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(Noah's POV)

Today was my 5th birthday and the staff here at the orphanage wanted to throw me a party, but I didn't want one. All the kids pick on me here because some of the big kids do for not playing as much as the other kids and I don't play because they won't let me in groups for that long because I am not good enough at a game. The only place I felt even a little safe was under my bed,... but one of the adults made me come out and go to the cafeteria where the other kids were.

Adult-Come on, it will be fun and there will be cake!

Noah-I don't want to go in there! I just want to be alone! They all pick on me!

Adult-I'm sure you can find friends if you try hard enough... We even have games.

I cried a little when I was forced into the cafeteria and other kids just looked at me. I tried to leave, but the adults would not let me go. They forced me to walk in the middle of the rows of tables for kids to see me go to the 'birthday seat' which is more comfy, but it just means everyone gets a good look at me. Suddenly, someone threw a thing of milk at the chair to soak it.

Adult-Who threw that?!

I heard laughing and they were distracted, so I took this chance to run. When I got out of the cafeteria I tried to find another hiding spot from the adults and everyone else. I started to cry while curing up in a room I locked from the inside.

Noah's mind-I hate being the center of attention! Why do they do this to me?!

(No POV)

The adults searched the orphanage for Noah and found a locked door, so they got the janitor to open it. They found Noah crying and were annoyed with the kids acting like this again. The birthday chair was being taken to be cleaned, but any hope they had for Noah going out there died when he bit someone's hand after trying to guide him back there. They couldn't reward this behavior and took him to a room to be alone with nothing to do for a timeout. It's what he wanted anyway and as the day went by, Noah refused to apologize because if he did they would try to make him celebrate his birthday by force again... Finally, it was time to get ready for bed.

(Noah's POV)

I got out of the shower and nobody did anything because the adults were keeping a close eye on me. The whole day when they told me to think about what I did, I thought about why am I even here?...

Noah's mind-Is nobody ever going to want me?... Why would they? Nobody cares about me anyway.

When we all got into bed, I heard others making fun of me from their beds until they fell asleep. I stayed up wondering if I was going to be here forever... I don't want to be here forever! I just want to be alone! At least nobody can bully me anymore if I am not here! There's always an emergency bag under the bed that the adults make us keep in case there is a fire and we are in our rooms, so we take it and get on the fire escape from the rooms. I took mine but saw all the food and extra clothes were taken up and filled with wash clothes.

Noah-... *Sniffle*.

I left the bag and quietly opened the window onto the fire escape and left before the adults came back to check on us sleeping. There is nothing for me here, but bullies and stupid adults. The cold air hit me harder the faster my feet ran into the forest surrounding the orphanage. I saw the lights turn out outside which meant they were looking for me outside now, so I an even faster to get out of here.

Noah's mind-Why do you even care that I left?! Just leave me alone!

My feet soon gave out after running and walking for so long, but it looked like nobody was following me anymore. That was until...



It was almost silent until I was shot with a net and set flying back a little.


I tried to break free, but I was still so tired and cold that I could hardly move. That's when I noticed there was some kind of noise that sounded like footsteps and they were coming from... a giant shadow in the moonlight. I looked to see 2 giant monsters reaching for me.


(No POV)

Noah fought as much as he could, but the giant aliens got him back to their ship with ease and had other animals that they captured around the world. They took him to a room on the ship where there were all sorts of alien-like animals as well as from his world. When he was taken out of his net, he was put into a cage that was 6 times his size before they left the room with the door closing by itself for them to take off.

(Vita's POV)

I just sent in a report that sector C-1754 is all clear and the sun has been stabilized. The criminals were handed over to the police while my agency handled all the cleanup and repairs to planets and important factors of the solar system. My team and I were now going back on patrol. We will get our next assignment when a report comes in. I spent my time in the breakroom to get out of that lab, but just then my new assistant came in.

Gyobi-Hey, Vita. Just finished linking all the tags of the animals we released to the systems at HQ. Anything else?

Vita-No, let's just rest until something else happens. Odds are that won't be long, given today.

Gyobi-You know, most of the crew thinks you're a workaholic.

Vita-That's because before you, I was the only one tending to the animals of so many other planets. Now, it's us. That's why we are in this active area to have you gain experience.

Gyobi-There are active areas?

Vita-They move around, but not to where we can't track them... I just want a few moments of rest with some music to unwind on my break.

I fixed my hair a little before I put on some earpieces to listen to my favorite artist and some relaxing music. During some relaxing music, I remembered that Mom, Dad, and my best friend Clove told me that I work too hard and need some form of productivity. That's why I asked for another animal specialist on our crew to divide up the work, but now I have to train him. Even when he is trained, what can I do with more free time?

Vita's mind-Clove has a Fethone for a pet, but I don't know about a pet... Is this just cold feet?... What am I going to do when I don't have the work excuse anymore?... Now, I really do sound like a workaholic.

After a few songs, we got an alert that stopped my music about an unauthorized take off on some planet and was spotted in a restricted area on radar. There are only 3 things I could think of for this, criminals trying to run from police, idiots not knowing or knowing where they are, or poachers and smugglers. Gyobi looked a little excited and it reminded me of me when I first started this job before it took over my life for the most part. Police are already on their way to arrest or detain the ones in the restricted area.

