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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 5

Today is my birthday and when I woke up this morning I went to take a shower and get ready for all the adults that are coming over to do something special for me. When I got back to my room, I circled the big day because not only did I get cake and ice cream with presents, I GET TO GO OUTSIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! I wonder if the cartoon clouds are the exact same or if the sunlight is better than the sunlamps with me eating oranges, the grass would be softer than my bed, the air would be so nice, and I wonder what the place food comes from looks like in real life. I was so happy that I bounced back to the bathroom to make sure I looked good when I went outside for the first time in my life.


(Y/N)-*Squeals*! ~

After I fixed my hair some more, I ran to the living room to see Mommy and Daddy decorating the room to celebrate Lucifer and me, and even had breakfast ready for me. I just gave Mommy and Daddy a hug first.


Daddy-Well, good morning, birthday boy.

Mommy-Are you ready for your big and special day?

(Y/N)-Yeah! When the thing is done, we get to go outside, right?!

Mommy-You're going to be more free than ever before. We promise. ~

When I ate my birthday breakfast, I saw adults starting to come in with their bags and had their robes on already to do my birthday circle thing. A lot of them came over and looked happy that it was my 5th birthday. Maybe I can even go to school where they sing about almost everything.

Adult-Thank you for opening the door today.

(Y/N)-I didn't open the door?

Adult-Not, yet.

Other weird thank yous happened, but I told them that I just wanted to go outside and be free. Just like all of them say I am going to be free. More adults came and got things ready in the basement for the circle, so Mommy and Daddy dressed me in my robe and blindfold before I was carried downstairs to be put on my circle. All of the boring adult talk kept on going until it finally started and I was happy that I was getting closer to going outside!

(No POV)

All of the members gathered around the circle with the child in the middle. The (M/N) and (D/N) felt so happy that after 5 years, their little sacrifice was finally ready to open the door to hell where their god Lucifer lived. The lights were turned off after the candles were lit and they poured pints of the child's blood they collected through the years into 5 cups to be ready to pour it on the circle.

Preacher-Lucifer, we are gathering to honor your will and offer you a pure and innocent soul in hopes you allow us to stand by your side in the new world! We are devoted souls committed to doing thy work!

(M/N)-It's time, (Y/N). ~

(Y/N)-And then we get to go play outside, right?

The adults all poured the blood and the candled acted up to light the blood on fire with the circle. For a moment, a portal opened, and (Y/N) fell inside before it closed.

Preacher-... Fucking shit, it actually worked.

((Y/N)'s POV)

(Y/N)-Hahahahahaaaa! Weeeee!

I felt like I was flying with my robe while I still could not see for a little bit until I fell and hit my butt on the ground. I took my blindfold off and I saw a lot of things were red. Even the moon had our star from the circle on it... I could not believe it.

(Y/N)-I'm... outside?... I'M OUTSIDE!!!

I took off my robe and blindfold and walked out into an empty street and here were so many houses with signs on it! Or are they building?! I want to go inside one!


I went to go see and it looked like two animal people were wrestling in the alley for fun. They must be religious like my family and adult friends too because the last keeps saying Satan's name. There was so much to and before I could go and say hi to them, I saw birds or something fly in the air, so I tried to chase after them. I climbed a ladder and got to the roof. The outside was bigger than I thought and I wanted to see everything!


???-Hey, shut the fuck up!


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

After running around and exploring, I tried to look for my home to see the outside of it like I always wanted, but that was hard. I tried to ask other people here and they gave me weird looks. They had doggy people, horned people, and other people from the storybooks Mommy read to me, but they had no idea how to help me or told me to leave. I guess they were busy, but one funny-looking lizard man said he could help me in the back of his white van. Before I could go in other funny-looking kids came to pull him into his own van with baseball bats or something.

(Y/N)-That's a tiny place to play baseball.

Kid-Get out of here! Or do you want what he's getting?!

(Y/N)-Free candy?

They slammed the door shut and said something about money before there was a lot of noise and cheering in the van. The outside world was weird and I didn't know what else to do, so I went back to trying to find my home... Maybe if I see duct tape on the windows and stuff, I can know, but what if other houses are like that?...

(Y/N)-Hmmm... Ok, what did they do in the shows to go back home?

I kept on thinking while I was walking, but then I bumped into someone and he was all wobbly with some kind of drink that smelled weird.

(Y/N)-Oh, hi!

Demon man-Who the fuck are yoooouuu? *hic*

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N) and today is my 5th birthday, so I got to go outside!

Demon man-... How is this not a trap?

(Y/N)-Trap?... Um... No cage or rope, I guess.

Demon man-Did that bitch put you up to this?!

