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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were on our way to the next city again and during the art right, Amara was already quizzing me on some things to teach me. She was proud of how much I already knew and I pointed out I just spent a lot of time in the library since my brother never went in there. I know basic and some advanced battle formations, most monsters ranked F to A, and concepts of the grading system. Chelsie said that I know the basics by heart and she even helped me study, but she sounded a little upset when saying that for some reason. I even told her about my training back home.

Amara-Marvlious. You truly are a prodigy. That being said, your skills are being handled incorrectly in some areas.


Amara-Indeed. You are even missing a few pieces of equipment that are required. I will be getting a pair of gloves that have a durable, yet light metal and leather. This will protect your fingers from blistering when you pull back your bow. Speaking of which, your string needs a slight adjustment... If I may.

I gave her my bow and she gave it a little test pull before she untied it to adjust it. When she was done, she gave it another pull. She then gave it back to me with a smile.

Amara-Much better. Try it now.

I gave it a pull and it did feel a little different... Harder to pull, but the string flicked harder.

Amara-It will do for now, but we will build a bow perfect for you, starting with the right wood that's firm, but nimble.

(Y/N)-... I never had an archer for a teacher before.

Amara-Seeing as your last teacher was too dull to recognize your talents, you indeed have not.

I sat next to her and snuggled up to continue my lessons. Others looked surprised or something, but Amara's cheeks turned pink before she turned away.

Zahara-Master, you were sitting next to me!

Luna-Please, it's cold out here. What he needs is a fluffy tail to keep him warm. ~

She wagged her tail while looking at me a little, but then Grace got a little closer to me.

Grace-What about me?! I'm your future wife!

Chelsie-All of you stop it!... He would clearly love to sit up here next to me while I drive.

(Y/N)-Umm... I guess I could switch around while listening to Amara... Who's first?

They all wanted to go first, so I decided to pile up with Luna, Grace, and Zahara first and then switch to Chelsie when we reached the next landmark... We have 2 Hours left to get to where we want to go... with stops for training.

(Calvin's POV)


Celia-NYAAA!!! ~ *purrs*

I had Celia over my lap and now rubbed her red ass as she purred for me with a smile. Unlike my youngest son, she knows her place as a beast woman. I am expecting a report on my oldest son's team today and Vita and Aurora were waiting impatiently. I could already expect his development in the report and nothing, but praise for him. I looked back down at Celia as she looked at me.


Celia-*Pant* I-I heard *pant* that you would be hearing from the team your son is on today... Aurora and Vita talked out it during our tea time together last night.


Celia-(Y/N) and (B/N) will be back soon... I'm sure they already-.


Celia-FOUND HIM!!!

Calvin-When he comes back, I will double security and will even require your assistance... You can hear better, so I put you in the room next door to him inside of the smaller room in here.

I grabbed her tail tightly to make her stiff up a little before fingering her and she melted into pure bliss.

Celia-Nyaaa... You, Master. ~

I wrapped this up quickly and cleaned up while letting her rest to go to my throne room where I saw my wife and captain of the guard.


Vita-My King, we just received news on the party!

Calvin-Excellent. Have they found my lost son?

Aurora-Well... No. I think we need to bring (B/N) back home. He's not ready to be out there.

Calvin-Honey, he's with the best in the kingdom. He's fine. Let me read it.

I got the paper from Vita and sat on my throne to read it... What I found made no sense at all since my son should be a prodigy and I gave him a better sword. To top it all off, the priestess can give him buffs to make him stronger. They are requesting they could send someone to pick out my son in Heinzburg Town for putting himself in danger at an A-rank dungeon, not listening to instructions, lack of proper planning, possibly lashing out from being homesick, and...

Calvin-Corrupting his innocence?... No, no, no. There have to be numerous mistakes. He just needs to do more advanced training and there is nothing about it here.

Vita-Sire, they are traveling on behalf of the missing prince. They don't have time to stay in one place.

Calvin-They can do it on the road. I want his training to start immediately, even if it starts in that carriage.

