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(Luz's POV)

King was missing out on the fun in this sleepover we were, but he ran out when we started to dress up with (Y/N). This was just to find something cute for him to go out in... Well after we did cute outfits with him. Star gushed so hard and wanted more cuteness to go around, so she tried to find King with us. After a while, we gave up on King for now and were ready to go out, but which world could we go to? None of us could decide, so we put 12 on a piece of paper and spun a bottle to decide.

Star-Come on, Mama needs a new world to explore!

Willow-Aren't we going anywhere regardless?


When the bottle stopped, it landed on the random part so Star stood up and waved her scissors while Amity held me.

Amity-Aren't some worlds dangerous? Maybe we could spin again.

Star just opened a portal while smiling at us and pinching my cheek to play with it.

Star-Come on. What's the worst that can-? AAAHHHHHH!!!

A tentacle came out to grab Star and slam her on the ceiling and ground until Luz shot fire at it to make it go inside and the portal closed. Amity held me away from the chaos and Star looked up at us looking a little dizzy.

Star-*Cough* Spin again... Got it.

She face-planted on the floor and Amity just sat on the couch with me on her lap while Willow and Luz helped her up. We spun the bottle again and it landed on...

(Anne's POV)

I helped out with the farm a bit before going out with Sprig to have some fun. Polly was back at the farm with Hop-Pop and when I went on my phone, I saw the picture Sprig took of me yesterday.


The whole day was spent out in the woods and in town and for once this didn't involve almost destroying anything, destroying something, or putting the town in danger. A normal day in a town owned by frogs surrounded and infested with monsters.

Sprig-We still got some time before we go home. What do you wanna-?


Just then Sprig got tackled by Ivy and rolled on the ground with him. I still can't get over how cute they look together!


That's when her mom came over and I thought it was to get her or if we did something that ruined her day by breaking stuff or putting her in danger... Is it a problem that I assume that?


Felicia-Anne. Just the person I am looking for.

Anne-Oh. What is it?

Felicia-I need some help with a few dozen bags of tea and done by tonight. Ivy can't lift that much and I promised her the rest of the day off. You don't mind helping me, do you?

Anne-Umm... A few dozen sounds like a lot.

Felicia-You mean like the time you tried to rip me off with fake I.O.U.s on your little girls day with Polly?

Anne-... We paid you and the town back.

Sprig-Anne, please! It's Ivy!

I looked at Sprig and he gave me a pleading face while holding his girlfriend close.

Anne-... Fine.

Felicia-And to think I thought I would have to resort to violence.

Anne-Alright, let's get this over with... Wait, what?

((Y/N)'s POV)

We just got to a new world and it was almost nighttime here too, but it didn't stop us from playing... Given I was the game more than half the time. Willow held me close while flying close to the ground. I had my arms wrapped around her while sitting on her lap and she held me tight to make sure I would not fall.

Willow-Hey, it's ok. I got you... Watch this. ~

She flew us over to a lake and was low enough to skid her foot in the water and let me do it too when she got even closer... It was so pretty. Just then, Amity and Luz came by on Amity's staff and Star was on a cloud that had a face on it called, Cloudy.


(Willow's POV)

(Y/N) looked so adorable when he clung on to me like this. He's adorable no matter what, but this just feels amazing and I could just hold him forever. Amity got closer and scratched his chin and he blushed while leaning into me. Star got on the other side of us and used her different form of magic to shoot a bit of something called pudding into his mouth when she got him to open up. We all split up again and I swerved out to make this ride a bit more exciting, but not too scary for him... On the other hand, he would hold onto me tighter and nuzzle into me.

Willow's mind-No, don't scare him. He already feels safe with you... I don't tear stains on those chubby cheeks. ~

Suddenly, something came out of the water and it was a giant bug that tried to swipe at us. I narrowly dodged it, but we fell off my staff, skidded across the water, and landed in the dirt. I felt so dizzy from that surprise attack, but when I looked around I saw (Y/N) on the ground crying and...

Willow's mind-Bleeding... He scrapped his leg a lot and it's bleeding... All because of... Because...

