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((Y/N)'s POV)

It felt like we had been walking for hours and more monsters kept on showing up while we walk deeper into this place. The second Grace's bubble pops and Lillian's force field is already up. She tried to make her bubble stronger, but Amara said we need to conserve strength and be aware of any foes to fight. I really think this makes her the leader of the group. We finally made it to the boss room after Amara burned away the army of monsters in front and a lot of the monsters were S-rank and SS-rank from what Amara said. More monsters were going to come back from behind.

Amara-Zahara, open the boss room door and be ready for anything. We beat the boss and we get teleported at a safe distance out of the dungeon, so if you see the boss, do not hold back on breathing fire.

Zahara-I thought Master was the leader.

(Y/N)-J-Just, open the door.

She opened the door and I had my bow ready when we walked in... It looked like it was nighttime in a canyon out here. I heard bosses come out when the door closed sometimes, so when the door closed... we waited... and waited... and waited.

Lillian-Um... Ms. Fefnir Wolf Luna?

Luna-Ms.?... I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. Anyway, I don't smell anything.

Amara-We are in the boss room, it has to be a trick.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

There was still no boss and the big canyon room, really makes you think you are outside with the stars in the sky. There has to be a boss in here, but for now, we decided to rest and set up camp... I felt nervous about camping in a boss room of all places and they saw how scared I was. Luna pulled me into a hug and wrapped her fluffy tail around me.


Luna-My poor Puppy. You're shaking. ~

(Y/N)-N-No I'm-.

She traced a finger up my back by surprise which made me shiver and she held me tighter. Chelsie came over to sit on my other side and gave me some spread with some beef, celery, and tomato paste stuffed in it.


Chelsie-Here. Say ahhhh. ~

I took a bit because I was a little hungry, but when I was full after a few bites, she wrapped up the rest. She gave Luna her food before she took me and put my face in her chest to help me not look at this big and empty boss room. I poked out to...

(Y/N)-Are we really sleeping here?

Chelsie-We are going to take turns sleeping. But you are to sleep in someone's arms or whatever Grace makes to hide you both.

(Y/N)-But... th-this is a boss room.

I got so scared that we are really going to sleep here again while this boss could be watching and waiting for that. When everyone heard I was about to cry, I looked around and saw Grace coming over, looking really scared too.


She gave me kisses and used her magic to make an ice dome with a hole for a door. I saw a tear come from her eye and she put her head on my shoulder.

(No POV)

Meanwhile, somewhere far from the campsite... water was coming in from a stream and pouring onto the ground. It was slowly getting bigger and pouring out more and more water. It even started to happen in other parts of the boss room.

(Amara's POV)

I could go without sleep for the first shift of watching out for the boss, so I had everyone else go to sleep and I will wake up Luna next. First I had her sniff the air for any scents of monsters, but she didn't get anything new. This is so odd... This boss room is more like a ghost town, but the boss has to be in here or else the dungeon would already be destroyed. Soon, (Y/N) came to me with tears in his eyes and it made me sad for him, but also want to be extra brutal with the floor boss.


(Y/N)-I-I can't take *sniffle* I just want to leave and go back to town. I'll even take going back home. *whimper*

Amara-Hey, it's ok... You're the leader, but you are still a child. It's ok to be scared. ~

(Y/N)-No... You're the leader. You are my teacher, you're calm, and you knew what to do since we got here.

Amara-Far from that. I am making this up as I go and I am scared too... Young one, we are in an uncharted dungeon for all we know with no map, no idea what monsters we could saw, no info on the boss, and now we are staying the night in the dungeon.

(Y/N)-But... You being the leader-... You're the best for the job.

As much as I would love to be the leader, I could not fill the role unless we are in situations like this and (Y/N) is scrambling to keep himself together while he falls apart. While these teammates of mine would do best to listen to me, they listen to him. I could tell him this, but I need something to drive the message home...

Amara-So, I'm stronger than you and that makes me in charge?

(Y/N)-Um... Yeah.

Amara-Well... By that logic.

I grabbed his head and turned him to see Zahara playing with her own fire before she saw us and waved.


Amara-Why don't you close your eyes and picture her as the leader? She is the strongest one here.

He did what I said and if he is picturing a kingdom, town, or village on fire by accident during playtime or something... He would be correct since her only goal in this is to simply have fun. He shivered at the thought.

Amara-Now, picture me as the leader and be honest... Can I calm Luna or anyone down like you can when they get mad? Do I know some of the teammates as well as you do? Certainly, even Zahara would listen to me to stop her playtime, correct?

I wish the last one was the case, but a las...


Amara-If I am going to accept you as a leader, I will not have you thinking that being strong and winning every little fight is the same as being a leader. That is a simpleton's way of thinking. A student of mine will behave no such way either... Am I clear?

