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(Timeskip 5 Days)

(Jenny's POV)

I  was trying everything I could do to make all of this easier on him. I let him keep his own cage, the 'humans' were forced to make metal ones, so he got a new one that I filled with soft blankets and pillows to cover the bottom that the human females are forced to clean daily, and I always go in to take care of him myself. It's hard too because most of the children are like this too. The adults and some of the children are really loud and actively resist our new rule over them when we put them to work and then there's the rest of the children. Since the first day, I only got a name after trying for hours, but now he won't talk at all, I can't feed him too much, or else he'll just get sick, the same goes for water, he's losing too much weight for his size, and his body won't stop shaking which makes him tired and sleep for short times... He's a mess. Right now, I was stroking his head to try and soothe him, even a little.

Jenny-Poor sweet thing... Can we try to eat again?

I got no response, but today is the last straw for that. If he doesn't show progress in eating, I'm going to have to resort to something drastic for him since he doesn't know an adult well enough to get him to eat... Well, that one female wearing the black dress and calling us, 'Devil Spawns' knows him, but I am not having her near him to poison his mind about me. She's only good for cleaning and calming down the other shaken children while being kept under close watch. I managed to get him out of his stronger and comfier cage to do a routine that he knows, but he always looked more scared when I took his new collar and leash that those dogs had that we keep locked up.

(Y/N)-*Whines* *whimper* *hic* *hic*.

Jenny-No, no, no. It's ok. We are going on a little walk to the springs and we're going to give you a nice bath again. ~

This reminds me of the first time I let him out to walk around and take care of his needs. He tried to run and I had everything under control, but others pointed spears at him. That day was a complete mess for him, and... I let the untamed dogs out on 'accident' and we sadly lost a few of our kind before locking up and punishing the dogs. When we got to the hot springs, I took off his clothes he uses for warmth, and as unhelpful as it sounds, I wish he would react another way besides staying still and shaking from fear. Even if it is resisting me a little. Anything to show that he's still fully alive and not some puppet. I got him in the water and started to scrub him with some soap we get from a leaf from the trees and bushes.

Jenny-(Y/N), can we try to talk today? Even a little? ~

He still seemed skittish and didn't talk, so I pulled his head to my lap when I was done and we soaked in the water. We left when other turkeys were coming with their slaves and pets. When we got back to his cage, I dried him off and helped dress him in fresh clothes before I put his collar back on and gave him more kisses and snuggles. I left him alone in his cage for now while I took care of my own business and observed how some children were being treated roughly, so were being treated like how I treat (Y/N), but the adults are hard at work for us. I walked up to Ranger and he just knocked down a human male.


Ranger-What is it?

Jenny-I'm just here to do my part today. We have scavenging to do for the flock and it's... slaves.

Ranger-Fine. Get a few baskets and I'll get someone to take my place.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could finally just hide under the blankets again and the nice smell with a soft touch helped me find safety under them. I still felt horrible and Mother Miranda told me if I let these turkeys trick me into worshipping the devil, I would burn forever. I don't know if I believe her since she says that about almost everything she doesn't like, but I can't bring myself to talk anyway, so I think I'm safe. Soon, other turkeys came by and I felt one try to poke me with a stick through the blankets.

Turkey-Hey, wake up!

They poked me even more until I whined and peeked my head out to show me a dog leash from one of the dogs.

Turkey-Come here.


Turkey-Come! Here!

More came behind him and he attacked the leash through the bars before opening the cage.

(Man's POV)

These birds from hell are taking kids out of cages and leading them just to show us how helpless we are even to protect the children. They can enjoy their victory for now, but when our homeland does not here from us, they won't send civilians and children... They will send soldiers and weapons to wipe them out when they see what they did to us.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Jenny's POV)

We got a nice haul of berries, herbs, wheat, and wood while others were out hunting. When we got back to camp I noticed a lot of children were being walked around on leashes and ropes in front of the adults as they worked. I looked to see all the cages were empty, so I quickly gave Ranger my basket before I ran to see... (Y/N)'s cage was empty. I quickly looked around to see he was not around this camp, so I went up to someone.

Jenny-Hey! Where are the rest of the children?!

Turkey-What? Down the holes with the-.

Jenny-Not the hatchlings! I said children! The ones on leashes!

Turkey-Ohhh. I think the chief to them with that loud female slave into the woods. Should be by the beach.

I shoved him out of me way a little to go get my human back! The chief knows the rules that he can't touch my captures like this without my permission. Not only did he touch them, HE STOLE THEM!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Moter Miranda was tied to a try for 'not listening' and there were 3 other kids here to watch what was going to happen to her. If we look away, we get punished, so all of us were crying or nearly crying. To see the woman that took care of us at the orphanage and church tied to a tree and about to be hurt was really scary, even if she is a bit mean at times. When another turkey came, he was holding a stick to hit her with.


(Y/N)'s mind-Please stop! Please, please, please, please, please, please, please!

Chief-We tell you to shut up and do your work and not only do you not do it, but you try to run to that boat. Did you think we wouldn't be there getting everything off?

Miranda-Y-You birds of Satan! LET ME GO!!! LET ME GO!!! LET ME-!!!


We all flinched when she got hit and before he could hit her again, someone tried to run and got captured by the other turkeys here. They were going to be punished until...


I knew that voice and we all looked to see Jenny running to us and she looked mad before she took my leash from the Turkey that had it.


Jenny-What are you doing?!

Chief-I am asserting their new roles by making an example to place obedience into the younglings.

Jenny-You broke our own rules by taking my property! Now, look at him!

I have no idea how I feel about this, but the chief walked up to her and she didn't back away at all.

Chief-Incase you have forgotten, they came here to tresspass and take our land and lives.

Jenny-My human didn't do such a thing... Don't take him without my permission or you will be hearing from the flock's elders.

He glared at her and then me when Jenny tugged on my leash a little and I went with her to get away from the bad turkeys with spears and stuff. When we made it back to camp, she put me back in my cage with her to rest and my body would not stop shaking, even on the soft blankets with some erries and water in a bowl. My head was on her lap and she looked mad while petting me.

Jenny-If only I could take you underground to my real home, but that's just not ready for you, yet.

(Jenny's POV)

It's sad that I can not trust my own chief of the flock anymore to not take my property. I only watched the adults work hard with some of the children to make our holes to our homes biggers and fortify them. Most humans would stay ou here in cages when they are done working, even when the digging and expanding is down, but I plan to keep (Y/N) comfortably in my home. However, thoughts invaded my head of the chief taking my human again and that made me think about something else...

Jenny-(Y/N), Sweetie... You know how I treat you better than most here and how some children like you here?... That's never going to change and I want you to understand that... What I do from here on out, is out of love and to protect you. ~


Jenny-It's ok... It's all going to be ok. ~

(Timeskip To Night)

(Chief's POV)

I made it to my quarters for the night and what Jenny did made others do the same for their slaves. Not a lot of them, but enough to make a scene. It's like she forgot what his kind intended to do to us. I looked at the plans for he expansion of our tunnels and focused on the cells that will be down here for the slaves. As well as some private cells for some to be in homes for faster work.



I looked behind me to see what made that noise and noticed a spear from my wall is gone. I walked up to the pot where it was missing to see if it fell behind the chest, but that's when I got impaled in the throat and the spear went into the chest. The pain was agonizing as I choked on my blood and my mouth was covered to stop me from making any noise. The last words I heard were...

Jenny-When I say do not touch my property, you don't even give him fucking glare.

When I was very weak she let me go and I could not even turn to see her leave... Everything went black.


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