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(Chelsie's POV)

I was starting to wake up from the best dream of my life and felt so refreshed when I woke up. I then felt a little angry and hit the ground when I found out that it was just a dream, but it felt so real. I yawned a bit before I finally noticed that someone was crying and I knew those cries anywhere. I forced my body to get up to look for (Y/N) and I noticed Hamah was awake too and stroking her lower clothes... I felt my blood boil while I glared daggers at her for doing something like this.


I marched up to her and she looked like she was concerned about him before she saw me, but when I was about to get him out of there, she grabbed my arm to stop me.

Hamah-You no pick on Ba-Baby!


I did the same thing with him under my dress once to hide him from his brother, but my defense is that I wore underwear!

Hamah-Ba-Baby woke Hamah up when nobody else would. He cried from being scared and hid under here by himself... So no touching Ba-Baby.

We both heard (Y/N) crying under there and I never saw him like this, but then Hamah took him out to show him to me covered in tears and shaking like a leaf.


The others started to wake up and see what was happening, so they walked over, but all of a sudden, (Y/N) latched on to me because I was the closest to him and in his reach. Hamah looked annoyed and pouty when he wanted me, but then he let go to hide under my dress.


Lillian-(Y/N), sweetie. Are you alright? ~

He gave no response so she tried to cast a calming light over us but I could still feel him trembling while he clung to my leg.


Luna-Hey, I still don't smell the boss or any monster around here in this room... Were safe puppy. ~

Chelsie-Do you want to come out? ~

Chelsie's mind-Or stay under my dress while cuddling my leg. I am fine with either. ~

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We finally got (Y/N) to come out from under me and he went into Lillian's arms to timid to look at everyone... Aside from the annoying fact he left my comfort, it was weird seeing him like this. He flinched at every touch he was not warned about. Luna said that she would give him kisses and his scent would help scare off smaller monsters, but this made him...

(Y/N)-Really?... Then... Can it cover all of me?

Luna-*Gasp*... Of course, Puppy! ~

That's when Amara grabbed him from behind that made him scream and wiggle a little. (Y/N) was now reaching for Luna while she smiled and swayed her tail. The rest of us were shocked.

Amara-You are not giving him a tongue bath!

Luna-Eh, eh, eh. Leader's orders. ~

She suddenly became a blur of speed and (Y/N) was gone with her, so now they were both gone and we knew what Luna had in mind.


(Luna's POV)

I got my puppy and he looked like he was having a panic attack until I quickly turned back just to snuggle him and he clung to me. Who knew an empty boss floor and a splash of fear would make him into a puddle that I could do whatever I wanted with while he just asked for it? It felt like I was dreaming again.

(Y/N)-H-Hurry, please.

Luna-How eager. Hold still Puppy. ~

I sniffed him one last time before I licked his cheek to get started, but... the moment was ruined. I know how he should taste because I did this before.



Luna-Turn your head.

I did it for him since I started to get mad from this new taste and my tail fluffed up when I knew... SOMEONE ELSE WAS ALL OVER MY PUPPY!!! I sniffed him for anything, but there was no other smell, so it was completely odorless which is hard before that even dampers his scent if it's a tiny bit off.

Luna-Puppy, did you see anyone else here?! That taste is not one of the girls!

He looked scared and scrambled with confusion while he was trying to think. I knew he was scared before, but this... With the new behavior and taste all of a sudden, something is up and this has the boss all over it.

Luna-Puppy, is someone dared touch you. You better tell me.

(Y/N)-I-I don't... I d-d-don't know.

I covered his mouth and tried examining his body for curse marks or any other magical bullshit! That's when I saw a little bit of something in his ears, so I licked them clean while he shivered and that was the new taste on him.

???-Ugggghhhh, I was hoping this would go on longer! It was fun to watch!

I stood over Puppy and pinned him under me with my tail covering his face while I was ready to transform quickly and attack. That's when I saw the boss come out and she looked smuggly bored when she leaned on a rock.


???-I turned him into what you could hope for a literal baby boy toy and it doesn't even last an hour... Way to kill the fun.

I transformed as fast as I could and snarled at her before I charged, but the instant I was about to touch her, I was wrapped in tentacles. I heard (Y/N) wailing from behind me too.


???-Now look what you have done. Your poor baby is crying.

That smug smile on her face really pissed me off. She made me watch as I could not break free while she picked up (Y/N) and stuck tentacles in his ears. Now he was calming down.

???-Come on, Luna. Let's be friends. Just imagine instead of having a cute little adventurer trying to grow up, you could have a puppy to toy with and 'needs' to be coddled and babied... Doesn't that sound fun? ~ *echo*

My head felt funny and that's when I noticed her tentacles in my head and I felt them touching my ear drums.

