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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up this morning with the others to grab an early job for the day, but then... I was promoted to C-rank for helping to conquer an SSS-rank dungeon while Chelsie was given A-Rank and Luna was still an S-rank. Zahara and I just had to do a test to get our ranking up and they said that C-rank was the best they could do for now until I got more experience, plus there was no sign of the boss as far as they knew... They don't know Luna and Zahara could transform. As for my rank, they said if I don't bring in a C-rank monster by the end of the day, they are putting me back down to F-rank, and as scary as this is...

(Y/N)'s mind-THIS IS MY CHANCE!!!

I wanted things to go perfectly, so first we needed better gear... Luna didn't want any and Zahara said she hates wearing armor because almost nothing for her. Chelsie just wanted more armor under her clothes, so I just needed a new and better bow which is not a problem thanks to. I could get an SSS-rank bow if I wanted, but... it was too heavy and very hard to pull back, even a little. I went down a rank every time and the best I could handle was a D-rank bow, but the arrows I got were C-rank. I wondered why, but the shopkeeper they packed a punch because they were infused with magic, so I had to be careful. After shopping, I thought I would do a bit of target practice with this thing... 3 shots should be good.

Chelsie-Um, maybe you would want to put your right foot further back for more support. That shopkeeper was being vague on purpose. You never had a weapon like this before. Your last bow was F-rank as well as your standard arrows.

Luna-No kidding. Watch what you buy and fire.

(Y/N)-It's just a little harder to pull back, so that means more range and I was 50 feet back. I'm fine.

Chelsie-That's not what I-.

I released the arrow after pulling the bow back far enough, but the magic already went off at the best and sent me flying back into Zahara. My vision was a little blurry from the blast of magic and the girls ran to me while I looked at at Zahara holding her mouth while her eyes sparkled a little with tears. On the bright side, she didn't move back an inch and her soft body didn't hurt me at all. I'm still a little sore and embarrassed from screaming a little while flying back thanks to my lightweight skill.


I looked to where the arrow was and the 'impact arrow' only left a small crater in the boulder until it gave out and crumbled... I read about magic-infused arrows, but I didn't think they could be so strong and they were only C-rank.

(Y/N)-More support... Got it. *groan*

((B/N)'s POV)

(B/N)-Come on, let's go!

I got tired of cutting these weak practice dummies down with a sword this good because they are almost nothing now. Finally, we got to go in the carriage to head out, but then the adults had to take forever talking about my stupid little brother. Just then, Lillian got in here with me, so I just laid back in the corner to look cool with my iron sword in front of me.


Lillian-Hello, young prince. I thought I would tell you where we are going.

(B/N)-Is it the nearest town with a guild?!

Lillian-No. It's a few towns due east. The guard didn't look there, yet, so we are covering the rest of the east while they handle the west.

(B/N)-But we get to do quests and fight, right?

Lillian-Your father did want you to train on a bit more... advanced level but had the same rules as last time. You are allowed to do sparring matches... J-Just keep in mind-.

I could not believe it! I can fight real people and clash swords in epic battles! I looked out the window a bit to see the guy with a huge battle axe. He was an A-rank guy, so it'll be a good warm-up later. I'll take out a few monsters to show of my new power. Before we fight to show them how strong I am. I want to kill an A-rank Goblin King, an S-rank Fefnir Wolf, an A-Rank Skeleton Reaper, a SS-rank-!

(Lillian's POV)

He seems happy now, but I know losing again and again will get frustrating. It's just for the sake of learning better defenses and attacks by listening to us, but it's not like we will actually attack him. At best we would knock his weapon out of his hands and with minor scraps and injuries would be taken care of by me. We will all set off, it was just (B/N) and I in this carriage because he insisted we be alone.

(B/N)-So what is there to know about you? ~

Lillian-Oh... Well, there isn't that much to say. I just grew up in a small village that cared about each other. When they saw the skills I had the capital came and wanted me to train at the church here. Now, I just send what I can back to the village that raised me to thank them for the life I had before this one... That's about it.

(B/N)-Very nice. I plan to be the fastest rank-up to SSS-rank. ~

He wanted to keep talking, but soon he started to get closer to me and even cuddly. He even wanted me to hug him, but then I felt him brace his feet to push me back a little until I fell over with him on top of me.

Lillian's mind-So passionate about cuddles... I guess all tough guys have a soft spot after all.