I made my word in this absolute and they both obeyed. Just then another servant came in to interrupt us and had a news paper in his hand.

Servant-Sire, we believe we found intel on your missing son! It says so here on the paper!

Aurora-Let me see!

She took the paper, but Vita and I both gave her a look as she tried to read it.

Aurora-... News... Papiery?

Vita-If I may, My Lady?

She gave it to Vita and she held it out to read it out loud.

Vita-*Ahem* A small boy with brown hair has recently joined the "Light Of Glory" guild with a starting for F-rank for safety reasons. The party started off with them and a woman dressed as a maid which later came to be with two beast women joining. They are confirmed to have conquered an SSS-rank dungeon which is now reduced to rubble. The young boy is said to be an archer with an interview with the guild master said that another recent mission allowed him to jump up from F-rank to C-rank after he killed a goblin lord to save a mage of a little girl who also joined his team. The matter of a child reaching C-rank goes against normal protocols for children to reach F-rank only until the age of 13 when they can ank up properly.

Upon hearing this, there is no way that this can be true. Especially that weak little stain on our family! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS!!!

Servant-See, a young archer with brown hair who recently joined a guild with a maid! It has to be him!

Aurora-My baby is a C-rank?!

Vita-They let a child fight a Goblin Lord?!

Calvin-This is clearly fake news and who says it's (Y/N)?

Aurora-Honey?... It makes sense though.

Calvin-... Send our team to a Light Of Glory guild to look into this matter to find out where he is! Training is still to start with (B/N) on the road!

((Y/N)'s POV)

After a lot of cuddling in the cart, we wanted to stop and made something to eat, stretch our legs, and... I wanted Amara to teach me something! While Chelsie was cooking, Zahara was chasing a butterfly around, Luna rested under some shade, and Grace wanted to be by my side, but they were all watching me.

(Y/N)-What's first, Ms. Amara! The faster reload technique, shooting 5 arrows at a time?! Oh, maybe-.

Amara-Slow down, Little One. Let me see your gear first.

I took off my leather armor, and put down my bow, regular arrows, and impact arrows, but she took one of the impact arrows before picking me up with one arm.

Amara-Grace, try to pick him up.

She put me down and Grace wrapped her arms around me to pick me up and she even went as far as to put me over her shoulders. I blushed really hard in embarrassment as everyone saw this.

Grace-*Gasp* (Y/N), you're easier than I thought to pick up!

Amara-And it's worse than I feared.


Grace put me down and Amara showed me one of my impact arrows with a look like she was serious and disappointed.

Amara-There has a lot of kickback and something like this 'will' send you flying back every time because of your Lightweight skill. If not, it happened already.

(Y/N)-Well... Yeah.

Amara-You are not using these anymore, so I will take them off your hands and supply you with arrows more suited for you. Fire, wind, ice, and piercing arrows will be your specialty arrows.

She gave me my bow and a wind arrow to fire, so I pulled back as hard as I could without hurting my fingers. When I let it go, it was super fast and far to stick in the hole of a tree I was aiming for. It even went through it, but there was no kickback to send me flying

(Amara's POV)

The look (Y/N) gave me was so adorable and happy that I helped him improve by simply fixing a mistake. My heart fluttered at this, but I saw the others look jealous of me and they should feel jealous since I would be the one helping him improve. I am clearly the superior one in my student's eyes. After a few more shots, I wanted him to go out with me while the food was still cooking to hunt something for more experience. We soon came across a pack of Blood Wolves which were D-rank monsters or in this case, prey. I should've gone over silent communication with him, but instead, I motioned it in a way he should understand. He lined up his shot to one of the wolves and I got ready too in order to get the rest that would come running, but luckily we had the wind on our front, so they wouldn't smell us so quickly. He took the shot, but something amazing happened... His wind arrow went through 2 blood wolves and ricocheted off a rock a little to get another wolf in the leg to cripple it. The pack was alerted, but (Y/N) took another shot just as they noticed us to kill the Blood Wolf he crippled. I swiftly took care of the other 8, but to kill 3 when I only expected 1 to be killed by him.