???-I had men and women slaughter each other for coming here, but you get to have your Puppy... Mama wolf. ~ *echo*

Suddenly, an arrow sliced through both tentacles in my ears. I felt better and while she whinced in pain she let me go and dropped (Y/N), but I managed to dash and catch him before he could hit the ground and join the girls.

???-Ohhhhh... Big mistake. ~ *echo*

(Aurora's POV)

This was supposed to be a nice tea time, but not only did Vita relocate it to her room, she locked her door and Celia looked as nervous as me. Vita acted like we were getting prepared to be under attack, but she said that she had something very important to tell me. Now, the three of us were alone.

Aurora-Vita, what is the meaning of all of this?

Vita-It's Calvin. There is a very troubling matter and it involves him.

Aurora-What about Calvin?

Vita-The constant sword training, the resentment for archers in this family-.

Aurora-No, no, no Calvin moved past this.

Vita-No he did not. The staff is all over the place trying to cover something up, the mass firings in the recent years your son was born as well as them disappearing, Prince (Y/N) running away all a sudden, sending your oldest on a quest far beyond his skill range, and now this! It all leads back to the relationship between the youngest prince and king!... He is sending (B/N) into an arena to preserve a title he is too young to bear for heaven's sake! All while (Y/N) is still out there!

I felt my chest getting heavier, so I turned to Celia.


Aurora-You are the only slave in the kingdom and Calvin opens up to you during the sessions you both love. What's your say?

Celia-Um... As respect for the queen... This does seem a... little suspicious. He does seem more angry lately when we see him.

Aurora-He is worried about our baby! He held him in his arms! His own flesh and blood!

Vita-Your highness, I offered to send tropes and go myself when we first discovered (Y/N) ran away, but he said no. I held my faith for him, but... This is madness!

Aurora-No, I will not hear about this anymore! I know my husband loved his children as much as I do!

Vita-... Do you want this fight to happen or do you want to divert this adventuring team to bring your son back?

Aurora-Bring my son back of course!

Vita-Then why isn't he doing this?

I looked out her window to see the arena from here and the beast being put into a cage to be released later. That's when I heard a sword being drawn then turned to see Vita holding her sword by the handle and blade.


Vita-I swore to protect this kingdom and make a place that was better. I swore to protect this family when he gave me this sword... My trust,... my loyalty,... my love,... my bo-dy.

I saw a tear come out of her eye when her voice cracked and thought about the times Calvin would have sex with the three of us either at the same time or separately... She tossed the sword up a little and activated her 'True Sword' skill which was a magical that came from her arm that magic the sharpest blade in the kingdom. Maybe even something that is the closest thing to the holy sword... Her arm was a blur when she cut the sword my husband gave her into dozens of pieces before it fell to the ground. That steal is supposed to be SSS-Rank quality.

Celia-Vita, what are you doing?!

Vita-I am stopping this pointless fight before a child gets hurt, I am confronting King Calvin bluntly, and I am going to start fixing things myself!

She left the room with the word in pieces on her floor to make it clear that she no longer serves in the interest of the crown. I wanted to tell my husband, but I thought about what she said and it was hard to see my son fighting that monster, even with adventurers that are capable of bringing my son back home from his party.


(Lillian's POV)

I had a barrier around Grace and me, but everyone else was captured, but Zahara who was going to fight until this monster used (Y/N) as a shield to stop her, invade her brain, and now... She was on her back with (Y/N) on her human-formed tummy to cuddle and play with him like he was a toy. The girls were in the same situation while (Y/N) only focused on hiding in Zahara... We can't win like this, but she's a sentient being with a goal. Otherwise, she would have killed us by now instead of having Zahara baby (Y/N). The boss monster now landed in front of my force field and Grace and I were horrified.


???-This could have been interesting to watch, but maybe another group will have a child and bring them to my doorstep... But I know better.

Lillian-Wait!... Wh-What's your name?

???-... I'm about to make work of all of you and you ask for my name?

Lillian-Please, we can talk about this... You're a being of interest and... you found us more interesting that the normal group of adventurers or merchants.

???-... Well, if you 'must' know. My name is Dantalia.

She was prideful too, so I had to play along and get her in a good mood before the talk could begin.

Lillian-Um, if I may ask to bring my friends out of harm's way before we talk. Rest assured I am only a healer and a little girl mage couldn't be a threat to you... Am I correct?


She waved her hand and pilled everyone else up and when I used my skill to sense no malice intention so long as we don't press on it, I put my force field down. Grace just ran to go be with (Y/N), but she just didn't know we were still in a lot of danger... I just had to be calm, so I cast a spell for both of us.

Dantalia-Honey, your calming magic doesn't work on me and I already know you want to talk and find peace to where I let you go.

