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(Calvin's POV)

Today was supposed to go smoothly, but not only was my youngest son so useless, he decided to cause so much trouble on an important day. I was asleep, so I was not noticed first, when I woke up with the girls this morning, I was told the castle was on alert because (Y/N) was missing. After quickly getting ready to play along with this, Vita launched a full search, but Aurora went to his room. That was stupid because if he was missing, his room would be the last place he would be. Aurora took it a step further by ordering the guards herself which means everyone is too busy to take us to the spot I had arranged to have the meeting for the hand of the princess.

Calvin's mind-When we find you, you are in 'big' trouble!

Soon Aurora came back and this time she had a note with her.

Aurora-Calvin, I found a note and it's in (Y/N)'s handwriting!

Vita-Let me see that!

She gave it to Vita and she read over it and I looked over her shoulder too...

Calvin's mind-He ran away to go be an adventurer because he wanted to be as good as his brother?! WHAT AN IDIOT AND NOW MY PLANS ARE RUINED!!!

Vita-Guards, search far and wide of the kingdom! He couldn't have gone far!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Last night we met an old man riding a carriage full of stuff, so he was a merchant. Chelsie showed a symbol of my family and it got us a ride for the night to the next town, but I didn't want to use my family's name. We woke up this morning in the town and got off together and took directions to the guild. I thought I would see heroes in shining armor with righteous pride and honor all over their faces... Instead, I saw a few drunk people, leather armor, and almost nothing like I would see in a castle. While at the counter...

Man-Ma'am, how old is he?

Chelsie-7-years-old. I wasn't aware of an age limit for a license.

Man-Well, not technically, but it's not encouraged. At best, they could gather plants or hunt down small slimes.

(Y/N)-But they are harmless! I can't fire arrows at them!... I once killed a bad wolf.

Man-... Right, so gathering herbs and plants is the best we can give him after the test to see where both of you stand in the ranks.

He doesn't believe me?! Chelsie just paid for both of us with one silver coin and got 90 copper coins back for us both to sign up. She helped me which made me feel like a baby because I knew how to do it.

Chelsie-Name your skills for me, Honey.

(Y/N)-Precise aiming, lightweight, and battle IQ.

Chelsie already had them written down, so I don't know why she wanted me to say that. Soon, we got to go in the back and Chelsie got to fight someone on a big stage while I only got to shoot targets.

(Y/N)'s mind-The whole point of me leaving was not to get treated like a baby!

Man-Ok, kiddo. You got 20 arrows and I will be keeping score. The tiny center is worth 10 points and every other ring is down a point ranging from 1 to 10. You need 50 points to pass the bare minimum and the rest is-.

I just pulled back and released an arrow to hit the very center for 10 points. He stopped talking and I kept on going and even moved around while doing it, but my final shot was when he threw a target in the air, so I shot it to hit the center. All he saw was split arrows in the middle before he looked at me.

(Y/N)-I'm very good at math. That's 200 points, right?

Man-P-Power counts too. Go wait and... I'll count these.

I wanted to go see how Chelsie was doing, but she met me back in the lobby before I could get to the ring. I told her how my test went and she said that she was not surprised, but very proud.

(Y/N)-How did your test go?

(No POV)

(Flashback Start)

Chelsie got into the ring with a B-rank adventurer and he gave her a dirty smile while she checked her knives. She was offered leather armor, but she always kept a layer of leather armor with chain armor sowed in the middle of two layers under her clothes when she left the castle.

Man-Hey baby. I saw you were babysitting, but why don't I show you what a real man can do after this? ~

Chelsie-Do I even know you? Plus, I already have my prince.

Her flat expression annoyed the man.

Man-Hey! Watch your mouth! I am your superior and that means-!

She looked away from him with no interest at all which made him really mad. He tried to run his mouth off even more on how he would make her pay, but then...


Man-When I am done with you, I'll bend you over and-!







The people watching were watching this one-sided ass whooping and Chelsie had the guy on the ground, his shoe off, and pulling back on his leg by his toe. What she was going to do next made some people look away.



(Flashback End)

(Chelsie's POV)

Chelsie-Nothing special, Honey. Let's come back later after we get a room at the inn. I even got the ingredients to make your favorite breakfast. ~

We left the guild to go find a place to stay and where I could cook for him. I refuse to have him eat anything below A-rank which is most of that slug in that building. We will go back later when our scores and rankings to be finished.

((B/N)'s POV)

Mother and a few others were making a big deal out of nothing. It's not like (Y/N) could do a damn thing and is already dead from how weak he was, but if it were me out there, I would no doubt be an A-rank ready and almost worth of an S-rank. I was in the yard beating dummies while the other family was here and class was canceled today. I broke another sword after activating my skill and it cut another rice sack open. Suddenly, someone came and I saw that it was Princess Grace... My future wife and the start of my harem like Fathers.


