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(Lucy's POV)

Susie and I came up with plans and ideas on what to capture and what to do with Cutie Pie when we have him. I could not wait to get home, eat dinner, and get to work on all of this. I thought of a few things myself, but I just have to be sure that I don't make a mess doing them or Mom is going to be angry. We made it to the castle and I waved to all the guards and told them that I made a team with a scary girl. Susie only looked at the floor for some reason and then she looked up when we made it to an empty hallway.

Susie-Maybe keep the happy attitude down if we're supposed to be evil.

Lucy-Evil people never listen to the rules! They make their own!... That's a rule you said, right?

Susie-I... Yeah.

We got to the dining room and sat at the huge table and wanted for the food to come, but Mom came in here first, but she stopped when she saw my new partner.


Mom-Lucy... Who is this?

(Susie's POV)

I'm used to being the scary one around school, but she made this room feel a little heavier when she started to look mad. She was walking closer and closer to us and if she had eyes, I'm sure she would be glaring daggers, so I gripped my axe. That's when Lucy got happy and jumped in the middle of us.


Lucy-Mom, this is Susie and we are going to hunt down Cutie Pie and bring him here!

???-... Huh?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Ralsei and I were walking through this forest and it looked so weird and there was monsters here. Ralsei said this came from the dark fountain, so she never came here, but if you take out the other monsters here that looked at me like others do when I work at the cafe... It's not bad. I think Mommy would love it here.

Ralsei-You know, I am starting to think you don't trust monsters just because of the ones you know.

(Y/N)-Everyone that I know or don't know treats me like a baby, toy, model, or all 3.

Ralsei-How many times did all 3 happen?

(Y/N)-12 and 4 times in the same day.

She looked a little worried, but then we saw a monster girl crying in the forest and Ralsei just gave me a look before she walked up to her. I went behind a tree.


I heard her talking to the monster a little, but when I peeked around the tree again I saw them coming this way. I looked at Ralsei, wondering what she was thinking!


Ralsei-(Y/N), this is my new friend and she accidentally broke her last gift to her friend, so I said she would have our help.

Monster-*Gasp*... He's adorable. ~

(Y/N)-Hey, stop it!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Ralsei's POV)

She looked so much happier now with her friend adoring him, but I had to tell them that he had to go with me, but I was sure they would meet him again. They both gave him kisses goodbye and they were both happy while he was not a prisoner to them. This world is already better for him, so after he brings his mom here, I don't see a reason why he should leave... He and I can even share a room and I can cuddle him every night. Give him treats, kisses, and snuggles, and he will be so happy to have my help that-!


I snapped out of it and looked around to see a fork in the road.

Ralsei-Oh, sorry... I assume you want to know which way?


Ralsei-Well, I have never been here before, so...Let's try right?

There was another path here and we kept on going until we hit a dead end. When we turned back... We ended right back to where we started, so we tried all of the other ways to get out of here and it works... Then we got to more paths.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

We finally got out of the first and to "Spade's" domain, but thought about every monster not fighting us, but wanting to meet (Y/N) after he helped out those 2 friends in the forest for birthday cuddles. Word really travels fast and gets ahead of you when you turn back a little or stop to let them hold and play with (Y/N)... I just gushed from how cute he was and joined in sometimes.

(Y/N)-How much farther?

Ralsei-I have never been here, but I think I see the castle off in the dis-... Wait, that's a giant chess piece, I think.

(Y/N)-Let's just keep going and 'no more' cuddling pitstops, trying bakeries, or birthday present emergencies that make 'me' the present.

Ralsei-*Giggles*... You look cute when you are serious and mad. ~

That slipped out and he glared at me, but all I did was blush under my fur before he walked off.

Ralsei's mind-So cute! ~

(Lucy's POV)

Mom wanted me and Susie to catch Cutie Pie after I told her what he was like and she asked again if he was a 'he'. I said yes to her and first I tried my own trap which was a big box that I put a cookie under... Then I got hungry and ate the cookie, so we needed a new trap.

Susie-We don't need a trap! We are stronger and we have your mom's guard! I saw we wait here and ambush them!

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)


Lucy-Oh, maybe they got captured already!

Susie-Fuck that noise! We're capturing them!

Lucy-So we gotta save them and then capture them!

I wanted to come up with a new plan and here's what I thought...

Lucy-WE CAN GET A TANK!!! NO, A SUPER TANK THAT SPITS FIRE AND-!!!... Oh wait, there they are.

She looked down at the path from the cliff we were on and we saw Cutie Pie with pinks cheeks while a goat loser wizard was giggling a little next to him.


Susie-Get into position.

We all hid and when they got closer, we could hear what they were saying.

(Y/N)-Ralsei, I said drop it!

Ralsei-But it was so cute. That checker piece grew and took care of you with just her legs like you were her baby. ~

(Y/N)-I get enough of this at home!... Please, I just want to close this fountain and bring my mom here.

Ralsei-Well, we are getting really close to the castle now. With some luck we can sneak through and-.

Just then we all jumped out with the guard and surrounded them and I stood next to Susie while we both struck a pose.


Susie-Heh, long time no see-. ~


I ran to him and tackled him to the ground to finally cuddle him. He felt so soft and warm and when I gave him a kiss on his cheek he pushed me off of him a little, but I held on.

(Y/N)-Who are you?! Get off!

That's when Susie walked over and stood over us while she gave him a cool evil smile before she picked him up and the guards grabbed this girl. With the prisoners captured, now we had to show them to Mom and she will be so proud of me. Now, I had all kinds of questions.

