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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and the girls were looking at the stuff they found. They found my table and charger, some more clothes, sleeping bags, and more camping stuff they wanted me to explain... They threw what they didn't like in the cave for my parents and 2 of the sleeping bags... one of them was supposed to be mine, but I got the biggest one. Mkalia came back with 2 dead animals and was already eating a bleeding leg. I thought this was disgusting and Melah and Ari were eating first, but when Sanaa put me down in front of the dead animals, they saw I didn't want to eat.

Mkali-Hey! We are giving you permission to eat!

Sanaa-Mkali, our slave is still a cub.

Sanaa is the only one who talks to Mkali like that... I thought Mkali is the leader or is Snaa the leader. I had my answer.

Sanaa-What our leader is trying to say is. Why are you not eating?

(Y/N)-Um... I only eat cooked meat.

Sanaa-Oh?... Is it just how you like it or does it need to be that way?

(Y/N)-I-It needs to.

Sanaa-Well... making a fire is a bit more effort and we only did it on rare nights... Sit and wait.

I did what she said and Kimya came over with a bunch of sticks and branches before she made a fire, put some meat on a stick, and let it cook. Then she came over to me with a smile.


Kimya-Now... You owe me something. ~

((M/N)'s POV)

I was watching them toy with my baby from under the jeep and we tried to get it started earlier, but some parts of the jeep were wrecked and the connectors to the battery were broken... No jeep, no radio, and my son is out there with a pride of lionesses that are threatening to kill me and my husband if we so much as even try to talk to 'our' son. We lost all of our weapons in the crash except for my husband's tranquilizer gun, but only had 3 darts left. The only thing we will be doing is knocking down three as long as we don't miss, but then have one pissed-off lioness that is stronger and faster with a thirst for blood. We had to bide our time, but this is getting on my nerves!


Soon one of the lionesses came with 4 pieces of cooked meat on a stick and threw them carelessly in the jeep before she reached under the jeep to drag me out and hold me to her face. She was so tall that she had me dangling in the air at her level.


Sarabi-We are feeding you. Don't fucking push your luck. He's ours now.

She tossed me in the jeep next before she left to go eat. I walked back to (D/N) in the cave and gave him two pieces and he never talks when I'm mad.

(M/N)-I can't believe this! Lionesses are calling our baby a slave to them and we can't do anything right now!

(D/N)-It could be worse. Rescue teams will know we are missing too and send out more people to look for us. Until then, we need to play their game.

(M/N)-Did you not listen to their rules?! We can't talk or touch our own baby?! Why are you so calm?!

(D/N)-... I am fucking scared, but we need to keep our heads. Time is on our side. Remember that.

I guess he was right, but it was our baby out there and earlier today a lioness cub stuck her tongue at me and called me a 'bald monkey'. When they get transferred to a zoo, I am going to make sure it's a tiny one.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kimya had me on her lap and she was feeding me the meat herself like a baby, but when I said that earlier, Nala said I could be breastfed like Ari... I just ate the food before the grown-ups ate cooked and raw meat. While they ate, Kimya tied me up again for Melah and Ari to play with me, but only Ari did what she wanted. Melah only felt her body while looking at her mom during dinner. Ari pushed me down while I could not move and pulled my face into her tummy to cuddle me.

Ari-Ahhh! Mine!

Nala-Awwwww, look at her! ~

Everyone saw us and they thought it was cute, but for a baby, she was kind of strong. when she curled up around me she started to lick inside my ear and around my face while someone was rubbing my back. When she bit my ear I screamed a little and turned it away from her. Nala came over to pick her daughter up.


Nala-Ari, (Y/N) is not food. He's our slave. Our trophy. We don't bite them... Come on, it's bedtime. ~

I was picked up from behind and something was pulled to make the rope almost fall off me. When I was turned I saw it was Kimya and she cradled me while rubbing her face onto mine.


Kimya-Do you want to sleep with me tonight? ~

(Y/N)-Um... C-Can I-?

She saw I was about to point to the cave my parents were in and she smacked my hand before walking off with me.

Kimya-No. If you try to ask again, you're sleeping with Mkali... Now, come on. I wanna cuddle and have extra warmth tonight.

((D/N)'s POV)

It's been all due and the rescue team has not made it to us... It's fine. It's going to be fine. It's a big land, lots of ground to cover, and if not today, then for sure tomorrow. I was peeking out to see the lionesses taking spots to sleep at night and I think Kimya was pinning my son under her to sleep on top of. I saw him still shivering, so they brought over the sleeping bag and he had to show them how it was used. Kimya got in with him, but before I could watch anymore, someone got on top of the broken jeep.


