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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up feeling a little dizzy and tired, but I was on top of sitting soft and fuzzy. My memories came flooding back and I jolted up to see I was in a jar with a hole cut open at the top. I was also in something while moving around. I tried to get out when my breathing got faster and I screamed for help. The more I tried to hit the jar, the more tired and frustrated I got and then the bag moved a lot more, like it got swung a little. The top was opened and I saw Mable at the top of the open bag... SHE WAS HUGE NOW!!!


Mable-Great, you're awake! We're almost at my friend's house!... Gerta said she misses you. ~

I have no idea who that is, but then I noticed a crystal tied to a flashlight in here with me... There were also extra clothes, I was lying on top of a glove, and there were boy magazines.



She closed the bag and I think she was starting to run to get there faster. Any plan I could really think of didn't get me out of here, but I remember the crystals. There were pink and blue lights, so maybe the blue light could make me grow. I just have no idea where they are now. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Mabel run into someone and the hit made me fly and hit the glass when she dropped her bag.

???-Ugh, watch where you're going!

Mabel-Oh... Pacifica.

Pacifica-Where did you get a bag like mine?! Did you steal it?!

Mabel-No... I got it from a store that was nearly torn to pieces.

Pacifica-Well, keep your little knock-off weird stuff away from my make-up!

The bag was picked up and Mabel started walking... A mini mirror slipped in here and I tried to keep my crying completely silent. Soon, I heard something that made this bad situation worse.

Pacifica-Butler, I'm ready to go home.

(Y/N)'s mind-THAT'S NOT MABEL!!!

The drive started and I was panicking more and more, but then I thought of something. When the bag fell, the stuff in her helped the jar get loose. I can use the glove to protect my hands when I grab the sharp hole to screw it open to get out! I can sneak away from how small I am! I put my plan into action, but no matter how hard I try... It won't move. Suddenly, I heard doors open and close, so I was running out of time, so I tried even harder... Nothing. The bag was put down and opened. When it did, I saw who must be... Pacifica.




(Star's POV)

Marco is leading more soldiers to other universes to search for (Y/N) and we couldn't take that much without my mom finding out. Dad can't find out either because he might tell her. Besides, I was used to this kind of stuff and could do this all on my own to cover more ground. I got to another world and this one looked like I was in the woods, but I found a few gnomes running by... Their height reminded me of Polly and she said that (Y/N) made a portal, but dropped the scissors on accident during the attack... I still felt a little angry at her and nearly blasted her with a spell from one of my other grandmas.

Star-Focus Star...If I were the cutest thing in every universe and landed in this world scared and... wanting to be held by me... Where would be the next best place?

I tried to look for a town, but with no sign of that right now I decided to bust out the big guns... The All-Seeing Eye. When I did, I saw... something like a jar under a towel which made me confused.

Star-Um, magic... I want to see (Y/N)!... Let's try this again.

This spell takes a lot out of me, so maybe I did something wrong. When I cast the spell again, it was the same view. I was getting really angry and thought that this was all Polly's fault, but then I saw someone come into the room he was in.


???-It's nothing Mom! I just need a few minutes!

???-Pacifica, you never say no to our chocolate fudge.

Pacifica-I'm going on a diet right now. I just want to catch up on a show.

It sounded like her mom left her alone and then she pulled the towel off the jar and it showed...


Star-MY CUTIE!!!

He looked so small and in a jar, so he had to be in a giant's world, but just then I heard a town bell ring to where I could hear it from my side and the portal... HE'S HERE!!! I was going to call others, but... I could have him all to myself.

Star-I break into places all the time.

(Pacifica's POV)

This has to be another weird thing from this town, but I had never seen anything like this since the mini-golf game with Mabel. I finally unscrewed the jar and brought him his water I poured into a doll cup. He wanted a few refills from his screaming and crying before...

Pacifica-Alright, talk. Why... are you like this? What is your name?

???-... (Y/N)... Mabel used the crystal on the flashlight in her bag to do this to me.

I looked in her bag and pulled out the flashlight with a crystal tapped to it like he said. I turned it on and it showed a pink light that shrunk a chair I had in here to his size. This surprised me, so I dropped it. This is so like that she and her brother have something like this! Still...

