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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were back at the daycare right now and I got to go out and play with the other kids to play capture the flag for a while to just run around. I didn't really want to talk to the other kids, so I had another reason to spread out from all of them to play. There were two teams and I was on Bri's team while some other kids were on Miley's team. Some of the other kids were faster than me, so it wasn't fair, but we had to play at least 3 out of 5 rounds, which meant the first team to win 3 games won. After it was over... we lost and only won 1 game. Now, we had to go back inside for more playtime and it was time to draw. I saw so many YouTube videos about art, so I thought I could remember how to draw something great, but... it didn't look very good.

(Y/N)'s mind-How do they make it look so easy?

Just then a boy walked up to me and looked at what I was drawing before he just took my blue pencil.

(Y/N)-H-Hey, that was mine!

???-I need it!

He was a little bigger than me and he was one of the faster kids, so I got up to go tell on him. I got to Miley first and tapped on her leg for her to look at me.


Miley-Oh, what is it, Sweetie?

(Y/N)-A boy took my blue pencil when I was using it to draw.

Miley-Well, let's get it back for you.

(Miley's POV)

I already knew who it had to be and Thompson can not just keep his hands to himself and can be the playground bully to the other kids. Well, he is not going to bully my baby because the thought of that makes my fur fluff up a bit in anger. I ended up getting the color pencil back from him, but now I will be keeping a closer eye on him. I had to check on the other kids, but it was almost no time when...



Bri and I looked to see (Y/N) on the ground and Thompson was standing over him looking at me, so I rushed to pick my baby up.


Thompson-He started it! I wanted that pencil, so he should've just gotten another!

Bri-You are going in a timeout!

I checked my baby, but even with no bruises or anything after being pushed down, I took him to go be with Rose and Ruth since Kinsely was busy. On the way there I was lucky his crying drowned out my soft growl.

Miley's mind-You... LITTLE SELFISH BRAT!!!

(Betsy's POV)

Kinsely and June were on video chat with me while ah was at mah farm, letting the family take care of the fields while ah was making the bigger crib replica in the shed. Ah was in the middle of sawing off the length ah needed fer the last leg before ah got tah work on the base when ah put the outer frame together. After ah do the frame, ah will be able tah make the bars that will act as a gate before ah get tah work sowing the pads fer the wall.

Betsy-Being a Queen-Sized bed, ah think this will take me all day tah make from scratch since mah other chores are covered.

Kinsely-Then you load it on a trailer and bring it over.

Betsy-Yup. What do ya want tah do with the old crib?

Kinsely-Hey can have that one in my office. I'll use the smaller one for one of your houses for him to sleep in if he comes over.

Ah would like fer him tah come by the farm. Mah house ain't no big mansion, but it's still nice and cozy with it being apart from other houses here that mah family stays in. Soon, ah saw Bri come in the room from the door behind them.


June-Bri? What is it?

Bri-It's about (Y/N) and our little playground bully.

Kinsely-... Betsy, I'll call you back.

She hung up while ah was workin', but ah didn't need to be on the phone tah know what happened. Thompson is a troubled kid from a good-lookin' family and ah don't know what happens at home, but the thought of him pickin' on mah baby...


I snapped out of my thoughts of actually hurtin' him and when ah looked down tah see the handle of the tool ah had was crushed. Ah'll just make a new handle later. Ah can't hurt a child, it's just...

Betsy's mind-Ah mean... nothing wrong with a lil' horseplay.

(Kinsely's POV)

Kinsely-He. Did. What?!

Bri told me that not only did Thompson steal from my baby, but he pushed him down to make him cry. He wasn't hurt, but he is staying with Rose and Ruth for the day since he always go after kids who tell on him. This is the kid from one of my husband's floor managers, but even if he is troubled I tried to be patient with him... And that just ran out.

Kinsely's mind-Nobody fucks with my baby! I don't care who or how old you are?!

I went into my cabinet where I keep confiscated items and there are some things that Thompson is dying to get back... Nobody hurts my baby.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Thompson's POV)

I couldn't believe it. The owner of this place was dumb enough to drop the keys to her office in the playroom before she went outside and Bri and Miley were watching everyone else with June at story time. They don't even know that I am gone. I had the keys and snuck off to her office and went to the cabinet where she takes my stuff for pranks, like pop-its, smoke bombs, a joy buzzer, and a firecracker.

Thampson-Too easy. *snickers*

I looked around the room too to see that there was baby stuff on the other side of the room... There has to be a lighter here for adults to smoke and I can throw my firecracker in there to watch it explode. It's going to be cool. I yanked the drawer open and when I it, I saw a spark and where it hit, I smelled gas and the whole thing...


(No POV)

The fire sprinklers in the ceiling managed to put out the flames, but the fire department, police, and ambulance came to investigate what happened. They said everyone outside it they came to the conclusion that Thompson stole the kills and accidentally blew himself up with the firecracker, mini propane tank, and matches that got him killed. His parents were mourning and were going to try to take Kinsely to court for this, but with this marked up as an accident caused by Thompson that put other kids in danger as well as her staff, she was ready to take them to court if they wanted to take her. After that, she made a statement in an interview with the news, saying...

Kinsely-I never asked for this to happen and I know that these kids are my responsibility, but stealing from me and causing this to happen to put all of the other kids, my staff, and me in danger is something I can not be held responsible for. Nobody can be held responsible for this.

She had to close her daycare for the week for repairs and remodeling which excited her inside. More than enough time for Betsy to make the crib and Kinsely could expand her office that got damaged in one part. No furniture or anything else got damaged. When all the kids left home early, Kinsely took the others to her house.

