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((Y/N)'s POV)

I wanted Mommy and Daddy to hurry to dinner, but when they saw Tess with me to tell them dinner was almost ready when they woke up they still looked nervous. I'm sure they will all be friends soon and they can live in the basement and do chores around the house and stuff with me. It took some time to get them out to the dinner table, but some of the girls were in the living room and could still talk to us. It was just me, Mommy, and Daddy sitting at the table. They even helped make plates for everyone and we were having stirfry tonight and when we all started eating, I thought I could start talking.

(Y/N)-So Mommy, Daddy the girls of a thank you for letting them stay here for thanks for saving me.

Mommy-Um... We don't know if we can do that. We don't have enough money after bills and other things we need.

Kit-I looked into that and took the liberty to upgrade the fuse box to this house so to speak. Power will be 37% more efficient while using less power. Then I tinkered with other machines critical to your household to decrease the usage of wasted power... I apologize for doing this while you were passed out.

They tried to think about something else.

Daddy-Where are they going to sleep?

Sasha-We turned the basement into a room that we all share. Rest assured that there is still use for it to be a shelter.

Rivet-Even made some improvements with plans to conserve space to make it more spacious.

Everything was working out so far! My new friends can live here with us!

(Ashelin's POV)

I understand taking strangers into your home is no easy task, but we saved their son and they already want to cast us out to the street! We have nowhere to go or fit in. Plus, any chance of getting home is here. I'm just not leaving without him after all the effort I put in to get him back to me. Dinner was defending our stay which was easy, but honestly annoying to the point I already hated these two with a passion.

Daddy-Ok, so I just want to see if I got all of the facts straight here... You all came from my video games.

Tess-We prefer our worlds are something you don't 'own'.

Daddy-S-Sorry... Rivet saved my son first and you all took care of him while he traveled to other worlds?

Rivet-That's right. You're welcome.

We could hear it in her voice that she was annoyed with him, but then swayed her tail a little at (Y/N) to entranced him with something he loves to cuddle with. He was going to go over and get what he wanted, but his mom stopped him.

Mommy-We are really thankful for you all taking care of our son, but please understand... This is a lot to take in.

Sasha-Rest assured we are working on a way to return home or find another alternative. Until then, I'm sure there is a way to make this work.

(Y/N)-Please, Mommy and Daddy. You tell me that you need to pay someone back somehow if they do something nice... And they saved me.

Daddy-Well... I guess I know you all... In a way non-stalker-ish kind of way. We just need to set a couple of ground rules like not going outside. For obvious reasons.

Angela-Of course.

He went over a few basic house rules and afterward, we all started to get ready for bed which is difficult since we don't have spare clothes of our own and have to find something that fit while our clothes get cleaned. The basement had a shower and bathroom in it, but we also used the bathroom upstairs. Before I could use the hallway bathroom, I felt someone hug my leg.



Ashelin-Well hello.

I picked him up to hold him and he wrapped his hands around the back of my neck to hold onto me.

(Y/N)-It's so cool you get to stay here with us! We're all friends now!

Ashelin-Well... We still need time to adjust.

(Y/N)-Oh. You're homesick?... I can sleep with you tonight to make you feel better.

Ashelin-*Chuckles* That sounds like a wonderful idea. Now, I need to get in the shower, so why don't you get ready to get in next?

(Y/N)-Why don't I come in with you? I take showers with my parents a lot to help me get clean and I did it when the others watched me too.

I should really say no, but I really do want to take care of him and he offered... His parents are not around, but if they see this... My heart ached when I put him down and my hatred for his parents grew.

Ashelin-I'm sorry, but maybe another time... Just be sure to be in the basement in my bed tonight.

(Y/N)-Ok. I'm just going to wait for my turn up here.

(Carmelita's POV)

I still have my suspicions about this household being dysfunctional in some way. If not abuse then by neglect or something. While I was in my shower in the basement which was only a basic square shower with a wide stole slab against the wall, a soap holder, and a curtain these thoughts invaded my mind. This also reminded me of starting at the police academy from the feeling of being in a completely new place. When I got out and got dried off and dressed in pajamas I left the bathroom. When I got to my bed, I looked at the toy (Y/N) gave me to sleep with.


I lied back and thought about how his parents tried to get rid of us first thing after took care of (Y/N) for them when they lost him! I as snapped out of my thoughts by Penelope sitting on my bed and the last thing I want right now is a criminal I am forced to live with sit in my bed.


Penelope-You look cheerful.

Carmelita-What do you want? There are other people to talk to.

Penelope-Oh drop that act. I'm the closest person you have of home right now.

Carmelita-That doesn't make us friends. If we were back home and the controller business was done. You would be behind bars by now.

Penelope-Maybe... But we will never know now since you have no authority here.

I turned away from her to not even give her the satisfaction of a response.

Penelope-Come on. We're gonna be living together, so why not get to know each other?... I mean, it's not like we got anything better to do, right now?... Unless you want me to work on getting home and leaving (Y/N) sooner? ~

I tried to surprise kick her, but she managed to dodge it. I was going to grab my shock pistol on the side of the bed, but then (Y/N) came down the stairs to see everyone. Angela called to him and held out her little alien pet.


Angela-(Y/N)! ~

He ran to her and jumped into her lap to have her pet while she cuddled him... He then waved to me and I did it back to him. I felt a little better, but if we go back home... Will he want to come back with me... I knew the answer and it was all... his parent's fault.

