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(Pacifica's POV)

I ordered food to my room and shared a tiny bit with (Y/N) and his tiny cheeks looked so adorable when he was chewing! He couldn't use a fork or spoon, so he had to use his hands to eat which made him messy with food on his hands and a bit on his clothes. He is not getting on my bed or anything else like that, so after we were done eating, I hid him in the bathroom, called a butler to clean up this mess, and then turned on the sink for a bath for him... I never did this before, but the bath looks way too big for him. When it felt warm enough I got a few things ready before I turned to him.

Pacifica-Hey... This isn't going to be fun for me either, but these are all way too big for you.

(Y/N)-Umm.. Can't we just use a bowl?

Pacifica-Don't have one and I don't need people asking questions. Just... Come here.

I grabbed him gently and he... cutely squirmed in my grasp before I snapped out of it. I took his clothes and put him in the water while putting his clothes in there with him.

Pacfica's mind-I wonder if this is how pet owners feel about bathing their pets themselves... It's work, but... kind of fun.

(Mabel's POV)

I was in Lazt Susan's Diner with this new girl named Star and she wanted to talk about (Y/N), but she also someone saw him in a big and fancy room. When I asked her how she showed me she could do magic by making a puppy with laser eyes! They were adorable as they were destructive but that still didn't explain how she knew where he was. All she said was...

Star-It takes a lot out of me and I can't really show it off, but he is in a big room that looks like it belongs in a giant's castle. Do you know anywhere like it?

Mabel's mind-... Pacifica.

She does have and when she found him she wanted to keep him from me! SHE EVEN TOOK MY FLASHLIGHT!!! I slammed my hands down on the table in fury and for once, I just didn't want to hurt Pacfica's reputation... I WANTED REALLY HURT HER!!!

Mabel-What is the biggest explosion you can make?!

Star-Woah, I don't wanna blow him up! Just tell me where he is.

Mabel-I'm coming with you!

Star-... No, you're not.

Mabel-Yes, I am!

Star-'No'... You're not.

She was getting mad, but so was I. She was magic too, so I can't beat her like this, but I know how to find out things on my own. I can tell her where to go, but she doesn't need to know that I'm going to follow her. When she gets there, I will take what is 'mine'.

Mabel's mind-After so many failed summer romances... You're not taking the cutest boy away from me.

(Pacifica's POV)

I got (Y/N) all clean and tried to dry his clothes with my hair dryer and they didn't look like they were completely clean, but better than having food on them. When his clothes were all dry, I let him get dressed and he looked as good as new.


Pacifica-Ok... Now, what to do next? ~

(Y/N)-I want to be big again and you said you knew someone!

Pacifica-Oh... Well, I can give him a call. Wait here.

I needed time to think of something to say to him without being suspicious. I pulled the flashlight out and shined the pink light at the wall. After that, I played with the crystal and turned on the light again in the hallway by my parent's favorite room... Only this time the light was blue.


I flashed it a few time and went the light hit a mirror... it grew and made a painting big too. I froze for a moment before turning the crystal again and it was pink to shrink the mirror and painting until light made it shink in a smaller area and ripped it.


I freaked out and ran away from the scene and hopefully, I won't be blamed for that. I tried to figure out what I was going to tell (Y/N) again because this is the first because I don't have to worry about being someone I'm not and truly dependent on me.

(Pricilla's POV)

When I heard a rip from down the hall, I came across my favorite white room with a patterned carpet. A painting was torn and with all the staff in a meeting and my husband wine tasting in the garden...


I walked around and called her name, wishing I had the bell on me. When I finally found her, she was standing stiffly like she knew she had done something wrong.


Pricilla-Young lady! What did you do to the painting in our favorite room?! That is 2 calls' worth of work to replace! What were you thinking?!

Pacifica-I-I didn't-.

Pricilla-*Sigh* Honestly. Your father will be most displeased when he hears about this. What else are you hiding?

Pacifica-Nothing, Mom.

Pricilla-We'll just see what the staff find and what I find in your room.

The reaction I got from her said it all. She was indeed hiding something from me and I was going to find out what it was. I started to walk to her room and she tried to stop me.

Pacifica-Mom, wait! It was just the painting I swear!

Pricilla-I will just see what it is and let your father know. He will deal with you afterward.

Pacifica-Mom, you can't do this! You don't understand!

Pricilla-I will see soon enough.

She kept on trying to talk me out of this, but I would not even let her finish. Everything was under control until I made it to the hallway of her room.

Pacifica-I... I said... STOP!!!

In that moment a pink light shined on me and everything was getting bigger. I lost my composure in fear and confusion, but when I turned back to my daughter my heart sank... I was speechless while she looked as furious as she was giant to me.


Pacifica-Nobody... IS TAKING HIM FROM ME!!!

She lifted her foot and before I could scream, she slammed it over me.


(Pacifica's POV)

I took a moment to catch my breath before I cleaned this mess up myself to keep others from seeing this. At that moment, I heard the doorbell ring and with no staff in sight, I went to answer it myself. They just had a bit of a wait until I finally made it to the door and opened it.


???-Hi... Got a moment?

I had no patience for this right now and I don't care who she was or why she was here. I just want to go back to my room and lie down while holding my... new pet.

Pacifica-If you have business with my father, I can give you a number to call.

???-No, no, no... I'm looking for someone. A little boy.

Pacifica-Never saw anyone.

I closed the door on her and took a breath before I headed back to my room. The only things that excited me right now are other things I can do with (Y/N). Like snuggling with him when growing him to a perfect height for cuddling, or shrinking him to put him in my pocket. All of this and more brought a smile onto my face, but someone else could ruin this...


I looked at the flashlight and knew what I had to do first.

(Star's POV)

I know that he has to be here and if this hussy wants to play dirty, I can play this game too. I pulled out my mirror and called one of the guards that one of the girls were with and told him that I found (Y/N) and to bring others. The last person I called was...


Star-Hi, Mommy. ~

Mom-... What happened?

Star-Whaaat? Nothing... I just called to say that I may or may not have 'borrowed' a few guards and will need a little bit of your help to clean things up. Please, don't be mad. ~ *squeak*

Mom-You. What?!

Star-Ok, so I have some explaining to do, but I promise this is to help someone!

Mom-You are darn right you have some explaining to do!

Star-And I will!... In person, but it's a matter of someone kidnapping a little boy and he really needs my help! It's just that magic in this world did something to him and I don't know how to undo it!

Mom-... *Sigh* You and I are going to have a 'long' talk about this later.

Star-Thank you, Mommy!... Also, I have a few friends and an old woman from another magical world who will be here when you come. Good talk, byeeee. ~


I hung up and I was going to get it later, but for now...

Star-I don't know who you are,... but I take what's mine.

(No POV)

Star was waiting for guards to come when she ran off into the woods without noticing Mabel was stalking her and had a steak knife from the diner in her pocket. With things in motion, it comes down to who wants (Y/N) more in the end.


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