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((Y/N)'s POV)

Kinsely got me dressed in a little tuxedo and I didn't think it was very comfortable, but it got worse when we all made it to the courthouse. This place looked very important and it felt a little scary in here. I just wanted to throw up a little from this feeling in my stomach. Kinsely was holding me and I held on to her when we got to the courtroom and I saw Daddy was already in here with another man in a tux who would be his lawyer that my mommies talked about.


He looked at me and I thought about all the bad things that he did to June and leaving me behind... I still didn't want to hurt anyone, including him for some reason by saying I wanted to stay with my new Mommies. Why can't I just stay home and let the adults do the adult paperwork stuff about this? We all got seated and Daddy tried to talk to me from his table, but I just looked away. Lots of people were in here and Mommy said that were from Calvin's work to see this. She gave me to Miley, so I could snuggle into her fur since Ruth would be too much right now for the judge's liking.

(Kinsely's POV)

The trial has started and I just had to answer simple questions while my lawyer does all the talking for me. My husband was present in the back of the room with a smug smile on his face and lust in his eyes. If I know my husband, he expects me and my friends to make good on our promise as soon as we get home from court, but sadly for him, his usefulness will be at an end. He will get him in due time for me to finally start enjoying my life, but right now, I am dealing with (D/N)... Who am I kidding? I am watching his 'defense' crumble. I have everything he doesn't. A paying job, a stable lifestyle, no accounts of a sexual assault, and the support of my baby. When the judge called me up to the stand, he wanted to hear my side of the story. I gladly did it and (D/N) looked worried and even tried to silently plead.

Kinsely-Well, I own a daycare and his father worked at my husband's company, so he signed him up at my daycare. I noticed (Y/N)'s very secluded behavior and (D/N) started by asking me to watch his son past working hours and even overnight. Despite (Y/N)'s distress, he clearly showed no effort to fulfill his parental responsibilities. I wanted to help him, so I offered to take care of him more in more and learned other claims that are in the filed evidence I brought with me, such as leaving his son at home while he goes out to eat and bringing back food afterward, pushing his son onto his neighbor, and failing to offer emotional support.

Judge-What would this evidence be?

Kinsely-Pictures of our texts between each other, the papers of our legally in progress copies of appointing me and my friends to be (Y/N)'s legal guardians that he signed knowingly and willingly, and reports of late pick-ups linked in with his office hours that show nothing like a 10-minute walk to the daycare.

Lawyer-And one more question? Would you say that (Y/N) appreciated all that you have done for him and has shown improvement?


Lawyer-I have no further questions for my client your honor.

I took my seat and when it was (D/N)'s turn to take the stand, it was hard to not laugh at this, but I kept a straight face.

(D/N)-I looked after my son all his life and tried my best to provide for him while keeping a social life of my own. She offered her services to me and I had no desire to neglect my son or do any sort of harm.

Lawyer-What about her assistant June? Did you or did you not try to engage in a relationship with her that led to a sexual assault?

(D/N)-I did not, I merely confronted her after a marriage proposal.

Lawyer-And when she refused, she claimed you grabbed and or threatened her. Do you deny it?

(D/N)-I deny it.

The case went on and June took the stand to testify against it while his lawyer whispered to him. Denying it instead of taking a plea deal... What are they up to?... I don't like it. Other than the claims of June and Betsy that were there at the time were not the main focus of this case, but it is in consideration. It was time for (Y/N) to give his statement on the stand and I wanted to hold him, but the judge said that would count as persuading and or coaching the response. He looked so scared and was nearly crying that we weren't up there with him.


Judge-No, you just have to answer one question. Do you want to be with Kinsely or Daddy?

Kinsely's mind-Stop talking to him?

(Y/N)-U-Um... *Sniffle* I... I... Kins- *hic*.

He was barely functioning up there and looked at both me and his dad. I know he wanted to be with me for sure, but the answer had to be clear. Meanwhile, his dad tried to silently plead with (Y/N) by giving him a look.

Judge-Ok, we'll try this again another time when you have more time to prepare.

I was enraged by that statement, but then I turned to my lawyer and leaned into him.

Kinsely-Again... I thought this was going to be resolved today. *whisper*

Lawyer-No, custody battles take a month at least, but can even go up to years. *whisper*

My heart stopped for a moment at the thought of having to put my baby in that spot for possibly years or even a month. The judge gave us another date for court and dismissed us from the courtroom. (Y/N) ran over to me to pick him up and (D/N) just glared at me... My mind went to a place where I was feeding him to a pack of hungry lions. When we got back to the car I cuddled my baby in my lap while the driver took off. The girls were with us too.

