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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trapped in a crib here for every monster to come by and adore me, but this was all just so scary, so I faced the wall. This only reminded me that this place looked like a ruined castle with graffiti on the wall and stuff which made me cry. I was scared to close and open my eyes or do anything that involved me moving at all... The only thing I could do was shake and let them pick me up when they wanted to, but even when they did, I would cry. Speaking of which, it was about to happen again. Someone picked me up and when I looked to see who it was...


Gwen-There's our poor baby. We heard that you are having a hard time adjusting to your new home. ~

(Y/N)-*Whimper* *hic* *hic*.

She pulled me into her to put my head on her shoulder to bounce and stroke my head while turning. They really were treating me like a baby. All of them.

Gwen-*Shhhhhh*... Why don't we conceal ourselves for now? Just for you. ~

She held me up front of her and her black suit was going away now until she looked like her again.


Gwen-*Chuckles* There we go. Much better, right? ~

She gave me a few kisses before she sniffed me and felt the sweat and tears on my body.

Gwen-Poor baby. Let's get you into a nice relaxing bath. Just the three of us. ~

She was taking me somewhere to get clean, but that meant having to walk past all of those monsters while being carried by one. this can't be the real Gwen or she has to be controlled or else she would be fighting them... The same with Penny too and the other Spider-People here. We got to the bath which was just a hole in the ground with hot water pouring into it from a pipe and draining at the same time. Others were in here to watch, but Gwen made them leave before she got us both ready to get in.

Gwen-Now, let's get you cleaned up for everyone. We think playtime is what you need to adjust to us. ~

There were parts to swim at as well as sit down and we were in the middle of it. I thought about the playtime and shivered at the thought of the monsters.

(Y/N)'s mind-Gwen, snap out of it!... Somebody, please help me!

(No POV)

Meanwhile, outside. There was someone watching the activity going on outside before she saw monsters going back inside. She used the darkness of the night as cover to love in and swung out from the trees with the help of her hook and chain.


(Yuri's POV)

I landed on the roof when the monsters out here went inside and wondered if something was happening. I kept on moving in after them but was careful to stay out of sight. This was crawling with these things, so fighting is not a good idea for now at least. I should gather intel and come back better equipped. I observed their behavior and think they were... cooing at something that wasn't even there.

Yuri's mind-What the hell are they all doing?

I moved ahead by going through vents, jumping off beams, and only going to the ground when I had to. After a while, I thought these creatures had some kind of hive mind, so I tested it by cutting a tentacle on the wall and I heard screaming, so I hid. A dozen of them showed up.

Yuri's mind-If this is a hive, there has to be a queen or something. Take that out and the hive will be easier to deal with. I need to find it and go to be better equipped next time... I'm going to light this place on fire, assuming I can.

I got deeper into this place before I heard a child crying, so I went to see what was going on and when I did, I saw a bunch of those monsters in the same room and the kid looked wet and was being held by another monster.


The one holding the boy hissed at the others and they backed off. Most of them left the room and I recognized the one of them that stayed.


I was too high up to hear them clearly, but they looked at the boy in a modified crib before leaving as he tried to get out. I don't know what they want with a kid, but I can't leave him here or else he'll die or worse. The moment I cut those tentacles to get him out, this place is going to be on high alert and those things will be on us like moths to a flame.

Yuri's mind-Alright, just think. This building is old, but the lights are still on. There has to be a generator and if I can rig it to blow after I leave, that should draw the hive there long enough for me to grab the kid.

(Gwen's POV)

We were preparing to get our baby some food to feed him and wanted everyone else to stay behind to watch our baby since something strange happened. The hive got cut and nothing that did it was around. Penny was getting their suit tuned up before we went up to (Y/N) and each gave him a kiss goodbye before we went hunting for him. We turned back into our previous forms to blend in and Penny hopped down to split up from the suit.


Gwen-We'll be right back with yummy food. How about we pick up some pizza for you, or do you want Chinese food? ~


He still wants to escape, but that should die out in a week or so. Until then, he just needs his Mommy to care for him. When we left the base and got into town, avoiding people was easy and stealing from them to bring food back would take a while, but be a piece of cake. We just needed to bring back a haul instead of a few things. After going into a store we spent a while filling up a cart, but before we could work on getting these out of here... We felt something that was making our base go crazy... It was under attack. In the reflection of a glass door, we saw ourselves transform.



(Yuri's POV)


More screeches could be heard and all of these things were going farther away from the child while I used the vents to get by undected. When I got out, I landed in the same room as the boy and he looked to see me, but was crying from the explosions and the tentacles keeping him trapped were twitching. It looked very creepy, so I don't blame him.


Yuri-Come on! Let's get you out of here!


He was free and I took him out before running with him since those monsters would be here soon. He cried into me as I ran to the nearest exit here. Soon, another wave of screeches could be heard and it made both of us shiver.

???-Th-Th-They're coming! Th-They're coming! *sobbing*

Yuri-I'm going to get you out of here!

Down the hall was a glass window, so I swung my weapon to send it ahead of us.


With the glass shattered, I jumped out and stuck my weapon in the building to slide us down gently. We weren't out of the woods, yet though. I kept on running past trees with the kid and heard more screeches, so I found a place to hide in a tree and soon spotted the two monsters before running by.


I turned the kid into me to keep him quiet and after they were gone, I made a break for it to the city and got us up to a rooftop of a tall building. He was still crying... No, he was having a panic attack, so I took off my mask to look more normal for him.

Yuri-Hey, kid. It's safe., now. Deep breathes. Like this... In... and out.

He was listening to me while I provided comfort and he could breathe normally again, but he still looked scared. Can't say I blame him because I still don't know what it was I actually saw back there... But he probably knows. Looks like years of police work and integration tactics for children will also come in handy right now.

Yuri-Hey... I'm Yuri. What's your name?

???-*Sniffle* (Y-Y/N).

Yuri-I know that this is going to be hard, but do you know what those monsters were back there?

(Y/N)-*Sniffle* You won't believe me... *hic* I-It's too crazy to understand.

Yuri-Kid, I just basically kicked a monster's nest and got both of us out of there alive after I cut you free from a living crib prison. We are well past making sense here.

He needed more time and when he managed to get a few words out.

(Y/N)-Th-They are all Spider-Men and Spider-Women, but... they got turned turned into monsters. Black Cats and some other villains too.

I tried to wrap my head around this.

Yuri-So... also of those monsters... were Spider-Man?

I pictured my former partner in my head and that kid said that those monsters were him.

Yuri-Ok, there's clearly a lot more to this, but first, we need to get you home. Where do you live?

(Y/N)-... Nowhere.

He sounded more depressed, so he must be an orphan which meant that I was going to look after him for a while. I just picked him up and told him that he could tell me everything when we were at my hideout.

Yuri's mind-You got a lot to explain to me, kid.

The End Of Book One


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