Amara's mind-So talented! It's so cute! I never had a student like this before! So proud! Don't blush!

My mind kept on racing, but when my face burned up a little. I rewarded him by patting him on the head.

Amara-Outstanding work. You are well on your way. Let me take these to camp. These are much too heavy for you. Just go collect some water from the lake up ahead.

I just needed some distance before he noticed me blushing even more, but when he gave me a surprise hug on the legs, my body froze and my face was on fire.

(Y/N)-Thank you for teaching me about wind arrows! Bye-bye!

He ran off and my body was still unable to move while I felt where he hugged me and it made me feel fuzzy inside that he... cuddled me.

Amara-*Squeals*! ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt so happy and wanted to tell the others what I did, but on the way I heard something and the ground shook a little. I wanted to go see what it was and when I got close enough, I realized this was from the direction we came from and I heard more monsters. When I looked, I saw a band of thieves fighting Giant Boulder Boars that were almost twice as big as them. I even saw one thief hiding in a tree.

Thief#1-Hey! Get done here and help!

Thief#2-I came here to ambush a party, not fight A-rank monsters!

(Y/N)-Party?... Do they mean us?

Thief-If you go back to camp without me! The boss will-!

Just then Giant Boulder Boar pushed him down and jumped on him to crush the thief while another one knocked down the tree to get the other guy... I was scared of what I saw, so I tried to get out of here as quietly as possible.


I stepped on a twig and they looked over here, so I started to run!


(No POV)

During a nap... Luna's ear flickered and in almost an instant she caught wind of everything on top of (Y/N)'s scream for help off in the distance. She then quickly transformed in front of everyone.



((Y/N)'s POV)

The Giant Bould Boars were catching up to me quickly and were almost on top of me, so I jumped off to the side and grabbed a branch from a tree to pull myself up. They are really strong and faster than me, but they are really bad are making quick turns. I tried to jump from tree to tree, but I missed and fell after the 4th tree I tried to jump to. I thought I was going to hit the ground, but then I landed on one of the boars. Now, they were trying to shake me off... it didn't take much effort to throw me super far away in the air. I felt myself crying and thought I was going to die.


In a purple blur, someone caught me by my shirt and landed while sliding a little to kick up dirt. When I was put down, I saw it was Luna and she looked super angry and scary in her Fefnir wolf form.


Luna-*Growl* *SNARL* *ROAR*!!!

She turned into a blur for a moment again when she attacked the monsters that were chasing me and the first boar... was shattered into pieces. I saw its crystal core in her mouth before she bit down on it to break it easily.

(Y/N)'s mind-But... the crystal core is almost as tough as a diamond.

Luna glared at the Giant Bould Boars and they backed away from her before trying to run, but she easily caught them. I tried to run but then noticed another Giant Boulder Boar charging for me. Only to be smashed by a giant claw, so I looked up to see...



I was confused about what was happening, but I was picked up from behind by my shirt again.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I felt like I was in trouble when I wasn't even close to being in trouble. Luna and Zara were back in their beast-person forms, but now everyone would not let me do anything... Even when I looked up at Luna lying on top of me as she kept on licking my face to mark me...


(Y/N)-C-Can I get up to get seconds of food?


Chelsie only got the leftovers out of her gumbo that she mead and Luna pulled me back on her lap for them to feed me.


I tried to reach for the fork, but Grace leaned over to grab my hand and pulled them to her lap, so now I couldn't even feed myself.

Chelsie-Ok, Sweetie. Say ahhhhh. ~

((B/N)'s POV)



I was tripped another another attack from this stupid training thing! I have all the power I need to strike this guy down, but he just won't stay still! He keeps on saying some stupid tips after and it just made this even more annoying! Lillian was not giving me buffs, but I don't need them anyway! I AM STRONG!!!

Warrior-Prince (B/N), you need to stop this habit of charging in and focus on timing and control of your sword. You need a defensive strategy too.

(B/N)-Why do I need that when I have all of this power?! I just need more speed and power!

Warrior-You're not listening.


