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((Y/N)'s POV) Age: 6

Mommy and Daddy were arguing over money again even after we did so much to try and save money. We moved out here into the woods, they work jobs online and on the phone, but Daddy doesn't like Mommy talking very nice to other people on the phone. I tried to help out too and today was St. Patrick's Day which gave me an idea from the internet. If you reach the end of a rainbow, a leprechaun will you his pot of gold. They can also be very tricky, but it's a rule to give you the pot of gold and with all that gold, we will never have to worry about money ever again. While they were busy, I put on a green shirt and ran outside to go look into the sky for a rainbow. That was hard with all of the trees in the way, so I went to the lake where I could see more... There was still no rainbow.

(Y/N)-Ugh... What does it take to find a rainbow on St. Patrick's Day?

I kept on walking around while looking at the sky, but then I did see something... Just barely, but I followed it as it got brighter and brighter... IT WAS A RAINBOW!!! I ran as fast as I could, but then took breaks until I saw a ray of sunshine through the dark trees shine into an empty field... I made it out there and... The rainbow was gone and there was nothing here. I tried to look for it again... Nothing, so I just kicked the grass a little before I started to leave.

???-Awwww, why so sad, Lad?

I turned back to see someone in the middle of the empty field and she was sitting on... A POT OF GOLD WITH A RAINBOW COMING OUT!!!


I was frozen and was so happy and surprised that I didn't know what to say or do. She only smiled at me before getting up from her pot of gold.

???-Yah be lookin' for lil' ol' me?

(Y/N)-... I-I-... Yes!

???-Nooooo... Yah want me pot o' gold... Am I right? Yah heard that it is a rule... Find the leprechaun at the end of a rainbow an' yah get their pot o' gold.


???-They all think that... But yah won't be getting the pot.

(Y/N)-What?... But it's a rule.

???-Allow me to introduce meself, Lad. Name's Clover.

(Y/N)-Like a lucky 4-leaf clover?

Clover-Now yah be catching on. This pot be empty when I first got it and I filled it to the brim, but I tell yah what. Yah came all this way, so I will give yah a wish. One wish an' ol' Clover will make it happen.

She leaned on her pot and just as I was about to make my wish. She held up her hand.

Clover-In exchanged... I get something in return.

(Y/N)-But... I don't have anything on me.

Clover-No. Nothing like that. Just make that wish and then touch the pot. Simple.

(Clover's POV)

As if I could grant wishes, but this is to get humans to get their greedy hands on my pot to turn into a gold coin. Every one of me coins has a story, but the wishes be the same. To get me pot, to get more money, love that is not theirs that would be forced or broken up, power, around all of that really. Children be the same in most cases, but one child even wanted a fancy toy after having so much.

???-*Gasp*... I want my Mommy and Daddy to stop fighting.

I raised my eyebrow a little and wondered if that wish be true. He touched me pot and... Nothing happened.

???-... Did it work?

Clover-Try it again.

He made the same wish over and over, and I helped both of his hands onto me pot o' gold.

Clover-Yah feel anything? Tingly, harder tah move, maybe... yah skin be rougher?

???-No... So it didn't work?

I grabbed him and rubbed his whole body onto the pot.



I let him go and stared at the lil' laddie while he looked confused... His greed should be turning him into a gold coin. This never happened to me before.

Clover-What's your name?


Clover-An' your Mommy and Daddy... Do they fight a lot?

(Y/N)-Yes and it's always about money... I thought if I got a pot of gold-.

Clover-They quit their bickering?

He nodded his head and I sighed in defeat as I promised a wish to the young lad. I should at least see what I could do since I don't see a greedy bone in his body. He led me back to his little house and it didn't look so bad... Certainly not no meadow I be living in with the others of my kind, but not sore to look at neither.

(Y/N)-Are you sure it's a good idea to leave your pot of gold alone like that? What if someone takes it?

Clover-*Snicker* I'd love to see the poor fellow try. ~

Me laugh was rudely interrupted by the screeching into the house that I would expect someone be turning into another gold coin for me.



They kept on arguing and they might as well be out here. I looked at the boy and wondered how a wee innocent sweetheart came from these adults. (Y/N) looked at me with hope in his eyes.

(Y/N)-So are ya gonna make them stop?!