He opened his eyes and nodded his head at me. It made me think the only thing keeping him from losing his mind is the potion we gave him to make him more attached to us... I reached into my bag to pull out another potion to temporarily buff up a potion's effects.


He looked nervous but listened to me and drank the potion I poured into his mouth while bending down. Afterward, I took him to the others and gave him to Hamah and she cradled him.


Amara-Everyone, get some sleep. We need to be rested for when we find the boss in here.

Hamah-Hamah keep Ba-Baby safe. Bedtime, now.

(Vita's POV)

I saw preparations underway for (B/N)'s fight and I was heading back out to the yard to help train him since we will be fighting out in the field together. My orders are to weaken monsters enough to have (B/N) finish them off or create an opening for him. At first, I thought I would be putting my search on hold, but maybe I could use this. (B/N) does get pretty defensive when emotional. When I made it back outside, I saw him really going at it with the dummies.


Vita's mind-Keep things about his brother. He will voice his true feelings.

This won't prove anything about his father, but this could lead to a possible reason. He wins all of his sword fights, but how he acts can be a part of (Y/N) running away.

Vita-Let us continue with basic footwork. The proper footing and balance are critical to a sword's power and control.

(B/N)-But my swordplay skill already makes every swing a good one.

Vita-Indeed it helps your body gain its own knowledge in handling a sword, but improvement without it will improve the skill itself. Not many are lucky to have such a skill. Just like your brother, but he has another way of fighting.

(B/N)-Who cares? I'm going to get stronger than he is and have the throne when I grow up.

Vita-While we both learn to use swords, there are other weapons out there. Learning how they fight is how one adapts. Take the bow and arrow for example.

(B/N)-I don't want to hear about some stupid flying sticks. My speed skills make me able to dodge them.

Vita-No it doesn't. It takes one well-thought-out plan to turn your speed against you if you're not careful. Archers don't always aim for you. Your brother even knows-.

(B/N)-Shut. Up. About (Y/N)! I want to focus on my fight!

This falls into his normal behavior as he did love the thought of fighting, but this will prove other wise.

Vita-Perhaps, after this I should request (Y/N) to take a similar test with his new party to represent both of you in the family.

(B/N)-No! I don't want him here! He ran away and stole my priestess anyway! He can go rot in the gutter!

Clear resentment, but to make matters worse for my investigation...


We both turned to see the queen and this meant she was going to step in and I could not gather more reactions. Though, I already did have a lot.


The staff have mixed stories and this behavior is beyond competitive spirit. While Aurora scolded her son as he pouted I decided to take my leave and finally decided to test this with the king. I found him in the throne room and prayed to God that I was wrong about this when I ordered the knights and guard to give us the room.


Calvin-Is something wrong?

Vita-I... have news based on why your youngest son saw reason to run away.


Vita-The stories I got from the staff don't seem to add up. None of them do. On top of that, that competitive spirit of your oldest son is also resentment toward his younger sibling.

Calvin-What you are implying is a child's spirit and constant victories in sparring matches is why my youngest saw fit to leave?

Vita-There is also the fact that besides Chelsie that was found mostly at his side, he never had this bond with the other staff. With the mass firings handled by Chelsie found on record, I suspect there to be reason behind her doings.

Calvin-Chelsie held up order among the maids, chefs, and butlers with an iron fist to keep our castle in pristine condition.

Vita-But if there was another problem...

Calvin-... Why did you want the room to ourselves for this?

Vita-I only wish to get to the bottom of why (Y/N) left. Aurora is still very worried.

We only stared at each other for a few moments before the door opened and we saw guards with an A-rank Holaster in a solid cage... Does he really expect to put his son in the arena with that thing? His smile seemed to imply such and I felt uneasy.

Vita's mind-... Trying to force sword skills on (Y/N), hating his archery, all those mock battles in training, now this?... What is wrong with you?! Is your ego in swordplay that big?!

I can't let this happen and Aurora needs to know.

(Amara's POV)

Everyone was sleeping soundly and there was still no activity at all, but I know it's out there somewhere. At the near end of my shift, I noticed a fog coming to cover the ground, so I got on guard and it was drawing in closer.

Amara-Everyone, wake up!... Hey!

I looked behind to see that they were gone and the fog covered my feet, so I jumped up to higher ground, on a rock.


I looked down to see (Y/N) looking up at me and he looked scared. I quickly pulled him up and thought about those idiots just leaving him!


I put him on my back to hold on to me, but he got really cuddly and nuzzled into my neck.

Amara-(Y/N), cease that at once! The boss is-!

(Y/N)-I know and I am so scared. The others left us, but we don't need them. I just need my teacher... my owner.

