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((Y/N)'s POV)

Yesterday was fun and Bri and Miley let me sleep while they put the blanket fort away before they won't me up to get ready for daycare. They said I could sleep again when I got there, but the bath woke me right up, so I didn't feel tired anymore. I just wanted to stay warm, and they knew this and wrapped me in a blanket before carrying me outside and I got in the car on Bri's lap while Miley drove and turned the heater on. Bri playfully snuggled me and I don't know what it is about car rides, but they are... kind of relaxing now. It felt warm in here and Bri lied back by lowering her chair.

Bri-Still think you can't go back to sleep? ~

Miley-Is it because you had a bath with 2 pretty girls? ~


Miley-*Snicker* What? He loves snuggles now. Don't you, Honey? ~

She leaned over at a red light to scratch my cheek a little. The drive was a little long and I did feel a little sleepy, and it got worse when Bri gave me my pacifier to suck on while she pet my head. When we finally got out of the car, some of the warmth left, and the cold hit my face to make me whine a bit. Bri covered my head and I turned into her as we went inside. I already heard talking and the lights were on. Then I heard June was in here.

June-Good, you're both here. We have a guy coming and you need something before he gets here. Kinsely wants Betsy and I to watch over (Y/N), at least until we open and I work the desk.

Bri-Oh... Ohhhh. Here, take him. He's a little sleepy, so maybe you can get him to bed.

I was pulled away from Bri's chest to feel it was warm in here and saw June hold me now.


June-*Sigh*... Hi, Sweetie Pie. Are you ready to spend the day with me and Betsy? ~

Bri and Miley left while waving at me. June took me down the hall while bouncing me a little and smiled at my pacifier.

June-Awwww. Did Kinsely give this to you? So adorable. ~

She rubbed my cheeks and she smelled good and her hands were so soft. Ruth's tail was the softest thing ever, but this still felt nice. We got to the playroom and then to the closet they made into a room just for me and we saw Betsy sitting in the rocking chair smiling at us.


Betsy-Well, don't ya'll look adorable together? ~

June-Hehehe... he.

June's cheeks turned pink a little and the Betsy came up and bent down to us.

(Betsy's POV)

Ah would expect nothing else from someone who Kinsely praised the whole time at mah house while snapping at her husband... Then she cried in frustration which she really needed tah let out. Ah could pick both of them up fer fun, but (Y/N) needs two adults in here right now. June let me hold the lil' darlin' and stand up tall. He looked so cute suckin' on his lil' pacifier, but he also looked a lil' tired... A nap at this time to make sure he doesn't hear anything should help.

Betsy-June, mind makin' a bottle fer him. The sleepy formula.

Ah bounced him in one arm while ah knelt down to put him in his crib, but he wiggled around a bit to get his arms out and grab mah hand. Mah heart fluttered at his tiny hands wanting tah stop me from leaving.

Betsy-What's wrong, Hun?... Don't ya feel tired?

He spit out his pacifier, so he could talk to me.

(Y/N)-I... I wanna be held some more... Please.

Mah heart stopped for a moment and ah thought of something that he would like. Ah took him with me back tah the rockin' chair and lied back with him on top of me.


(Y/N)-Hmmm... No.

Betsy-No? Well, what else can we do?

He tried to scoot up, but my boobs were in his way as well for me being too tall for him. I boosted him up slowly to see where he wanted to stop. Ah stopped him with his ear on my chest and he smiled softly before nuzzling there... He opened his eyes to look at me.


(Y/N)-Why is your heart getting faster?

Betsy-Well... That's what cute lil' critters like ya do tah me. Ya can even make a bunny blush from how cute ya are. ~

(Y/N)-Oh... I don't think I'm that cute.

Betsy-Aw hush. Ya are and get used to it. ~

Ah lied back down and ah took a few breathes to try and slow down mah heart for him. That's when I looked to see June frozen in place while holdin' a bottle that was ready for (Y/N). She snapped out of it and came over to give me the bottle, so ah poked (Y/N)'s cute chubby cheeks to get him to see his bottle.