Mkali-Stop looking at my pride.

She said it so coldly, so I backed away down the slope to the makeshift bed my wife and I made from both sleeping bags to stay warm. We both use the big one to sleep in together and Open up (Y/N)'s sleeping bag as an extra blanket. Mkali glared at us from up there which made it hard to relax, but it's only for a little while longer.

(D/N)'s mind-Just calm down... (M/N) and are fine and (Y/N) is fine... Sort of.

(Kimya's POV)

I can see why humans love these things when they are this big and fluffy unlike the other ones around here. Our little slave gets stay warm and this thing is very soft for me to cuddle him in.  rubbed my face on him to mark him with my scent. It won't drive off my sisters now, butit would be nice for him to smell like me a little tonight. Sarabi came by us to lay down and smile at the human cub.


Sarabi-Hey. I'm going to take him in the morning for something while you all go out hunting breakfast and I watch the cubs.

Kimya-I know that look... What are you planning?

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Sarabi's POV)

Everyone was getting ready to head out soon and while Nala was feeding Ari her milk, I got on top of the wheeled beast with (Y/N) and hit it until his parents woke up. When they looked up at us I just teasingly waved at them before they saw how much (Y/N) had become my cub.


Sarabi-Good morning, you two. Hope you remember the rules, so why don't you just 'sit there' and wait for breakfast... Cubs eat first of course. ~

I pulled off this thing humans call a bra and I already told (Y/N) what he was going to do or his parents would not be safe. I helped him latch on and when he did, he reminded me of my last son... That his kind took from me. When I relaxed and let him have his breakfast, I saw his parents were very conflicted about this and to make it more fun, I stroked his head. I felt another gaze and turned to see Nala looking at me, so I played with my 'girls' a bit and she just came over to put her daughters next to me to watch them.


Sarabi-I'm just feeding a cub... I'm sure yours will get bigger. ~

Nala-Just keep an eye on my cubs. We'll be back soon.

They all left and I kept on feeding (Y/N) until I felt like he had a good amount and Melah even threw a few rocks into the cave. She missed the humans, but I didn't care if she hit them or not. When I was done with this teasing for now, I took the cubs away from the cave and still held (Y/N), but this time with just one arm and put this bra thing back on to make him more comfortable. It felt nice to act like a mother again and I wonder if Sanaa can get him to stop being so tense. If we wanted to hurt and kill him, we would have done it by now. The girls lied next me me against a tree and Ari wanted to play with his arm while Melah looked at him curiously.

Sarabi-You're so quiet, (Y/N). You have not said a word all morning... How about you tell us a bit about the things we found? ~

Melah-What about this?

Melah left and came back with something to show us and (Y/N) knew what it was.

(Y/N)-Its... a tablet. It plays games and shows and other stuff.

Melah-What are shows?... What games can you play with this anyway?

(Y/N)-I-I can show you.

She gave it to him and he worked this thing and played a 'show' and it was almost like story time, but better. I held him up a little more while he taught us how to use this and it needs this charger to keep on working.

Sarabi-The others will love this at storytime... Speaking of time. It's bathtime.

(Y/N)-Um... Should I just wait here?

Sarabi-Of course not. You'll be coming in with us... Did your parents ever bathe with you?


He started to tell us how he does baths at his home and while it is in a small space with four walls that he calls a room, it doesn't sound like he has much time with his parents. When I asked about his parents not taking baths with him he said they are mostly gone and it's for days most of the time for 'work' and his 'babysitter' they pay with some useless green paper tells me that the babysitter doesn't really care and leaves him alone sometimes. My heart ached from his parents being mostly absent by choice and he talks to them on this thing. I know humans here had cub to only train to kill like we do, but just too much and were cruel at times. My heart ached for this sweet cub.

Sarabi-... What else happens back at your home while your parents are gone?... Who teaches you when this babysitter is not around?

(Y/N)-I go to school to learn.

He told me what school was and it was another stranger they pay to watch a bunch of cubs, so that's another thing his parents put on to someone else! He told me about other things he learned and what these bullies were that get away with things!... Humans are so cruel, backward, disloyal, careless, and bloodthirsty to their own kind!  No wonder they turn out the way they do here! When we got in the bath I had the girls play while I washed him in the water and our 'clothes' next.



