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((Y/N)'s POV)

I had never been to a real park to play and eat at before and now I get to do all of those things! I was jumping up and down a little in place when Mama was holding my hand outside while we waited for Mommy to come outside. We got some toys for me to play with and the only rules are to listen to them and don't leave the blanket without one of them. Mama picked me up when the door opened and Mommy came out with a blanket, basket, and my stuffed toy, and I thought about myself being carried in that basket for a silly idea.


Mommy-Are you ready to go play in the park, Honey? ~


Mommy-We just need to do one more thing before we go.

Mama-When I lay you down, you just need to hold still.

Mommy laid out the blanket on the ground for me right now and I thought it was weird because we were not at the park, yet... Are we?... Mama put me on the blanket and started to wrap me up nice and tight, so it felt like a hug and got better when Mama picked me up. She gave me kisses and I gave her a big one on her nose before they gave each other a lip kiss and started walking with me.

(Charlie's POV)

We gave him only one rule for the walk to the park and it was not to talk to other demons, but he was just too friendly. I normally don't have a problem with this, but I just worried about what they might do to him. I want to make hell a better place for my people, but some of them have sins directed toward children or will corrupt their innocence. After many failed attempts to tell him to stop nicely, I thought of something else to keep his mouth busy... It happened when I saw he was about to talk to a demon giving him a seductive look, so I shoved my finger in his mouth and Vaggie pulled her spear out from behind her. They backed off and I felt (Y/N) sucking on my finger like a pacifier while looking at me.

Charlie-Awwwww... Do you... like this? ~

He thought about it for a minute and changed the pace of his sucking before nodding his head at me. This also did keep him quiet like the baby bottle did for him. When we made it to the park after a long walk we unwrapped him, but he didn't want to let my finger go. I didn't try and fight it and let him have his way, but I did put him in my lap when Vaggie laid out the blanket. We were in an upper-class area, so there would not be many creeps, but a lot of snobs and arrogant demons. He just needs to stay close to us and right now he doesn't want to let me go, so that's not a problem.

Vaggie-You really love to suck on things, don't you?

(Y/N)-Yeah, ie feels reawy good on my teeth and ongur! *muffled*

Charlie-Don't talk with your mouth full, Honey... But how would you like it if I dipped my finger in something for you, like honey, of chocolate pudding, or-. ~

He let me go, but kept his mouth open, so Vaggie went into the basket while we lied down on the blanket. Demons were staring while walking by, but I didn't really care. Vaggie lied next to us and had a pudding cup for him, so I stuck my finger in it and held it in front of him.


Charlie-Choo, chooooo. ~

(No POV)

Demons that were walking by saw this little picnic event in the park and most of it was feeding (Y/N) by hand and finger. (Y/N) was enjoying himself and even played with his toy a little while eating, but got scolded a little for accidentally biting a little... Charlie and Vaggie fell for his puppy eyes and gave him more pudding to make him feel better. Just then someone walked down the street with her mom for shopping and a spa day.


(Octavia's POV)

Mom always insists on these shopping and spa days, but her rules and stuff make it so suffocating. This is all just too much and I just wanted to be alone today and do something to help me relax. While Mom was talking, I was looking at posts on Sinstagram since she just wants to talk about family stuff and how much she hates Dad more than half the time when she isn't talking about beauty things. With both Mom and Dad always fighting and hating each other, home is just so miserable to be in. I would rather sit in my Dad's weird dickhead of a boyfriend's office. At least, I have a friend and nobody is fighting nearly as much.

Mom-I have an appointment to have my nails done and I'll have a spot opened for you.

Octavia-Actually... Mind if I just walk around for a bit? I'll catch up when you go to the dress shop.

Mom-Fine. I have your number. Just don't wander too far.

I had to get away from this before I died from stress. I walked into the park in the center of the shopping area and sat on a bench to listen to some music... My World Is Burning Down by Fuck You Dad. It's a great song and matches my life... I stopped in the middle to sit in silence with my thoughts.

Octavia's mind-Why does everything have to be so unfair?

