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((Y/N)'s POV)


They poured water on me for the bath which felt really warm and steamy to help me relax. Blue Pearl was scrubbing me down while Yellow Pearl was getting ready for another pour. It took a few more times for us to be done. They took me out to dry me off and dress me up again before Yellow Pearl had the leash for me to pull me over to her. She looked at a screen and since I listened during and before the bath, we can skip training. I just didn't know what they were going to do now.

Yellow Pearl-Hmm... It says he is due for 'play time'... What's that?

Blue Pearl-It's when one engages in an activity or game they find fun. Most I know require a group. Here is one I found called, football'. However, I do not recommend this game as it risks damaging him.

She showed us a video of a football game on her screen that was played by professionals. They both looked at it like it was weird... Or I think Blue Pearl was since her eyes are always covered.

Yellow Pearl-So you tackle the one with a ball as they run across a field?... Why? What humans thought of this in the first place?

Blue Pearl-I don't know, but it would be best to find another game for him to play. There are a few I know that are without contact.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why do I have a bad feeling about this?... What's going on with the Diamonds and the others right now?

(Blue's POV)

We just made it to the zoo and were in the room where all the Rose Quartz soldiers were bubbled to wait for the human we requested. We had plans for her punishment for insulting me. Holly and Jasper waited with us with the tools and looked happy when we gave them instructions to not be gentle like with our pet. Soon, the doors opened and a human was brought inside and it was none other than the human female that loved to yell. The Amethyst left her without a word and she stopped yelling when she looked at us to see we were both angry... She had the nerve to yell at me once again.


Yellow was about to yell back to her, but I simply stepped forward up to her and all that confidence went away. She is now backed up against the wall where I could easily crush her and be down with it. However, this will be far more entertaining.

Blue-I learned what 'Bitch' means and I think it suits you far better. So we came to show you what you really are.

I clapped my hands twice which signaled Jasper and Holly to get started. They started by grabbing her and stripping her of the uniform for the other humans and was given a collar. I just sat back with Yellow and saw how her body had different parts of my pet, yet her body looked so... organic and primitive. Not even close to our level of perfection or even that of any other gem.

Blue-Let's start with a basic punishment, and Holly... use your electric whip.

Holly-Yes, My Diamond.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I chuckled at her cries and pleads to stop, but Yellow and I gave no such order, so Jasper continued to hold her in place over her lap while Holly whipped her. A red liquid was coming out of her a bit now.

Yellow-As amusing as this is, should we move this along? Our pet is waiting for us.

Blue-I suppose so... We'll start with commands and simple rules.


Jasper-Yes, My Diamond.

Jasper let her off and forced her to her hands and knees.

Jasper-Rule #1... You are to always crawl unless told not to.

She only tried to get up and run, but Holly wrapped her whip around her ankles to make her fall to her knees. I held the bridge of my nose in annoyance. Her offspring listens more than her and I never laid a harmful at him. I activated my leash for her and pulled her across the room to apply my own authority.

Blue-You will listen and obey or so help me I will show you torture and humiliation 'beyond' what your feeble human mind can comprehend.

I plan to do that anyway before being rid of her for good if I don't find it very amusing to keep her suffering going.

(Yellow Pearl's POV)

This game called, 'catch' was similar to 'fetch' as Blue Diamond's Pearl described, but you throw it at him. We just had to be careful and to be sure, it was just a ball of light that acts like a hologram. Even his weak throws would let it bounce off the walls. He wasn't really 'playful' as humans would call it first until he played for a while. Even bouncing off items easy to knock over and now just wanted to see the ball of light bounce off of everything. He loved it more when I played his way and it went around the room very fast. The amusement placed on his face is only to be expected, for I am Yellow Diamond's Pearl, so entertaining her pet is a feeble task... It still looked...

Yellow Pearl's mind-Cute.

To think such a waste of time could be so relaxing and nice, but then Blue's Pearl did a spin kick to the ball to make it go faster.


(Y/N)-*Giggles*! ~

Yellow Pearl's mind-What?! He didn't make that sound for me!

I looked at her to see her smiling before she noticed me. I only looked to watch the pet play and do nothing else to engage. I don't need to be the favorite Pearl of Blue and Yellow Diamond's pet... I don't.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

The pet human, (Y/N) was tired and could no longer play, so I suggested 'cuddling' on his 'bed'. I don't see why 'she' needed to be included, but made the cuddling happen on the spot by simply holding him in my arms. His body was limp and felt very nice.

Blue Pearl-Doesn't your tasks include getting food? He may be getting hungry. I should hold him.

Yellow Pearl-*Tch* What make you think you know-.

(Y/N)-*Stomach Growl*

Blue Pearl-... That sound means he is hungry.