I fixed my hair and tossed the sword I just broke before I got another wooden sword.

(B/N)-Hey, Sweet thing. Come to see a warrior in action. Sad to say that we only have legends in the making here. ~

Grace-Excuse me, but I was actually looking for (Y/N)... Do you know what's going on?

She's looking for (Y/N)? Who cares about that loser who can't even compare to me?! She just needs me to put on a show for her.

(B/N)-Looks like he got scared and ran away from home. He just knows that he could never do something like this!

I swung my sword at another rice sack and cut it open and this is just a wooden sword. I'm gonna get an iron or gold sword too.

Grace-He ran away?

She only looked worried like I didn't just show off my muscles that girls love right in front of her.

(B/N)-Yeah, he did and he's off crying somewhere. With that aside, did you hear who your future husband is going to be? Lucky you. ~

I pictured her holding onto my arm while admiring me holding up a large sword... The Holy Sword that Mother and Father told me about at bedtime. Her and hundreds of other girls. The comments and love I would be showered in would be endless, but that's to be expected for the future king.

(B/N)-Why don't you show me some magic before we could get the chef to make us some-.

She ran off back into the castle and I started to get mad and threw this stupid piece of wood at the wall! I am the one that will be the head of the family, SO WHY DO SHE CARE ABOUT HIM MORE THAN ME?!?!?!


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I left those maids to clean up the mess in the courtyard and I got scolded, but I yelled back at them to clean or they hear about it from my father! It's Grace's fault anyway! She's the one that made me mad!

(Grace's POV)

I was with Father and he spoke to the king of this castle alone now because the queen was too worried about (Y/N). I wanted to see him today and wanted him to be my future husband because he is nicer and not mean like (B/N). I still remember the visit that made me fall for him a year ago.

(Flashback Start)

Father and Mother said I had to behave and not cause problems because this family is a good friend to us. I don't think that was true because of what I was seeing. (B/N) had a butler's son trapped in a corner and about to throw rocks at him, just because he could.

Grace-(B/N), leave him alone!

(B/N)-Hehehehe! Ha!

He threw rocks at him and I only just started learning magic. I could only make bubbles to slow down the rocks and fall short if he hit them, but then he used his extra strength.


A rock was heading for the butler's son...


We looked to see (Y/N) protected him from that vicious attack and when we looked around, we saw stuff was broken and knocked over. He had a bruise on him now and I don't know healing magic, yet. Lots of adults came running from all the noise, but (BN) ran away to stay out of trouble. Before the adults could get here (Y/N) took me and made me hide behind a pillar.


He ran back out and the butler's son got up from the ground and the king and queen came out with guards.


The queen ran to her son and saw the bruise and others looked at the butlers son and he looked scared. The king looked really angry at the mess that was made.

King-What-What happened here?!

Kid-I-It was... I-It-.

(Y/N)-It was me!... I was trying to get something, but a rat spooked me, so I fell and knocked everything open.

I couldn't believe what he was doing! It was his brother that did all of this, not him! I then remembered what Father said about the eldest son being the future king for showing strength, so... are they his favorite? I stayed quiet and listened to know that he was told to go in for a 30 minute time out, but from a servent that got punished at my castle, they got whipped for breaking a vase... He saved the butler's son from that because he knew he wouldn't get hurt and his brother would've come back for getting him in trouble... So noble.

Queen-You sit here on this bench until they are done cleaning. We will get a healing potion for you.

(Y/N)-O-Ok. *sniffle*

The queen left and when she did the king came over and...


(Y/N)-Ahh! *sobbing*

All the guards did nothing to help him.


King-Don't ever break anything ever again! Do you understand me?! I can even arrange a fight between you and your brother and you already know how that would turn out!

(Y/N)-Y-Yes, Father.

He left him to get back on the bench be he and the guards left. While (Y/N) was crying alone as servants cleaned the mess, he looked at me with a finger to his lips. When I ran away, I later found out that we were the same age, he was good with a bow, and his older brother got everything... My heart fluttered for him at how kind he was even after all of this.

(Flashback End)

Both my father and the king here were talking about the marriage thing that I was not allowed to talk about too, but that was not fair! I want to be happy in my life and not live with a monster!

Father-Then it is settled. My daughter will marry your eldest when they turn 14. I look forward to this arrangement.

Grace-But Father-!

King-We will look forward to this as well. I am certain that they will make fine offspring for the future of our houses. They are both prodigies.

Grace-Father, please listen to me!

Father-Grace! This is not the conversation for you right now! Just go to your mother while I finish this talk!



