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(Eda's POV)

I had the tracker spell ready to go and Willow was showing me where they were attacked. We saw the aftermath of her fight when we landed and I laid out the spell by throwing it down and it showed a misty trail into the woods. We started to follow the trail and we ran into a few monsters, like 2 giant and beautiful birds that tried to swoop down to grab us, but I simply set them on fire. I ignored their screeches and the girls seemed scared of me and they should be because I was furious with them. Luz came up to my side with a nervous smile and I glared down at her.


Luz-Hey Eda... You calm down a little bit, yet?

Eda-Get behind me, now.


They whispered behind me and I felt feathers grow on my body, so I took out a potion to drink it and smashed the bottle against the tree. I heard them flinch and they remembered my rant to them about not getting (Y/N) back when we got home. The trail led us around in all sorts of sudden turns, so it was clear that he was scared and had no idea what to do. It looked like he hid in a log for a bit because the spell piled up in one before it led out and later we made it to... a town.

Eda-All of you, stay here. This won't take long.

(Felicia's POV)

I was sleeping peacefully with (Y/N) in my nice warm bed before I woke up to the faint sound of knocking. It's times like me where I hated the results of my training because it's easy to wake up to certain noises, but then hard to go back to sleep. (Y/N) was still sleeping, so I left my room to see who it could be at this time of the night and when I made it to my front door I opened it to see another one of Anne's kind... Only they looked older and had pointy ears... Is that a human thing?


Felicia-... Who are you?

???-I'm just looking for my baby, lady. About this tall with brown hair and scrapes on his arm and leg. A certain girl lost them.

She was looking for (Y/N). What does this freak have to do with him... He's too good for her if she lost someone so precious I put the town's motto aside.

Felicia-Never saw such a creature. Try the bottom of a ditch and dig deeper.

I tried to close the door in her face, but she put her hand on the door to stop me and glared.

???-Listen... I know you got him and if you don't get him out here right now-.

I kicked her in the chin and that's when I heard other voices.


Two girls went to her side and I was surprised to see more humans here.


One of them pulled out a few pieces of paper and clapped them in her hands before slamming them down to the ground to make ice, so I did a backflip to dodge the attack. The other girl tried to launch some kind of fish at me, but I jumped and ran on top of each of them before landing my feet on both of them to launch them back. When they both got up again...


(Anne's POV)


I never really left the house... Just in case she needed my help... Or if (Y/N) woke up before her... Or if anything happened and I was right, but I never expected this. 3 more humans or I think the old lady was human besides the pointy ears... Maybe she was in a costume, but they were casting magic... real magic and were fighting Felicia in front of her house and Felicia was even winning.

Anne's mind-Note to self... Do not push her for pay tomorrow... Wait a minute.

I looked off to see something from the corner of my eyes and two figures went behind the house. I had a bad feeling because (Y/N) was all alone and wondered if I was just seeing things... Just to be safe, I left my post and the warmth of my blanket to go check things out.

(Amity's POV)

I have no idea why that frog lady wants to keep (Y/N), but we are not leaving him here. We followed the rest of the trail from the back to go to a room and we saw (Y/N) stirring in his sleep.


We thought he would panic to wake up to fighting outside, but before I could think of a plan, Willow made a plant grow from the potted plants in here and have a flower bloom with a lot of pollen coming out. She quickly covered her nose and mine with our shirts, so we didn't breathe it in and (Y/N) stopped stirring in his sleep.

Willow-Don't breathe this in. Grab him and let's go.

I was careful to pick him up and not have my shirt pulled down before we left, but when we got out the back door we saw someone who was another human like Luz.


???-How are you?... Put him down!

We don't have time for this and they could only distract that frog lady for so long, so I pulled out some slime I had reserved and made an abomination to attack her. We needed to get out of here before something else happened, but in the middle of making the quick abomination, it got swarmed by giant bugs.

Amity's mind-Are you kidding me?!

That's when it saw I had more slime and I think it liked my slime... Uh oh. It came for the three of us and Willow was about to pass (Y/N) to me to fight, but then...

???-Watch out!

She threw a jar of something in it and when it smashed open on the ground... I thought I was going to get sick from how bad it smelled and the bugs seemed to hate it too, so they ran off. We looked at this girl and Willow got in the middle of us.

