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(Marcus's POV)

I made it home and I felt like I had died and gone to heaven... My wife and her friends were completely naked, and June looked so cute hiding behind Betsy. They all wanted to start off with a tease while they fed me my own special batch of cookies and they were edible to really make me relax. I have to be the luckiest man in the whole world right now because nothing beats 7 sexy as hell women catering to you. To think any kid can have their company so much and take it for granted. Finally, Kinsley got in front of me and swayed her ass seductively.

Kinsely-Do you like what you see?... From all of us? ~


Kinsely-Remember when we first got married and how I wanted a baby? ~

Marcus-Yeeeaaaahhh... You get to be a mom now.

Kinsely-I do and I get to share it with my friends... I just got some bad news too. ~

She twerked in front of me a little while Bri came up by my side and jiggles her boobs for me.

Bri-There's only room for one baby here. ~

Marcus-*Snicker* I'm the man of this house. Ok.

Kinsely-You know what a man does?... Manages his marriage, makes his woman happy, and doesn't go out to fuck other women while leaving her alone... That's a pimp.

She sat on the coffee table in front of me and when I tried to get up to reach for her, Betsy grabbed my shoulders from behind to pull me back to the couch. She gave me another cookie, but this one tasted really weird... I still ate it though. I just felt so fucking high and chill right now.

Kinsely-I'm done.

Marcus-Done?... What do you mean?

Kinsely-I mean that I am done with your womanizing, big ego, dick for brain, stupid ass.

I would be insulted by that, but I still just felt so chill and relaxed right now. I still thought about the promise they all made.

Marcus-Sooo... When do I get to-?

Kinsely-You are not touching any of us and none of us are touching you.

Marcus-But you said-.

Kinsely-And you said that this will all be taken care of, but my baby would have to go up on that stage and cry all over again! I was forced to marry you, stupid to trust you with this, and I am sick of having to baby someone that I don't even care about!

I'm starting to piece things together, but I still could not get mad at all... In fact, I fell sick... Like I am getting really sick. Betsy gagged me from behind and Bri and Miley held me still while Ruth gave Kinsely a knife...


That fucker looks very sharp and pointy... I felt something else kick in my stomach before I was dragged outside my everyone and Rose set up a plastic cover on the cold hard concrete. My legs were opened and Kinsely stomped on me which made me puke into the gag.

Kinsely-You are going to be the first one to go... (D/N) will keep you company in hell.

She pick the knife under my balls as I was choking on my puke still...I couldn't breath or scream, but this hurt so FUCKING BAD!!! Everyone held me still and the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes one final time was... everyone was smiling.

(Timeskip to Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)


Rose gave me another bite of yummy pancakes that Kinsely made. I had a good sleep last night, so I get to skip my nap later if I want, but I plan to play more games with everyone. After I finished my pancakes and bottled milk Rose gave me to Ruth to cuddle with her tail while we played, but it was only me and her. Everyone else was getting ready to go somewhere and then Mommy Kinsely came in with June.


Kinsely-Hey, Sweetie. Mommy and some of her friends are going to meet with (D/N).

(Y/N)-... What? H-He's going to hurt you!

Kinsely-It's going to be ok aaaannnd... June and Ruth are going to be here watching you. ~

June-Isn't that fun? We get to play video games and do whatever we like.

(Y/N)-But I don't want you going to see him! Why do you need to go?!

Kinsely-You remember when the mean judge told you to go up on stage all alone... and how scary it was? ~


Kinsely-We are going to talk like adults, so we can settle this outside of court and you won't have to go up on stage anymore. ~

I didn't want to go up there again, but...

(Y/N)-What if he's mad and tries to hurt you like he did to June?

Kinsely-We have Betsy coming with us and there won't be violence anyway. Just a nice and easy talk between adults. We'll be back as soon as we can. ~

She gave me a kiss on my head before they left, so it was just me, June, and Ruth. We played games together, but I couldn't really focus on playing because what if Daddy does do something... I don't want anyone getting hurt. Ruth wiggled her tail a little to brush me and look up at her.

Ruth-Honey. Are you worried about the others? ~


June-They're gonna be fine... If you can't play then how about we go to your room with some relaxing music. ~

Ruth-I can even give you a massage. ~

June picked me up while Ruth turned the game off and they both took me to my room and June got in the crib with me. Ruth put on some relaxing music and put the bars completely down. June put me on my belly and nuzzled into my side while Ruth was getting things from around the house to give me the massage.

June-Sorry that playtime didn't work out for you today... For lunch, I can make you a nice grilled cheese sandwich with homemade tomato soup. ~

(Y/N)-... Ok... Can you rub my neck a little? Until Ruth comes back.

She kissed the back of my head before she started to rub my neck with 3 fingers. I nuzzled into her some more and then Ruth came in, closed the door, and dimmed the lights. It made it easier on my eyes and more relaxing for the massage. I even felt that she turned the heater on because she took off my shirt and it didn't feel that cold.

