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((Y/N)'s POV)

We all woke up in the morning and I found myself in a pile of girls this morning, but it was still kind of dark down here, so it was hard to tell if a bit of light didn't sneak in through cracks and holes. I tried to slip out of the pile to be free, but Star pulled me closer to her in her sleep. I tried to gently pull away again since she was still asleep, but this time she opened her eyes to show that she was a little mad and pulled me back. This time Luz snuggled from behind me tightly and Anne was laying sideways on top of us. Willow and Amity were on their sides to make this a pile, but at least Eda wasn't in it.

Star-Don't move... Too comfy.

(Y/N)-Sh-Should we get going before-.

Star-5 more minutes.

Anne-Noooo... 5 more hours.

Luz-So cozy. ~

(Polly's POV)

I woke up this morning and got into the bathroom for a bath and dried off before I hopped up to the sink to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth and fixing myself up some more I looked at myself in the mirror.


Hop-Pop-Polly, could you get Anne up in time for breakfast?! We got a long day!


I hopped to Anne's door and found it was still barricaded from the inside for some reason. I tried knocking and pounding on the door.

Polly-Anne!... Anne!... Anne?... ANNE!!!... That's it.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)



The girls and I were screaming and scrambling a little until they looked at the door being hit and chopped through with an axe. The girls were getting ready to fight and Eda drank something before getting her magic ready. Meanwhile with me...




(Y/N)'s mind-SHE KNOWS THIS PSYCHO?!?!?!

The door busted down with the roots and everything, so the others were about to attack, but Anne stopped them.



Just then we saw 'Polly' hopped up to where we could see her.


Polly-Breakfast is re-.

She looked so calm now while this tiny ball of a monster was carrying a full-sized axe, but she looked confused when she saw us.

Anne-H-Hey Polly... Say hello to my new friends. Hehehe.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

This was all too much for me, so I just stayed in Eda's lap while she held me and I looked at Anne sitting next to the frog people named Sprig, Hop-pop, and Polly... I was mostly scared of Polly because she chopped a door down with an axe, but Anne still introduced us and the girls showed a bit of their magic in a way that warned them not to come near me... I do not have a problem with this right now.

Sprig-Can you do magic, Anne?!

Anne-No... Unless you count Luz's Glyphs.

Luz-Which is weird. I could only use this on The Boiling Isles before.

Hop-pop-... The Boiling Isles?

They explained to us that it's a place where they live on a dead body of a Titan and the ocean is boiling hot, so the rain is too. I had no idea about any of that and wondered how they even get things like fish or if fish can even live like that. While everyone was talking, the frogs kept on looking at me. Maybe because I was the only human boy here and I lost track of Polly before she tried to jump us head on. Eda only opened two portals to make her hit her brother instead.

Eda-Stubs off the boy, short stack.

Polly-Hey! That was one of my best attacks! Nobody gets to dodge it!

Eda rolled her eyes a little before holding me tighter and I just wanted to leave this place, but I didn't want to seem rude... Also, I was nervous about being in a house so close to the boiling hot ocean.

(Polly's POV)

I have no idea what kind of humans the pointy-eared ones are, but I will get my attack him for doing this to me. They were going to leave soon, so I had to act fast and I had a plan. Anne was the closest and she trusted me, so I started by hopping on her lap... My target was the boy, but the old lady saw me getting close and passed him to Amity to get him further away from me.


Anne-Polly, would you stop eyeing (Y/N)? You're making him uncomfortable?

I only continued to stare at him with intensity. I know I can get him to break and just then I had to go to the bathroom...

Polly's mind-This isn't over.

I hopped off to go take care of business, but just then I felt the house rattle again and again. Before I could leave the bathroom...


((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all screaming when we were pulled by something with long tentacles coming in through the front door and the girls tried to fight it with magic first, but the pain only made the monster go faster from underground.


Star-Who hasn't fought a monster before?! I got this-! AAAAHHHHHH!!!