Vita-Remember, if they have any species from that area on that ship we are to proceed with extreme caution and it doesn't matter if they are smaller or bigger than us. They can even look harmless and in some cases they are, but then you have diseases that they could be carrying.

Gyobi-They can't have animals, yet. The alert came in the second they got there.

Vita-We got alerted when we were alerted. There are jammers that don't fully work to stay under the radar for long. Be ready for anything, but in the case there are no animals then we are to help with any clean up or damage we are allowed to tend to.


Vita-*Sigh* Ok, crash course.

(Noah's POV)

I was crying in this cage and trying to get out, but all of these animals making noises was really scary for me and then there were a lot more monsters in here. I was sitting against the back of the wall just wanting to disappear when all of a sudden, the monster next door was trying to scratch me through the bars again, so I scooted away.



Noah-AAAAHHHHH!!! *sobbing*

The two huge monsters came back in and the animals got even more crazy, but then I saw them start to open up cages. They took a monster the the table in the middle of the room and took out something that looked like a gun with a needle coming out before they stuck it in the monster.


The monster was kicking and screaming while they put it back in the cage to move on to the next cage. They did this to the other monsters and animals in here, and I knew I was going to be on that table... They even got the monster from the cage next to me, but made a weird clicking squeaking sound before they pinned it on the floor to drive a spike in its head to kill it.


The sounds of the monster that tried to scratch me made it easy to understand that it was dying before it stopped moving.

Noah-No... No. *whimper*

I saw them take the monster to a tub to put him inside to close it, but then scary machine noises made the tub shake a little... I'm next, I just know! They were doing things before that and when the tub made a beeping sound they left the room for a moment before coming back. I pushed myself against the wall before the whole room shook a little and the huge monsters both made clicking and louder screeching sounds before they tried to run for the door. Suddenly, a green light filled the room and I couldn't move anything, but my eyes and saw nobody else was moving. We heard other noises before the door was pulled apart to open it and aliens with blue lights around them came in and made loud clicking and screeching sounds before grabbing the the two monsters that brought me here. They were put in what I think were handcuffs before the lights went away again and we could all move. My body screamed on its own from seeing more aliens while they took them away and every animal and monster in here that didn't fall asleep just now were making a lot of noise or running around in their cages.

Noah's mind-WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!

More aliens come in in different clothes and called in a giant blue alien and 'she' called in a giant orange alien. I faced the wall not wanting to see anything anymore.

(Vita's POV)

There are at least 4 dozen animals in here, so we have a lot of work. I will be taking on the advanced practices while I give him the simpler jobs, except for a few to train him. The first thing we need to do is transport these creatures onto our ship and some of these creatures were not on public records, so it looks like those smugglers got some from the restricted area... They even killed a Zinthar to harvest its adaptable organs.

Gyobi-Hey for the animals that are most likely from the restricted area... Are we putting them back?

Vita-Nope, we are barely allowed this far and that's only to manage what we can. What we find is just going to be determined.

Gyobi-Hey, this little clothed one looks a little like us... Just an odd color, with no antenna or horns, and, its eyes look a little pink and puffy.

He was about to poke that creature through the bars, but I grabbed his arm to stop him just in time.

Vita-Gyobi! Gloves! That animal could be carrying something contagious!


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

We were leaving the restricted area after discovering they were only on one planet here that was the only one with life. The undocumented species in public records were on that planet, so I pulled up documents in restricted areas, and... there is little to no information on everything.

Vita-Of course... Gyobi, we're going to put the restricted species in their own containment rooms and they might be hungry, so we need to find out their diets as soon as the fumes clean them.

Gyobi-Right. We check the teeth to find out their diet.

Vita-Not only that, we are looking for exact habits in eat and that means examining their waste... All of it.

Gyobi-Is it that thing where they poop and the examiner gets a brush to clean them out on the inside?

Vita-Yes. It's not fun, but very important to find out if they have non-contagious diseases we don't know, what they last ate, and a few other things.

Gyobi-Wow... I hate to be the guy who has to do that job. Hahahahaha!

I only stared at him because I had so many other things to do. He noticed my expression slowly, but surely.

Gyobi-Hahahahaha!... Hahaha... Ha... Hehehehe... It's me, isn't it?

Vita-Give them a pill in their food that you can find out from their teeth and you know how to cut them open... Don't forget your hazmat suit and double-gloving yourself does not hurt... It makes it more tolerable.

Gyobi-... Say we skipped this part-.

Vita-Then you could be starting a global pandemic that could make its way to other planets if not contained in time and you will be hearing from the boss... And he is not a nice guy when you break the rules.

Gyobi-... I didn't sign up to dissect literal shit and shove a brush in an animal's butt. *mumble*

Vita-Believe it or not you did. I have my own work, so let's get this done with dignity and then we decide what species can go where. Either pet adoption, a zoo, or a smaller reserve. You have a few other jobs I will send to you.

He left with his head hung a little from not getting the glamorous job, but it's better for him to start out with the jobs I hated to respect this job as a whole. I thought about what he tried to do earlier with that little clothed animal and wondered if those smugglers clothed them to auction them off more cutely... Well, either way, those will need to be taken and burned according to protocols. We have dozens of animals to go through, so this will be our last job even when it's so early.

Vita's mind-This is going to be a loooonnng job.



Hell yeah, I missed this story.

Red Soda Man

I thought this failed the post? Does that mean the holiday stories are over?