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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to having something fluffy and warm to cuddle and my back being rubbed and scratched. I opened my eyes to see Rivet smiling down at me while we were snuggled in on her bed. I nuzzled her tail some more while thinking about what happened to me, but she was still very nice. She moved to the back of my head with her robot arm and rubbed my eyes with her fluffy hand to try and wake me up some more. It felt really nice when I closed my eyes and she gently rubbed them, but I didn't want to get up. I was so warm and cozy.

Rivet-Oh Sleepyhead. We gotta get up. ~

(Y/N)-*Groan* Nooo.

Rivet-Come on, you need a bath and I gotta get in one too before nighttime.

I just held her tail a little tighter and she started to tickle me until I let go. She got up out of bed before I could grab her tail again, but when I reached, it made it easier for her to pick me up. I looked over her shoulder a little at her tail moving and reached for it.

Rivet-Geez, you really like my tail.

(Y/N)-I want, fluffy!

Rivet-After your bath and we talk about a few things, you can have my tail back... Now... Do you know how to give yourself a bath?

(Y/N)-... Yeeesss.

Rivert-(Y/N). That was a long yes. I'm not going to laugh at you.

(Y/N)-... Mommy said I don't scrub enough.

Rivert-Well... then I am going to have to help you.

This whole time, I kept on trying to reach for her tail, but then an earring touched me... So I felt her fuzzy ears and they were so soft.

Rivet-*Giggles*. ~

(Rivet's POV)

I found it cute that he loved cuddling with my tail, simply because it was fluffy and now he was playing with my ears by stroking them and binding the tips of them a little. When I turned on the water, he only looked at it and curled up when he saw the steam of hot water, but then I cooled the water down, so he could relax. I put him down and pulled out some more shampoo, conditioner, and soap. He doesn't need much shampoo and conditioner since he only has a head of hair. When I turned back to him, he only had his arms up while looking at me with an innocent gaze.


My heart skipped a beat before I got him ready for the bath with me. His innocence was so cute because there was a look of disappointment in his eyes when my tail got wet and he lost all of the fluff he loved so much, so he just played with the water while I washed him first. He looked at my robot arm again and rolled back to try and play with my fingers in awe.

(Y/N)-Did you always have a robot arm?

Rivet-Not always, but... I got used to it. Now, it's great to have in a fight.

He slipped in the water and onto his back while looking up at me with a smile before the water coming from the shower head bothered him and hid made cute funny faces while struggling to get up. I stood up and washed myself while he used his hands to splash in the water. When we were both done, I got us both dried off, but he needed clean clothes. Until his clothes were clean, I ended him my robe and what happened next made me nearly have a heart attack... Because my robe was fluffy, he rolled around in it on my bed to play and snuggle into it with his laughter and giggles filling the room.

Rivet-*Squeals*! ~

When he stopped to look at me with a smile though...

(Y/N)-When can we go to look for Mommy and Daddy?!

The happy feeling I felt just died. Immediately, I told him what my original plan was.

Rivet-Sweetie, you're hurt still and I think it'll be best for you to stay here and I can go look for them. Those robots are not the only bad guys that I beat up. Meanwhile, I'm sure Mort can get you a nice and cuddly toy while you rest here. ~

(Y/N)-Ok... I want a toy that's fluffy like your tail and ears!

Rivet-*Giggles* You got it. Just lay down in my bed. I'll be right back. ~

I brought myself to give him a kiss on the head and he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek in return which made me blush super hard under my fur.

(Y/N)-Thank you... When I get home, you can come by whenever you want... We can be friends.

Rivet-Right... Friends.

I tucked him in my bed with a teddy bear for him to cuddle with for now. When the door to my room closed after I left, I fell to my knees screaming at how cute and sweet that moment was.

Rivet's mind-How can anyone ever be allowed to be that cute?! Why do they have to be in such a universe where an evil emperor makes life harder for everything he touches?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was humming one of my favorite songs because I was bored in here all alone, but all the fur made it really cozy. When I saw a picture of Rivet with a few people I wondered who they were, but then I felt everything vibrate a little... Does the bed vibrate? There were more vibrations until some kind of portal opened up and something came flying out and hit me in the head.