(Grace's POV)

I was getting a ride to the next village in secret to make sure I was not being followed by the guards I spotted in town this morning looking for me, but it got too risky, so I jumped off the cart from behind and walked the rest of the way. I made it to the outskirts of the town, but a few small goblins came out of the bushes to attack me.


I tried to run, but more came behind me, so I tried to fire ice spears at them. I killed seven of them and there was only one left.




((Y/N)'s POV)

I told everyone again... I was fine and I had normal arrows again. Only use the impact arrows for emergencies. It just won't be today because we just have to kill a horde of D-rank goblins and a C-rank Goblin Lord and I already know what I was going to do against the Gobil Lord. These goblins are not fast, so minions attack in hordes that Zahara can easily burn after Luna leads them to an open field, so we don't burn down the forest. Chelsie and Luna will get the stragglers while I get the boss's location. Their skin would be too tough to kill with normal stone-tipped arrows, but the eyes and eardrums were a different story. It'll stab the brain and kill the goblin lord. All we need to do is make noise in their territory to get them where we want them to be. When I told them this...

Luna-We just picked up the job not even an hour ago. When did you think of this?

(Y/N)-I remember my classes and books from the library back at the castle about many monsters. It talks about strengths and weaknesses or more. I know about most monsters... Also, Battle IQ is one of my skills. It's just not handy in a small ring alone with my brother when he's stronger, faster, and more skilled at swords.

Luna-Not bad for a 7-year-old. ~... What about a Fefnir Wolf?

(Y/N)-Actually, I never really got to do much reading about a lot of S-rank and above matters since they keep those books somewhere else... Hey, maybe when we are done I could ask you about-.


We all turned to the screaming and Zara picked me up to run really fast inside the forest, but Luna had Chelsie and was faster in her Fefnir Wolf form. We saw the huge horde of dozens of goblins as well as the Goblin Lord surrounding someone who must've screamed for help and were blasting magic wildly at the horde. It's not going to work though! Goblin Lords send the horde to kill off weak prey or weaken the stronger ones!

(Y/N)-Luna! Howl and get their attenti-!


My ears hurt when she did it all of a sudden without letting us prepare. I guess I don't mind because it got their attention and we still covered our ears. The horde was coming for us, but we can't blast them with fire, yet. The flames will hit whoever is surrounded. I jumped off Zahara and looked at them.

(Y/N)-Lead them away! I'm getting higher ground and getting the person to safety. Chelsie, you're with me to handle the stragglers!

I climbed up a tree really quickly and the girls did what I asked. I was amazed at how this plan came to me in a heartbeat... I think my battle IQ skill is better than I thought. Most of the horde left and when they did...


(Y/N)'s mind-Princess Grace?!

She killed the rest of the goblins surrounding her with a water whip and ice froze them in ice. Chelsie and I tried to get the rest in the field, but the Goblin Lord was running to grab her. If he does, she'll be crushed or very hurt! I had a clear shot to the head, but a normal arrow will have them fall on top it her by the time he goes down...

(Y/N)'s mind-This is an emergency!

(Grace's POV)

I tried to blast the bigger goblin away or impale him, but even with my spikes impaling him, it still runs to me. I could tell that it was dying, but... there was no time and I was backed up against a rock wall.




I saw an arrow hit the goblin's ears and it blew off half of its head while making it fly into the trees. More mini goblins came to me and I was so tired, but that's when someone came and killed them with throwing knives and long daggers.



She was the head maid at (Y/N)'s castle and she left with him... That means... Suddenly, I saw (Y/N) jump out of a tree and roll on the ground before running up to me with a new bow and it clicked... HE KILLED A GOBLIN LORD TO SAVE ME!!!


(Y/N)-Grace, what are you doing here?! How did you even get here?! Did you get cut anywhere?!

He kept on asking questions to make sure I was ok and Chelsie got him to calm down, but coming from him... I never felt so happy when I hugged him after so long.


(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Y/N) turned in all the goblin ears and horns from the Goblin Lord at a guild to bring up his rank. Now, we were at an inn and I kept on cuddling him in bed, but 'Luna' grabbed his other side and kept on licking his face and neck, and rubbing her body against hers while looking at me. Chelsie was making food that smelled delicious and made me hungry while Zahara watched us from the end of the bed... Look at me however you like, but I came so far to see (Y/N) and I am not leaving his side! Zahara came up to the bed to where her body was covering (Y/N) until her head was on his tummy.

(Y/N)-C-Can I get up for a moment?