Clover-Uhh... I got 'a' way, but let it be for tonight. Why doncha tell me a bit 'bout yourself?... Where we can't hear them.

He only went to how he wanted a happy family with his parents and money would fix that, but that be his mistake. It comes from a could place that I find rather cute, but... those two be back at each other throats. Gold or no gold. The more we walked around the forest, the more I have grown attached to him.

(Y/N)-What about you? Where do you come from and do for fun?

Clover-Me?... Not much to say. I live in a peaceful meadow and collect gold... We do tend to play, throw parties, and share stories of our gold coins.

(Y/N)-There are more leprechauns?!... Can I hear some stories?!

Clover-No, I couldn't.

(Y/N)-Please, just one?! ~

He gave me puppy eyes and me heart turned to putty from how cute it looked. With his heart being as pure as gold...

Clover-*Ahem* So there I was, just sitting at the end of a rainbow. A drunk and tipsy fellow thought I be cute-.

(Y/N)-But you are cute.

Clover-True, but back to the story. He took me for a street... performer, but I offered him a wish. His wish was to escape his future hangover from drinking too much on this very holiday. *Giggles* And let me tell ya, he won't be feeling any hangovers anymore.

I laughed me ass of and he tried to laugh with me, but I highly doubt he got the joke. I still remember it like it was yesterday. 100 years ago exactly, he cried for his mama as he tried to steal my gold at the last second to go buy more beer. His dumb smile was engraved on the coin before I added him to my collection. After a while, poor thing was getting tired, but I doubt he would be sleeping at his house... He only said...

(Y/N)-It's fine. I sleep through it all the time... After tonight there won't be any more fighting, so... thanks.

Clover-... You be too good for them. *mumbles*



(Y/N)-You said something.

Clover-Oh, um... I said I need to get back to me pot o' gold and I'll be at your house in the morning with a surprise.

He looked excited before he gave me a surprise hug then ran off to go home and sleep...

Clover's mind-This be an adoption relationship, right?

(Timeskip To Night)

((M/N)'s POV)

My dumbass of a husband is trying to look at my Amazon shopping cart, but he can mind his own fucking business. I got that money by making sad men who wanted phone sex happy. It's better than his online addiction to poker to gamble his spare money away. HE NEVER WINS THE JACKPOT HE SAYS HE'S SO CLOSE TO!!!


(D/N)-Better than your online shopping. Now, shut up. I'm in the zone.

(M/N)-How can you be in the zone?! It's all luck, so there is no zone!

Just then, we both heard the doorbell ring and that's when he got up from his seat.

(D/N)-I swear, if it's another package!

(M/N)-You will not touch my shit!

We both went for the door, but stopped in the living room when we saw a huge pot full of... Gold coins? We walked up to it saw if they were just chocolate coins by picking them up, but...

(M/N)-Are these real?!

(D/N)-Don't be stupid. Where did this even come-? *Grunt*!

I looked at my husband falling to the ground, but then I felt a jolt of pain go through my body that made me drop the coin. Just then, someone jumped on top of the pot full of gold coins.


???-Top of the morning to yah! I know it's not morning though, don't make me say it... I guess I already said it.

I wanted to scream, but my throat was tightening so much and felt super hard... My bones were even cracking. She even heard it.

???-You two were so loud that I heard yah from outside. How (Y/N) sleeps through that is beyond me.

(M/N)'s mind-How does she know my son?!... WHO IS SHE?!?!?!

Everything was getting bigger and bigger until it stopped along with the pain. She was a giant now picked me up and a few other gold coins on the floor. She tossed the others in the pot, but showed me a gold coin with my husband's face on it.

???-I tried this on your son, I did. It didn't work though and its because he is a complete sweetheart. Heck. His 'wish' was for you two to stop fighting and being the first to not turn into a gold coin. *giggles* Wish granted. ~

My mind was completely blank from shock and we were both flipped really fast and I landed face up at the ceiling... I AM A GOLD COIN!!

???-Now, if yah excuse me... I was making a sandwich and yah be coming with me and your son back to my home... The others are not going to believe this!

(No POV)

Both parents tried desperately to move or do anything, but all they could do was look at the ceiling and not feel anything at all. They only had their own thoughts to keep them company... They were panicking as much as the other tortured souls when they were first added to the pot.


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