I kept on crying and holding where I got hit by that STUPID hard thing! I macked it on the bed a time and then accidentally pressed the start button to make it glow.

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was still crying the controller started to glow and the air even started to vibrate. Another light formed around him for the controller to blast him. In an instant, he was gone and the controller rested on Rivet's bed. (Y/N) was dropped into a cold and wet alley with nothing, but a robe that is now soaked in dirty water... It made him cry even more.

(???'s POV)

It was another day on the job. Wake up, take a shower, go to work, handle mission and assignment briefing, arrest criminal scum, paperwork, go home, and go to sleep... It's more complicated than it sounds, especially when it comes to a foolish raccoon and his gang. They even recruited more members or at least that's what sources say, but if I know Cooper, he is preparing for a big heist... I just need to find out what and get ahead of him. It's getting late, so I was just going to get something to eat on the way home. On the way to the restaurant...

???-*Sobbing*! *echo*

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt so cold and dirty. I just had a bath too, so Rivet is going to be mad like Mommy and Daddy would be. How is Rivet even going to find me?! I couldn't stop crying and curled up against the wall while looking around. Everything looked a little blurry with my tears, but then I saw a light in this dark place.

???-Hello?... Come out!

I tried to get up, but the rocks poked my feet, so I couldn't get up. My crying did not stop and then I saw someone come around this big box. They reminded me of Rivet, but they looked more like a fox.


She had a gun and a flashlight out, but I was scared of the gun pointed at me until she put it down and looked confused.

???-What the? *whisper*

A wind came and it felt so cold that my body shivered even more. I started to cough on my crying and it hurt. She knelt down to me and moved the rob for a moment, only to lose it tighter when it opened and I still had no clothes on because Rivet was washing them.

???-Hey, what are you doing here? Who left you here like this?

I couldn't answer, so she wrapped me in her leather coat before she picked me up and started walking off with me.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I had new clothes, and I was wiped down and dried off, but I was in a police officer's office all alone until the fox lady came back with some food. I felt nervous because if you go to a police place, that means you did something bad and I didn't do anything.

???-Are you ready to talk now?... My name is Inspetor Carmelita Fox.

(Y/N)-... I'm (Y/N). *sniffle*... I didn't d-do anything bad.

Carmelita-I know that. I just want to ask you a few questions and then we can go from there, but first... Are you hungry? You like meat, right?

I grabbed the chicken strips and took a bite while they were still warm. I still felt nervous here, but if she's a cop then maybe she can help me find my parents or my new friend. She asked me what happened, so I told her what happened at home, while I was in Rivet's bed, and got into the alley she found me in.

Carmelita-(Y/N), this is not the time or place to make up stories.

(Y/N)-B-But it's true! I swear! A controller hit me, so I hit it and got blasted here!

Carmelita-*Sigh*... We'll come back to this. Now... What species are you?

(Y/N)-What's a species?

Carmelita-It's what you are. Like I am a fox and a police officer could be a bear. What are you?


Carmelita-Human?... I never heard of those. Do you know where you live?

It's my Mommy and Daddy's house, but I have no idea what the address is, so I shook my head no while letting a few tears fall. She saw I was about to cry, so she tried to calm me down... I noticed how huge and fluffy her tail was, but she did something that made me look into her eyes.

Carmelita-Look, I'm off and we have no records on you. We can't put you in an orphanage either for now, so... if you want and behave then you can come with me. Just until we figure things out and find your Mommy and Daddy.

I nodded my head yes and she let me finish my food before she took my hand. We went out the fire escape to avoid everyone and she could jump super high. I held on to her tight when she carried me and landed on the ground. She walked with me holding on to her and now that we were out of the police place... I felt more comfortable to snuggle into her.

