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(Blue's POV)

When I got back, Holly had given me a presentation during a report to offer training. When I said he would not be fighting, she implied it was to take commands, as humans need to be taught that. The basic commands would be to sit, stand, come, lay down, and stay. When he learns those, we may teach him others. The catch was if he didn't learn willingly like when he didn't want to stop fighting, I didn't want to hurt him and be fearful of me or my subjects. That's when she imposed a system that could be more productive.

Holly-An award system. When your pet listens and does as you command, you give the pet a treat with appraisal. If they don't then you simply don't award that behavior. Completely harmless. However, we will need a field test to see the results.

This is tempting and I do like the idea of teaching my human without having to imply harm or fear. I granted permission and Holly sent a drone up to me with a container of crystals he was eating, but they were different colors.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Earlier when I said I was hungry, Blue Pearl wanted me to eat a crystal. I said no at first because I do not eat crystals, but when I took a bit to show her that I couldn't... it was softer and tasted like fruit. I got a few more before the room did something and made a bubble around me and Blue Pearl to take me outside to Blue and Holly.


Blue had something in her hand as she stood up tall with me in the middle of the room where her pool would be. I had no idea what was going on. Blue got on her knees and put a box on the ground next to her.

Blue-(Y/N), we are going to some basic commands. If you listen and do as I say then you will be rewarded with... um... sweeter treats.

She took a crystal out and it was pink, so I think it might really be sweeter... I was still hungry too.

Blue-Sit... Sit.

She really was going to treat me like a pet... It's not like I have anywhere to go anymore... I sat down with my legs crossed. She smiled and brought the 'treat' over to me.

Blue-Very good. Here you go. ~

I wanted to take it, but she held it up to my mouth... I just opened my mouth and took it that way. It was bite-sized, but when I tasted it... It was better than any candy or sweet thing I had, but it also had a very fruity flavor. She took out another one and this treat looked brown.

Blue-Lay down for me. ~

I did what she said, actually a little curious about the flavor right now. She called me a 'good... boy' before she gave me the treat and this one tasted like chocolate. She got another treat and it was purple this time.

Blue-Stay. ~

She took a few steps back and waited a bit before...

Blue-Come. ~

I can't believe I was doing this, but they tasted so good, and when I got the treat... It was a birthday cake.

Blue-Good boy. You know the basic commands already. Let's try a bit more.

(Holly's POV)

For a human and how primitive these commands are, he listens rather well and My Diamond was elated. She got him to go to points in the room and I even found this amusing to watch. Pearl even showed a bit of a deeper shade of Blue and for a moment... I pictured myself doing his training.

Blue-Now, we will try a few positions I want you to perform when cuddling. Start by-. ~

Suddenly, the door opened and ruined the session for now, but before we could voice our concerns, we saw who it was. Blue Diamond even went as far as to use the leash to swiftly pull him to her and hold them close.


We stood by to observe, but Blue Diamond gave her pet to me, so I held their small frame. I even grew accustomed to this and found it to be enjoyable.

Blue-Holly, take 'my pet' to his containment area and continue his training.

She said, 'My pet' with an emphasis towards Yellow Diamond. I obeyed and went to his containment area and she sent the treats with me. When we got in and the door closed, she made it to where we could not see or hear anything outside to let us train in peace. I took a breath before putting the human down and saw that they looked unsettled. For a moment I thought...

Holly's mind-Yellow Diamond is ruthless and commanding, but she cares about a fellow Diamond enough to not attack their property... Right?

I shook it off and grabbed a treat before pulling up my screen for cuddle positions for the smaller individual with the category of "Earth Accustomes".

Holly-Hmmm... Little Spoon seems like a good start. Since Blue Diamond is unable to be the second partner, I shall take her place.

I led the human pet to the 'bed' where they did the sleeping ritual they needed and gave them step-by-step instructions. When we were done he was pressed against me looking a little nervous, but I felt flustered by this and my chest was beating faster with his face pressed against it.

Holly-... *Ahem* Y-Yes, good boy. Here.

I gave them a blue one this time and I don't know if he did this the other times, but his eyes lit up as he looked at me... Keeping my composure was harder than it ever was before right now.

Holly-N-Next, position, and when we go through all of them, you will be quizzed.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

We were taking a break and I could not keep my composure any longer, but I did it away from them. It's difficult to not want to hold them close forever and ever... We are still in training... Blue Diamond would love it if he knew more tricks. He already knows how to be the 'Little Spoon', being placed on top or under you, the barca lounger, the long day, the yoga retreat, and the drawbridge which is also great for something called 'tickling' him to make an adorable, yet weird sound, the pillow replacement, take a lap, the face-to-face embrace, and the mirror. He seemed reluctant to 'the drawbridge for it left him exposed to something cute and fun to do which My Diamond and his owner would adore... As his caretaker, I would get the privilege to exert this command as well.

Holly-Oh (Y/N).

I walked over to him and he lied back down, think we were going to quiz him on cuddling now. That will be for later.


Holly-I decided to add one more command. This command is called, 'give'. I will point to something and say it, so you will give it to me, no matter what... Understand?

(Y/N)-Um... But, I don't have anything.

I only walked up to them crouched down to hold out a hand and used my free hand to tap his chin.

Holly-Give... Give.

