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((Y/N)'s POV)

I told Carmelita everything that happened with Rivet, Angela, Sasha, and Captain Qwark before I got here. I even told her about Keira, Tess, and Ashelin when I left here. She let me snuggle into her tail, but I also used her butt as a pillow to bury myself in fluff and still have room to breathe. She was laying down since she was tired from looking for me and I felt sorry for making her stay up a lot because of me. I gave her extra snuggles to help her relax since they helped me relax, but I was wondering what she was messing with over the arm of the couch.



(Y/N)-What do you have over there?... Can I see?

Just then, she moved the beginning part of her tail to cover my eyes and then brushed my body a little with the rest of her tail.

Carmelita-Just stay there, Sweetie. Mo-. I mean, I am just doing a puzzle before a nap... You probably need one too.

(Y/N)-I'm not tired though.

Carmelita-Then... I'll cook something for use and put a show on. Just wait a moment.

She kept on messing with something, so I fixed her tail over me before I pushed her putt her to make it like a fluffed-up pillow and nuzzled in her legs. I was facing up, so I could have her fluffy tail in my arms.

(Carmelita's POV)

Since I had a more clear head and my emotions were not running wild anymore. I was still no closer to figuring this thing out. One thing for sure is that (Y/N) is not leaving my side or sight. Soon, I got up to go cook something and even took him with me to the kitchen where he would sit on the counter as I cooked.

Carmelita-Hmmm... Do you want a chicken sandwich or a grilled cheese?

(Y/N)-Grilled cheese, please... Can I get down?

Carmelita-I need to keep an eye on you, Sweetie. We don't need a repeat of last time.

(Y/N)-I just wanna cuddle your tail some more... I feel a little cold.

I did love the feeling of him cuddling into me, so I made a strict rule that he had to keep his hands on me. If he lets go, he goes back on the counter. He perked up and when I put him behind me, I felt him cuddle into my tail for warmth. He even used my leg to support him and relax as I cooked for us. Others would feel my wrath before I put them in handcuffs, but I could not get enough of this feeling. When the food was done, I carried him to the table with me and he kissed my cheek.


(Y/N)-It looks so yummy. Thank you.

Carmelita-You're welcome.

He nuzzled into me again and I felt like this was greedy, but I wanted more. He was about to reach for his food until...

Carmelita-Wait!... I... think your hands might be dirty from being on the floor.

(Y/N)-Oh... I can go wash my hands.

Carmelita-No. The food will get cold... I am just going to have to feed you and get you in a bath with me after.

(Y/N)-Oh... Ahhhhh.

He did not even question me. He put his hands on his lap and opened his mouth to wait for me while looking into my eyes. My heart fluttered and when he took his first bite, he giggled while chewing. When he was done with his food... I gave him mine. I just wanted to feed him.

(Y/N)-But that's yours.

Carmelita-Say ahhhhh for me. ~

(Y/N)-Are you hungry?

Carmelita-Ahhhhhhh. ~

(Y/N)-... Ahhhhhh.

(No POV)

While Carmelita was feeding (Y/N) much to her delight. She failed to notice a small helicopter with a camera on it looking into the room from the window and saw through everything. (Y/N) finishing his second sandwich and giving Carmelita a worried look until he cried, so they went back to the kitchen. When they got back to the table with another grilled cheese... (Y/N) was almost fed again, but this time he took over to feed her... He was just a little messy and the watcher saw this as...


Penelope's mind-Who is that? I never saw anyone like him... It's... cute... Let's take a look around.

(Penelope's POV)

There was only so much to see and this creature looked and acted like a child, but I didn't see anything like him in my searches. They both went to another room where the curtain was closed and I won't get anything like this. I need to get inside, but how would I get an officer or whatever that badge indicates to let me in?

Penelope-Ok... That light earlier was weird.

I thought about it and a building inspector doing a safety check should let me in.

((Y/N)'s POV)


There were no bath toys, and Carmelita's fluff was gone. Camerlita wanted to soak in the water after she washed us both in the shower. When it turned into a bath, I cuddled her, but I miss bathtime being full of toys.

Carmelita-Are you ok?

(Y/N)-I'm just bored... And I guess thinking about my other friends and family... When can I go home... I miss Mommy and Daddy too.

She grabbed me and turned me to her while holding her hands behind my back to support me.

Carmelita-Well, how about we play a game?... Do you know how to play house? ~


Carmelita-Well... Why do I be the Mommy and you can be you? I know you love cuddles and I even have a tail to cuddle with, fluffy fur to wrap you in, and you can tell me what else Mommy and Daddy did with you. ~

I guess playing house is all we could do and she wanted to play too. I don't even need to pretend to be someone else.

(Y/N)-Ok... Mommy... After bathtime, I wanna watch some cartoons and cuddle in the fluffiest blanket.