Betsy-Open wide and get ready fer nap time, Sugar. ~

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

((D/N)'s POV)

I got a message from Kinsely to meet with her and the girls which mean June was going to be there. When I parked my car in my workplace's garage, I did a little dance on my way to the daycare with everything ready for June. I got there and was going to call Kinsely and tell her that I'm here, but she was already waiting in the lobby for me and opened the door.

(D/N)-Hey. So, what's the thing you want to talk about? I was also hoping to speak to June after.

Kinsely-June and Betsy are going to watch your son while the rest of us talk in my office.

I followed her to the back and I decided to go see June after. When I got there, I saw everyone was here, except June and Betsy.


(D/N)-Ladies... Ok, so what's the problem? Oh, and before we get to that, may I just say that I am beyond grateful for all the help with my son.

They just looked at each other for a moment and then Kinsely gave me a smile while pulling a piece of paper out of her desk. She put it in front of me.

Kinsely-We are so glad that you feel that way, but there are some legal problems. You see, you are leaving him with us too much which the state will consider to be neglect.

(D/N)-You are legal caretakers, right?

Kinsely-Yes, but that doesn't mean we can keep him around the clock. Lucky for both of us, I found a way to get past this... Just sign this paper and it will make all of us his legal guardians.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... They want to be able to help me so much that they are willingly going to take care of my son free of charge! I tried to search myself for a pen until Kinsely pulled out a pen and clicked it for me. I took it and read the paper to see if this was just making them legal guardians beside me, so I signed the paper while she smiled at me.

(D/N)-Done deal. If you want, I could go turn this in since you are opening soon.

Kinsely-No need. I can get my husband's lawyers on it. They will be valid in no time.

(D/N)-Well, thank you for everything!

(No POV)

He got up and happily walked out of the room. Kinsely just picked up the paper he just signed and smiled that phase 1 of her plan was complete and he was happy to do so. Kinsely and her friends will be (Y/N)'s legal guardians.

Kinsely-No... Thank you. ~

((D/N)'s POV)

I was in the bathroom doing one last look at myself in the mirror while giving myself a mental peep talk that I could do this and land this woman.


I looked around for where June might be and I soon found her in a supply room sorting something, but when she turned around she jumped a little. So cute and soon will be mine.


June-Oh, um... Hi.

(D/N)-Hey. I was looking for you. ~

June-Oh, if it's about your son-.

(D/N)-I don't want to talk about (Y/N)... I want to talk about you. Like how you look lonely in here. ~

June-I'm doing just fine. In fact, I have things to prepare for while (Y/N) is napping, so if you could excuse me, please

She tried to leave, but I blocked the door while giving her a charming smile. I undid one button on my shirt to show her my solid pecks a little. She must see me as big and strong now.

June-Move, please.

I walked up to her and seductively backed her up against the wall and put my hand on the wall. She looked so timid by my good looks.

(D/N)-You know, I was thinking. After your work today, we could go out for some dinner for you becoming a legal guardian to my-... 'Our' son. ~

June-... I-I'm not into men. *mumbles*


June-I'm not into men.

I looked at her and how shyly she was acting, so I saw right through her act. I'll play along too.

(D/N)-You can't hate what you don't try, Baby. I'm sure after tonight, you could be loving both genders. I even got connections to a nice restaurant that has amazing wine.

June-I-I need to go. Betsy is waiting-.

(D/N)-Watching our baby boy. Come on... I could give you a taste of a real man. Surely, you must be tired of taking care of little kids. ~

I put my hand on her shoulder and she tried to leave again, but then I pulled her into a hug. My hand even cupped her nice plump ass.


She pushed me away and tried to slap me, but I grabbed arm to playfully stop her.

June-Let go of me! I am not into men!

(D/N)-You think you can say that without a blush?

June-Let go!

She kept on trying to et away, but I want her to calm down first, so she doesn't do anything rash.

June-Let go of me or I will get our security in here! NOW!!!

(D/N)-You want to get Betsy involved, even after I show you this?

I pulled out the case and showed her the ring I got got her. She stared at it for a second before she looked at me with a n angry blush and tears threatening to fall. She then smacked the ring away!

June-I would never marry you! You poured your son on others, went out to drink a clubs, and are completely irresponsible!