I just ran away with tears in my eyes and thought no matter what I do, I was going to be married to that monster! I even told my parents about this and Father said that he would talk about this, but now that (Y/N) ran away, it was over for that! I just cried in the carriage after I heard Mother was comforting the queen about (Y/N) running away. I might be 7-years-old, but even I know he ran away because he hated it here, just like I am starting to hate it at my home! I worked so hard and pushed my magic to its limits every day to play and train with it, so now I can use water, ice, and light magic to where my teacher said I could be a C-rank. To be with (Y/N) and help him was the only reason I came so far in a year!

Grace-All *hic*  that praise and pr-promise that my future is g-g-going to be happy... *sniffle* and this is what I get! *sobbing*

I just wanted to stay in here until it was time to go home, but what's the point?

Grace-*Sobbing* Ahhhh-!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Chelsie-Ahhhhh. ~

Chelsie gave me another bite of food she made and this is not the start of a new life that I had in mind. It is nice to have her here or else I would feel really homesick, but she could stop babying me... Well, we are a party now, so we need to talk about this.

Chelsie-Here comes the noms noms. Open wide. ~

(Y/N)-Um Chelsie. I'm really happy that you are here for me, but I left home to get stronger.

Chelsie-But Master, you are still only seven.

(Y/N)-So I can feed and bathe myself all the time now... I know you did it back at the castle and you say you like doing it, but we-.


She started to look sad again, but she did this to me before. I am not going to let her win again when I need to do things all by myself that I know I can do.

(Y/N)-Chelsie. It's not going to work.

Chelsie-*Whimper* *hic* *hic*.

I need to stay strong. Those tears are fake because she is making herself cry, even when she is not sad. I know this trick because the teacher told me about it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Don't let her win! This is a new life, so she can't win this anymore... You can do this, you can do this, you can.



She gave me the bite and I can't believe I let her win again... It will not work next time. No more letting her do this.

Chelsie-All gone. Good job, Master (Y/N). ~

(Y/N)-I-I just want to go see if we got graded and go on a quest, already.

Chelsie-*Giggles*. ~

She cleaned up both of our plates and grabbed her long daggers, so I got my bow before we left to go back to the guild. When we got to the front counter Chelsie talked to them and we got out licenses. I think my license would be C-rank from how good I did, but...

(Y/N)-F-rank? But I hit all the targets in the center. Even the one they threw in the air.

Lady-I was told the power was not that much and you are still child, so we don't want you to go fighting monsters and bandits.

I guess that makes sense, but still. Chelsie got hers and she was a temporary B-Rank. I don't know what temporary means and neither does she, but we just went to grab a quest like I wanted. I already thought I was going to pick plants and stuff which is all I really could do... That and hunt innocent animals for F-rank quests, but I could not shoot birds and rabbits that just want to live and might have babies... A lot of people tell me that I just have a heart that's too big, but I draw the line at shooting animals and that's final... A bad monster would be a different story.

Chelsie-Here's an easy one, Young Master. Collect herbs, flowers, and plants from the Southern forest in town.

(Y/N)-Ok. Let's do that.

We took the job and left with baskets they gave us to get started on the job. There are no monsters, but Chelsie wanted me to stay close by. After a while of picking plants, I thought it was a bad start to being an adventurer at first, but this was actually kind of nice. No (B/N) or Father to pick on me, no worrying about staying away from them, and the jobs of being a prince are all gone.

(Y/N)'s mind-I like it... This is nice and quiet.

The list in the baskets also told us what we needed at the very least and things I used my bow and arrow to shoot down. I had a few things left, but then I heard a whining that belonged to an animal and it echoed in the woods. I went to check if an animal needed help and soon I found a weird-looking wolf in a weird-looking magic trap.


It looked hurt and couldn't get up, so I tried to reach out for it, but my hand slammed down to the ground and pulled me down with it until I pulled my hand back. It was hard, but if that was like that for my hand...

(Y/N)'s mind-The poor thing must be getting crushed!

(???'s POV)

It was so hard to breath and impossible for me to move with the poison in my body that made me feel drowsy... Is this really the end for me? An S-rank Fefnir Wolf done in by a fickle little trap? If I could move, I would hunt down the one that made this trap and rip them to pieces with my own teeth and claws... No that would not be enough for me. Not like it matters anyway because I'm about to die.

???-Hang on! I see the charm! *echo*

Luna's mind-What?... Who said that?... I can't turn to see.

I heard the sound of a stone hitting a stone until it stopped and all the weight on was gone, but the pain and poison still lingered. That's when I saw someone come in front of me and took a potion out of a bag... A pathetic human child?


???-It's ok. You're going to be better soon. *echo*

He opened my mouth and poured the potion inside for me to drink it. All the pain was quickly going away and the effects of the poison were leaving my body, so I stood up and I showed him how much I was compared to him in this form. I was confused until I came to realize that he must have no idea what I was.