We stayed like this until the food was done and what I saw made me freeze in shock... CHELSIE MADE SSS-RANK FOOD IN A PLACE LIKE THIS?!?!?! (Y/N) ate it happily like it was normal, but I was in heaven for my taste buds.

Luna-So now that we're all calmed down... What next? We have a runaway princess.

(Y/N)-Let me handle this... Grace, why did you run away?

Grace-They were going to make me be engaged to your mean brother, even after all the progress I made with my magic to choose myself. Just look at this.

I made water clones of me and (Y/N), but my mind went to somewhere where we were holding hands and I was giving him my love to seal it with a kiss. During the kiss, a knife flew across the room to destroy my clones... Or my clone. We looked at Chelsie who was still eating.

Chelsie-Sorry, I thought I just saw a fly.

(Y/N)-Did you get it?

Chelsie-Indeed... As you were, Princess Grace.

Grace-Oh, yes... Well, On top of water clones, I learned ice, light, and other water spells, made them stronger, but it wasn't enough... I d-don't want to b-b-be with *hic* (B/N) forever.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I can understand that much. I wanted to see her other spells too and she did show all that she could do which was like dinner and a show... Zahra wanted to show a few tricks too, so I said they had to be really small. They were all fire-based and some of the fire didn't even burn the bed that she set on fire at all until she made them go away. I went over to feel it and it was really warm now... Like a kiss from the sunlight when you lay on it. Other girls wanted to show tricks and all I could do was jump higher in the air while doing flips since I couldn't shoot arrows to put holes in the wall. I felt jealous of all of them. I snapped out of it when Zahara...

Zahara-Look! I can even transform!

She started to glow, but I ran up to her and grabbed her arm to get her attention.

(Y/N)-No!... I think we showed enough. Why don't we relax for the day to celebrate and talk about Grace in the-?

Grace-No! I know what I want to do! I want to stay with you!

What she said made all the girls look at each other including her... I have no idea what they were thinking.

(No POV)

(Y/N) could barely feel it, but all the tensions in the room were super high just to try and impress him even more. Now the girls all have more competition with each other. They did however try to have fun and celebrate ranking up and now Grace signing up and joining the party. At first, even with all her magic powers, she was a kid and was going to be put at F-rank, but getting mad at this she displayed more magic, and while the instructor could handle her... Her glare sent shivers down their spine with clones that had ice spikes behind her...

Instructor-... You'll do a quest tomorrow to determine your rank some more.


Instuctor's mind-What's happening with children this generation?

(Timeskip To Night)

(Lillian's POV)

There were no signs of the young prince and the other prince was not pleased that after signing into a guild, he was placed at F-rank despite him destroying dummy after dummy with his sword. It was for safety reasons that he was placed in F-rank at his age to only take G and F-ranked missions. He wanted to do sparring matches immediately, but after he lost one... he stayed in the carriage for a few hours without listening to anyone. I guess he is still adjusting to all of this. I was in a bath alone since I reported to the church here and sent a message by raven to the kingdom that we did not find (Y/N). My heart felt troubled for the little boy who must be as scared and confused as (B/N) is right now. Just then, I heard something behind me and stood up in the water to look at the entrance of the open-air bath.

Lillian-Hello?... Is someone there?

Soon, I saw (B/N) come out and I felt he was still troubled from earlier and he might be missing his brother too.


Lillian-Oh, it's you... Are you feeling alright, your highness?

He looked at me for a moment and I wanted to assure him that it was fine if he joined. The gods made our body in their image, so it was nothing to be ashamed of.

Lillian-It's ok if you wish to join. As long as there is no ill intent, it's just bathing. Come in.

He looked happy about joining me and I wanted to offer my assistance, but he wanted to do things on his own... I still helped him with his back.

(B/N)-Since you helped me... How about I help you? ~

Now, I felt a little lust filled desire in his voice, so I will not encourage this. Still, it's odd that this is coming from a child.

Lillian-(B/N), taking advantage of ones body is a sin. One, I will not allow you to make. Plus, I already washed myself, so I think it's time we get out and head back up to the hotel room. The others must be busy planning for tomorrow, so I must join them. I will drop you off at your room though for bedtime.

(B/N)-What?! But I'm the prince and-!

(Short Timeskip)

((B/N)'s POV)

When we got to my room I was so angry! She treated me like a baby and tried to tuck me in, so when she left I got out and punched the stupid pillows, knocked over a vase, and threw the blankets to the floor.