He climbed to the front of me and this caught me off guard when he kissed my cheek... Is it the boosting effects potion I gave him earlier?

(Y/N)-I always thought of you as... a mommy too. It can just be the two of us in a cozy home... Mommy. ~

(Luna's POV)

Luna-Puppy, what's gotten into you? ~

He was really snuggly now and kissed my belly while nuzzling deeper into me when I just woke up. He looked up at me and rubbed himself into my neck.

(Y/N)-I just take it anymore. Your fluffy tail, the way you smell, and you are the most beautiful creature in the world. When I saved you in the forest and you came back to me... I knew we had to stay together... I'm your Puppy and you're my world.

He pounced lovingly onto me and nuzzled into my whole body before I got really happy and pinned him down.

Luna-I knew you loved me the most, Puppy.

(Y/N)-And it's just us now, Mommy!

He kissed my cheek and I started to lick him to mark him even more. He was even enjoying it and held me close to him until I turned into my real form to curl around him Now, my tongue and cover his whole body.

(Grace's POV)

(Y/N)-Will... you marry me?

He got on one knee and presented me with an enchanted ring that I read about before. It's super rare and these two rings can teleport the ones who hold it to each other. To think he found it, kept it, and planned this. Now, we are stuck here, so he wanted his feelings to be known. My heart would not stop racing and tears came out of my eyes. Being alone with him in a boss room was not so scary anymore... It was magical!

Grace-*Hic* Yes! Yes! Yes!

He put the ring on me and gave me the other to put on him before I kissed him. I felt like the happiest girl in the world when he told me what he wanted to do when we got out of here. Buy a nice cozy house, grow up together, go on adventures alone together, have kids, and so much more as long as it was with me. Now, I could not stop crying tears of joy.

(Y/N)-No more royal rules and responsibilities... Just us... My lovely wife. ~

Grace-*Squeals*! ~

(Chelsie's POV)

(Y/N) helped himself to be cradled in my arms like a baby and I always dreamed of this moment. To think of being pulled out of the same dream, just to have it in a boss room instead of a nursery I made for him with his family's heads mounted on the wall.

(Y/N)-You always were my better mommy. Now that we are out of the castle, let's go live somewhere alone. ~

Just then he pulled down my top and helped himself to my milk I prepared for him for years, but now he was doing it. This made me gush with happiness.

(Zahara's POV)

Master and I were flying around the boss room to have fun he sat on my nose in my dragon form to spread his arms out. He looked so cute, but then I did a flip to the air to have him fall and land on my soft belly before I crashed into the ground. With my big tongue, I gave him licks to which he slid down my tongue a little. I went back to my human form to snuggle Master some more in my arms and legs.

(Y/N)-Let's go play another game! We can even play fight like you wanted to before!

Zahara-*Gasp* Really!

(Y/N)-If you win, I'll get you all the treats you can ever want! You can even feed me some if you want!

I covered him with kisses before I put him down to get in a fighting stance.

(Hamah's POV)

(Y/N)-*Whimper* A-Ahhhh.

Hamah put my finger in his mouth after Hamah covered it in honey to soothe Ba-Baby. He looked so cute and gripped my hand with tears coming out of his eyes again.

Hamah-Awwww. What is it?... Ah, Hamah knows what Ba-Baby needs. ~

I put out my lower cloth to wrap BaBaby in it instead. The extra breeze is a small price to pay before now Ba-Baby felt safer. With more honey, he calmed down with my scent and the sweet taste of honey on my fingers.



Hamah pulled her finger out for a moment and-...

(Y/N)-Mama... Ba-Baby wants Mama.

With everyone gone all of the sudden, it scared him so much that... Hamah is a mama to Ba-Baby now. He nuzzled into Mama and Hamah's heart felt so happy.

(Lillian's POV)

(Y/N) told me he wished to go home and make everything right with his family when we left, but he wanted my help. I showed him some verses in the bible where I find my answers. Turning to God for answers after we were abandoned together was something straight out of a story of the bible. A mother and son both stranded in a storm together, promising her son that everything will be alright for as long as he stays strong and had faith. During the story...

(Y/N)-I can fix my family! I have faith that things will work out, Mother!

Lillian-Oh, you have mistaken my title. I am a priestess, but I am still a sister.

(Y/N)-Not that kind of Mother... You can be my second Mother. We are all family and you want what's best for me... Mother.

Lillian-Oh... Well... Um...

My face was burning up at the thought of being a mother in terms of a term rather than the church.

Lillian-I mean... If it would make you happy in this dark-.

He kissed me on the cheeks and head before hugging me and sat on my lap, facing me. I felt obligated to say it now in order to return his gestures.