Sarabi-O-Oh, not at you, Little One... I think where the pride comes back, how would you three like to play in that wheeled beast? Just remember girls, if either of them talk or touch each other... or get too close for your liking, you call us over.



Sarabi-(Y/N), both of them are in charge of you, so listen to them.

(Y/N)-Even Ari?... She's-.

Sarabi-No. You listen to Ari too. They'll be gentle. Won't you girls?

Melah-We will... I have something in mind.

At first, I wanted to tease them about taking their son from them, but now I am taking him to show him true love to a cub. When my sisters hear about this news, they will be furious about the source of our problem.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

The meat was starting to cook after we ripped it apart and put it on sticks for our slave and only our slave. I have no intention of feeding those poor excuses for parents. It explained everything and needless to say, Nala being a mother as well was really annoyed by this and probably thinking about if her daughters were treated like this.

Nala-*Growl*... And... he told you this?

Sarabi-He did more. He showed these video things on this tablet.

I showed them what he showed me since I found out how to use this quickly thanks to (Y/N) showing me how while they were gone. Even Mkali got angry from the bad habits humans have and (Y/N) telling me his own personal experience. Now, to ask Sanaa of something.

(Melah's POV)

I had (Y/N) pinned under me, but there was nothing for me to do with this besides pin him down by sitting on him. These seats were comfy though. Ari was standing up and licking inside his ear and when he tried to stop her, I threatened to tell on him and he let her do it again before she cried... His face looked cute and his squirming from what my sister was doing was funny.


Melah-Hey... Do you think I'm hot too?

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Wh-What?

Melah-My body is not matured, but some full-grown human females have flat chests too. Mommy said it was because they had no love at all, so what would be boob fills that hole instead. Her face was still pretty and her butt... *Growl* Just call me hot!

(Y/N)-Y-You're hot!

Just then we heard tapping and I looked to see Sanaa smiling at us with her hands together.


Sanaa-Melah, your body will come in time, just like we said many times. Be patient... Go join the others for breakfast. We're making cooked meat again. ~

She help Ari out first before she helped me and (Y/N) out and she crawled in the cave... I was hungry, so I just went to go eat some cooked and raw meat.

(Sanaa's POV)

I quickly had both adults held up by their throats in both of my hands. What Sarabi told us was utterly horrid, uncaring, and irresponsible for any parent. Fear filled their eyes and they both tried to punch and kick me to let them go, but they were too weak to actually hurt me like this. Instead, it made me more mad and slammed them to the ground.


Sanaa-You both 'dare' to call yourselves parents?! You brought him into this world to ignore him for more exploring out here and other such places when you should be at home with him! I would love nothing more than to rip you to pieces as I eat you alive and feed you to the rest of my pride after!

Female-W-We're following your-!


She shrunk back and the male tried to attack me, but I punched him so hard he landed back on the ground and I put my foot on his face to let my claws dig into him.

Sanna-I am taking (Y/N) somewhere and you two are going to do as I say next, but most importantly after you are done with what I say, you will both be on your hands and knees to kiss our feet and say we 'own' (Y/N) now... Do you understand me or should I no longer stop the others from coming in... Even Mkali is furious with you.

The male could not answer besides his screams muffled into my foot, but the female only nodded her head.

Sanna-Very wise. Now,... those 'sleeping bags'... Give them to me... Now!

(Mkali's POV)

No wonder humans turn out like mindless killing machines when they grow up. It's from parents not wanting to be parents. We are going to get every last scent on him off to make sure he is properly marked as ours and the best way to do that is not going to be easy to get them to do... Or maybe it will with Sanaa handling this. I got one of these smaller cages to put (Y/N) in and cover up with something and he hated it in there, but he can consider this one last punishment from me. Sanaa came back with Nala helping her carry more things from that cave.


Mkali-Make sure you are back by tomorrow. Here and he knows to stay quiet unless he wants everyone after him!

I heard him whimper while I handed the cage to Sanaa to carry.

Sanaa-No need to yell. We raise this cub to be a proper slave for our pride and make sure he's happy. I also want to talk about what to do with other human cubs when I return. Perhaps 'The Serpent Sisters' will find a use for the rest of them.

That could work, but s for the adults, they are one wrong look away from me killing them. Sanaa just told me if we get rid of them now then getting (Y/N) to listen until he understands how bad they are will be extremely difficult. I don't have to listen to her, but it does make sense. Sanaa left with (Y/N) and I just rested with my pride before we got ready for their return...

Mkali's mind-A few scratches and bruises can't be so bad.


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