That means no bedtime, no bathtime, no telling me to do anything, and I tell them what to do! I am going to be king one day and even as a prince, I have ranking over them. They are all a few rooms down planning to get that stupid brother of mine back when we should be going on quests and fighting monsters to make me more than a stupid F-rank! I even yelled at that guy and called him a liar, but I'll show him! It just means I will jump straight to A or S-rank tomorrow! Meanwhile, I bet (Y/N) is a G-rank in a gutter all alone after the maid left his useless ass behind. Even so...

(B/N)'s mind-Tomorrow, we are going to a dungeon and we are not leaving until I conquer it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We took a hotel tonight for more rooms and more beds, but we only got a bigger room and a bigger bed to fit all of us. It started when I offered to sleep with Grace since she might get scared, but then Chelsie said she should join to help, then Zahara said it wasn't fair and joined us, but Luna just said she was joining like she was not asking. We were all in the open bath to get clean and soaked while Zahara wanted to play with me.

Zahara-So, where are we going tomorrow, Master?


(Y/N)-Well... Grace needs to do a mission tomorrow and when that's done and she has a better rank, we can leave this town to go to the next one. The guards are going to be her sooner or later.

Zahara-Do I get to play with more goblins?!

Chelsie-Not every mission is going to have goblins.

Grace-I just want something C-rank... Like you.

I don't know why she wants to be like me. She's so much more amazing than me with her magic, but if it will make her happy. Later that night, I tried to divide the bed up in case someone wanted space earlier in the night, but instead... it was a pile with Luna and Grace on top of me and Chelsie and Zahara on my sides, so I was buried in my team. Also,...

Chelsie-(Y/N), I have water next to me, so when you get thirsty you only need to say, 'ahhhh' for me. ~

(Y/N)-Um, thank you.

Zahara's body started to heat up but stopped at a very cozy temperature.

Zahara-Does that feel good, Master? You only need to snuggle into me to get more. ~

(Y/N)-That's nice, but-.

Just then Luna's tail came up to hit my face and it felt so fluffy.

Luna-Oh, Honey Bunch. Do you think you can fluff my tail tonight? All you need to do is snuggle with it. ~

I didn't talk to keep the fur out our my mouth, but just then some parts of me not covered up started to feel cold.

Grace-(Y/N), I'm getting a little scared. When we get the blanket over us, could you hold me extra tight to keep me safe? ~

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(No POV)

(Y/N) tried to make everyone happy since he thought it was a part of being appointed leader, but when he was done, he was exhausted even when he was lying down the whole time. Request after request to make the girls happy took it out of him. It ended with Zahara in her birthday suit, Chelsie losing most of her clothes from being too hot, Luna having her tail extra fluffy from being angry about the other girls, and marking (Y/N) even more by licking and rubbing her body against him to flood the room with her scent by her standards, and Grace planted a kiss on his lips to spite her. Everyone went to sleep.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I never thought cuddling could be so much work last night, but I never slept that from going to bed super tired before. They even let me sleep while they all went out Early for Grace's mission to kill giant Viper Rats in the sewers which she solved by drowning them. Or that's what she told me and showed me her temporary C-rank card.

(Y/N)-I wanted to see it! Why didn't anyone wake me up?!

Zahara-You looked so cute while you were sleeping, Master. ~

Luna-Also we tried to wake you up gently, but you were dead asleep.

Grace-It wasn't that impressive from what you saw before. I just turned the water into ice for a moment before making ice spikes and turning it all back into water to flush out the bodies.

(Y/N)-... That sounds so cool!

Her cheeks turned pink a little while she looked down, but I guess there was no point in staying here now. We'll shop for more great for her at the next town, so we all got onto a cart.

Zahara-Master can sit on my lap!

Chelsie-He's my Master first!

Zahara-Stop trying to hog him!

They fought over me and people in the streets were staring and some even looked angry or something while crying. I thought of a way to stop this by sitting with Luna and Grace... I think the girls were mad at each other and I think it was my fault. I need to think of something to have them all get along and be happy now because it could've happened during that mission.

(Y/N)'s mind-Being the leader is hard. Chelsie should be the leader.

((B/N)'s POV)

(B/N)'s mind-Being the leader is so easy! I was born to do this!

We were going to an A-Rank dungeon and just got to the entrance. I had the perfect plan for a team as strong as this and told everyone on the way here! We go in, cut down any monster we see, and draw more out with loud noises to kill them too, finally, we get to the boss and they follow my lead to cut off its head to bring it back to town!

(B/N)-Now, let's go!

