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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up in someplace dark with soft lights and I thought it was the detention room for boys that I saw that one time. That's when I noticed the ceiling was different than any room at the school, but if I am not there... Then where am I? I sat up to look around the room and it had a lot of black and glowing colors to light this place up. When I tried to get out of bed, I heard footsteps and panicked for a moment before I lied back down to pretend to sleep. The girls at home said I snore so cutely, so I tried to guess how I snore and how snoring could be cute. The door opened, so I quickly guessed. The footsteps got closer to me with the sound of a few dishes on top of each other clanking a few times when it was put on the table next to me.

???-*Giggles*. ~

I felt 'her sit on the side of the bed and nuzzled her nose on my cheek before she kissed me. I felt my face heating up and she gave me more kisses until I couldn't take it anymore and shot up while scooting away to see who was doing this.


???-Awwwww... Can you pretend to sleep a little longer? ~

(Y/N)-Who are you?!

???-Before I answer that... Do you like hot chocolate? ~

She reached out to grab a tiny plate with a cup of hot chocolate before she walked over to a smaller dining room table.


(Y/N)-... Did you drug that?

???-What? No. Why would anyone do that?

She actually looked confused, so either she was lying or... Well if something is going to happen to me, I might as well enjoy some hot chocolate first... It actually tasted really good and wasn't too hot to burn my mouth. She even got her own cup.

???-Now that you are calm. Let's start with names. My name is Ralsei. What's yours?

(Y/N)-... Is that to mess with me or do you really not know my name?

Ralsei-I wouldn't be asking if I already knew... Are you famous where you are from?

Everyone in the Underground and town knows about me from releasing everyone, or so they say. How does she not know?

(Y/N)-I'm (Y/N) and... you could say I'm famous, I guess.

I looked around for any cameras, drug cabinets, chains, rope, or anything that shows what she likes to do to guys if this is where she lived. She just looked confused.

Ralsei-Are... you ok? You seem really nervous again.

(Y/N)-... How did I get here?

Ralsei-Well, I found you and your friend outside unconscious, but I couldn't carry both of you... Or her. So I got you first and when I went back, I saw she was gone, so I guess she got up and left to look for you.

I don't know if I could trust her or not, but that did make me think of what happened to Susie if she is not here. She might be looking for me. Where would she go?

(Susie's POV)

Something was poking my face, arm, side, and neck until I started moving. They stopped and I felt too tired to deal with this, thinking it was my mom trying to get me up for school... Then I remembered my dream and thought about going back to that dream, but that's when I remembered it feeling so real and this hard ground was not my bed... I opened my eyes and saw I was in an oddly colored forest. I turned to see who was poking me and they looked like someone you would see on a joker playing card.



Susie-Who the fuck are you?!

???-Well, I'm the bad girl! You Clown! I even saved you from being alone on the ground and then decided to make you my prisoner!

I was not tied up or in a cage or cell or anything that really made this feel like a prisoner-type thing...

Susie-Whatever you say... WAIT!!! WHERE'S (Y/N)?!?!?!

I grabbed her by her shirt and lifted her in the air when I got up, but she only smiled like nothing was wrong... That was not an evil smile.

???-Oh, you mean Cutie Pie! I didn't see them with you, so you must've hid them. But I LUCY won't let you go EAST to shut down the dark fountain and go home!... Cutie Pie will leave! So I got a plan to make sure that does not happen!

Does she seriously not understand the situation she's in?! I COULD BITE HER FACE OFF AT ANY MOMENT WITH MY SHARP TEETH!!!

Lucy-Step one, I thrash you! Step two, you lose!

Susie-Heh, nice plan kid.


Susie-Yeah actually... Mind if I use it on you instead?

I threw her to the ground, but all she did was bounce like a ball and get high into the air.

Lucy-Weeeeee! ~

She threw spades at me and these were the same as before. This has to be the same freak that ambushed us, but she's not keeping me from my new toy! I pulled out my new axe and shattered one of her attacks with a single blow... She looked amazed.

Lucy-Ooooohhhhhhhh... Do it again! Do it again!

She threw another spade at me, but I shattered it and she clapped her hands... I was so confused.

Lucy-So cool!

Susie-Uhhhhh... Thanks?

Lucy-Do you do stuff like this with Cutie Pie?!

Susie-His name is-... Ugh! Just stay still!

I ran to her to try and hit her, but she got onto a bit with a training wheel on fire to get away and try to run me over after. I dodged her and tried to attack again.

Lucy-Ho ho hoooo!

Susie-What are you doing?!

Lucy-My evil laugh.

Susie-It sounded more like a Santa laugh! Now, hold still!

(Ralsei's POV)

I got (Y/N) to open up to me about his life before and it sounds tragic with his mother being trapped in a glass box for decoration and taken out to be a toy to his captive family. He wants her to be someplace safe and free, but then there's everyone else too... I had an offer for him, but I couldn't take in everyone without the captors coming here looking for everyone.