(Y/N)-Hmmmm. ~

((D/N)'s POV)

I got Kensely to come over and planned to make it clear that she would give me 'my' son back then never see him again... Right now, Betsy was holding me upside down and over a freshly boiled pot of water. All the power I had was out the window, so I need to get out of this and then go to the police. I looked around at all the girls and tried to be a friend.


(D/N)-H-Hey, it doesn't have to go like this! We can work something out!

Kinsely-You and a judge make our baby cry, you try to rape my employee, deny that you did it, and now you want to talk?

I was about to say something else, but I just got gagged by Bri and she and Miley held my arms. Betsy grabbed my did and balls to squeeze them so hard that...



(D/N)-Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! *muffled*

Betsy-That's fer trying tah rape mah girl.

I tried to get out of this, but the pain was too much and they still would lot let me move. Rose came by with a syringe and injected something into my neck. After a few moments, I could not move or even scream, but I could still feel 'everything'.

Bri-We are going to tell you how things are going to go.

Miley-We even got a friend to go bye-bye with you.

They both left and soon came in with the judge completely unconscious and dropped him next to me wearing gloves this time.

Rose-You know, we make it a point to learn about fire safety to teach to the kids... Did you know some people leave the stove on and after that, it just takes one spark to burn down a house?

I felt my heart sink and I was sweating bullets because of the steam from the boiling water, but I would be doing it either way right now.

Kinsely-It makes sense, really. You, your lawyer, and the judge played dumb to the rape charges and tried to take (Y/N) away from a loving home to get money from the state. You and the judge meet up after a few texts over the phone and delete the text history to meet up in secret. After a few drinks, illegal drugs, and carelessness to fire safety, the house burned down and you both were too drunk to get away. With the lawyer out there all alone and without your testimony, it's only a matter of time before the evidence piles up, he loses his license and goes to jail for fraud.

(D/N)'s mind-WHAT?!?!?!

Kinsely-Don't worry about (Y/N) and here's a little fact you might like to know. ~

She showed me a bit more of her body in a seductive way.

Kinsely-He's a cuddle bug... Betsy. ~

My head was dunked in the boiling water and I could not even scream no matter how badly I wanted to. I didn't know what was worse, the boiling water going into my nose or it burning my face as I was drowned. I heard them talking and soon saw the blood from my balls reach the water to make it red... the last color I ever saw before I was engulfed in pain and darkness.

(June's POV)

I took my clothes off to keep the oil off of them since (Y/N) still wanted to snuggle into me during his massage. Ruth was so good with him and while he was not getting sleepy, he was open to watching a cartoon on my phone during the massage, so we turned off the music. I looked up to Ruth when she soon stopped and got up to wipe her hands on a towel.


Ruth-Let's let the oil sit until the episode is over and then take a bath. After that, it will be a good time for the lunch you promised him.

He looked a little excited by that and when his show was over, I carried him to the bath and let Ruth get the bath ready. We got in first with her right behind us to get the oil off of him and me. Ruth even got some oil on her legs. After we were all clean, Ruth took (Y/N) to let me go cook for him.

Ruth-Hey, let's give Mommy Kinsely a call. She might be on her way home by now. ~

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Call her, call her!

It made me feel so warm inside at how much he loves and feels attached to us. When I started the homemade tomato soup by putting the ingredients in a filter, I heard Kinsely and the others on speaker from the living room.


Ruth-I got someone who wants to say hi. ~

(Y/N)-Hi, Mommy!

Kinsely-Hi, Sweetie. ~

(Y/N)-Are you done with Daddy, yet? Are you ok?

Bri-Awwwww. Were you worried about us? ~

Betsy-Don't worry yer little head, Hun. He just said he was leaving state and will never bother you again. ~


Rose-That's right, but we are going to be a while before we get home. Keep a spot on the couch and be ready for cuddles. ~

Miley-We're still gonna play together. You'll be on my team though.


Kinsely-Well, we gotta go. (D/N) is making a goodbye dinner, so we better leave. I bet he's never touched a kitchen before, so he'll just make a mess.

(Y/N)-When you get home, can we bundle up together in a pile again?

Kinsely-Tonight for bedtime, Honey. We love you. ~

(Y/N)-I love you too... Bye.

A smile curved onto my face and then I turned on the blender. While cooking, I looked out to see (Y/N) being able to play again now that his father is completely out of the picture.


I couldn't bring myself to see him again, but knowing that he's gone and in hell makes me feel butterflies in my stomach.

June's mind-I hope you can look up at us from hell... (Y/N) can get really cuddly at times with the body you desperately wanted... Mine. ~

(No POV)

Things were coming to an end in this chapter of (Y/N)'s life while another was just beginning. The girls were stagging the last bit of evidence before leaving the stove on to burn the house down when they left. June and Ruth were both feeding and adoring (Y/N) in his high chair while both hoped that Marcus and (D/N) could see this... (Y/N) was their baby now and 'nobody' was going to get a hold of them without going 'bye-bye' too.



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