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(Vita's POV)

Everything was all done and filed for me to take my new pet home. I don't have a name for him yet, but first things first, I need to find out more about what he eats and needs. I already have a pet bed, there's a room at home that I don't even use because I was barely home long enough to use anything else, sedative bath soap, and I have a food and water bowl with a tiny cup because of his lack of a snout and he uses his hands to eat. I just might have to teach him to use the cup. I just need toys for him and maybe I can give him basic puzzle boxes with treats in them for a reward. During the drive home, I think the little guy tuckered himself up from panicking about being locked in a carrier. I checked on him at red lights and his back was showing signs of breathing while he lied on the fleece blanket. He was still whining too.

Vita-We're almost to your new home. After that, I have a whole room for you that I can work on feeling with things for you to do. Let's just get you there and you can adjust to it.

(Noah's POV)

I felt so tired and thirsty from screaming, but I just could not get out of here no matter how hard I tried. The car ride felt super long with that ship ride and that time in that building to put me in this thing with a giant pet bed. When the car stopped again, the blue alien did other things which made me look at her. This time she opened the car door and grabbed a few bags before grabbing my cage. We left the car and I saw a house that we were going to. When we went inside, I hid under the blanket some more. Soon the cage was put down and I heard other noises before there was a few taps on the cage with some of the clicking sounds and weird sounds from the alien. I didn't want to come out until I heard the sound of water pouring and there was a smell of something yummy after. My tummy growled, but...

Noah's mind-This could be a trap... Just wait until she's gone.

I waited until I didn't ere anything for a while and when I peeked out, I saw a bowl of water with a cup next to it and another bowl of fruit. I never saw that kind of fruit before, but it smelled kind of sweet from here. I slowly left the cage and looked for the alien, but then heard footsteps outside of the room, so I went to the bowls and tried the fruit first. When I did...

Noah's mind-This tastes like strawberries! Super tasty strawberries!

I ate some more and used the cup to get some water until my hunger went away, so I wanted to go back into hiding. That's when the blue alien came back in to see me at the bowls still, so I quickly ran away to hide in the bed and blanket. Soon, I felt her petting me from outside the blanket until...

(Vita's POV)


I pulled my hand out of the carrier when he freaked out from my goodbye to him. I'll do something slower-paced for when I come back for the taming and bonding process. I just closed the door to his room to let him explore while I was gone and be safe in that empty room. I had my list on my phone to make sure I got everything. When I left my house to go to the pet store, I got a call from my friend Clove, so I answered it.


Clove-Hey, are you off work, yet?

Vita-Yeah. I even got a week off, so the new guy could get trained by someone else... Also, traveling to a restricted area makes a lot of extra work afterward.

Clove-What are you going to do for your week off? We can go somewhere.

Vita-I... actually got a pet.

Clove-Hey, good for you! What did you get?!

Vita-A creature called a human. He is around 5 or 6 and just... very timid right now.

Clove-You got an exotic pet from your job?!

Vita-Yeah. I just need a bit to get him somewhat adjusted. He yipes super loud whenever I touch or even try to touch him.

Clove-Well, when he is somewhat adjusted, Sola would love to have a new friend. Is he bigger or smaller than her?... Does he have a name?

Vita-I don't have a name, yet. He makes it a bit past my ankles.

Clove-*Gasp* Can you send me a picture?! ~

Vita-Um... I don't have a picture of him on my phone, yet.

Clove-Vita! How can you claim to have a pet and not take pictures of them?!

Vita-I'll try to get on when I get back home. He mostly hides under a blanket anyway.

Clove-I don't even know what a human looks like. Give me details!

Vita-Well... He has hair on his head like us, has an odd shading of skin, two eyes, he's bipedal-.

I went on with the description of my new pet until I made it to the pet store.

Vita-Hey, I just got to the store. If anything, come by tomorrow in the afternoon or something.

Clove-Ok... I'm serious about the picture. Bye.

She hung up and I went inside and the first thing that I needed was a collar and leash that I would like him to wear. After looking at a whole aisle of collars, I found one that I liked best and picked it out.


I got a matching leash for it too before I went into the toy aisle and thought I would start off with simple toys he could freely play with and I found a few things before I looked at some puzzling toys.


The stuffed animal looked cute and it had a substance to make it warmer or cooler on skin contact to adjust to what the holder would like. Sounds like the perfect toy for him to cuddle with.

Vita's mind-Ok... After a few puzzle toys, I could look into a better blanket and maybe a comfier-looking bed frame... What else?... Maybe a camera to monitor his room.