I charged ahead while thinking about the lies my brother had to be telling! HE IS NOT A C-RANK AND HE DID NOT HELP CONQUER A SSS-RANK DUGEON IN A SINGLE DAY!!! HE'S LYING!!! I was dodged and tripped again... I started to hit the ground while screaming and being so angry!


I was tripped again and this time Lillian came to my side, but I didn't want her or anyone that dared to disobey anything I ever said! I looked at the mean warrior that was looking down on me and I tried to hold back the tears in my eyes.


Lillian-We should take a break to calm down.


I unleashed my swordplay skill to get stronger, but even then it wasn't enough to land a hit, but all of a sudden, Lillian came in front of me a flashed a light from her staff that made me super tired.

(Lillian's POV)

I caught Prince (B/N) and held him after I put him to sleep with my calming spell. It was supposed to make him calm by expelling all his rage, but it just shows that it's all he felt. I thought hearing the news that we now have a lead to his brother would bring him joy. Instead, he is really fussy. He looked at peace now, but I felt a little confused.


Lillian's mind-Why are so close to finding your brother and it sounds like he is alright... Why are you even more angry?

I brought him to the carriage and in a few hours we made it to a town where there was a Light Of Glory guild building. We showed the pendant from the king and demanded all information on (Y/N) and his party. That's when we saw some disturbing news...

Lillian's mind-Princess Grace is in this party?! Did she run away from home too?!

I think maybe it's because (Y/N) ran away and she wanted to help return him. The last report indicates that they left their last town and the only road they took leads to Fuzburned Town. That's where we are heading to meet up with them, but we paid extra to use teleport crystals to be there instantly. When we got there, I thought about why the prince ran away in the first place.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We made it to Fuzburned town and the girls were really overprotective of me right now. I was barely allowed to go to the bathroom on my own. I needed to have some alone time because this just felt like I had no privacy or space... I'm sure it'll be fine if I'm alone for 5 minutes or so. I had a plan to slip away... I hid extra clothes in the bathroom and left my old ones in here, so Luna smelled those instead of me and slipped out of the small window. I snuck off to the forest again while the girls all spoke to each other about me and looked around for a few areas for herbs, monsters, or something good enough... I lost track of time a bit, but then saw a fire and thought it might be another band of thieves...

(Y/N)'s mind-Ice arrows, don't fail me now.

These will catch them by surprise easily, but when I got to the camp, I only saw one person... or... Ogress sitting by the fire eating meat off of a bone.


She looked really strong and Ogres could smash boulders or use them to smash their opponents... She had a 'huge' war hammer by her side. I was about to leave and find something else when all of a sudden I heard growling coming from a lot of monsters, so she grabbed her hammer easily. I was suddenly pushed from behind into her camp by a monster I didn't see, but before it could really hurt me...


It didn't even hit the ground, but the monster on top of me at amazing speed.

???-Tiny baby?


Monsters came out and it was 4 Alpha Lizards that were almost as big as me and they surrounded us. The ogress picked me up and I noticed how big she was now... I don't even make it to her knees. She hung me on a tree and got ready to fight.

???-Lizards no hurt baby.

They charged at her, but she handled the hammer super fast and smashed all of them from the side and I saw a burt of magic help smash them into a paste. It reminded me of my impact arrows. That's when we noticed a few collars fly off of them, so she glared off into the woods.

???-Wait here.

She left and after a few minutes...





The ground shook a lot and a big dust cloud came up from the trees and when she came back, my body was shaking at the thought of what she was going to do to me.


She got closer and closer... She poked my tummy and rubbed it a little with her big finger which tickled a little.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Eep!

???-*Chuckles* Awwww. Baby is cute. ~

(Y/N)-I-I'm... not a ba-baby.

???-Ba-Baby?... I like that name. Hamah's Ba-Baby. ~

She picked me up by scooping me in her palm and my legs dangled down before she went back to her seat on the log to put her hammer down.

Hamah-What is Ba-Baby doing out here all on his own?

(Y/N)-My name is (Y/N).

Hamah-I like Ba-Baby better.

