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(Eclipsa's POV)

I had Moon vent her concerns to me and it was about an incident from earlier today with girls in other worlds and a little boy. She couldn't stop thinking about the young lad, but she said he was only a simple human. I tried to see if tea would calm her down, but the poor thing was more uptight than usual. Talking about it didn't do much either, so I was out of ideas for what we could do here. If I could roam more freely then I would suggest a little game to play even if she didn't look like the playful type. There is one more idea.

Eclipsa-Why not just go and visit him? You sent him to his world, so you must know where he is.

Moon-I can't just go to another world to see a little boy that has nothing to do with me! Guards are going to want to come to escort me!

Eclipsa-It seems this boy has more to do with you than you care to admit. It shouldn't be too much of a bother for a quick visit with a guard or two... to another world... to speak to a child. Ok, I see a bit of an issue with the other side.

Moon-*Sigh* Why am I even stressing on this matter? He is just a child my daughter met and stole my guards to secretly search for.

Eclipsa-Hmmmm... Do you know of a spell called the all-seeing eye?

Moon-I am not spying with a spell like that for something like this.

Eclipsa-Then I guess you are just going to have to let this eat away at you until you find whatever it is you are looking for.

My answer unsettled her even more. When I got up to head back to my room I thought about what is so interesting about this little boy... Perhaps I could offer some help to Star in exchange for information. It is annoying to be kept in the dark.

Eclipsa's mind-I'm sure this boy has to be a Darling if he's on Moon's mind like this.

(Eda's POV)

Eda-Try and touch him again. I dare you!

This hussy tried to take my baby from me when I wanted to leave with him back to my place, but Luz got us to keep our hands off each other or in my case, claws from almost transforming. If I had things going my way, I would already be back home with him.

Camila-You are not taking him anywhere!

Luz-Woah, let's not turn this into something ugly!... Eda, this is my mom and this is going a little fast for her.

Eda-I am keeping 'my' baby. End of story!

Camila-What do you know about being a parent?!



The transformation was getting worse, I dashed out of the house and headed back to the door with Luz and her mom chasing after me since I still had my baby. I didn't bother closing the door since I went straight for a potion, but my anger was making everything worse. I kept on drinking potion after potion, but...

(Y/N)-Eda?!... Eda?! *echo*

Eda-*Heavy breathing* *huff* *huff*.

(Kikimora's POV)

I was in a position for this plan to capture the wild witch and had doubts of how this would work since she has the title of the most powerful witch on the isles and we are relying on a simple spell and a net... That was until something busted down the front door and took the owl thing down with it. The monster was big and also without magic.


Kikimora-... Edaline.


Kikimora-This will be too easy now.

That's when I saw Lilith run out and simply restrain The Owl Lady with a net spell while I cast a spell to keep that owl thing busy by battling with slime and illusions for us to make a swift getaway.


Lillith-Hurry, we need to get out of here before-!

Suddenly, a fireball was shot at her, but she barely dodged it and put up a portal to redirect the next one. We looked to see a human with another human that looked out of shape.



I had no reason to engage with such beings, so I deployed a smoke screen to cover our escape. We took the beast with us, but as we ran the owlthing came out of the ground.



Lilith was quick to act with a portal and got its head/body inside to be surrounded by firebees.



We kept on running as fast as we could until we were out of the forest, so we flew all the way to the ship to transport Edaline easily. The monster continued to roar, but then something fell out of her mane and got caught in the net... It was another human and he was completely unconscious.


Kikimora-How many humans did she bring into our world?!

Lilith-It doesn't matter. We will return them to their world after we deal with my sister and her curse.

Soon, the monster that was once a witch stopped her fussing when they wrapped themselves around the small human. Whatever kept them quiet was better than nothing, but I should check if the human was alive at least. I poked them a little to get no reaction from him, but Edaline snapped at me. A bit of a sweet smell came from the monster for a monster and I backed up.

Kikimora-This used to be a witch?... How embarrassing.

(Lilith's POV)

Guilt washed over me a little bit, but I felt better knowing that it would all be over soon. I just didn't expect her emotions to take over like this and kidnap humans. She was very protective and... loving of this human she knocked out. She was licking and nuzzling them whenever we weren't too close to her. When we made it to the capital we had to separate the two, so we had a potion put my sister to sleep. I took the boy from her and a sweet smell hit my nose. It might be a human thing, so I paid it no mind.

Lilith's mind-Where to put you before I bring you home?... Ugh, I guess my room will have to do. I can make a bed on the floor or something.

I took the boy with me and the sweet smell actually made this more tolerable at the moment. I looked at the boy in my arms and he stirred a little before fluttering his eyes open... I couldn't look away as easily as I would have liked for some reason.

(Moon's POV)

I caved and used the all-seeing eye pell to find (Y/N) and put my nerves to rest, but instead, they skyrocketed when I was forced to see a woman with pointy ears holding (Y/N)! I could not explain it, but I felt extremely envious. I focused on the woman right now and glared daggers at her.


Moon's mind-Put him DOWN!!! Why do you have him after I sent him home?! How did you get him?!