Warrior-Wait!... We need to read the map first.


Warrior-Yeah, to find the quickest route to the boss room and avoid as much confrontation as possible to conquer resources and strength.

(B/N)-This is an SS-rank party against an A-rank dungeon! You are 2 whole ranks about this!

Paladin-It doesn't make this less dangerous. When going to a dungeon, physical strength is not everything. You need to make sure you are well equipped, find the fastest route, and know what monsters are discovered here from expedition parties,-.

This sounded like a boring class back at home. What does he even mean by strength does matter? As long as you are stronger, you always come out on top. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Lillian walk up to me.


Lillian-So when the monster is weakened, you may fight it with my buffs on everyone, including you. We shall be keeping you safe.

(B/N)-I'm not weak! I know how to fight and have the skills for sword fighting!

Mage-... Are you still 8?

(B/N)-I'm the leader and the leader is always up front, fighting!

Warrior-Of course you are the leader, but the leader can be in back to give orders too.


Paladin-Also, there's another reason we are here... To secure the resting place of the holy sword found in this dungeon with the last holder.

(B/N)-Holy sword?... As in, 'the' Holy sword, Excaliber?!

Warrior-The last wielder died of old age during the boss fight. We only need to vanquish the boss and-.

I wanted that sword now, so I ran inside to go get it my way and be a true hero!



They can all just watch and see me take care of this place while I fight up front! I saw a monster up ahead in the darkness, so I activated my extra strength skill to take care of it in just one attack with my new and stronger sword!


Warrior-LOOK OUT!!!



My sword... It was caught in a moth and bit into pieces before I looked in the darkness where the light could show a tail to my side, but the S-rank warrior blocked it before he killed the monster with a single strike.


I was just picked up and brought back outside of the dungeon where everyone either looked relieved or mad. I'm the one that should be mad! The sword I had was clearly a weak one and I could've been killed!


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I was stuck in the middle of the party where I could only use the same kind of iron sword to kill mostly dead monsters with a stab.

Paladin-Hey, was it really a good idea to bring the prince along after what he tried to do? *whisper*


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

This was taking forever since we didn't go with my plan to do this all in record time, but when I brought up a record to beat a dungeon faster than any other time, I was told there was no such record for many reasons... Also, he didn't care for a record... WHAT KIND OF ADVENTURER DOESN'T CARE ABOUT BEING THE STRONGEST!!! IS HE SOME KIND OF LOSER?!?!?! When we made it to the boss fight, I had to stay in the back of the boss room while others got to fight... They killed in less than five minutes and I didn't even get to fight.

(B/N)-Why don't I get to fight?!

Nobody answered me because they were busy with the corpse of the boss, so I just walked up and kicked it before I remembered something...

(B/N)'s mind-THE HOLY SWORD!!! Where is it?! Where is it?!

I ran around the boss room and later found it stabbed in the ground next to a skeleton. with armor.


Everyone looked over to me and I was going to put on a show for them. I am the next heir to the throne and future king of this land with a talent for sword skills. I had to be the next chosen one so I grabbed the sword.

(B/N)-Excaliber is-!... *grunt*... *Ahem* Excaliber is-!... *Grunt*... *HNNRRRGGHHH*!!!

Warrior-Um, Your Highness.

(B/N)-I got this! Just need to get it out of the ground! *grunt*

Lillian-Sweetie, we only needed to clear the dungeon for-.


I kept on pushing and pulling it up as hard as I could. Tears were coming out of my eyes while everyone watched. After many short breaks, I think I got it. I need to think about my goals as a king... To be the strongest and mightiest king of all that will slay all enemies to me and build a stronger kingdom! Everyone will love me and know that I am the hero above all!


I froze in place after what I did... In front of everyone.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Lillian's POV)

In his defense, accidents do happen and we were never supposed to 'claim' the sword, but secure it for the church to come and chisel out the stone from under it and pick it up that way to relocate the stone in a cart. It needed 5 feet of width and depth for the charm on the sword to not be active. Everyone did try, but none were chosen by the sword. I tried to tell this to the prince to make him feel a little better, but he was still made from his 'accident' and wanted to be alone in the carriage.

Lillian's mind-Poor thing and heavily misguided. He wanted my body and now wanted power that wasn't his, yet. At this rate, he will be hurt badly or killed.

It's up to me to bestow proper guidance upon him. I will need to get to know him more properly and children do love sweetest... I can make my SSS-rank strawberry shortcake with chocolate drizzle and powdered cinnamon. Although, I know one thing that would warm his heart...