???-Much better... What are you? You look so... pretty.

Luna's mind-Well, at least he has two eyes to know my beauty.

It would be so easy to eat him right now, but... for starters, if I do that then my trapper will hear that I'm free which would make my revenge harder. Before I could get to my second reason, he started to pet and scratch my sides. His tiny hands felt nice, but he stopped when...

???-(Y/N)! If you got everything, we should get going! I want to prep for dinner and make lunch!

(Y/N)-Coming Chelsie!... Bye bye.

He ran off with his basket of plants and a smile on his face, not knowing he came face-to-face, set free, and petted a monster. I kept his scent in mind, but first... Let's check that stone.

Luna's mind-Just two pieces, I can piece that back together... This is going to be good. ~

(Timeskip To Night)

(Man's POV)

I still thought about that kid's aim, but his power would make it pointless against stronger monsters. He would be a great hunter right now and get more power later on. That aside, I went to check on my trap and see what if I caught the monster that roams at night. In reports, people saw flashes of light from here and someone went missing. On my way to check the trap... I felt my body become heavier than a boulder and this was the magic trap that I set, but I didn't put it here! I'm sure of it! My body was being crushed!

Man-What the... fuck?! *grunt*


Soon, I saw what must be the monster circle around me and sat where I could see it, but I could not believe my eyes... A Fefnir Wolf? Here?


That is an S-rank monster that can turn SS-rank during a full moon! What's it doing so close to a town like this and not deeper in the woods or in a dungeon?... My trap was crushing my body until I felt my ribs break from the pressure. I couldn't even breathe, so I couldn't scream no matter how much I wanted to. Soon, it walked around me and that's when the trap stopped, but then it came back with one half of the stone broken off in its mouth... It dropped it in front of me.

Man's mind-How... did it know?

Fefnir Wolf-*Growl* *snarl*!

It bit into my neck first to keep me from screaming before it started to bite off my limbs while I was still alive. Agony filled the remaining parts of my body until it bit into my head.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Dinner was almost done and it was another SSS-ranked food item on the menu tonight and it took hours for her to make. I wanted to help, but I only did that by turning in the plants and bringing back something from the market for dessert. Right now, I was reading the book to try and find the wolf I saw in the woods, but it was not in the animal chapters. Maybe they were not discovered when it was made... Or maybe I discovered a new feature and could be famous for that. Just then, there was a knock at the door and Chelsie looked at the door from the small kitchen.

(Y/N)-I got it.

I went up to the door and opened it a little and I saw someone out here that looked around my age and height... We were the same height to make it to Chelsie's waist.


(Y/N)-Um, hi.

???-Hey. ~

She sounded like a grown-up with a smooth and silky voice, but her body and costume made her look like a kid. I opened the door all the way.

(Y/N)-C-Can I help you?

???-You already did. I just came to see you. ~

(Y/N)-... Ok... But I never met you.

???-Mind if I come in? ~

She already helped herself in and Chelsie saw this too, but neither of us knew what to do. She sniffed the air and looked at Chelsie. At first, I thought she was going to say how good the food smelled, but...

???-Oh... Another female.

Chelsie-Excuse me?

???-Well, my name is Luna and you must be Chelsie and (Y/N), right?

This was getting weird and when I backed into the door, it closed.

(Y/N)-H-How do you-?

She suddenly started to glow and transform. When she was done, I knew who she was now because I helped her in the woods.


She was taller than me and a bit taller than Chelsie. Chelsie tried to attack her with knives, but Luna's ears flickered, and did a back flip over her and pushed on her back to pin her to the floor.

(Y/N)-Chelsie! Please, don't hurt her!

Tears were in my eyes, but then Luna turned back into her smaller human form and just gave me a smile while keep a foot on Chelsie's back.


Luna-Don't worry, Hun. I'm not here to fight... I'm here for you. ~

(Y/N)-... Me?

She only came up, cupped my cheeks, and started to lick my face while her tail was wagging. I felt my face burn up a whole lot because I know what some animals do when stuff like this happens...

(Y/N)'s mind-IS SHE MARKING ME?!?!?!

(No POV)

After the incident, Chelsie was furious, but could not get Luna to leave. She tried to do it by force and kill her, (Y/N) tried to ask her nicely, but to no avail. Chelsie just focused on the food while glaring at Luna when she snuggled up and rubbed her body on you to cover you in her scent. She gave Chelsie a smug smile before blowing her a kiss to tease her. When dinner was done, there was enough for the 3 of them with no leftovers, but (Y/N) had the cake he got too. Chelsie was just insistent on feeding him and Luna gave him a few bites by acting like her feelings were hurt... (Y/N) did not have the hurt to turn down their acts.

Luna's mind-Such a sweet baby... ~ Too bad this woman is too stubborn to stay despite my scent.



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