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((Y/N)'s POV)

I started to hear something when I was slowly waking up from what felt like the best sleep in my life. The sound was a Christmas song being played on a piano, but my head could not think straight just yet. That's when I remembered the last thing I saw before I fell asleep There was an elf sleeping in a bed with a sign saying, "Say hi to your new Mommy". I finally recognized the song as it continued to play, and saw that it was playing from an old timing record player that one of my grandparents had.


I tried to get up, but my body felt so heavy and weak that it was hard to get up. I looked around the room some more and saw it was the room Clarice had given to me. I moved my arm and noticed a string was tied to it. I pulled on it again and again until the door opened and Clarice came in.


Clarice-Well, look who's up. You slept like a baby. ~

(Y/N)-Clarice... What did you do to me?

Clarice-I gave you your present... A Mommy that won't leave you alone defenseless in the middle of the night... Protect you from yourself too.


Clarice-It's how we met. All alone at home and out in the cold waiting for Santa instead of keeping you inside where it was warm... You could've gotten really sick and I am not having any of that.

I tried to get up again, but this time she came over to lay on top of me kissed and licked my face while keeping me down. All I could do was move my head to try to avoid her, but all she did was giggle and keep on going.

(Clarice's POV)

He was obviously scared right now from this direct approach, but he still just looks so cute and he was all mine now! I could not help myself in adoring him and Hermey could wait because it's not like he's going anywhere any time soon. Besides, he's got all he needs in my cellar. Food, water, a bathroom, a bed, and a deck of cards with a sketchbook, so he has entertainment. My baby needs all my attention right now.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

He was starting to get more fussy, so I gave him some milk with a little something special to keep him settled. He is not well behaved enough to be walking around and I am going to have to tie him down soon which broke my heart, but if it would keep him safe, then I would do it. While he was calm, I left him alone for a little bit to clean up a little and check on my friend... I was not even down in the cellar with him for 5 minutes when he was already getting on my bad side despite our history as friends.


Hermey-Clarice this is crazy! You need to let me go and return that boy right now! I won't tell anyone about this if you do!

Clarice-He was not being taken care of properly, I am keeping him as mine, and that is 'final'.

Hermey-You can't just kidnap a child!

Clarice-Better than leaving him alone in the middle of the night with nobody watching him in my book, and if think so otherwise, then you are going to have to stay down here for his safety. In thought of our friendship, I am keeping you here until I can trust you to keep this secret.

Hermey-Friends don't lock other friends in a cellar!

Clarice-Well, I am a mother now, and my baby comes first.

Hermey-You said he already had a mo-!

Clarice-Don't... Finish that.

He went silent when he saw how angry I was getting with him and if he ever became a direct threat to my baby's safety and future happiness when he accepted me as his mommy... I just don't know what I'll do... Since I can't be friends with someone that that.

Clarice-Be lucky it's warm down here and you have everything you need... I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Hermey-But it's morning now!

Clarice-Good night. ~


I closed the cellar door and locked it and heard his chain rattle a little down there. I only chuckled while heading back with a rope for my baby. I'll cuddle him a bit longer before I have to tie him down. When I got back to his room, I found him crying a little and I felt ashamed that I was gone so long to check on Hermey that he cried... This is Hermey's fault!

Clarice's mind-He kept on trying to make me get rid of my baby and defend my reasons rather than just supporting me! When I get my hooves on him tonight-!

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* *whimper*

Clarice-Oh no, don't cry, Honey. Mommy's here. ~

I licked his tears away before nuzzling into him until he stopped crying. He needs more than this from a mother if I am to show him that I am better than his mother in every way, but I need to... know more about her, so I can improve. Of course!

Clarice-Honey, I'm going to tie your wrists and ankles to the bed, but you are not in trouble. It's for your own safety before I leave... I can make and feed you pancakes before I leave too. ~

He only tried to fight this, but I easily won this fight and fed him the food I promised, wiped his face clean before I headed out.

((M/N)'s POV)

It was nighttime again and the police had no sign of my son to report, so I was constantly worrying. I could not even enjoy the movie I was watching after a client left me naked, noticing I was not into roleplaying and my side job right now. I was a wreck worrying about my baby, but then I heard something.




I looked to see someone quickly move away from the window and I felt nervous about this. No note for ransom or anything when my son was missing and I was a beautiful and 'thick' woman that men desired so much I could pay my rent and bills with just 3 jobs and I still have tons more after. I grabbed a bat and walked outside.

(M/N)-Hello?!... Who's there?!

I heard a bit of bells in the air, so I looked up to see nothing. That's when I saw something fall into the snow... It was a bell, so I went over to pick it up. I looked to where it could've come from and I didn't see anyone... I was getting creeped out, so I headed back inside. After I did that, I locked up the house tight.



I jumped when the music started playing. I ran out to the living room with my bat ready, but only saw the T.V. was on the music channel.


???-... *Psst*.

I heard it from behind me and before I could turn around to hit them with the bat, I got hit in the back of the head so hard, I blacked out before I could even hit the ground.

(Timeskip ???)


I coughed from being doused in water all of a sudden and wiped my face from any water. My clothes were soft now and when I finally got on my hands and knees, I felt a leather collar and chain around me. That's when I looked around and noticed an animal in front f me with a bucket next to them.


???-Oh good, you're awake. We have so much to talk about.


(Hermey's POV)

I could hear the mother's screams on the other side of the cellar and this was getting crazy! First, she kidnaps the son and now she kidnaps his mother?! Why would she even want to bring the person she hates here?! I could barely hear anything and I doubt they could see me over here in the dark while they only had a bit of candlelight over there. It may be warm in here, but it's hard to get around.

Hermey's mind-There has to be a way out of this! Clarice needs help... Well, family first, and then Clarice.

It made me think that they know we exist now and if the world learns about us like this then...

Hermey's mind-This is all such a mess.

I just grabbed my chain attached to my ankle and tried to think of something... It was too tight to slip off, but if heat makes metal expand... I have a few candles over here, but I need a way to light them.

Hermey's mind-This is going to take a while.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Clarice was feeding me some chicken and baked potatoes like Mommy used to make, but there was something that made them have more flavor. I just couldn't feed myself since I was tied to the bed, but it was hard to relax and enjoy the food.

Clarice-Let's get that belly of yours nice and full, Honey. After that, Mommy is going to make you relax again for bath time. ~

I blushed and tried to break free, but my body stopped when she held another bite up to me to take. All of this food reminded me of...

(Y/N)'s mind-Mommy... Where are you?
