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((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw pictures of these guys when I was with Carmelita before and know they are here in my house. I thought they were bad guys, but Daddy said that they were not fully bad guys. Sly, Bentley, and Murray were thieves who would steal from other thieves, so they wouldn't steal from us. Carmelita still says that they are criminals and I need to stay away from them. I still promised to sleep with Ashlen, but instead of in the basement, we went to my room and had to sleep close to each other on my bed. I tried to hold her extra tight to keep her from falling off the bed, but she held me tighter while still looking bothered. It happened when Rivet showed the girls something.

(Y/N)-Are you ok?

Ashlen-I'm fine. I... Something just came up and it's very disturbing.

(Y/N)-... Did I do something wrong?

Ashlen-No, you did nothing wrong.

(Ashlen's POV)

To have so many naked pictures of me and the things I was doing or being done to in them makes my stomach turn knowing the public can look them up so easily. Even (Y/N) could find them if he looked up fanart of me online. It's that easy. I held him close to me on this small bed while Carmelita deals with those criminals downstairs and it reminded me of the art that I saw of her.

(Y/N)-You still look mad... How about we play a little game that helps you be less angry?

Ashlen-I don't think a game will make me feel better.

(Y/N)-Well, you don't know until you try. It's super easy. First, take your favorite stuffed animal. Anyone from the pile will be fine and then you tell them why you are angry.

Ashlen-I can't say my problem out loud either.

(Y/N)-Not to me. You whisper it to them and you use your imagination to have them talk to you. You know the game is over when you are not mad anymore or at least feel better. Nobody knows, but the two of you.

This sounded more like a bootleg therapy move than a game, but I guess I can't vent out to him... I picked an animal that reminded me most of home and (Y/N) covered his ears while snuggling into me... I just need to whisper.

Ashlen-... This... world is extremely perverted. I would not even do a fraction of what I saw myself down alone let alone to the whole world. Me. A general to my people after my evil father was killed... (D/N) knows a lot about us from our 'games', did he see me naked? Did he draw me or try to? What about the others?... (Y/N) would never do such a thing. He's too sweet for that. *whisper*

This was actually working a little and it helped that (Y/N) was snuggling into me while not hearing what I was saying. I did make it talk in my head since I think being crazy or imaginative is the most sane thing right now.

Ashlen-Nobody should be allowed to see me like that if I do not want them to... I bet that father took a peek at all of us before he met his wife. (Y/N) saw the others and was about to get in a bath with me, but it was nothing lewd. He is just a child and he is so sweet he helped us stay here. Now he is snuggling innocently like you are not the terrifying leader born from a tyrant... It feels nice to be treated like this for a change... Maybe they still owe me for saving their son. *whisper*

I thought about it and if he saw any other lady naked on that laptop and going to a club or brothel is one thing, but to do this to everyone is disgusting. I tapped o (Y/N) and he uncovered his ears and looked up at me with a smile.


(Y/N)-Did it work?

Ashlen-Um, in a way. Let's just get some sleep.

(Carmelita's POV)

The Cooper Gang was awake now and (Y/N)'s parents wanted to be down here to see what was going to happen. I had nowhere to really lock them up, so I just tied them down to poles on the wall. I thought about what I saw on that laptop about me with... Cooper and many other criminals. I shrugged it off and showed Cooper what was going on, so he would have the sense to stay put and behave. By the time a few news headings were done and more information about this world...

Carmelita-Until I figure out how to get us back and put you behind bars.

Sly-Wow... Really interesting to be in a new world. Think we can get out of these ropes now since we aren't going anywhere?

Carmelita-I don't trust you Cooper. You and your friends are not going anywhere and I am going to be keeping a lose eye you... all of you.

Sly-Ms. Fox. I'm hurt you don't even trust me with this.

Carmelita-I would not even trust you to take care of a rock. Just stay there.

He gave me that smug smile and his gang let him do the talking. I have him in captivity now, so I just need to keep it that way or who knows what he will do... Steal everything here and their car? It was late and the parents went back upstairs, so we all got into bed. I tried to relax, but Cooper got out of worse situations...

Carmelita's mind-Am I just being paranoid?... He is tied up and I have the door locked with the key hidden on one of us. not even I know because I made sure of it.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Carmelita-COOPER!!! *muffled

I jolted awake and clung to Ashlen from the sudden yelling. I quickly felt half asleep again, but I wanted to get up to see what was going on. That's when Carmelita came into my room and looked around before she saw me and Ashlen still in bed.