I get this is hell and sinners are sent here, but I did nothing wrong and still suffer. When I went back on my phone, I saw people partying, drinking, laying in bed, and talking about how they were tired or some shit, but then I saw a few pet lovers. I thought about having a pet, but Mom says they are filthy vermin and the imp servants are just tolerable. When looked into a pet shop one time with her she had high expectations and only very few worked out, but not in my tastes. I just wanted something small and cuddly, not huge for me to ride on. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone hopped on the bench and for a moment I was confused.



Octavia-Um... Hello.

???-I'm looking for more friends.

Well, he does not beat around the bush. I felt a little awkward about this since I was debating on what he actually was.

???-My name is (Y/N).

Octavia-... Octavia. Um... Are you here alone?

(Y/N)-I'm here with my new Mommy and Mama. Then I saw you while they were making sandwiches and thought you looked pretty with all your feathers and clothes.

Octavia-*Giggles* That's it?

(Y/N)-Huh?... Do I need more to talk to others?

Octavia-No, but... Be careful who you talk to. Some might not be very nice.

(Y/N)-Oh... What if I am extra nice, so we can still be friends?

He was so happy and his logic made some of my stress melt away from his cuteness. He suddenly hugged me and before I could wrap my head around things he kissed my cheek. This made me think about my life and my smile quickly went away.

(Y/N)-Hm?... Why are you sad?


We both looked and we saw the princess of hell running over to us. I had no idea what she was like off camera and prepared to be yelled at by her just when I thought I found some ball of happiness.


(Y/N)-Hi Mommy! I made a new friend!

Octavia's mind-Mommy?! The princess of hell is a mom?!

Charlie-I am so sorry. He is just a little explorer.

Octavia-Oh... It's fine. He was nice to be with, your highness.

(Y/N) reached for her and she picked him up to hold him and he was just so affectionate to her. Hugs, kisses, nuzzling, and everything before he looked back to me... His looks finally settled in and there was no doubt on what he was... A living human. The princess of hell adopted a living human.

(Y/N)-Mommy, can she come back to the picnic with us?

Charlie-Oh, I'm sure she has other things to do.

I thought about how nice it would be to stay with him, but I was worried about Mom seeing him and being... herself.

Octavia-Yeah. I was only resting for a bit... It was nice meeting you. I would like to see you again.

Charlie-Oh... Well, I do have a hotel called the Hazbin Hotel. It helps rehabilitate sinners and demons to ascend into heaven.

(Y/N)-It's where we live!

Charlie-Well, I have to feed my little guy. Bye.

She walked away and (Y/N) waved goodbye to me... I know where he lives and if it's a hotel then I could stay there for a while with him. I watched from afar and zoomed my camera in to get a picture of (Y/N) before he playfully pounced on another demon who must be 'Mama'.


I kept on thinking about how he could be cuddling me back home and how sweet he was... The only happiness in my life and a long time and they are cuddling the princess of everything here and her girlfriend. I kept on watching him suck on their fingers with or without food on them like they were pacifiers to him and he cutely played with his stuffed toy... I wanted that to be me with him. Soon, I left to go see Mom just coming out of her appointment and I could not let her find out about (Y/N) or anything or else she might get involved.


Mom-Did you get the alone time you wanted, Darling?

Octavia-Yeah, Mom.

Mom-Good. We're going home early. The bitchy receptionist ruined my day, so we will just have a spa day at home. I'm having her statue delivered to our manor later.

We were walking back to the limo and I was looking at the special little human with a slight smile on my phone.


I rubbed his little cheek which made the picture scroll, but I thought about the next time I see him. Mom was talking about something and I just let her ramble without giving her responses.

Octavia's mind-You already have to be the sweetest thing I have ever met. I just want to cuddle you forever and ever. ~

I can already see him loving that idea and when we got home I walked up to the driver.

Octavia-Excuse me. I want a ride somewhere tomorrow. It'll just be me.

Driver-Of course, My Lady. May I have a location or name?

Octavia-It's called... The Hazbin Hotel.



Oh we’ve got the goetia ladies nice, will loona and Millie be making an appearance or is that on a need to know?