(Y/N)-I-I'm s-s-sorry. I-I couldn't *hic* talk! *sobbing*

Kinsely-No Sweetie, it's not your fault... It's mine. I should've never put this on you. ~

Ruth-Do you want to snuggle in my tail when we get to the house? ~

Bri-We can even play some video games. ~

June-And bake together afterward... Does that sound better? ~

He nodded yes to all of those, but then he asked...

(Y/N)-D-Do I have to go back up there again?

We all looked at each other and Rose leaned over to pull him down onto her lap, so he was laying down while stroking his head.

Rose-None of us would ever do that to you, again. ~

He looked a little better, but our anger and tension could be felt in this car that he was oblivious to.

(Betsy's POV)

That man has some nerve denyin' what he did tah June! If ah didn't walk in on them, he would've hurt or raped her!... Maybe even both! The whole ride home, ah wanted nothin' more than tah rip that vermin tah pieces and stuff him in his own belly! I never looked into laws this much and if this is going tah hurt the child so much already...

Betsy's mind-Why do ya'll want tah drag it out?!

(Rose's POV)

Ruth and I plan to give our baby the full treatment again later today, but it won't take away my rage in this situation. Our baby was a mess up there and clearly can't handle this again. One time would already be bad enough, but more than once is unacceptable. Ruth leaned into me and pulled me down for a little huddle with her.


Ruth-If we ever need to, do you have sedative drugs at your him from plants you extracted it from? *whisper*

Rose-Yeah, why? *whisper*

Ruth-I'm going to have a talk with Kinsely later. We are not doing this again. *whisper*

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Bri's POV)

(Y/N) was snuggling into Ruth's tail while she whispered a plan into Kinsely's ear. Miley and I could hear it, but (Y/N) couldn't over the game that we hooked up in his room. We tried to guide (Y/N) through the level, but he couldn't really get into the game... Still, we want to try and cheer him up and that's when Milely had a different idea.

Miley-Oh, Mr. Sad Sax. ~


She licked his ear and his whole body shivered a little. He looked at her a little confused and it was adorable... I licked his ear and he did the same thing to me before he blushed a little while covering his ears.

(Y/N)-What are you doing?!

Miley-We're just playing, Honey. ~

She took down his hand gently and licked him again and soon, Ruth got in on this, so he hid in her fluffy tail for all of us to giggle. He cutely slipped out from under her tail to crawl onto his favorite mom Kinsley.


Kinsely-Ok, that's enough. Come on, Sweetie. Let's put you in your crib and let you ply from there before we bring in some more treats... June, Betsy, and Rose are making more cookies for you. ~

We spent the rest of the game time on a multiplayer game and I thought about the plan for tonight and smiled. I gave our baby another look and nobody is ever going to hurt him again.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(June's POV)

I know this is what's best for our baby, but I just don't like the first part of the plan. Betsy reminded me over and over again what happened in the courtroom. We took our pictures together for the plan and she held me like a baby in some of them to help expose me for the camera as bait as well as did poses that made me blush really hard... I nearly fainted when she blew me a kiss. When we were done, we both got dressed again.

Kinsely-Ok, go take (Y/N) from Rose and after she's done, I will send the pictures. When he gets here tonight, you'll know what to do.

Betsy-Of course, Hun... As fer 'you', Sugar. ~

Betsy picked me up like a baby easily again and kissed my lips this time with her tongue and everything. When she broke the kiss in the middle of the hall, I was out of breath.

Betsy-Fer being strong fer our baby boy. ~

(Marcus's POV)

I was at work when I got a file sent to me by my wife's email address and in the subject box it said, "A Treat For Tonight". I read the email and clicked on the attached that had 85 pictures of... MY WIFE AND HER FRIENDS NAKED FOR ME!!! Excitement filled my whole body, so I put the pictures on a USB drive and pulled out my phone to text her.

Marcus's text-See you and your sexy friends tonight!

Kinsely's text-You earned it, honey. For all our years in this marriage and doing me this huge favor... We even got a special treat that you rightfully deserve. We just need to gag you to not wake up our baby when he's asleep... There will be screaming.

I smiled at the thought of it and fantasized about tonight. I even have a feeling, after tonight...

Marcus-I could die happy. ~


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