Ashlen-Why are you yelling?

Carmelita-Cooper got out! I know he and his gang of criminals took something! Check this room!

I looked at all my stuffed animals and for a moment I was scared because there was one missing, but then I remembered Jupiter was gone... I was still sad about it, but at least he didn't steal from me. We went out to see what else was going on and I didn't see anything missing. All the Playstations were still here, the TV, the paintings, everything. Carmelita was still looking and so was everyone else, but I got picked up by someone from behind.


Tess-Good morning, Cutie Pie. ~

She took me back to my room while everyone was still searching the house, but Rivet and Kit were doing something else with the computer that was plugged into the PS2. Tess put me back on my bed and gave me kisses when she climbed on top of me.

(Y/N)-Is everything ok?

Tess-Don't worry. Nothing is gone. Carmelita is being paranoid right now about her criminal getting away. He's no longer here though... Unlike you, I think I like you right where you are. ~

She gave me more snuggles and love with her tail hitting me a little which meant she was happy... I think. She wanted to keep me in bed for cuddles, but then the door opened and Rivet and Kit came in. River was holing something behind her back.


Rivet-Oh (Y/N), I got a surprise for you. ~


She took out what she was hiding and that's when my mouth opened as wide as it could.


She gave me Jupiter and he was exactly the same! It really was him! I had no idea how to thank her for fixing him, but I did start with hugs, kisses, and lots of thank yous.

Rivet-Awww, you're welcome. ~

(Y/N)-How did you fix Jupiter?!

Tess-And how do I get my cuddles back?

I went back to Tess and she wrapped herself around me while Rivet sat on the side of my bed. I held my favorite toy close and listened to her.

Rivet-Do you wanna see something cool? ~

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((D/N)'s POV)

Rivet called a meeting after we learned that nothing was stolen to our relief, but there was something going on... All the girls were reluctant to sit next to me or my wife. I think they saw we were not comfortable with them living here still. Aside from that, there was a modified printer in the living room that Rivet was operating with the old laptop before it was activated. When it finished... It was breakfast. A plate with stacks of pancakes, syrup, maple sausage, bacon, eggs, hashbrowns, 3 different kinds of juices, muffins, and milk... There was enough for everyone and it was all cooked already.

Rivet-Well... Try it.

She took a muffin and bit not it like she enjoyed it, so everyone started to take something from this buffet we just got for free. I tried a slice of bacon first and... it was so delicious and perfectly made.

(D/N)-H-How did you make all this food from that printer?

Rivet-Kit could go into the science of it all, but let's just call it magic. I can even make more than food. After this, we need more clothes, some more things for our rooms, generators, and whatever else you might want.

I was blown away by everything. My hand accidentally touched Keria's hand and for a moment, she looked disgusted. When all the food was gone we just had to clean up while Rivet was getting more things out for everyone. My mind was racing to catch up, but then I saw something happen. (M/N) tried to pick up our son, but Carmelita called him over to her while swaying her tail on purpose. Keira even got in (M/N)'s way to block her from (Y/N) and Angela got behind her to grab her shoulders.


Angela-You don't mind if we have a little help with something, right?

(M/N)-Um, I just need to get (Y/N) to-.

Keira-Sound's great, let's go.

I thought it was weird that they were taking her down the hallway, but then I had some of the girls come up to me too.


Penelope-Hey, we were hoping to talk to you about some... concerns. It's just for living conditions.

(D/N)-Um... Ok.

Ashelin-It's just something in the basement we think can be improved.

((M/N)'s POV)

When we made it to my room, I was suddenly gagged with a washcloth, the door was closed, and Angela dragged me to the bathroom with her weird alien pet nipping at my feet to make it harder to walk. Keira kicked the back of my legs to make me fall before she grabbed them to hold me up with Angela.

Angela-We are going to make one thing straight here. 'We' saved (Y/N) so many times while you lost him in the worst way possible. I didn't even know you could screw up so bad and now you think you can just get rid of us?

(M/N)-*Muffled screams*!

A sharp pull on my hair made me yelp and stop screaming before my head was shoved into the toilet to drown me!

Keira-Shut. The f*** up... You're not going to even talk about us leaving and if you touch (Y/N) without permission by any of us, we are going to have problems.