I started to see green in my vision when I never felt so angry in all my life. It actually felt like my blood was boiling and my magic was even starting to burn.

(No POV)

The giant bug was heading for Willow and (Y/N) to finish the job, but as it made splashing sounds in the water as it rushed to them, Willow stood up. When she turned around, he eyes were glowing green while she didn't even look mad, sad, or worried... She only had her mouth opened a little to help control her breathing as it shook a little and her chest went up and down. She raised both of her arms and wrapped the giant bug in vines before she turned her hands into fists and stabbed the bug with lots of thorns.


The screeching stopped when she pulled the bug under the water. While drowning it, she failed to notice that (Y/N) ran away crying in fear. She soon snapped out of it and fell to the ground exhausted before she tried to call Amity on her scroll for help.

(Anne's POV)

When Felicia said tea bags, she meant sacks of them and they were heavy which made doing it over and over again so exhausting. I do this at the restaurant sometimes back home and at the farm, but these were bigger and heavier. Meanwhile, she was inside stocking up things for inventory. It was dark out, so I took a bit of a break and let her know that. I went out to find a stump to sit on, but then...

???-*Sniffle* *sobbing*.

Anne-Huh?... Hello?

I heard the crying again and followed the sound of it. For a bit, it sounded like I was getting closer, but then it would move by a lot. It was coming from the inside of a hollow tree and it moved to another, so I followed where they would meet. When I did, I crouched down and saw who was crying, but could not believe my eyes.


He was nowhere near me when I opened the box and I didn't even know him, but he looked hurt. He had scraps all over his left leg and arm with a bit of bruises. He finally noticed me and flinched.

Anne-Woah, hey, I'm not going to hurt you... What happened?

???-*Sobbing* M-M-Monster. *sobbing*

Knowing this world, that could mean a whole bunch of things for him. I held my hand out to him and he looked at me with tears in his eyes before he took my hand. I felt a weird sensation come of me while I helped him out.

Anne-Come on, I know someone who has first aid... You are aware of frog people here, right?

???-Fr-Frog, what? *sniffle*

Anne's mind-Oh, this is going to be difficult for everyone.

(Felicia's POV)

Anne should be done with her break by now, so I'm wondering if she skipped out on me. For a moment, I was annoyed, but then I heard the back door open. I started to head to the back to see if it was Anne or Ivy.

Anne-Um, Felicia, you might wanna grab the first aid kit!

Felicia-Did you get hurt?

I took a detour to get the first aid kit for Anne, but what she said next made me curious.

Anne-Um, no, but you know the saying, "Slow to accept"?

Felicia-"Even slower to respect"... Why are you bringing this up?

Anne-Just wondering if you can make an exception... At least for now?

Felicia-What? *whisper*

I made it to the back room and finally saw what she was talking about and I dropped the first aid.


Anne-Suprise... Hehehe.

It was another one of Anne's kind and after what happened with the last human I met... I put the first aid on the table and turned away from it. Making it clear that she could do this on her own.

Felicia-Disinfectant and bandages are all he's going to need.

Anne-Who's going to hold him?!

Felicia-You, of course.

Anne-But he's going to struggle and wince in pain! I can't hold him down firmly and do it at the same time! Why won't you help?!

Felicia-The last time we got help from another human, we ended up prisoners in a tower, and almost fed to a plant!

Anne-But look at him! He's not Sasha and he's so small!

I had enough of this and walked over to them to make one thing clear. I poked on his cheek again and again while looking her in the eye.

Felicia-The deal was to 'help' carry bags, the deal was to 'put' them in here, the deal was not to 'patch up' your... y-your...

I smelled something sweet and I got a sensation from the finger I was poking him with and it felt... nice... No! You are not helping someone who could be faking it and looks like this, even if Anne does know them.

Felicia-T-Take him and-... and...

I looked at his eyes now and I felt my heart melt like warm butter over a fire and it got worse when he winced and let out another tear... Don't not let them win, Felicia! No! Do! Not! Let! Them!...