(Carmelita's POV)

We could and should have put him in an orphanage since he had nobody to come get him, but I wanted to keep a close eye on this 'human'. Since we left the police station, he's gotten more friendly by nuzzling into me while I carried his tiny frame. When I finally got home, I put him down and he stayed by my side while looking around. He did look really tired too since I could only guess at how long his day was.

Carmelita-Come on. Let's get you ready for bed.

(Y/N)-Umm... Can I sleep with you?... I never slept away from home before.

I looked down at him, taken back by what he said since we just met not even 3 hours ago, but now he trusts me enough to help him sleep.


He did look cute and I felt bad after he said he lost his parents, made a new friend to help find his parents, and then lost them too. His innocence could be seen all over his face which makes me grateful that I am the one who found him on the street and not some heartless criminal who would've seen him as a rare or thought to be extinct or something creature to sell.

Carmelita-Fine. Come along.

I led him to my room and left him before I took a quick shower and dried off with my blow drying, but when I got back in the room, I was greeted with the sight of (Y/N) looking at some of my pictures on the wall instead of being in bed.

(Y/N)-You arrested a lot of bad guys.

Carmelita-That's my job.

(Y/N)-But this guy is so much bigger than you.

Carmelita-Muggshot. He has a few other names, but it ended all the same. Him going to jail where he could cry like a stupid baby all he wants.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* How can you have another name?

Carmelita-Just names more bad people gave him... Come on. You look sleepy.

(Y/N)-Wait. Who is she?

He pointed to a picture and when he did, I felt a little disgust.


Carmelita-... Someone long gone.

I picked him up and took him to my bed with me, but then I lay him down and sat on the side of the bed to check a few things... My tail was suddenly grabbed and I looked back to see (Y/N) happily snuggling it.


He looked at me with a smile like he was doing nothing wrong, but I could arrest him right now for sexual harassment. However...

(Y/N)-Your tail is so fluffy and warm. I love fluffy things, like toys at home. ~

He nuzzled into my fur some more and closed his eyes while treating my tail like a toy he would cuddle with at night. I was about to rip it away and scold him for doing such a thing, but he looked peaceful and tired while drifting off to sleep. It was cute and his innocence from earlier... I'll allow this, but nobody is going to know about this, I lied down to go to sleep. He scooted back into me to be pressed against my body. With his back against me and my tail wrapped in his arms and legs... I put my arm around him.

(Y/N)-Hmmmmm... *Yawn* Goodnight, Carmal latte.

Carmelita-*Giggles* It's Carmelita.

He was so adorable and cuddly as he was interesting. While I was going to sleep, I thought about what his home must be like and took his story out of context... That's when I started to piece a few things together in my head.

Carmelita's mind-A controller coming out of a portal to hit him... I have seen weird things, so even if the portal was true... a game controller from his father's console was oddly specific... Are his parents abusive?

My mind would not stop thinking about this and to hurt such a sweet little boy... I arrested abusive parents before and left their children, hurt, scared, and confused. Now, I have an image in my head of his parents throwing a game controller at his head to hurt him... I have to look into this some more, but for now, I just rubbed his belly to cuddle and he sweetly snuggled into me some more... A smile curved onto my face.

(Mort's POV)

Moments ago, we were all so happy for Rivet saving and helping a little boy of a species we never heard of before. She only came to us asking for a few stuffed animals... Now, she was running around at night being completely worried and stressed about the missing boy. I even got news that during the search with her, Mort, Mort, and Mort that she eventually broke down crying, so they took her back home to rest.

Mort's mind-Poor Rivet... Hope she's doing better.

(Rivet's POV)

I was screaming and crying after everyone told me just to rest, but how could I?! I left for not even 30 minutes and it's like (Y/N) suddenly vanished! When I got off my couch and slowly walked over to bed, leaving behind a trail of tears, I found something underneath my unmade blankets.


Rivet-*Sniffle* Huh... What is this thing?

It looked like it was made for games, but this symbol... Some people do a crime and leave behind a mark. All these thoughts filled my head and it became clear to me. (Y/N) wasn't just missing or wondered off...



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