Lillian's mind-If we find his brother, I'm sure he will be relieved and back in the comfort of his own home.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were still on the cart heading into the forest and Chelsie and Luna took turns driving. We even showed showed Grace that Zahara and Luna could transform since she wanted to be in out party. I expected her to scream and I would help her calm down and that was the case for Luna, but Zahara being a huge SSS-rank dragon... She passed out, so I had Zahara help me keep her cool and let her rest.

(Y/N)-In hindsight, maybe showing both of your transformations at the same time wasn't the best idea.

Zahara-*Giggles* But it was a little funny.

Luna-I'm sure she's fine... Now, I think you had enough time with her and she needs space to breathe. Meanwhile, you have a fluffy tail that you promised to give attention to. ~

(Y/N)-Luna, if I could just have a bit more time with-.

She motioned her finger to come to her and fluff her tail. Even if it was fun, relaxing, and cozy, I still felt worried about Grace. Zahara was also getting jealous and wanted me to pet her tail.

Zahara-Master, you have to be fair to all of us... I also want to boop your cute little nose. ~

She booped my nose while I snuggled with Luna and her tail wrapped around me and my head was against her belly, I was petting Zahara's tail which didn't feel as soft, but she loved it. Later, Chelsie wanted to stop and make camp for the day to make sure the guards don't find us in towns and even went off road. I helped get tents set up with Chelsie with sleeping bags and stuff while Luna went out to scout the area and I told Zahara to watch Grace. While we were working, I was working on the last 2 person tent, I saw Zahrar whispering something to Grace.


Zahara-Master is mine, Master is mine, Mine is mine, Master is mind... Your dessert is mine, Your dessert is mine-. *whisper*



I scolded her for a few minutes, but all she did in return was boop my nose a few times, so I brought Grace to her tent to get her into some shade. When Luna got back, she had firewood, but then Zahara showed us she could just burn the ground with her fire to stay warm later tonight, so we could just use the wood for cooking.


Chelsie came over and claimed that we were going to be sharing a tent, but I had to stay with Grace... The three of us could share.


When I brought this up...

Zahara-Master! I want to sleep with you too!

Luna-You won't leave me out in the cold, would you? ~

(Y/N)-N-N-No, I just-.

Zahara-She's so small that you won't know she's there and I can squeeze in!

Luna glared at Zhara when she said that and looked really mad. I just agreed to try to fit in the same tent tonight, but for now, I needed some rest of my own. I just want a little nap.

(No POV)

While (Y/N) took his nap, the girls went about their business since the camp was set up. Chelsie went out for ingredients while Luna went out with Zahara claiming to see a 'wish-granting fairy' which Zahara wanted to make the wish of being her Master's favorite being in the whole wide world.

Luna-Quickly! It went into that hole in the cliffside! Jump!

Zahara-I got it!

She jumped in head and arms first and pulled herself in and blew some fire to see an empty hole.

Zahara-Hey! The fairy is not in here! *muffled*

Luna-That what it would want you to think. Just keep looking and don't stop no matter what you here or feel.

Zahara-Heeeyyyy... You aren't lying to me, are you? *muffled*

Luna-Me lie?... Never, but just try to remember this for next time... Don't call me 'Small' because the world has a way of punishing people... Just to look out for you as a friend.

Zahara-I never had a friend before you all. *muffled*

Luna-All the more reason to listen. Now find that fairy, so you can be 'Master's favorite'... and he can be a good cuddler when he's all yours. ~

Zahara-*Gasp* *muffled*

She blew more fire in the hole and didn't transform to 'keep the fairy trapped inside with her until she found it. Meanwhile, Luna lifted her dress aside and got some plants and berries that attracted bears in mating season for a type of drug to spell 'SLUT' on her ass before leaving her. She ended up venting out the rest of her frustration of being called small by other predators in the forest and brutally maimed them... The ones that were salvageable were brought back to camp, but when she got back...

Chelsie-Luna, why did you come here covered in blood?! Where were you?!

Luna-... Therapy.

Chelsie-Where's Zahara?

Luna-Having fun while trying to make a wish.

She answered everything so coldly, but Chelsie sent her off to the lake nearby to get that blood off of her before the children woke up. She prepped all the meat and some of these were high class, but while she was working... Someone had been watching them ever since they had arrived. Now, it was time for them to report.




Our brother just pulled a Leroy Jakins I’m surprised he didn’t scream it while running in