Felicia-*Sigh*... Come on. My room, my bed. Now.


Felicia's mind-What did I just do? I accepted him way too fast. That goes against the town's motto.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Anne's POV)

Felicia is more careful with him than I thought she would be. She even gave him something to help numb the pain as well as his body... Mostly. He would still breathe faster out of pain which made her stop for a little bit after she covered a whole scrap he had before she wrapped it. He looked so adorable and snuggled up to me, but also heartbreaking... It's like when you look up a video about a hurt animal, child, or someone crying from suffering, but it's just so cute and sad that you just have to see it. She was finally done and this baby boy looked so tired.

Felicia-Now that we got this out of the way. What's your name?

???-*Sniffle* (Y-Y/N).

Anne-Hey there (Y/N). I'm Anne and this is Felicia.

Felicia-Well (Y/N), I don't know what happened, but we will talk about it later. You are staying here to rest in a safe home and not a chaotic one.

Anne-What?... Hey, Hop-Pop's farm is not-!

She just gave me a look and it made me think on it... It does get a little wild there at times. That's when a big bug flew in through the window and (Y/N) shivered at the sight of it, so I guess he doesn't like bugs bigger than your hand... Ok, I have gotten too used to this world. She took a note off of the bug and read it.

Felicia-Huh, looks like Ivy wants to spend the night at the farm... Anne, pass a message on to me that she can and I will be taking this treatment out of your pay for helping.

Anne-You were going to pay me?!

Felicia-Not anymore. You didn't finish and I need to get ready for bed. Good night to you.

I knew I had to leave, but it was so hard to let go of him... The cuteness and sadness were too much! Soon, she literally carried me out and I forgot how she was a strong and skilled fighter.

Anne-I'll be back tomorrow (Y/N)! And with some new friends for you to meet!

(Luz's POV)

We tried to find (Y/N) after he ran off, but it didn't really work out and the town we found hated us so much on sight that we don't think they would accept (Y/N)... The town motto, "Slow to accept, even slower to respect" was also a dead giveaway. With no other options...



She looked angry and we all flinched and her sudden explosion of anger. Even King and Hooty left the room and I have never seen Eda this made before.

Star-L-Lost is a... strong word.

Eda-You take him to a new world in the middle of the night, you have no idea what it even is, you lose him in not even an hour, and to top it off, IT WAS AFTER YOU WERE ATTACKED!!!... Did I miss 'anything'?

Willow-U-Um... We are gonna wanna bring something to heal him... His arm and leg were scraped up pretty badly.

She cringed up her face more and more as she explained and feathers were coming off of Eda. I gave her a potion for her to drink.

Star-You... wouldn't happen to have any tracker spells, do you? I have an all-seeing spell, but it doesn't tell me where-.

Eda-Get me something that was his... NOW!!!

We scrambled to get a shirt or something he wore.

(Eda's POV)

I got started on the spell to lead a trail to him, but I also needed to be in the last place he was to make it go faster. Anger oozed off of my body. I can't believe they would lose him so fast and I thought Amity was supposed to be the most adult one in the group. When we get him back, I am making a few new rules and it starts with him not leaving my side for anything that is not an emergency that could hurt him. Even then, he will be locked up until I get back.

Eda's mind-As for any creature or whatever that harms another hair on his head-.

(Felica's POV)

Felicia's mind-I will break every fiber in their being for abandoning him like that.

Someone had to have left him out there alone and the more I cuddled (Y/N) in my bed, the more I wanted their heads under my foot, begging for mercy that I deny them. I couldn't help myself, but hold him closer, even if he did look scared of me and couldn't sleep... I can't sleep either.

Felicia-Hmmmm... You are still a little dirty... Let's wipe you down and try a few things to relax... I know some tea that tastes really sleep and helps you relax. ~


Felicia-*Chuckles*. ~

As I picked him up, took him to the bathroom, and stripped him before I got a wet washcloth to wipe all of that dirt away, he would make the cutest noises. I have no idea why, but he was getting more irresistible in my eyes by the second.


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