(D/N)-Hey! I bought you an expensive ring and you clearly adore the very being that came from me! You don't hate men or else you would hate my son! Just like that security guard and everyone else here!

June-I am not sexually attracted to men! Betsy is more responsible and caring than you have ever been! I would choose her over you to spend my life in a heartbeat! She's! Better! Than! You!

(D/N)-You better watch it before-!

Betsy-Before what?

I was surprised and June looked surprised too before she blushed super hard and we turned to see Betsy at the door.


She came in and reached down to grab me by my arms, and made me let go of June. She looked furious as she pinned me against the wall. I felt my heart sink to the point it could fall out of my body which was dangling in the air.

Betsy-Put yer hands on mah friends again and ah'll have a crack at ya before the police do. Believe you, me... Ya don't want that.

She took me to the front door of this place and left June to cry and my ring was still in the storage closet. She dropped me on the pavement in humiliation, but I was too scared to get back up... She would still be twice my size.

Betsy-Take this as a warning and we might not press charges.

I should have told her that I want my son, those papers torn, and she will never see him again. I just could not talk before she closed the doors and locked them to leave me outside.

(Betsy's POV)

That vermin is so lucky that Kinsely told me her plan and we still need him fer now. Ah would've beaten him to a pulp fer trying to rape June and Kinsely is going to be hearing about this right now.

Betsy's mind-When we don't need ya no more, ah'll show ya how ah get rid of a pest!

(June's POV)

June-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic*.

I was just supposed to restock some printer paper and stuff for arts and crafts and sign in at the desk before opening. Not only did I get violated by having my ass grabbed, I made things awkward between me and Betsy now. I looked over in the corner and crawled to the box with a wedding ring in it... I gripped it before I threw it at a wall to break it. After I cried some more, I heard more footsteps from behind me and I turned to see Betsy kneeling down to me... I looked away in embarrassment and shame.


Betsy-Ya hurting anywhere? We can go get some first aid.

I couldn't bring myself to talk to her, so she took my wrist and it did feel a little sore. When I looked, it was showing a red mark from when (D/N) grabbed me.

Betsy-That vermin!... Come on. Let's get some cream for that.

She picked me up and took me to the nurse's office. I heard Ruth was at my desk and when Betsy put me on the table, she went into the cabinets.

June-Um... A-About what I said... I was just emotional.

Betsy-Ya had every right to tell that dick head off. He's lucky ah didn't smash his face in... Yet.

June-N-No... The other thing.


She came over and started to apply the cream to my wrist gently. I was blushing and looked away. It also kind of hurt when she rubbed it in.

Betsy-Well ah think of ya like a good friend.

June-... Do you think I'm weird for liking you another way?

Betsy-What? No. I never saw any of ya'll here like that, but if we are putting ourselves out there... Ah'm bi, Hun. Granted we start out slow.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I could feel my fever going through the rough and when she was done, she stood tall again.

Betsy-I think ya need to rest today. Ruth has the desk covered, but we still have one job together.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

The kids were playing out there in the playroom with Bri and Miley, but meanwhile... I was in the nursery and Betsy was pushing off the stool to rock the rocking chair with (Y/N) in one arm and me in her other. This... was heaven. The sweetest baby boy in the world was now going to be my son soon enough and my dream girl was staring at me with soft, yet spicy eyes.


(Y/N)-J-June. Are you ok?

Betsy-She'e fine, Hun... In fact.

She got up with us and went to the crib to have me curl up with some room for her to put (Y/N) next to me. I felt my face burn when (Y/N) nuzzled into me. She leaned down to give both of us an innocent kiss on the cheek before she tickled (Y/N) and had him snuggle deeper into me.

Betsy-Ah can work on making a replica of this bed, but big enough fer me tah even join in some time... Rest easy you two. Ah'll get some games ready in a bit. ~

Everything was perfect, but then I thought about (D/N) and what he tried to do. Anger seeped into every fiber of my being as I held (Y/N) a little tighter, but stopped when Betsy came back over with her top and bra up this time to flash me before leaving again... This needs to be my life. Everything was perfect!

June's mind-(D/N)... You parasite... Before you die. I am going to jab a knife in the very dick you tried to rape me with!


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