Willow-Get away from them!

???-Woah, woah, woah! Wait!... I see you just want to help him too. Let's just... talk. What do you want with him?

Amity-Willow, we don't have time for this! We need to go!

I had (Y/N), so I was about to run away with him, but then I noticed a few different creatures in the woods watching us.

???-Don't go! Amphibia is really dangerous at night! You'll kill him if you go!

That's when a bunch of the bugs from before came back, but they looked even bigger than before. The new girl rushed over and pushed us to run with her.

(Anne's POV)

Hop-Pops repellant worked on getting rid of the females, but he didn't tell me that males would show up! I had to get them to town and stop that fight with Felicia and the other strangers. If they have magic they will be able to take him by force, but we could either be friends this way or take them by surprise, like Sasha would do. I just... could not bear the thought of them taking him from us.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

Felicia was holding (Y/N) as he was sleeping thanks to a flower from upstairs and she was glaring at her 'guests' while stroking his head. We learned that their names were Luz, Eda, Amity, Willow, and Star after we told them our names. Now, with that out of the way...

Anne-Now, how do you know (Y/N)?

Eda-I adopted him, so he's ours. Speaking of which-.


She held him tighter before they went into more details on how they knew him and it looked like Star fought them too or more likely...

Anne-An owl head and stretchy neck on a door?

Eda-Hooty is the one who protects my house. Now, that we got everything situated, you're going to give me my kid back or I will not hesitate to vaporize this whole town.

Felicia was going to fight again, but I stopped her by giving her a look to trust me. Even if we could win, they could do so much before we take them down. I want to play things safe for now and see if we can make this work, but still... The thought of sharing him with strangers made me feel sick and the thought of driving a spear in Eda's eye flashed in my head for a moment. Felicia was reluctant about it, but gave (Y/N) to Eda and she just hugged him securely while looking relieved. I had to keep myself in check and I have no idea what's going on with me.

Anne-Hey, it's not safe to travel at night, so why don't we go to my room at the farm? Felicia was about to pick up her daughter... Weren't you?

Felicia-... Yes. Let's go.

The whole walk to the farm was so tense and hard to not start a fight. Even for me as silence filled the air between us. Only (Y/N)'s soft snores and the faint sounds of the night could be heard. Felicia went to the front door to pick up Ivy while I went around the back with the others to go through the cellar door to the basement that was my room.

Anne's mind-Ok Anne, they got nowhere to go right now and if you don't like (Y/N) being around them... You can blame it on all sorts of monsters here if they go missing or just die.

(Star's POV)

I had my scissors ready, but I thought about the other times, I made portals to run. My enemies just follow me and since (Y/N) met these monsters, it would be a little hard to explain it in a way he will always believe, even as he gets older. If they are dangerous then it will be the truth and my conscious will be cleared... I'm just having thoughts that are more violent than usual about and Anne and Felicia... I'm sure it's just after being in such a stressful misunderstanding... I felt a bit of magic ozz again just from remembering Felicia stroking (Y/N).

Anne-Well guys, let's just keep it down, so the Planters don't hear you and I can introduce you in the morning.

Willows just made a magic circle to put vines on both doors and make flower beds for us to sleep in with bigger flowers that were big enough to be used as blankets to sleep under. Anne and Star looked amazed by this, but I had my own way of getting cozy.

Star-Mini bedroom makeover bomb!

I made my bed poof into her and I told Eda she could sleep on it too if (Y/N) got to sleep in between us, but she was passed out in the flowers already... I'm sure she won't notice, but when I took him from her arms she did something in her sleep.


Star-... I'm sure she's fine. Who wants to join?

Everyone including Anne rushed onto my bed with me, but I had my arm and leg wrapped around (Y/N) for snuggles before I closed my eyes in this pile. Believe it or not, this is not the craziest sleepover I have ever been to, but it makes it to the top 5.

(No POV)

As everyone, but Eda got cozy on Star's bed to cuddle with (Y/N), someone was awake in the Planter house and wanted to check on Anne, but the doors were stuck and they could not see inside very well in the dark. They thought that this was weird because the basement doors did not lock from the inside...

???'s mind-What's going on with you now, Anne?


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