Ralsei-Well, I never saw the problems of the outside world of light... or anyone here, but if you want... I can have your mother stay here to hide.

(Y/N)-... Really?

Ralsei-Yes. I love your company, so maybe another girl to talk to would be nice. You just need to bring her here and I can have a room ready for her.

I saw a spark of hope in his eyes and it was so cute. Oh, how it made my heart skip a beat, but I kept my composure for him since he seemed very timid. Having someone around all the time sounded nice, but... I feel like I don't even need to say this part...

Ralsei-I just have a few conditions.


Ralsei-She needs to be a good person, follow my rules here, and... you need to come back to visit frequently... Whenever you can.


I held out my hand and we shook on it. He looked happy about it too. I thought about all the things we could do together when he came back and if he happened to sleepover, he could stay in my bed! He wanted to go get his mom now and bring her back here by tonight, but there was only one way out... He had to close the fountain of darkness to get out of here and when I told him about this...

(Y/N)-Um... Where is it?

Ralsei-I can take you there. There's even a prophecy about 3 heroes, so that would be me, you, and your friend Susie.

(Y/N)-She is not my friend... Can it just be the two of us?

Ralsei-Um... We could try, but-.

(Y/N)-Then come on. I need to get back home and get my mom here.

He didn't want to listen to me, but it was only because he cared about his parent... Why does that fact bother me a little?... I'm sure it's nothing, so I prepared to head out with him by grabbing some food and water for the journey.

(Susie's POV)



This time I got her flaming bike and destroyed a wheel, but instead of looking sad or pissed off... She clapped her hands while jumping in place a little. What is with this freak?! Suddenly she looked around and finally started to panic a little bit.

Lucy-Oh no! I gotta be home for dinner!... Do you want to come with me? Mama would be happy to see me have a new friend.

I was honestly at a loss for words and had no idea what to say or do in utter confusion about her question.

Susie-... Why are you like this?

Lucy-... I'm just good at being the bad girl.

Susie-No... No, you are not.

Lucy-Really?... Well, you look pretty tough and scary, so if you come you can teach me how to be as scary as you!

Is she asking to be my friend? I couldn't do this anymore and I was getting hungry... If she tried anything, I could catch her by surprise, so I put my weapon away. When I started following her, she asked for tips, opinions on her 'evil lines', and pointers on how to be intimidating... They all sucked ass, so I gave her better ones and I started to like this, but one thing that would be better.

Susie-Hey, why don't we play a game after we eat at your place?

Lucy-Ohhhh... What's the game?

Susie-Capture, the Cutie Pie. ~

She looked excited to 'play' and we already came up with plans to capture (Y/N) for ourselves. What we needed was a trap to outsmart him which shouldn't be hard because he was caught by every single monster in the Underground when he tried to pass through by himself. This will be so easy and simple.

(Toriel's POV)


A female teacher was strapped to a chair in front of me for being accused of my child going missing. She had to have done something because I have guards at all the exits and rooftops, Alphys was in her room the entire time, and she has a record of trying to escape punishment herself. She will either give me another name or tell me where my baby was or else. I don't expect anything other than Susie trying to run off with my baby, but we would have spotted her by now, so that also suspects she did something to her

Toriel-You have until 5 o'clock to tell me anything or your life is going to be worse than just sleeping outside your previous home.

Woman-I don't have anything to do with him being gone!

Toriel-So, he walked out without anyone seeing him... All of my guards simply did not see him leave the school?

Woman-Please, it wasn't me!

I was getting really fed up with this, but just then my friend that I called came in my office to help me and when I gave her the details... She was 'very' mad to say the least.


Fear filled every fiber of this woman's being and Undyne was about to stab her, but that's when Alphys rushed in.


Alphys-Undyne, wait! We need her alive!

Toriel-It's true. Get what you can out of her while we search the school and town. If you are to find him, call the guards and have them put him in lockdown at our house. Feel free to interrogate the other human female teachers this way if you see fit.


This woman tried more of her annoying begging when Alphys and I left her with Undyne, but when we got into the hallway, we ran into a student that looked very troubled. I gave her a gentle expression to help calm her nerves.


Toriel-Is something the matter, Noelle?

Noelle-Oh, um...It's about your missing son. A-After he and Susie went missing.

Alphys-Really?! What is it?!

Noelle-Well, after you sent me to g-get some chalk and bring them back, I noticed a bunch of games and toys on the ground in the closet. That made me think about the trap and baiting class. And with the big vents to this place... I thought maybe... Someone set a trap and took him away through the vents to where the unit is in the woods.

This realization hit me... All of the doors were watched carefully, but if a human were to help him through the vents or take him away from my loving arms... I let myself go for a moment and hugged my student gratefully and she got flustered.

Toriel-Guards! Guards! Check the woods and ventilation systems for any tampering! The cleaning crew is to be detained immediately as well as any human female students that ever had detention clean up!

I am going to find my baby and NOBODY IS GOING TO STOP ME!!!


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