Kinsely's mind-Have fun in hell... ~ Fucking brat.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

June-Ahhhh. ~


She gave me another bite of tri-tip Betsy made while I was wrapped in a blanket in her arms. Everyone watched as I ate the last of the food for my seconds. After we were done eating, she gave me back to Kinsely, and the pacifier was put in my mouth before we could snuggle some more.


Kinsely-Awwww. You look so sleepy... Mommy has to do a few things before bed, but why don't you take a Mommy or two to bed with you in a big boy guest room? You just need to be an extra cuddly snuggle buddy. ~

I nodded my head and picked June and June wanted Betsy to come with us, so we went to a room to get ready for bed. I closed my eyes for a moment before I heard running water and opened my eyes to see June holding me, but Betsy was getting her clothes off for the bath.


June was next and I was last to be ready for the warm bath and Betsy washed me first and June got herself, so after we were done and waiting for Betsy, we could play in the water. When we got out, June got me dressed with her while Betsy went to go grab some other clothes. When she came back to the room, she looked pretty.


June's face was pretty red when Betsy took me from her into one arm before she put her stuff down. She then picked up June with her other arm.

June-B-Betsy, when did you get clothes like this?

Betsy-Bri, Ruth, and Rose suggested this tah me. Ah thought it was comfy enough tah sleep in fer a while, but ah'm more of a nude sleeper. This is just fer the early part of the night to warm up a lil' more.

She brushed me with the fluffy part of her tail before she sat in bed to turn on a cartoon for us to watch and cuddle. That's when I heard a door open out there, so June went into a drawer and pulled out some headphones. She turned them on and the T.V. went silent. She put the headphones on me and I could hear my cartoon through them. I just couldn't hear everyone else through them. That didn't stop them from giving me more cuddles and kisses while not letting me take them off. Bro went to a mini fridge in here to get a bottle of water for me to drink. I guess she thought I was just thirsty.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why do I have to wear these?

(Marcus's POV)

This was the best day ever. My wife and her friends from work were all naked in front of me as we sat on the couch. She hasn't been this active in years, but this must be a tease right now since they said I could not touch them.

Kinsely-Honey Boo, do you have your 'best' people on this custody case? I want my baby legally now. ~

Marcus-Of course I do, Dear. ~

Kinsely-And did you fire that man they tried to rape my employee? ~

Marcus-Well, I need to find a replacement for him or the work pile is going to be such a-.

Rose-Marcus. ~

I looked at Rose and she spread herself open for me.

Rose-If you fire him, I might just let you in when the deed is done. ~

Marcus-... I'm sure my team could handle a divided pile of work. Now... How about Kinsely and I get-. ~

Kinsely-Noooo... (D/N) fired, (Y/N) in our custody, and then you get what is coming to you. Since you didn't do a good enough job, I don't think you can stay here tonight. ~

Marcus-What? This is my house. I can sleep here whenever I-.

Bri-If you are out the door in the next 15 seconds, that thing Kinsely said you wanted to do her, but she won't do it... We'll let you do it to her and all of us. ~

I looked at Kinsely, Ruth, Rose, Miley, and Bri to see that they were all serious. This cost me 5 seconds, so I wasted no time grabbing my keys and rushing out the door to go stay at a hotel for the night with a few girls I could pay for, but 'they' will be the real treat.

(Kinsely's POV)

As if there is a chance in hell he is ever having sex with me again, let alone any of my friends. We were all getting dressed or just getting dressed for now to stay warm. I owe my friends a few drinks now for putting up with that act I constantly give my husband to do what I want.

Ruth-What a dumbass. It even sounded to good to be true.

Kinsely-I was with him for years and beautiful women are his favorite. Flash him and he's a deer in the headlights. When that happens, I can get him to do nearly anything as long as I make good on it from time to time.

Miley-So, with (D/N)'s job gone the case is going to be one-sided.

Kinsely-Even before we bring up the rape. This is to make sure he gets jail time and as far away from our baby as possible.

We all kept on drinking until...

(Betsy's POV)

Kinsely and the others got tipsy, so it looked like June and ah are the only adults tah keep them in check. Ah got the idea of a cuddle pile in Kinsely's room, so we all got into or out of what we were comfortable in and ah was the bottom tah have (Y/N) against mah chest. June just came with brea and other foods tah help the girls sober up a lil', but there was no harm being done. All they were doing was...



(Y/N)-*Groan* Betsy, they smell funny!

Bri was coverin' his face with kisses, but he was also constantly switched tah the others. Ah just rubbed his head while he tried to head his lil' head in my chest, but the girls got handsy with me to get to him.

Betsy-They'll be out cold soon, Hun. They are just bein' silly after too much wine.

June-Just think of it as fun sleepy time cuddles.

At this rate, they'll be out cold by midnight, but June and ah would be up... Later, it actually came true. (Y/N) and the others were asleep on top of me and June was feeding me something since ah couldn't get up without waking them. She even came in fer a kiss on the cheek, but ah surprised her with it being on the lips. Her cute blushy look is so adorable. When she joined the pile, I looked tah see how bigger ah was than all of them as they make it a bit above my waist at best, but (Y/N) doesn't even make it to my knees... All of them are defenseless right now... Ah feel like a Mama to them.

Betsy's mind-Adorable. ~

(Timeskip To Morning)

((D/N)'s POV)

I just got served a notice to court in a few days for custody but on top of that...



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