Pacifica-She shrunk you?! She's weird, but not cruel!

(Y/N)-Sh-She did, but I saw one with a blue light... If I can get back to them, I can get back to my normal height.

Pacifica-No. No, no. No! Last time I was on an 'adventure' with her, I almost got killed by living golf balls.

Just then he looked hurt and tried to beg for my help. A part of me did feel a little sorry, but not enough to go look for magic-shrinking crystals and possibly end up like him. He kept on begging me, but I just grabbed him with one hand and planned to hand him over to Dipper for help.

Pacifica-Listen to me! You can beg me all you like, but... I...

He smelled a little sweet and for a second, I lost my train of thought and the small part of me wanting to help was getting bigger.


I put him back down grabbed the flashlight off the ground and put it on my table.

Pacifica-Stop that!


Pacficia-Stop with the puppy eyes! I can't think straight!... Ugh! I'm taking this stupid flashlight to Dipper! Wait here!

(Y/N)-B-But what if someone comes in?!

This feeling in my chest made this so tempting, but annoying at the same time when I tried to fight it. I grabbed him again, opened up my jacket, put him in the pocket inside, and... He felt so good up against me. This made it really hard to start even the least bit mad at him for making me do this.

Pacifica's mind-Get a hold of yourself! Just get this over with and get rid of... get rid... STOP!!!

Pacifica-Stay in there and stay quiet. Dipper is Mabel's brother and if she did this, you don't want her catching you. Same with my family and staff.

I held the flashlight tighter as I forced myself to leave with him. This feeling only kept on getting stronger, so I made myself more angry to stay angry... The sweet smell just calmed me down and (Y/N) was on my mind... The thought of turning him over really bothered me. I made it to the main gate to leave the manor and saw Mabel running up the path, so I tucked the flashlight behind me. She will probably go crazy with her weirdness again with this thing. Only good thing is that she had my bag with her.


Mabel-Pacifica! Pacifica!

She made it right in front of me before she stopped to catch her breath. I only took my make-up back from her.

Mabel-*Phew* We got our bags mixed up and I 'REALLY' need mine back!... You didn't look inside, did you?!

This is actually looks like a chance... Just give him to her, she clearly wants him, so you will be out of this completely!... HAND HIM OVER!!!

Pacifica-... I did. All I saw was random junk and an empty bug jar.


Pacifica-I was just about to come get my make-up back from you, but it looks like you saved me a trip. If you want your bag back, my butler will-.

She only ran off to what I knew was looking for (Y/N). I then felt his tiny body shift in my pocket and a warm feeling embarrassed my body... It felt like being cuddled by a hundred adorable puppies.

Pacfica's mind-You win... But I will help you my way.

I headed back inside and I had a butler toss her bag out here, so I could have my room all to myself... Excluding, (Y/N). I never did or felt a feeling this strong before, so I took (Y/N) out to just look at him.


He looked a little shy, but also relieved.

(Y/N)-Thanks for not showing me to her.

Pacifica-Uh... Yeah. I'm going to go get something to eat.

(Star's POV)

I found the town and I just need to find a castle that looks big and fancy... Why couldn't it be in the sky like all good castles? I kept on looking around turn, but then I started to hear someone. This made my chest feel a sharp emotional pain and worry.

???-(Y/N)! *in the distance*

I started to run at whoever that was, hoping it was another soldier from my kingdom. I was wrong... I saw a girl in a shooting star sweater calling out for 'my' (Y/N).


(Mable's POV)

With his height, he could be anywhere and even hurt! Pacifica wouldn't get involved in anything like this willingly, but I don't know how he could get out! The lid has two layers on it! 1 to screw off the sides and the other pops off! She didn't look like she knew anything either, so he must be in town since I knew I had him with me out of the shack... I watched him sleeping in the forest.

Mabel-(Y/N)!... (Y/N)!!!


I turned around to see who said that and if they were talking to me. I saw a girl in fun-looking clothes and she was clearly looking at me while she walked up.


???-Hey, I heard you were looking for someone... Mind if we have a 'tiny' little talk?


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