Yellow-... Fffffine.

I gave him up, but only to ensure he was fed and I remember how Jasper did it, so I can get a free from his tree and a bottle. When I came back to (Y/N) being bounced in Pearl's arms as she smiled at him, he looked at me with his food. If I held it to his mouth without letting him take them, he would still open his mouth. Everything was going fine until we heard the door open behind us which meant someone would be hearing from our Diamonds.

Yellow Pearl-Excuse me! This room is restricted by all means until further-! *Gasp*!


It was White Diamond's Pearl and even for a Pearl, her presence is like being in front of White Diamond herself right now... Why is she here? Blue's Pearl tried to turn (Y/N) away from her as she was nervous too, causing the pet to fear her too.

White Pearl-Greetings. White Diamond requests your presence.

Yellow Pearl-Me?

Whte Pearl-The 3 of you.

We both looked at our Diamond's pet and knew were we going to be in deep trouble either way, but even our Diamonds feared White Diamond like everyone else.

Blue Pearl-... *Gulp*.

(Yellow's POV)

Blue laughed and clapped a little at this sight. Moments ago this human was barking insults at us, but now losing her uniform and crawling around the room for us in shame seemed to make her stop. We had her even kiss the bottom of all of our feet which took another whip when we saw her drag herself. Giving it some thought, our pet will need key examples to take after of what traits to follow and others to not follow. Taking her back like this will serve of an example of being bad. Blue took the leash from Holly to do something.

Blue-Now, tell me... Who is (Y/N)'s Mother?... Holly. ~

(Holly's POV)

I gladly whipped this female again while picturing her getting too close to the clearly superior pet. Both Diamonds seemed happy and Yellow seemed to be doing something. Blue Diamond asked the same question and I got ready to whip her again.


(M/N)-*Sniffle* Y-You.

Blue-What am I? ~

(M/N)-(Y-Y/N)'s... mother.

Blue-So I believe that makes you the bitch... Those dogs are kept in cages as well.

Yellow-I saw the same thing, Blue. Our pet needs to know what not to be like or a fate similar to hers to await them. I say we keep her like this as an example.

They spoke for a while longer and Jasper took the leash back to have the female be on all fours in the middle of us. Blue was against the idea and keeping her too close would only provoke their pet to act out. During the wait, I sat on the female's back to keep her useful somehow. In the end, it was decided that they would remain here and far away from their pet, but would not be allowed to walk on two legs anymore and the staff would be aware of the state she's to remain in, or else punishment would ensue. She will however still serve as an example though by tricking their pet. Whenever he acts out, they will play a recording later and claim it to be live footage of her being punished on his behalf. Jasper and I took her back to the containment area ourselves before we met the Diamonds back at the ship. When we opened the door to put her in like this, we both leaned down to her.

Holly-(Y/N) is the far superior pet, so we will take good care of him. ~

Jasper-It'll also be amusing to see videos of you being punished... And we have our own private channel for your earnings, so look forward to hearing more from us. ~

She tried to get made, but Jasper slapped her red behind to send her tumbling into her new habitat crying. We both closed the door chuckling.

Holly's mind-As for you (Y/N). I can't wait to get back and have her listen to us cuddling. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had my eyes closed in this white bubble that we were all trapped in because of that really, really creepy Pearl made when she floated over to us. It's just she was flying in creative mod on Minecraft but worse because she doesn't move her feet. I opened my eyes again to see all 3 Pearls in here with no idea where we were going.


I hid behind Blue Pearl when White Pearl rotated around to look at me and then rotated back. I was starting to cry from how scared I was, so Blue Pearl picked me up.

Yellow Pearl-Calm him down! *whisper yell*

Blue Pearl-That's a delicate matter. He needs his calming containment area.

White Pearl-All preparations will be taken care of.

We had no idea what she meant, but I cried into Blue Pearl while she tried to gently shush me. By the time I stopped, the bubble went away and I looked around to see a huge room and...


White Pearl floated over to her side and I held onto Blue Pearl tighter, but she put me down in front of her. She still held on to my shoulders and against her body.

???-Ahhh. There you are. You must be the pet that my sisters are interested in. I already know so much about you, (Y/N).


???-I see there is work to be done here.

She must be the Diamond that White Pearl was talking about... White Diamond and she was bigger than Blue and Yellow.

White-Now, are you ready to be a good boy for me. Undergo proper training?


White-Good, good... Pearl, take these Pearls and human pet to the contaimient area, I have set here.

We suddenly all sunk into the floor and when we hit a soft ground, I saw this place was bigger, had a bigger bed, and it looked more like a forest for what the others were going for, just more...

(Y/N)'s mind-White and pink?



It's Pink Diamond all over aggaiinnnn!!!! T^T