I looked to see the magic from Luz went away when Star was thorn into a shed far away from us.

luz-What?! No, come on!

She tried another piece of paper, but they only crumbled away now. I was so scared, screaming and crying which made Eda really mad and went wild. Magic was blasted into the ground and in the chaos, I think I saw Willow's eyes glowing green and Amith used her slime to make thorns in the monster to drop her. I was dropped, but I don't think anyone saw me... I landed on a very large patch of lettuce that broke my fall and tried my best to find a place to hide... I wanted to get out of this world, but the only one that could do that right now was...

(Y/N)'s mind-STAR!!!


I thought it was the monster, but then something landed in front of me and my body froze.


My mind was racing to ask what that 'thing' was and I tried to run, but it pounced onto me. I noticed that the other monster was still around and I could tell from the sounds it makes. I cried out loudly before I thought I was going to die, but instead... I was being licked and the monster pulled me under it. It got made while staring at the monster and keeping me under it, like it was trying to protect me. Just then I got tackled by someone and the new monster was about to attack us before the old monster. I looked to see who was on top of me only to get grabbed by my shirt.


Polly-Stop being scared and try to calm down! You are making it worse!

(Y/N)-I-I-I-*hic* I-!

Polly-Get! A! Grip! Snap! Out!... Of...

She was bouncing on me with each word until she slowed down. She saw I was still crying, so she just hopped off with me somewhere to hide. When we got behind the house, she got a flower and started to hit me with it a little.

Polly-That should help a little. Now,... we just need to get out of you... You out of here. I'm not scared of some monster like this.


Polly-I almost got eaten alive a few times... No big deal.

I thought she was getting for a moment, but then I saw that she was serious. She clapped in front of me a bit to get my attention and that's when my body just acted on its own.

(Y/N)-Star! We need Star!

Polly-Weird rainbow girl got it. She's in the shed... But just curious... 'Do' you need her or something she has... Just wondering.

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* She h-has scissors th-that open portals.

Polly-Then I can get them!... Just... stay here.

(Polly's POV)

I have no idea where this feeling came from, but I felt that getting the scissors was better than bringing him to Star for some reason. I snuck past the battle which was mostly easy as long as you are completely calm, you are nearly invisible. I guess it came by when it smelled (Y/N) on edge. When I got into the shed, I saw Star with the scissors next to her.


Star-Don't worry Mama, my baby is allll clean. ~

Polly-That's nice. I need your scissors.

Star-But I had sword training. ~

Polly-... We're talking about that later.

I took the scissors and hopped off back to (Y/N) as fast as I could and when I made it back to him, I got lost in his... adorable eyes and fidgety hands as he looked shy and scared.


Polly's mind-Cute, cute, cute, CUTE!!!

That's when I knocked over something with my side and fell to the ground while the scissors flew into the air, they opened and slid sideways across the ground which opened a portal under him.


That's when the portal closed.

Polly-... Uh oh.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I flew in the air a little bit before the portal closed and I hit the ground. I was still crying a little and curled up before I saw I was in the middle of the woods. I had no idea where I was, but after just being attacked by a monster, I thought about wolves and stuff that would want to eat me out here. I only got up and ran into the forest to look for anyone who would help me or anything.

(Y/N)'s mind-What if this whole world is a forest?! What if there are no humans and only monsters here again?! WHAT IF-?!?!?!


I fell to the ground and when I looked up a little to see who fell on the ground with me, I saw it was another human and based on her clothes, there was a town here... I hope.


Now, I started to wonder if there was no town and there was something weird about this world! I JUST CAME FROM A WORLD RULED BY FROG PEOPLE!!!

???-Oh, sorry. I-.


???-Woah, are you ok?!

(Mable's POV)

His breathing was only getting faster and faster the more I tried to calm him down until... He fainted and fell to my feet. I poked him a bit and he was still breathing, but not moving! I have no idea what I just did and if this counts as murder or not! I have to do something!



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