I gave up on that and told her what happened and why I was out here, but before I could finish the story.


We both looked to see who it was and my heart sank a little.


(Y/N)-... Hehehehe. Heeeeyyy, Luna and Chelsie.

Chelsie-What do you think you are doing out here?!


Chelsie-You are in 'big' trouble. Zahara nearly went full dragon and Amara is doing her best to watch her and Grace while being worried sick!

Just then, Hamah picked up her weapon again while putting me behind her.

Hamah-Don't yell at Baby.

Luna-... Lady... Put my pup down if you know what's good for you.

(Y/N)-Wait, wait, wait! She saved me from lizards and I think even more bandits hiding in camps! We can talk about this!

Chelsie pulled out her knives and Luna was about to transform while Hamah swung her hammer around really fast. The only thing that stopped the fighting was another monster, but this one... I never saw before and it looked like a walking and human Venus fly trap. It slammed its hands on the ground and vines came up all around me. Before I could react, Chelsie was in front of me and cut all the vines, threw a knife at the monster, but missed. Luna came at it with her Fefnir Wold form, but it went underground. Chelsie picked me up to try and run with me, but a vine grabbed her leg. I fell with and tried to go to my bow that was on the ground from the lizard attack. Vines suddenly tied me tied and I looked to see that they were trying to catch Luna. That's when turning spikes came out and pricked my arms, leg, and body.


Hamah-*Gasp*... *Huff* *huff* *huff* RRRRRRUUUUUUAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!

Through my tears and squirming, I saw her hammer glow an orang-ish red color before she smashed it really hard to bury it in the ground.


Fire started to come out of the ground and the plants let me go, but I was bleeding and crying super hard now. The plant monster came out of the ground completely on fire, so Luna pinned it down and ripped it to pieces and got purple and blue sap everywhere. Hamah ripped the vines around her off, but all she had were a few little cuts. Luna and Chelsie came over first, but Luna picked me up in her mouth.

Hamah-Stop moving, Baby!

I couldn't see anything right now and it was getting harder and harder to breathe and cry while my vision got blurry. I was put down and given something to drink... It made breathing easier in a little bit, but I was so tired and closed my eyes.

(Timeskip To Night)

My whole body felt fuzzy, but I felt something heavy on top of me and I was wrapped in something too. I opened my eyes to see Zahara very close to my face on top of me, looking like a sad puppy.



(Y/N)-*Muffled* Hm? *muffled*

There was something in my mouth, so I put it down and it was a washcloth. Suddenly, I felt something rub my leg and it kind of stung to make me scream into the gag. When I tried to get up, Zahara only sunk her head down on my chest to pin me. That's when I heard someone.

Chelsie-(Y/N). Stop moving, we are getting rid of the last of the poison.

Grace-He's awake?!

Just then, Grace climbed on the bed and put kisses all over my face.


Grace-(Y/N), you looked so bad coming back in and the potions we had wouldn't make the poison go away, and why would you leave?! *sobbing*

After a few more stings, Zahara moved and I saw it was Amara, Chelsie, and... Hamah treating me.


Hamah looked so much bigger than everyone else here and they poured something on my leg to make the cut close and look as good as new.

Hamah-Poison all gone and makes good weapon. Ba-Baby just needs rest.

Chelsie and Amara looked relieved and took the gag out of my mouth while looking mad. I noticed my arms were tied to my side and my legs were strapped down.


Chelsie-Don't... You sneak away from us, run out to the woods, and get attacked!

Amara-That was reckless and ridiculous! These were supposed to keep you still to get the poison out easier, but you can remain here for the night.

(Y/N)-I-I just wanted some alone time! I didn't mean for this to happen.

This only made them more clingy and kept me tied up for them to cuddle me easier. Hamah would not fit on the bed and almost hit the ceiling when she stood up... She was the only one that would unstrap my feet to hold me. The girls didn't like this too much and only Grace was allowed in her arms with me.