He pointed at someone and then he told me to tell her something, but he yelled it, so she heard him. I think she got mad before she came over and they both started fighting. I wanted to watch to see what would happen, but when the man fell over, the woman kept on punching him on the ground for a long time, so I got bored. I wonder why he didn't get up since in shows, everyone always gets back up.

(Y/N)-... After I find my home, I should look for a magical forest of talking animals. I always wanted to pet one.

(Charlie's POV)

I am glad to see Angel and Sir Pentious progressing, but the lack of other sinners is really concerning after what Adam said. I had less time to figure this out and if things go on like this, I will run out of time... I don't want to ask my dad for help since he let this happen in the first place, so I need a new plan. Which is what led to this meeting and my two other people just came in.


I had some snacks, some water, and some nice lighting to make this meeting room as relaxing as possible. When They closed the door and took their seats, I tried to stay as calm as possible. I even took a quick look in the mirror to collect myself real fast before I turned back and got started.


Charlie-... What the fuck are we going to do?!

Vaggie-Ok, first we need to calm down.

Charlie-But they cut down the time we had in half, and we only got one more sinner since then! We need to change or do something!

Alastor-If we can not use force... Well, won't use force to have sinners be here, then we need to offer something.

Vaggie-We already have a bar and there's not much else we can do without going against what this place is for... Maybe a change of face?

Charlie-But we have Angel and... and...

She gave me a look that said it all, but Angel is trying... He also did engage in that turf war... and is still in a lot of porno. Sir Pentious attacked us a lot of times, but even with his improvement I bet others wouldn't know him or he would catch a lot of new attention.

Charlie-Ok, let's see what we need to have for a new face to add to family here and write it on the board.

Alastor-Sadness sells. Just not a lot down here, but it still does.

Vaggie-*Sigh*... Cuteness could sell for that too for those in heaven to actually look into this place.

Charlie-Ok, so sadness and cuteness... Aww, but I don't want to exploit those.

Vaggie-Charlie, we are backed up against the wall here and this is all we got.

Charlie-Well... On top of those, we could also add sweet.

Alastor-This is hell darling. No new recruits are going to be sweet.

He was right and even with these three things, I had no idea how we were going to find someone who is all three in hell and get them to come here. We spent the rest of this meeting with other ideas, but most of them led to dead ends. No point in going on, so I ended this meeting with my head hung and thought maybe not trying and letting things come to me would help. I just went to my room and looked out the window...

Charlie-Uggghhhhh! Sad, cute, and sweet?! Who is out there that's a sinner and not a hellborn?! I have less than a hundred days! Ahhhhhh! How can this get ANY worse?!

(Vaggie's POV)

I overheard Charlie and she was upset about this and this is a serious problem. Even with two sinners showing improvement, we need a bigger impact. Everyone out there just wants to fuck, fight, or do whatever it is they did to get here. I went downstairs and sat at the bar and saw Husk cleaning some glasses.


Husk-Meeting was a dud?

Vaggie-Great observation... What are we going to do?

Husk-We still have two and they are not half bad not at times.

Vaggie-Heaven will want to see more if there is any chance of them listening.

Husk-What makes you so sure?

If only I could say that the fuckers up there are as two-faced as some shitheads down here. I do believe in this since Charlie helped me in my time of need. Husk dismissed this and went back to cleaning some more glasses.

Husk-All you can do is keep trying.

Vaggie-Yeah... Nobody will say yes to coming here and now someone is just going to walk up to our front door?

((Y/N)'s POV)

My house was quiet and not a lot of people came and this place looked far away from the loud city. I wondered if Mommy and Daddy were here and were on one of the higher floors. Hotels have a lot of places to live and I was never allowed to look out the front door when it was open, so maybe this is it...

(Y/N)-Ha... Hazzz... Haazzzbeeeaaannn Hotel.

This place looked fun too and it had a piece of a pirate ship, so I thought about treasure hunts for buried treasure. But right now, I just missed my bed and knocked on the door to what I think might be my house.

(Vaggie's POV)

I got up from the bar and collected myself before I went to answer the door. I was surprised and really hoping it was another sinner who wants to give redemption a try, but when I opened the door, I looked around a bit before I looked down and saw something I would have never expected.


???-Hm... Who are you?

I looked around his small body for any sinner traits or anything, but he looked like he was from the living world. He looked curious and when I tried to find the words...

Vaggie-Hi... Little guy.

Just then he gave me a smile.

???-Hi!... Is this my mom and dad's house?

What the hell is he talking about this being his mom and dad's house? This is all so weird and I was completely off guard.

Vaggie-No, this is the Hazbin Hotel... What's your name?

???-Oh, I'm (Y/N) and today is my 5th birthday!... Do you know where my mom and dad live?

Vaggie-Are you lost?