I was pulled out and carelessly tossed into the tub to see Angela had a gun of some kind pointed at me, so I held up my hands and kept quiet.


I felt so scared and lost control of my bladder. They both only laughed a little about me pissing my pants, so Angela put the gun away before picking up her pet.

Angela-And another thing, Rivet found some 'adult' pictures of us on his old laptop. Guess the pervert saw something he liked, but we plan to make sure he doesn't do that again.

Keira-Now do yourself a favor and clean yourself up.

Keira only turned on the cold water and I was left scrambling to get out of this water while they left the bathroom laughing. By the time I got out of the cold water, I was a complete mess and crying... I almost died!


I tried to run to my phone, but when I made it to my bed, it was being held by Kit.


Kit-Oh... Hi there... You don't look very clean and in wet clothes.

Just then her eyes turned red when she glared at me.

Kit-You should take a shower.

She held up my phone and bit it in half in front of me while she was walking out of my room while I was frozen in shock.

((D/N)'s POV)


I felt so dizzy after I was thrown down stairs, kicked in the balls, and now had my face slammed into a metal power box on the wall. When I was dropped to the ground, Ashlen sat on my legs and Penelope gave her a knife to hold up to my dick.

Ashlen-You sick and perverted ****er.

(D/N)-Wh-What'd I do?!

Penelope-We saw all those sick pornographic pictures of us online! River showed us and we 'know' you saw it!

I was about to say something, but the knife was pressed against my private area and she looked ready too.

Ashlen-You and your b**** of a streetwalking wife are going to understand something... You are not in control or in charge of 'our' baby anymore... We are. And I don't want a man who saw us naked like that touching my son. If you do... I will cut it off first. Understand?


Penelope-That better be a yes. Now, if you excuse us, I think it's bathtime and we need to make improvements... I was thinking of plans to make a bigger group shower down here. I'm sure (Y/N) will love it. ~

(D/N)-What?! You can't-!

Just then I got knocked out by the handle of the knife.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was wiping my mouth a little. I accidentally kissed Carmelita on the lips when I giving kissing to everyone in the room and held her tail while I was in her lap. Rivet even said she can make anything for me too, like how she fixed Jupiter, but now I need to do favors in return if she makes me things.

(Y/N)-Can I have a slide in my room?!

Rivet-That depends... Will you cuddle with me and Kit tonight? ~

(Y/N)-Yeah!... Oh, and how about stuffed animals of all of you?!

Carmelita-Only if we get to feed you by hand and spoon for now on. ~

(Y/N)-... Like forever?

Kit-You will be cuddling with them a lot... You do love us enough to take care of you, right?

(Y/N)-Well... Then I want something better for that... How about more soap stuff for you all?

Rivet-For us?

(Y/N)-Yeah. You all smell pretty when we cuddle and I don't want that to go away... We are going to be living together now, so that makes us family, right?

They awed at me for calling them pretty and their things. Others came in with more ideas like a new bathroom for downstairs, carpet, and a lot of stuff to make it fancy down there, so now I was getting jealous. I think they saw me getting a little mad.

Keira-Awwww, is something wrong? ~

Tess-I think he's getting jealous of our room. ~

(Y/N)-*Whimper* *hmph*.

Penelope-Don't be so pouty, Sweetie... How about we let you stay down there with us, in exchange for a special job for you? ~

I looked at her feeling a little better. I thought about staying down there with all my new friends and getting all the fluffy tails, cuddling, and playtime I wanted in a big and cool room. I feel like I would do any job.

Penelope-You just have to be our little cuddler and listen to what we say in our room... Think you can handle that? ~

(Y/N)-... I was already planning to cuddle in there with someone every night! What else do I need to do for the job?!

(No POV)

The girls were pleased to hear his answer and thought about what they would want him to do. From babying, pet play, heavy and light teasing, playtime, and bathtime. When the parents came out to see (Y/N) with the girls, Carmelita 'playing buried (Y/N) in her chest' before Angela, Rivet, Tess, and Carmelita flashed weapons at them for them to go. Even going as far as to throw car keys at their heads. When they left the house by force they talked about what they were going to do since the police won't believe them and these girls can be in serious trouble and even more with that machine. During the drive, they passed by a dealership where a van was stolen last night and a small origami fox head was left in its place.


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