Lillian-Um... Yes. I'm sure-.

Dantalia-That I will be sooooo boooored doing the same thing with every adventurer with the occasional 'self-righteous' hero coming to look for a fight. This is the newest thing I had in my whole life, so let's get one thing straight... I am only putting the fight on hold for now to see if I can save this.

Lillian-Because deep inside you are a lonely soul that wants to feel love?

Dantalia-Nope. Because I'm sick of the same shit over and over again whenever company comes then have nothing to do after.

Lillian-Oh... Well... That does sound boring and not worthy of someone as strong and great as you.

Dantalia-That's right.

Lillian-So you wanted to give a motherly touch to your plans by making (Y/N)... more dependent, but I am sure there is another way if you turn him back to normal.

She was not budging and after an hour, it was clear I was getting nowhere like this in getting out of here with her letting us go. Now, I was starting to lose interest, so I tried...

Lillian-What would you like and maybe we can work to an agreement.

Dantalia-I want... to not be bored. Something new, but with me being tied to this dungeon... I need you all to stay here and be my new toys.

Lillian-Well... that's... an idea. But I may have a solution where everyone wins.

I tried to think of something and quick. She was now tapping her fingers on the ground to show she was getting impatient.

Lillian-We... wished to find a home to settle in!

Dantalia-... That matters because?...

Lillian-Well... Zahara used to be trapped in a dungeon as a boss and now look at her. She's free and alive, so if you were to leave you could all sorts of new experiences... Maybe ones that don't involve killing or hurting innocent people.

Dantalia-Hate to break it to you, Honey. I saw how she did it in her mind, but I don't have raw firepower for an SSS-rank. Not like anything would change if I left.

Lillian-Maybe that was the case before.

She thought about it before she smiled at me and I think I managed to solve this peacefully. I thanked God for everything, but then.

Dantalia-I'll cute you all a break. If you get me out of here... I'll spare you and even join this team to have fun.

Lillian-And put them back to the way they were!

Dantalia-Sure. But if you fail... I get your precious baby boy. ~

I felt sick to my stomach and knew this gamble was to get a raise out of me. I was hesitant to accept the deal, but then...


We were both caught off guard and when I look at Zahara freaking out from her sensitive state of mind a bug was flung over here that was just an unlit fire beetle, but it was enough to make her transform.



(Y/N) was about to scream while he was scrambling to find someone and then so me through the dust. He ran to me and jumped into my arms with tears, so I held on to him while Zahra flow around. Dantalia was about to catch her in her grasp, but then got burned by her fire fuming out her mouth. That's when she crashed into the space above the boss room door and filled up the area with fire and even made some come out in the distance.

(Dantalia's POV)

This fucking adult baby dragon lost her fucking mind from only finding a beetle on her face that's already off. I felt the monsters I collected and controlled dropping like flies by her as she crashed around aimlessly looking for a way out. I unlinked from her mind before her panicked thoughts were getting annoying and gave me a headache. The rubble started to come down and that's when I used my speed to dadge it and Lillian put up a forced field around here and her friends.

Lillian-Hurry! This place is coming down!

I was amazed by this. I never saw power like this being so raw and instead of being scared as this place was crumbling away... My prison was being destroyed.

Dantalia-Ohhhh, hahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This! Is! Going to be! SO MUCH FUN!!! ~

(No POV)

Zahara kept on finding more bugs in places of this dungeon which made him freak out even more. With (Y/N) being the way he was now, he fainted from panicking as the others made their way out with Luna being buffed to be faster, stronger, and have more stamina thanks to Lillian's buffs. Meanwhile, Dantalia was enjoying the fun and change in her life that she longed for... She finally made it outside. Others being held up by tentacles from the mind flayer were being put back to the way they were. She just looked at Grace and Lillian as she undid her work.

Dantalia-Sooo... What fun do you all wanna do next when new introductions are out of the way?

Grace-Um... I wanna find a nice place to live and rest.

Dantalia-House hunting... Sounds nice to have a change of scenery. A couple of ground rules for me though. I get my own room and bathroom, a few toys close by for fun when there is downtime from a job, and maybe toying with you all a little sometimes is to be expected.

Lillian-We didn't agree to that!

Dantalia-That's right... Well, you're stuck with me now.

(Cecilia's POV)

I never saw Vita do anything like that before and now I was scared of what might happen, but I don't want to be near 'Calvin' right now either. Vita still had two other skills that were scary to think how she would use them now. She's not the captain of the guard for nothing and now she's furious from feeling betrayed... I got to Calvin's room and it was empty, but all my enjoyment from punishments to indulge my masochistic nature were all tainted now.

Cecilia's mind-I thought punishing me was also helping him get over his youngest was not a swordsman... I guess that was wishful thinking.


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