(Y/N)-Yeah! I wanted to come outside and after a circle thing on my birthday I finally got to go outside... Now, I have no idea where my house is.

Vaggie-... Come with me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The lady let me come inside and wanted me to come upstairs with me. She told me her name was Vaggie. My feet were starting to feel bad and I didn't know what was going on and felt something else I didn't know about. I just wanted to sit down and hold my feet, so Vaggie stopped to look at me.

Vaggie-Hey, are you ok?

(Y/N)-No... My feet feel bad and I don't like it.

Vaggie-Well... If you were walking for a long time, they might just be aching.

(Y/N)-Um... How do I stop it?

Vaggie-Well... It will stop soon, but... Here, let's just keep you off them for a while.

She picked me up like Mommy and Daddy used to do and I still didn't like this aching feeling.

Vaggie-Does anything else hurt?

(Y/N)-Hurt?... What's hurt?

Vaggie-Do you seriously not know?

I felt a little confused by what she said and she tried to tell me that it was almost like aching, but there are other ways too. I don't think I like 'hurt' and when we got to a door, Vaggie knocked on it.

Vaggie-Uh, Charlie. You might wanna see this.

Charlie-I'm trying to think Vaggie. Can this wait a little bit?

Vaggie-Um... No.

Soon, I heard the door unlock and then it opened to see someone else. I liked how her hair looked and she looked...



She looked surprised for some reason and I wanted to be held by her, so I held my arms out to her.

(Y/N)-Hi, I'm (Y/N) and today is my 5th birthday! Do you know where Mommy and Daddy are?!

I made grabby hands to ask to be held which helps Mommy and Daddy understand and she took me from Vaggie. I even gave her a kiss on the cheek when I held onto her.

Charlie-Oh! Well, happy birthday little guy. I never saw a sinner like you before.

She looked for something on my body, but then Vaggie stopped her. She whispered something in her ear and then I saw something that made me so excited.



(Charlie's POV)

I jumped a little and (Y/N) started wiggling in my grasp to break free to get to Keekee, so I put him down. Vaggie and I watched as he went up to Keekee to gently and innocently pet her. I thought about the meeting earlier and wondered if this was the universe sending us a gift, but then I thought about what Vaggie said.

Charlie-Vaggie, he can't be alive. The living can't get here.

Vaggie-Well do you see even so much as any deforms or a red eye or anything? I don't, plus... Do you really think someone like that would get sent to hell?

We saw as he rolled onto his back and held his head upside down to look around like it was solely just for fun. Also, how he acted earlier when I just met him. He wanted me to hold him, called me pretty, and even kissed my cheek to just show pure affection. Also, I don't even see pasty skin on him and I know how humans are supposed to look thanks to my mom and dad showing me when I was little.

Charlie-... (Y/N). Can we have a talk?


Charlie-Do you know how you died?

He only tilted his head a little in confusion.

(Y/N)-What's 'died'?

Ok, now this is getting weirder by the second.

Charlie-It's when you stop living and something bad happened to you that made you stop.

He still looked confused and then he smiled again when Keekee ran by him, so he crawled after her. When Keekee got to my legs to run past me and into the hall, he pumped into us while still crawling. He smiled up at me in a way that did not have the slightest bit of evil. He even reached up for me again.

(Y/N)-My feet still... What was the word again?


(Y/N)-That. I want upsies!

My heart fluttered and I don't know what happened to him or how someone as sweet and clearly pure as him ended up in hell, but I picked him up.

Charlie-Hey (Y/N), we don't know where your parents are, but we can help them find you... I even have a little favor to ask. ~


Charlie-Yep... How do a few pictures for some... birthday cupcakes, sound?

His eyes lit up and he asked for vanilla with chocolate frosting and filling, like his mom used to make. When Vaggie and I said yes he gave us both hugs and kisses on our cheeks to say thanks while looking happy. It made me giggle when he finally snuggled into me and then pointed in the hall.

(Y/N)-Let's go to the kitchen!

Vaggie-We need the pictures first.

(Y/N)-... Then the kitchen!

He looked in awe as I carried him around because he said this place was new to him and he went outside for the first time in his life... I started to suspect some low-key abuse, but he looked happy now.

Charlie's mind-How did someone as sweet as you get into hell? ~



I wonder if Heaven will get involved too? Since there is the Head Seraphim & Emily, can't forget Lute ^-^


I see your doing a Hazbin Hotel story, I hope you do well. I just have one concern and piece of advice to give you, please don’t make all the male characters complete jerks towards the reader, I don’t think it would be a bad idea to make them friends with the reader, or you could even try making them yanderes, just a though I’d give you, anyways, good luck man.


Don't worry, even if the wiki articles I sent him didn't convince him to then the show did. You saw how Angel treated nifty and how adorable Husk and Pentious were.