(Angela's POV)

(Y/N) felt so good to snuggle and he looked so happy to be with me, but my pet stole some of his attention from me. I cupped his face to have him look at me when I kissed his nose. He looked in awe for a moment before he got really giggly and I just loved his reaction.

(Y/N)-In the morning after breakfast, do you want to play a game? Daddy has lots of those.

Angela-Of course we can play... You can even sleep with me tonight. I will just feel so lonely. I know this bed is a twin, but you can fit just fine. ~

(Y/N)-Oh... I already promised Ashelin.

I felt a little disappointed, but then Tess hung down from the top bunk over me and looked at us a little angry.


Tess-Hey, I wanna sleep with Cutie!

Keira looked up at us when she pulled herself out of a book when she finally paid attention to us.


Keirra-Hey, I want a turn!

(Kit's POV)

I saw all the girls who were not bathing at the time start fighting over who (Y/N) was sleeping with down here. I noticed one of our friends unaccounted for and she was my closest friend here...

Kit's mind-Where's Rivet?

If she was not down here, I went upstairs to look for her and found her in the living room by the game consoles doing something.



She turned and saw me walking up to her and I noticed she chip she made with a holographic robot inside of it plugged into the PS2.

Rivet-Oh, hey. Need something?

Kit-What are you doing?

Rivet-Just trying to understand these things some more and maybe even make a portal back home. I had home improvement ideas for us.

Kit-Um... Me and you?

Rvet-Oh... Y-Yeah. First, Glitch is going to take a peek inside of these things.

I know her answer sounded off and I pieced things together.

Kit-Are you... planning on taking (Y/N) back with you?

She had a slight reaction, but I saw it and knew what she was up to. I know she called herself his mother, but she is not.

Rivet-Kit... I did something awful only to find out it meant nothing at all... Games have savepoints and all the Morts will be back, but if I had to do what I did all over again to keep a child 'they' put through so much... I will.

She sounded cold but looked sympathetic at me and tried to put her hand on my shoulder to guide me into her thinking.

Kit-Rivet, you can't do this. It isn't right.

Rivet-I knew you wouldn't understand this, yet. I just thought it could wait until we got back home.

Kit-What are you-?

The hand she had on my shoulder started to shock me and scrambled my systems while installing new protocols. I had no control to even scream.

Rivet-You'll understand that a mommy has to do what's best for her baby Kit... You'll even help me... I found a computer and found our game and learned about Rachet and Clank, other dimensions... You took my arm that day, but it doesn't matter now... I'm going to make this work one way or another.

When the installation was done, I fell forward into her and she held me before I blacked out.

[System Reboot]: Installing new protocols (FILE NAME: (Y/N))

(Glitch's POV)

This energy was unstable and would have exploded if left unchecked. It needs something to vent out and soon though, so while designing a machine and program to use the energy, I took it upon myself to make something. Anything. I thought fast and when into a memory card to check the save files. I found one and looked into my reflection.


Glitch-Ohhhh. Please, don't explode.

I selected it and the program was manifesting a ball of light, so I shot it out. Things stabilized a bit and I will report this Rivet that she needs to do this to keep her baby safe... The program will need more testing, but it should work for now.

((D/N)'s POV)

I walked out to the living room to look for my son and just hoped that he was not in the basement. The only two I found in the room were Rivet and Kit. They were on the couch and Kit was powered down next to Rivet while she was on a laptop that was a bit of an old one that had a huge virus on it. Now, it works like it's brand new.


Rivet-Oh, hey.

(D/N)-Is... Kit ok?

Rivet-She's fine. She just powered down for the night... I fixed this laptop I found in the basement. It was covered in dust and had a huge virus on it, so you don't mind me using it, do you?

(D/N)-I guess so... Wait, did you look up anything about... You.

Rivet-Well, just my game on a website called YouTube. Why?

I had no idea how to tell her how fanart works on the internet and some pictures are not meant for children. Before I could say anything, there was a flash that came from the PS2 when it shot out a ball of light that got bigger and bigger. Just like a bubble that gets too big, it popped and 3 people fell on top of the coffee table and floor. I knew who they were


(D/N)-No way.

They were unconscious... Sly Cooper, Bently, and Murry were unconscious in my living room. I have no idea what to do, but I think I know someone who is closer to this than me.

(D/N)-Um... Carmelita!

(Rivet's POV)

(D/N) left me with these 3 and when I got Glitch back, I plugged her into the laptop to download what she found out and she made blueprints for something. While I waited, I decided to look into myself some more from what (D/N) said. I found 'fanart' next to my name in the search bar, so I clicked on it and there was a safety filter on... I turned it off and then I saw me... So many dirty pictures and some were me doing things I would never do!

Rivet's mind-These sick freaks!

Some were even on me thicker, 'completely ruined', and other gross stuff! I looked up another one of the girl's names and they were no better.

Rivet's mind-(D/N) knew about this?! Did he see these?!

I shivered and covered myself a little, already feeling violated a little. I will be showing the girls this tonight while (Y/N) is asleep or something. I am either taking (Y/N) with me or I am staying here, but no matter what... (D/N) is not going near my baby for looking and naked photos of me and (M/N) is not going to be his Mommy anymore. I am and Kit and her bigger form are going to make sure of that if either of them step out of line with me!

Rivet's mind-Deal with the 3 problems in front of me first and get these blueprints downloaded... Then I work on the 2 of you 'former parents'.



Is (Crystal Hearts) discontinued

Red Soda Man

Sadly so, I assume he ended it with the alien book and then ended that with the hotel book