(Noah's POV)

I tried to find a way to escape this room, but the door handle was too high. I still had some food and water, but I wanted to get out of this house and go somewhere that nobody could find me. That's when I heard a door open out there, so I went back into the bed to hide before I heard the door in here open. I didn't peek out to see what the blue alien was doing no matter what I heard until she later tapped on the cage and something rolled over me. I looked to see that it was a ball.


I saw other things in this room now, like a matt, a new self with a heated candle on it, a box with a picture of a circle bed frame, a drawer with weird stuff on it that looked like a puzzle on each of the 9 drawers, and a few more bags. She was getting to work on the stuff right now and the door was closed. She wasn't looking at me and got more stuff out of the bags... The first was the bed frame and a comfier-looking blanket. She then took the top cover of my cage off which made me make a run for it to the other side of the room. She didn't try to grab me, but she took the big pet bed out and put it on the frame to fit it just right. She put the better blanket on it too before she put the cage back together and put it in the closet. She put more things together, but I snuck back over to the bed.

Noah's mind-It's... fluffier.

She came over real fast with another toy, but didn't touch me with it... It was a stuffed animal.


I stayed in bed while she put the dresser, some chocolate or candy in each drawer, another bigger dresser for her that she put some tiny clothes and other stuff in, put all the trash in a bag to take it out came back, closed the door, and had some cooked meat with her. She put it in a small bowl and put it in front of her before she went on her phone... It smelled good, but I would have to go over there by her to get some... I held my new stuffed animal close.

(Vita's POV)

I read about this. You made a very good-smelling and tempting treat. Put it next to you, do not pay attention to the scared animal, and let them come to you on your own time. It could be a while, so you would want to have something to do and it shows them you are distracted. I saw I had his attention and he didn't notice I had taken a picture of him in bed and sent it to Clove. We spent a while chatting and I said that I got a few things for him. I gave her a temporary link to my camera that I stuck on the wall in here. I have 2 other 360 cameras, but this should let her see me, my pet, his toy dresser, his bed, some other toys I had in a bucket for him to not overwhelm him right now, and his play mat. I even told her that I got 5 outfits for him that go well with his collar and leash, a sedative heated candle with wax, some towels of his own, a few blanket coats for cuddling warmly with me later, some medicine increase he gets sick, and the cage cover for his bed that I will put on later tonight made out of hard light when you turn it on.

Clove's text-Vita, he looks adorable!

Vita's text-Just wait until I get some clothes on him after his bath later.

Clove's text-I tried to show Sola, but she's busy with her toy egg she loves to protect. She'll be different when she meets someone so tiny to her. Lol.

Vita's text-So, how's your brother?

Clove's text-Vox is doing fine. He's trying to get some extra hours to save up for a new game.

I thought about how her brother was a gamer, but he was also a trainer at a gym with his best friend. Really nice guy though. I snapped out of my thoughts when Clove texted me again.

Clove's text-He's coming out! He's getting closer to you!

That reminded me that I didn't have a name for him still, so I asked Clove if she had any ideas. I looked up the planet he came from, but that was no help.

Clove's text-What about Zeb?

Vita's text-He doesn't look like a Zeb to me.

Clove's text-Zeb has a look to it?

We pitched ideas back and forth, but when I noticed my new pet was eating. I looked at him for a moment trying to pull the bowl back with him. I hooked my finger onto the bowl and he only whined before he just took a few pieces and backed away to eat them. It was honestly, really cute. I looked more into his planet and tried to use the translator, but the computer could only take bits and pieces... Even then it didn't make any sense. I took a couple of letters from different words to line them up and it came up as...

Vita-Justin... Weird name... Then again, this is a unique pet.

Me saying something out loud on accident made my pet jump a little and run back with more food. I pitched the idea to Clove and how I got the name... She liked it.

Vita's mind-Justin it is then.

After a while, I used an app on my phone to turn on the sedative candle and left to have Justin relax and nap for a little while. I'm going to have some me time before I give him a bath later and then dress him while he is still sedated. After 30 minutes, my cameras showed me Clove was off the camera links now and Justin was snuggling with his toy in bed.

Vita-Hmm... Cute... Have a good nap, Justin. ~

(Noah's POV)

There was a sweet smell in this room that was making me really sleepy, so I snuggled with my new toy, on my new bed to sleep. I didn't think I could sleep here, but now it was super hard to stay awake for some reason. This bed felt more comfy than the one back at the orphanage... No bullies around to bother me when I go to sleep and with my mind getting fuzzier and fuzzier... I loved my new toy even more when it warmed up.

Noah-So... *yawn* cozy.

My eyes could not open anymore and I went to sleep.


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