Lucy-Hey Lucy, are all boys this tiny where you are from?! Do they like to dig holes?! Do they like cookies?! Are they meant to be cuddled?!

Susie-Slow down. You'll see soon enough... I just get first dibs after your mom sees them.

(Y/N)-Mom?! Susie, put me down!

She just held him like a baby and shoved her hand in his mouth to keep him quiet. We soon got to the throne room and saw Mom waiting for us with her legs crossed.


(Spades's POV)

I looked at the prisoners my daughter and her new friend brought for me with the promises of what can be done with the male. He looked so tiny and pathetic that it would be impossible for him to say no to me... Well, to the point where I will listen. As for the other prisoner, I had no interest with her.

Spades-Guards, take the goat girl to the dungeons and give the rest of us the room.

???-No, wait!

They gagged her when I snapped my fingers and then took her out of the room. I will talk to her later if something comes up. I got up from my throne and went up to Susie holding the boy until she put him down and took her hand out of his mouth. He was going to talk, but I snapped my fingers while towering over him to show my authority and I know he felt it.

Spades-Susie, you said that you Lighteners enslaved many more like him. Even the adults?

Susie-Yeah. Most we have are taken care of from being fed to given baths or taking showers together.

Spades-I see... Him being the only one here makes him invaluable. ~

I rubbed my hand on his cheek and he shook when I opened the mouth in my stomach and wrapped him up to lift him up to my height. If I were the only one with a male here, my people would envy me and that excited me.

Spades-Leave us. both of you.

Lucy-What?... But Mom-.


My voice echoed in the room and they both flinched before they slowly left me alone with (Y/N). He looked scared of me when I unwrapped him with my stomach tongue and wrapped him in my arms instead. I sat back down on my throne with him this time and was happy he was too scared to talk, but he was going to now.

Spades-Now, let's talk... What do others do to you back in the world of light?

(Y/N)-... What?

Spades-What do they do to you? It's a very simple question... You are only hurting yourself by lying.

(Y/N)-Umm... J-Just feeding, making me sleep and cuddle with them-.

Spades-Bathe you, dress you, and even put you up for display?... Am I wrong about what Susie told me?


Spades-You know, I consider myself to be a strong, but fair ruler. What would it take for you to stay here without wanting to leave? ~

I could tell that he doesn't believe me, but he is staying either way. I just don't want to have to lock him up every moment that I am not around and deal with petty rebellion by taking time to spank and punish him into submission.

Spades-Come on. Just name it. You have to want something to make you stay... Say it... Now. ~

(Y/N)-M-My Mommy!... R-Ralsei was helping me leave to bring my mom here where she can have a better life.

Spades-Better life?... Oh, Susie told me a little bit about the females of your kind. So if your dearest mom was here with us, you would stay?

He nodded his head and I thought that would mean closing the fountain... I want his willing submission to me, so I thought if I send Susie to get his mother back here with him then he would have trust I could exploit. Plus, he said he just wants his mother here, but he meant this world. She can live in excile on the other side of the dark world while I have him on a leash.

Spades-So if I help bring your mom here, you will do something for me of equal value?

(Y/N)-... Y-Yes.

Spades-Then we have a deal. Let's go tell Susie to send you both off.

He was about to get up looking conflicted about this, but I pulled his face into my chest while making him look up at me.

Spades-Just one more thing... If you are not back in 3 days while I prepare things here for you... ~ You will regret testing my patience.

(Frisk's POV)

I was outside in nothing but a robe and taken to places with Toriel to help look for my son, thinking if he was hiding, the threat of something happening to me would make him come out. Just then, we made it to Grillbas where human women were not allowed inside. I looked up at Toriel and this place that my son works at, if you can even call it work.


Toriel-Hold your leash, and stay put. I will be back in a little bit.

She went inside and it was so humiliating to be like this. Even if I was naked, bound, gagged, and used in the basement, at least it wasn't where everyone could see me before I got stuffed back into that tank full of gel to be hung up like a painting in my own room. It's worse when she breastfeeds and cuddles my son at night in front of me in such a state that I can't do anything. Things got worse when I overheard monsters walking by.

Knight Knight-I feel like he is starting to open up, even after letting him keep his old bed in my room for his short naps.

Final Froggit-Did you sell his mom? Children get touchy about that.

Knight Knight-No, no. I knew about that, so I kept her. She is just not allowed in the house and sleeps outside.

The conversation kept on going and it makes me sick. Grown men and fathers either turned into toys for these monsters or killed, or abandon everything, even their own families to escape this. This leaves little boys to take that place since they can't fight and us human girls are to be slaves or even treated like animals.

Frisk's mind-(Y/N), if you did managed to leave the city and get somewhere else... Don't come back and stay safe. Please.

The door opened and I didn't even lookToriel in the eye when I gave her back the leash.

Toriel-Now, let's go back home for the night... Today was a waste.

She yanked me with her and other monsters laughed at me when I almost fell. When we got back to our neighborhood, I saw a woman in a dog house in the front yard again where I see her a lot whenever I do come outside. We made it home where Undyne busted through the door.



Before I could even react, Toriel shoved me to Undyne to be grabbed before she rushed to the car and drove off without me. I was just taken into the house and had tears threatening to fall as I was put back in the tank and gel started to fill it as I was pulled up.

Frisk's mind-... So much for him escaping.


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