Carmelita-Awwww. Of course, Sweetie... But I want you to try something first before bathtime is over. ~

She pulled me into her and held me like a baby in her lap and rubbed her nose in my face. I giggled and just when she took me out, she dried me off with her and took care of her tail to make it extra fluffy. She held me the whole time we were getting ready to cuddle on the couch together, but when everything was done... There was a knock at the door. She looked a little mad before she covered me in a blanket.

Carmelita-Don't speak. Mommy will take care of this. Now come here. ~

(Penelope's POV)

I had everything I needed to put on this act and get inside to see this creature up close. When the door opened, I saw the officer and I kept my cool while sticking to the plan even if one slip-up could blow this... I just needed a closer look or maybe there were more here... She was holding a blanket with who must be the creature I never saw before under it.


???-Can I help you?

Penelope-Hello ma'am. I am just here to investigate a light side to flash in this room. Reports say it came from your room, so I was sent to do a safety inspection.

I showed her my fake badge and it was enough to convince her.

???-Fine, just try not to be careful. My son is very shy and mentally fragile. This is supposed to be a retreat to help with recovery.

That was a lie, but at least I was inside. This creature is supposed to be a secret that she was really protective of right now and during my 'inspection' I noticed there were no video game consoles, but there was a controller I never knew about on a table.


Penelope-So, if this is a retreat, where are you from?


Penelope-Interesting... Long ways from home. Your little man must be special if you go to this length.

???-He is.

I knew about the the creature, but after I searched this place as best as I could, that controller is the only thing that stood out. That was still nothing before this feat and I think I know how to get to her. I even had a weapon in case things went south.

Penelope-For someone fragile, I bet that light spooked him... But did your Mommy keep you safe, little guy? ~

???-I think your search is over and it is time you took your leave.

Penelope-I don't think it is. If something caused that flash and it was not a lightbulb or a power circuit then I need some sort of explanation... Are you doing something that you should not be doing?

???-I am an Inspector at Interpol and my baby is here. I would never put either at risk.

Penelope-Nice title, but we don't know each other... Penelope Mouse.

???-Carmelita Fox. Now you have a name for your boss.

Penelope-I just need to confirm the identity of your son... Hiding him under a blanket while holding him this whole time is very suspicious.

Carmelita-... You have no such authority to have me show you, my son.

I decided to pull out my final card... I pulled out a picture from the video my drone got and when she looked at it on the floor. That's when she turned her 'son' away from me and looked ready to fight.

Carmelita-Who are you?!

Penelope-Relax, I didn't come to fight. Let's talk.

Carmelita-I'll have you arrested for impersonating-!


The blanket started to wiggle and that's when it dropped to the floor and the creature came out from the blanket and he saw me... This look is much better than earlier, but Carmelita snatched him up and held him close.


((M/N)'s POV)

I was hanging up more posters around town of my son and running on 3 hours of sleep. (D/N) was no better after our son mysteriously disappeared during the storm with no trace or damage to the house. Our neighbor held a bit of blame upon himself, but we know he didn't do it. We just don't understand how we could not even find wet footprints in the house that shows an intruder. Police were on the case and investigators questioned a few people in the neighborhood after they inspected our house. Mainly the doors and windows as well as the attic and basement. By the time I made it back home, (D/N) was still gone. I just sat in (Y/N)'s room hoping he would jump out of his mountain of stuffed animals... I know he wouldn't because he wasn't there. I thought of something from my childhood with my grandma who was a religious woman... There was nothing else I could do, so I just got on my knees while thinking about the last time I did this.

(M/N)-Dear lord... I know we have not spoken in a while, but please... Bring my son back home safely and I will do or accept anything... I will give up... anything for my son to be home safely.

Tears fell from my eyes as I meant I would endure anything if it meant (Y/N) was back him.

(Rivet's POV)

I was helping with the adjustments on the machine that Kit made with the controller as a guiding key for The Dimensionator. If the light from this thing took (Y/N) somewhere else then we could use this to follow him. When I popped back out to see how everything was going, I saw Kit, Angela, and Sasha all at the computers.


Rivet-How are things coming over there?!

Kit-Um... We are still trying to figure this out. The power flow in the controller is causing some kind of interference!

Angela-Just get out of that thing and help us brainstorm over here! Sooner we get this working, the sooner we get to wherever (Y/N) is!

I hopped out and closed the machine we hooked up to The Dimensionator to channel and track down where the ball of light took my baby. If anyone so much as hurt a hair on his head, there is no army I will not tear down to make them pay.

Rivet's mind-Hold on, (Y/N)... You will be mine again, I promise! AND THIS UNIVERSE WILL STOP TAKING YOU AWAY FROM ME!!!



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