(Hamah's POV)

I did not like them yelling at Ba-Baby, (Y/N). Even little girl was mad at him a little, but Ba-Baby was only confused. Cute babies do not need alone time... Cute babies only need more Mommy love. Keeping him tied up was Hamah's idea and only works if they are gentle with Ba-Baby. For bath time, we brought in the big buck full of warm water and a bubble to put the two little ones in together. Everyone, including Grace, wanted to help wash Hamah's Ba-Baby... (Y/N). The only one not here is Luna. Hamah's mind went to something more important when the bubbles covered both babies, mostly... (Y/N) was just cuter.

Hamah's mind-Awwwww. Ba-Baby looks so adorable in bubbles...Hamah stays to keep the baby safe and have them behave.

Something was odd about bubbles and made them both move slower, happier, and almost sleepy-like. I move little girl aside and cupped (Y/N)'s head in both heads and he happily rubbed his cheeks on my palms.

Hamah's mind-CUUUUUTE!!! ~

(Y/N)-*Giggles*... Smooth. ~

(Luna's POV)

I placed the 3 kinds of potions I wanted and had 27 altogether. One kind is for more relaxing bath bubbles Chelsie says she used back at her home, the second was for putting him to sleep easier, and the final kind was to increase anxiety and be more clingy. I know how prey work and for an easy hunt, you do not force your prey to do what you want, but gently manipulate them for an easy victory. If he does not want to stay by us 24/7 on his own, we just need to help him think that way. I placed the money on the counter and the merchant boxed it up. Before I could leave, I saw a very expensive potion on the back shelf.

Luna-Hey buddy, what's that potion?

Merchant-Oh, that one? It's a pheromone potion. It makes it really hard to separate from someone by manipulating a very deep connection... Similar to a love potion, but not exactly a love potion. Drinker will still be the same, but more attached to whoever is around him after they drink and fall asleep.

Luna-... How much for it?

Merchant-I'm afraid that is not for sale. It's the only one I got and I want to copy the formula someday.

Luna-Hun, we are both adults here... I don't look like it, but I am a woman who knows how to get what she wants. ~

Merchant-Oh... You are not my type.

Luna-Come on... Let's head into the back and give me a taste. ~

I bet he loves a body like Zahara's, but I got a womanly charm, cute fluffy ears, and tail, and seduced countless prey in this form. He looked tempted when I swayed my body a little, and gave him more seductive talk in my deep, smooth, and silky voice that belongs to the typical busty woman... He caved in.

Merchant-Well... I doubt it will be worth it, but if you can... I will sell it for 1,000 silver coins or something equal to that.

He led me to the back of his tent and dropped his pants, but...

Luna-Oh... There was a misunderstanding... I said I know how to get what I want. ~

Merchant-And this is it. Time sensitive and your tiny body is already working against you. Be lucky I am closing my eyes to not make it look like you are a 'LITTLE GIRL'!!!

Luna-... Oh men... you think you are always in charge and always right... Let me show you what I-. ~

I caught him by surprise by transforming before I finished my sentence and bit his head clean off to do this quietly. I changed back to wipe the blood on the curtain

Luna-I would've paid, but I getting that potion one way or another, motherfucker.

I went out front to the shelf again to take the potion I wanted and smiled.

Luna's mind-This is what's best for you my little puppy... Just a gentle nudge into our arms. ~

(Lillian's POV)

We were all in the hotel of this city and expected (Y/N)'s party to arrive tomorrow, so that's when we are going to search the town to find them. We now have to find the princess too, but if we find one, we find the other. (B/N) tried to get more training in today, but I gave him my buffs this time without him knowing which made him happy enough to go to bed to be proud of his improvement to land a hit on the warrior. When I got to my room, I just sighed and did a little prayer for this to be over soon and bring forth the right outcome. Also...

Lillian's mind-Dear gods, may you all bestow your wisdom on Prince (B/N) to help him find happiness in his family, the safety of his brother, and comfort in his own home. My wish is to help the royal family find happiness for themselves and their kingdom to help the world.

After that, I went to sleep with a smile on my face that we would definitely find the missing prince tomorrow. His mother and father will be so happy and relieved to have their children safe at home.


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