Lillian-Th-Thank you... My sweet child. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was all alone and looking for someone in the boss's room, wondering what had happened. That's when I heard singing and I knew that song. I ran past a lot of big and tall rocks until I saw Mother sitting on a rock and humming her song she would sing to me at night sometimes.



She turned and smiled at me. I felt happy to see her, but... How did she get here? We blew up the entrance... Did we?

Mother-Hello, (Y/N). ~

She came over and picked me up. I forgot how good it felt to be held by her and she went back to the rock to sit down.

(Y/N)-H-How did you-?

Mother-Get here?... A mother has her ways, Sweetie. Nothing could keep me from you? Nothing. ~

She gave me gentle hugs and kisses that felt so relaxing.

Mother-I'm so sorry that everyone treated you so poorly. They told me everything after I found out. Worry not though, Father and (B/N) will be out of the castle with the rest of the nasty staff that ever wronged or ignored you... Your new friends can even live with, Vita, and Celcia. It will be love and happiness every day from now on... You are my strong and brave son. ~

What she said... I couldn't believe how happy it made me feel. It's everything I wanted and more. It felt so good... It...

(Y/N)-Wait a minute. How could you find out anything? The evidence was all gone. Father made sure of it and I did too.

Mother-I have my ways. I told you. ~

I didn't believe that. I love Mother, but I know she's not that smart to figure it out. I pushed away and pulled out my bow with a wind arrow.

Mother-(Y/N)?! What are you doing?!

(Y/N)-Stay back!

She only got up and looked sad and was about to reach for me... I couldn't shoot her because if I was wrong...

Mother-(Y/N)... Put the bow down and come to Mother. You are being silly.

I didn't know what to do, but the string slipped out of my hands and the arrow was fired.


The arrow pieced her, but when it hit her, she turned into a mist cloud that exploded and formed around me. That's when everything went dark and...


I sat up and saw everyone was asleep in some kind of mist, but then I got grabbed from behind. When I saw who grabbed me, she covered my mouth with a tentacle to keep me from screaming.


???-*Shhhhhhhh* Everyone is sleeping and dreaming about you. ~

I tried to scream, but then she uncovered my mouth before she raised a tentacle smack every girl across the face, but they only smiled in their sleep.

???-So... You still want to scream?

I looked at my bow on the ground and she saw me look at it before she picked it up to hold it in front of me.


(Y/N)-H-Hey! Amara gave me that!

???-But she wanted to have you make a better, yes? String from a Fefnir Spider, was it?

I was speechless at how she knew that and she gave me a creepy smile while thoughts raced through my mind so face.

???-Who am I? What's my name? When will the others wake up? Oh, stop worrying so much little toy. ~

(Y/N)-... T-Toy?

???-Yes. I was about to get to work on all of you when you broke my spell, so I guess you'll be first. And by the looks of it... Your party is crazy about you. Such a cute baby wanting to act like a big boy to get a thumbs up from Father? ~ Hahahahaha!... Allow me to introduce myself.

She wrapped me in more tentacles and held me upside down to look at her while I struggled.

???-I am Dantalia. The mistress of the dungeon... And you... are an interesting find. It's not every day I see a cute little baby walk in here. I like a change of pace. ~

She put on a bored-looking face before she sat on Zahara's chest to use as a seat, but kept me in the air.

Dantalia-Before you lot came here, it was always the warrior types that wanted power, fame, fortune, some righteous or corrupted view of the world. Ugh... They all break the same. Sometimes I even try to leave them alive, but then they whine 'You killed all those people! They were my party! They were my friends'! ~

She took one more deep breath before she looked at me.

Dantalia-Enough talking. Let's take a closer look inside of you.

She pulled me to her lap and held me still before her tentacles slipped into my ears and my head felt funny.

(Dantalia's POV)

For a little baby, he wanted to prove a lot after his home life was shit and I could even see memories and know the emotions he felt in those times. Having him driven to the brink of madness seemed pointless since without his bow, he couldn't do anything. I could still change some things in his head. His cute wiggling and whimpering filled my ears while I rubbed his brian.

Dantalia-Awwww, how cute... Let's see, do you need that sense of independence?... No. ~

His squirming changed to shivers up his spine, but he's lucky I don't mash his brain into mush... I did it once, but that man died too quickly. It's fun to alter personalities and memories and induce dreams into tragic nightmares, but I say let's change things up.

Dantalia's mind-They really seem to like being a mom to him in most dreams. I'm surprised the dragon acts the way she does.

Dantalia-They did give you that potion... Let's give them what they want and more. ~

I did what I wanted to his brain before I had him go to sleep and released the others from my spell before I went back to my hiding spot and see how things unfold.

Dantalia-This is gonna be good. Hehehehehe. ~



Hello I have a request can you make the yanderes make him do more baby stuff such as puting him in diapers you can say no just a request I don't want to request it if your not ok with it