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(Vita's POV)

Clove should be here soon and Justin is still sleeping in my arms, so I was debating on waking him up. He's going to freak out, but I at least want Clove to see him before he starts freaking out... I kept him asleep and told Clove to text me when she gets here, so I can open the door and she doesn't wake him up by knocking or ringing the doorbell. When she sent me the text that she was here and Sola was with her, I went to go open the door and she her just talking down the path. She saw me holding my pet and Sola walked out from behind her and took interest in the human I had.


Sola-*Purr* ~ Hm?... *Soft bark*

Sola tried to stand on her hind legs to reach my pet, but I turned him away from her and her curious look.

Vita-Sola, no. They are mine. Not yours.

Clove-Sola, down.

She got Sola to get off of me and Justin was still asleep in my arms for Clove to see and she smiled at him. Sola got her egg from the ground and flew inside my house. The wind that hit us from her wings made my pet stir, so I wanted to go inside and put him close to the ground before he could start to wiggle, fall, and hurt himself. Clove had to hold Sola back by wrapping her arms around her chest and wings. I know she won't do anything and is just curious about him, but he will only see that she's big enough to almost reach my waist on all fours and she can even fly. I just sat down on the floor and Clove opened Sola's egg to toss a stuffed toy out for her to fetch and play with.


Clove came over to me and Justin while Sola pounced and cuddled her little toy before she licked it and swayed her tail.

Clove-Vita, he looks so cute. ~ *whisper*

Vita-I want him to wake up soon to go back to sleep later. I thought you could see him before he gets timid and we get to work on him and Sola, slowly.

Clove-Ok, just wake him up and I'll get Sola ready to meet him.

(Noah's POV)

Someone was poking me and when I finally woke up I saw I was being held by the blue alien, so I quickly moved out of her arms, but fell on her soft lap. When I got to the floor to back away from her, I heard someone else behind me and saw a huge pink alien with a pink giant animal next to her.



The animal tilted its head while I tried to find a way out, but I was surrounded by aliens with a wall behind me. The blue alien tried to speak to me in a softer way, but I was watching the others too before the pink alien let the pink animal go. It got petted and spoke too before it walked slower to me.

Pink Animal-Hm?... Hm?

It got closer and I was about to cry before it poked me with its nose. It did it again to nudge me back and made me fall on my butt and nuzzled my whole body. Next, it touched me with its paws and when I tried to leave it tapped me back into place. The blue alien talked to me again while staying where she was and then wings came out to surround and only let me see the pink animal. I was pulled into her fluffy chest and belly that smelled really sweet while she rolled back.

Pink Animal-*Purring*. ~

I felt a little relaxed, but I thought that I could not stay here, so I tried to break free, but they were too strong. It opened its wings a little to let its tail in and completely buried me in fluffy while they licked me.

Noah-Stop it!... Stop it!

She didn't stop and it was getting harder to fight when it felt so warm, and comfy,... the purring sound was kind of like a kitty cat... I never got to even pet a kitty cat before... Do kitties always feel this nice to be with, but this is not a kitty. This is an alien animal. When it finally let me go, it looked like she wanted to play, but then I got picked up in her mouth for a moment before the pink and blue alien stopped her. They said the things and tried to take me from her which took a bit... This animal tried to fly with me which made me scream, but the blue alien got me and was holding me again.

(Clove's POV)

Sola tried to add Justing to her egg after she marked him with her scent. It seemed to really calm him down before now he wasn't struggling with Vita right now. Still, I had to scold Sola a little for trying to pull the stunt she did with Vita's new pet.

Clove-Sola, they are a friend, but they do not go in the egg, just because they can fit.

She tried to go around me to get to Justin, but I didn't let her and tossed her toy again... She wasn't as interested in it right now. It's clear I need to show her how she can play and treat Justin. Speaking of which, I heard tipping, so I turned to see Justing trying to get away from Vita again. This time, he slipped past us and with me holding back Sola, he went to his room and even closed his door by pushing it.

Clove-He seems like a real sweetheart. He even came around for a moment.

Vita-Well... Think we can give Sola another shot with me with her this time. Maybe I could make something for all of us to award correct behavior.

Clove-Well, I am glad to help and so is Sola... Sort of, but there is more than just these tricks to bound with a spicy or timid animal.

Vita-Like what?

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

I helped Vita make some dinner and even gave Sola some before we went to Justin's room to see him in his bed, looking at us. I nudged her over to him and Sola tried to come in, but I held her back to watch. I'll let her in if he needs more of her playful and natural dotting behavior.

(Vita's POV)

I held some food in the palm of my hand and it was kind of messy, but it meant he would have to eat it out of my hand since he had to be hungry right now. I put a hand behind him when he got close to keep him from running away to eat, but he didn't try to run when he ate. He just kept an eye on me. I made no sudden movements and he seemed to like the food.

Vita-Good boy. You're staying here. ~

I kept on holding still for him to eat out of my hand until there was nothing left in my palm. Sola wanted to come over and play with him and I let it happen since I wanted to go wash my hands. Clove came with me and looked satisfied with what she saw in my pet's room.

Clove-Very good. When do you plan to have him move into your room?

Vita-My room?

Clove-Well... It's normal for owners to sleep with their pets and little ones like him are so cute to cuddle with. Also, spending more time with you will make him see that you mean no harm.

Vita-I mean... I guess when he doesn't tremble at the sight of me... He already seems to do better with Sola.

Clove-Who wouldn't. She's a big flying ball of fluff and love.

Just then her phone rang and when she answered it, she leaned on my counter before she hopped up a little to sit on it.

Clove-Hey Zeng, what's up?... I'm not home, I'm at Vita's... I don't know, if it gets too late then I think I might crash her tonight... Well, it's up to her, but I'm here to help with her timid pet. We don't need a party tonight... *sigh*

She turned to me.

Clove-My brother and his friend want to know if they can come over for breakfast in the morning.

Vita-Well, I'm not doing anything for a while. They just can't get crazy over here.

She talked to her brother some more on the phone while I ate and went to go see how Justin was doing... He was being smothered and coddled by Sola who was aggressive and affectionate with him and knew how to keep him where she wanted him by light taps and wrapping her wings around him.

Vita's mind-Why does she make it look so easy?


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