My head started to hurt from all of my raging emotions until I saw her enter her room and decided that I have had enough. I rushed off to grab a pair of dimensional scissors, but when I looked at my hand, I looked in the mirror to see that I have transformed.

(Lilith's POV)

I felt conflicted about my new decision, but on the other hand, I would not have to clean up as much later... I put the child in my bed to rest and was about to leave my room when a odd looking portal opened and someone walked out.


???-Give him to me... Now.

(Camila's POV)

Luz and I searched this house for (Y/N), but he was not here, so he must've been taken to who knows where with that woman and monster that attacked us. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest from (Y/N) being gone. I don't understand because I just met him. It was almost like... No, it is like he was my new...


(Luz's POV)

I kept on trying to look through the rubble of the owl house and soon found something dripping blood liquid and it was on a wooden board... It looked like juice, so I wiped up a drop to taste it, but that's when King came out of the rubble and he had a cute on his arm.


King-Ugh... What happened?

Luz-King! You're ok! Eda-! AAAAHHHHHH!!!

A sudden and sharp pain shot through my whole body and I fell to the ground. That's when I saw Mom run into the room and saw me on the floor next to King.


The ringing in my ears was so loud that I could only see their lips move. My eyes were getting really heavy and soon I passed out from the pain.

(Kikimora's POV)

I had the beast chained down and was still sleeping. The emperor's orders are that she is no exception to the rules and will be turned into a statue like all the others. Lilith just won't know about it until he tells her himself. I was thinking about that human boy for some reason, but my thoughts were interrupted by something out of the blue...


Kikimora-What the?!


(Amity's POV)

Willow and I were getting worried and tired of waiting, so we went back to the owl house to see that Hooty was down and the front door was broken and on the ground too. We immediately ran inside to see Luz lying down on the couch while this place looked thrashed.



???-Who's out there?!

We looked in the hallway and soon a woman came out wearing some of Eda's clothes and holding other clothes covered in blue blood.


Amity-... Who are you?!

(Dipper's POV)

Mabel has not been home or anywhere else besides the church a lot lately after someone broke her heart. I was heading there again with some food for her to eat at the very least, but last time I tried to bring her home, she flipped so I decided to let her calm down and bring her back unless I really have to. I entered the church and the priest was not in here right now, but my sister was sitting in the back row in the corner.


Dipper-Hey Mabel. Doing better?


Dipper-Would you at least talk to me about it now?


Dipper-Well... I brought you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some chocolate in case you get hungry... I'm here for you... Hope to see you at home.

I left the church again with no luck. Maybe I should get Wendy to have a girl talk. Stan is not the greatest to approach about this stuff.

(Mabel's POV)

I started eating the food to drown my sorrows, but it did nothing. I just wanted (Y/N) back so bad, but I had no way to find or get to him. Tears poured out of my eyes when I was going to cry again, but then I noticed the room was starting to get more gray and then a light flashed to show...


Bill-Well, hello there, Shooting Star. Why so gloomy?

Mabel-... What do you want?

Bill-Straight to the point, I like it. As someone who is helping a lot in solving the mystery around here, it saddens me to see you stop over something to make you cry. That should be my job, so hows about I help turn that frown upside down by giving you a hand... I just need a favor.

I know who he is, but still...

Mabel-... I want (Y/N) back, but... He was taken to another world.

Bill-Well, what would you know? Going to other worlds is my thing. I just need a connection and if you have it, we can help each other. What do you say?

(Bill's POV)

Sad people are so easy to take advantage of with a few pretty words. I held my hand out to her to make a deal and possess her. She will have my powers and I will bring her little friend here, but afterward, it will be time to fulfill her end of the deal.

Mabel-... Hehehehe... Hahahah! HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

She swiftly took my hand to accept the deal I had made for her, but her laughing was creeping me out and that's coming from me. I felt my power and will flow into her and I felt excited to have my dream come true soon. That's when she glared daggers at me with a smile... I felt her will... it was over powering mine to get out of my decaying dimension to have fun. I focused on overriding her will, but something was wrong... I tried to pull away, but it was too late. We shook hands and the process can not be stopped until someone breaks the deal, but she's doing something with will power alone.

Bill-Hey! Cut it out!

Mabel-Hahahaha! He will be mine! We will have our perfect world! Nobody, not even a magic queen will get in between us! (Y/N) is mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! MIIIINNNEEEE!!!

Her mindscape was starting to pull me into her, but not in a good way.

Bill-No!... No, no, no, no, no, no!

She only gave me one last sadistic smile before I was pulled in and showed chains around my arms and legs... Taking my power.

(Priest's POV)

I was enjoying my lunch when all of the sudden, there was a bright light flashing out of my office, so I went out there to check on the little girl. When I opened the door, I found her in the middle of the walkway on the floor, but she looked different when she got up and looked at me.


???-... Hello... Father.

Priest-Um... Are you-?

???-I'm fine, thank you. In fact, I'm better than before. All thanks to a 'friend'.

She held her hand to point it at me and the last thing I saw was a bright light coming from her.


The Toku-Hero

Things are about to go crazy from here