you are going to live in 'my' room, you will listen to 'my' rules. Understood?

Oddly, this was appealing to me and reminded me of sessions at home. Naked, humiliated, and when I did not respond to her in time, she gave me the one thing that was missing.


Celia-Ahhhh! Yes!

Luna-Whenever he makes it your turn to be with him and trust me he will do that... You are to spend it with me too. Say yes.


Luna-I already deal with that bitch of a miad and idoit of a dragon, so I don't want to share him anymore than I need to.

She spun me around and spanked and slapped me all over my body and the pain felt so good, but then she stopped.

Luna-Are you... enjoying this?


Luna-*Growl* Masochists.

She did something I did not expect next. She cut me down and started to glow and turn into a beast which meant... SHE WAS A FEFNIR WOLF?!?!?!


She put a paw over my face and when I thought she was going to kill me I screamed for help into her paw, but then I was completely buried under her body.

(Luna's POV)

Just my luck that I get the weirdest of the bunch that I can't kill. I don't know if she'll listen to me or just love being punished more. When she was about to pass out, I picked her up with my mouth and dropped her on the bed before I changed back. I put a foot back on her face while looking at her coldly and arms crossed and she let this happen. I had another idea to make her behave.

Luna-If you like this so much then you better listen if you want more.


Luna-I didn't tell you to speak. I guess we can stop and go to bed if you won't listen.

She only whimpered and I thought this was rich.

Luna-Now... Here is what you are going to do in the morning during breakfast.

(Vita's POV)

I was not a magic teacher, but Lillian must be a great one or the princess must be a really promising prodigy. She is playing with her magic to practice and made a water clone of Prince (Y/N). When I came back in from the bathroom in this room she suddenly took a shine to me as well as Lillian.


Grace-Excuse me, but do you know anything else about (Y/N)? You did live with him.

Vita-Oh... I think you may know more than me.

Lillian-You may know something. The princess has an eye for the younger prince instead of the older prince.

Vita-I'm sorry, but the ones who would know most at the castle are his teachers. I am the head of the guard, but I do have stories of both princes. Aurora would bring them to tea time when they were babies.

Lillian-Awwww, how sweet. Did you ever hold them?


I thought about when I held them both and made promises. One became their father which turned out to be a bad thing and the other was left to suffer in silence... It was nice to talk about the stories I had of them and thought they truly cared for (Y/N). I felt something inside of me and knew I could not fail again...

Vita's mind-I will show you that I will be different, Prince (Y/N)... No fiend will ever come near you again.


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