I did the same motion and it took a moment, but her put his chin on my palm, so now I could rub his cheeks with my fingers and give him his treat. Next, I put him on the bed, and held out my hand again, but this time pointed to his foot.


He looked nervous and pulled it away, but I gave him a small tap on his leg and looked him in the eye to assert authority.


He slowly complied and I took pleasure in having him make that sound again by stroking the bottom of his foot to tickle him for a whole minute. As a reward, I gave him two treats. Next, we moved on to the quiz of the position and he just had to do the positions. We had to go over the names 3 times in 20 minutes, but he finally learned all of them and how to do them correctly. We will do this daily for a while, just to make sure this knowledge sticks with him. Suddenly, the door opened as I was making my report while sitting on the bed and (Y/N) was lying down. We looked to see that it was Yellow Diamond's Pearl and Blue Diamond's Pearl.


Yellow Pearl-Both Diamonds wish to see Blue Diamond's pet now.

Blue Pearl-The training will need to be put on hold until after this matter.

I saved the draft before I carried (Y/N) out with us and saw both Diamonds were eyeing the pet when I put them down and backed away a little.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was nervous about everyone looking at me. I would rather be where others could not see me right now, but things got worse when both of the giant ladies walked up to me. Yellow gave me a look and poked me a little.

Yellow-You said he was going through training. Show us what you learned.

I was too nervous with everyone watching and she got a little angry.



Blue picked me up and held me close, and it felt a little better that her hands were covering me.

Blue-We agreed that we start off slowly if you are to be properly introduced. That means no yelling at them. She stroked my back with her finger to help comfort me, but it didn't do much because she was still the one who took me from my planet.

Yellow-Then what is slow enough for you?

Blue-Simply hold them. If they are going to be around you a lot for comfort they should at least be comfortable around you. Holly stated that stress is really bad for humans. Is that correct?

Holly-Yes, My Diamond.

She held me a little more before she gave me to Yellow and she copied what Blue did. Her armor didn't feel that much like armor. It was still a little soft, even if it was metal or something. Blue did something and it got a blanket for her to wrap me in, but she showed Yellow how to do it. It was softer than her body and after a while, they wanted me to show them the tricks I learned, and doing it in front of new people was even more embarrassing. Holly even told them all the positions that I learned for cuddling and even the 'Give' command. After an hour, there was a sound that made the others look at the door, so it must be like a doorbell.

Yellow-That must be her. Pearl, open the door.

Blue-Join her too Pearl.

I had no idea who they were talking about, but Yellow put me in the middle of her and Blue.


I sat down and Blue gave me another treat for listening to her. The door opened and both of the Pearls gave whoever was there a bow before the guest came in and she was a little taller and bigger than Holly.


???-Greeting, My Diamond.

She saw me and then looked back up to the Diamonds.

Yellow-I trust that construction is progressing with Blue's former team and you are properly briefed.

???-Yes, My Diamond. Containment areas are under construction and I have access to the info I need to train and care for your new pet.

Yellow-Excellent. More information will be given to you by Holly Blue Agate. Needless to say, if any damage comes upon them whether it is done by you or another gem, I expect a detailed report. Do 'not' damage him, Jasper.

Jasper-I understand, My Diamond.

She walked over to Holly and Blue picked me back up to stand up and cradle me in her palm.

Blue-She will be your second caretaker, under Yellow. We're going to be sharing you for now on, but if anyone hurts or bothers you, just tell us and it will be taken care of.


(Timeskip 1 Hour)

Yellow took me to her place and I saw another cage for me being made still while she held me. Blue wanted me to spend time with her and I was afraid of making Yellow mad, so I just did whatever she told me... She even tickled my foot because of something she read.

Yellow-Hmmm... Cute.

She smiled a little before she heard my belly growled and I blushed, so she went back to her screen. A table came over with a bottle on it for a baby, but in this case for me and that's when her screen beeped a little.

Yellow-... *Sigh* Pearl, take (Y/N) and feed him this formula. I need to talk about the failure of a general.

Yellow Pearl-Yes, My Diamond.

She passed me down the chair and gave me to Yellow Pearl before she got the bottle. Jasper was standing next to us and it's like she was always glaring at everything.


(Yellow Pearl's POV)

I never did this before and I read up on a few things, but nothing like this... How can it be to simply figure out if a mere human can do this? He'll react when I hold this thing up close to him, right?... Nothing and I started to worry when I heard him make that growling noise again, but he didn't even look mad.

Yellow Pearl-Oh... um.

Jasper-You're doing it wrong. Weren't you briefed on this too?

Yellow Pearl-Of course I was! I was right behind Yellow Diamond when she got started too.

I quickly pulled up a search with the keyword, "Feed" and I didn't see one with a bottle like this. Jasper took it from me and the thing in the pet's mouth to both of our surprise.

Jasper-Now eat.

His cheeks turned into a brighter shade of pink before he started to suck on it, scared of her. I held the bottle in place before he grabbed it himself. It dawned on me that she spoke to the last caretaker directly.

Jasper-When construction is complete, the human will need a bath, free time, another feeding, and training before they get tired.

(Jasper's POV)

I am having mixed feelings about this job. This is a direct order from Yellow Diamond to be a caretaker, trainer, and bodyguard for the new pet she is sharing with Blue Diamond. There is no higher honor than working by the side of a Diamond, but I am a fighter... Still, I plan to do this job I am assigned to.

Jasper's mind-What's special about a human anyway?


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