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((Y/N)'s POV)

I got to relax with the girls with a movie on Luz's phone while Eda was making something to watch with us. Soon, she came back with popcorn for the movie and took me from Luz to lay across the couch with me. We had to duct tape Hooty's mouth when he would not stop talking and Luz held King when I was taken. The movie went on, but I looked around this magic house and saw Albert was not back, yet. Eda said he was still out getting stuff which I think means stealing and taking stuff from the garbage. During the movie, I wanted to go outside, but Eda and the girls wanted me to stay.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why do they want me to stay that bad?... I'm not that cute, am I?... WAIT, I JUST CALLED MYSELF CUTE!!!

(No POV)

Meanwhile, Owlbert was flying over a city and landed in what looked like a populated area. That means more junk people would leave behind. He flew to where he could see the loot better and during that time, a group of friends were on a very important mission. One that they have planned... since 8 in the morning.


(Star's POV)

Marco was trying to pull me away from the food truck when they said they were out of something, but I know I saw I someone in the truck eating the thing I wanted to have! They made the last one or they just don't want to do it because they look shady! He even held back my hands, knowing I would blast these liars.

Marco-They are 'not' worth it!

Star-You! I want my jumbo custard chocolate cupcake! AND I WANT IT NOW!!!

Marco-It is just a cupcake!

Star-I got a cupcake for them!

He kept on pulling me back while apologizing to the crowd and soon we made it to a cafe and got something else to help me calm down... I want that cupcake. Marco just slid some chicken strips and french fries in front of me.

Marco-See, isn't that good-looking.

Star-I saw that smug look on that guy's face.

Marco-... Kaaaayyy. How about some ice cream at the store? They got one with churro bits, they got cookies and cream, they got... They got strawberry and chocolate swirls. ~

Star-... I will take the ice cream, but I am not happy.

I ate the food I got and after left my bag here when Marco went to pay upfront to make a quick trip to the bathroom. I only got the grease off and splashed some cold water on my face. I looked in the mirror and saw I was still a little mad about the cupcake thing.



I ran outside to Marco and he was trying to catch a small bird that I saw had something in the brief moment I saw it. I just didn't know what.


Marco-That bird took your scissors!

First the cupcake and now my scissors... This will not stand. Everyone is taking my stuff today.

Star's mind-I wants my stuff.

I grabbed my bag and Marco before summoning Cloudy and leaving everyone amazed as we flew after the bird. I even made it clear to Marco that when I get my scissors back, we are going to get my cupcake!

(Timeskip 40 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

The movie was still not over and it was too much of a drama at first, but now there was a lot of action and stuff. I was still laying on Eda while she was petting me and would feed me popcorn and I was too into the movie to stop her... Or even try to. I never got to watch a movie like this before and it was so good. After a while it ended, so we got up to stretch.

Willow-So what was that pla-, I mean movie?

Luz-It's good, right? I got others almost like it.

Amity-Also... (Y/N), I saw you letting Eda feed you some popcorn.

I blushed a little since that just made me sound like a baby, so I turned away. She was going to talk about it some more with a smile until the portal door opened and Owlbert flew in with something he dropped on the ground and Eda picked it up.


Eda-Owlbert, we have these here. You couldn't have grabbed-?


Just then, two people flew and fell in here when a cloud of pink powder exploded. They both sprung up and looked ready to fight. I hid behind Willow and we were all on guard.


???-Alright, cough up my scissors or else!

Eda-Who are-?

???-Narwail blast!

She raised her hand and shot a fish at Eda, but Eda made two circles of light and threw the attack back at the new girl from behind. She did the same thing again and made them go outside. Hooty then tied them up with his long neck and waved them around... I like owls, but I have no idea what to feel about him.

Hooty-Oh my gosh, new people! What should we do first?! Hoot! Hoot!

???-Cupcake blast!

Hooty-Oh, I love cup-!

He got blasted with cupcakes and one rolled into the house... It was made out of crystals. The fighting kept on going outside while Eda put the scissors down. I know they had to have been stolen, but why go so far? Willow picked me up and put me on her shoulders, but I want to stop this.

(Y/N)-Eda, can we just give them their scissors back?... I think they will stop fighting.

Eda-They broke into my house and put you in danger... I mean tried to wreck my house!

(Y/N)-But they just want their stuff back... How about I just go out and give it to them?

Willow-Awwwww. You're a sweetheart. ~

Eda-You're not going out there alone.

I tried to think of something to get her to change her mind and then I thought of something... I just didn't like this plan, but better than someone getting hurt.

(Y/N)-I'll... wear the onesie if you let me do this.


(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I meant after!

(Star's POV)

We got this monster on the ropes and he was on the ground getting slower with my magic attacks taking a toll on him. He took a powerful hit with my "Spider in a top hat blast". Marco kicked him in the face, but was wrapped around again and thrown to a tree. He was down and out of my way, so I was going to finish this.

Star-Warnicorn stam-!


I looked to see who said that and I was greeted with the cutest sight that I have scene in my who life.


???-W-We're sorry Owlbert took these... Here.

I was only staring at him to admire how he was not wearing that cute costume, but now he was. Just then, 3 girls came from behind to pick him up and bring him to me... He wanted to return my dimensional scissors... Even if it meant wearing that.


I took them back and was in awe... I booped his nose which made him blush more and my heart skipped a beat. He had a sweet smell to him... As sweet as a cupcake, so I booped him again... and again... and again. Each time I felt better until he turned into the girl with green hair.

???-Ok, we get it! *muffled*

Star-*Squeals*! ~

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

Star-Marco, is he just the cutest?! Tell him you're the cutest, (Y/N)! ~

I was able to pick him up and spin him around before Luz took him back. We all know each other's names now and the whole reason (Y/N) did this was because he wanted to stop the fighting. It just made him even more adorable, but my heart stopped when he sat next to a baby monster.


Luz-We have the two cutest things in the world. Yes, we do. ~

(Y/N)/King-I'm not cute!

This got an 'awwww' from all of us, but Marco just took my arm to pull me away a little.

Marco-Should we head back home?

Star-Leave?!... But we just got here.

Marco-We came to get your scissors back.

Star-I wanna stay... Please, Marco. ~

I gave him my saddest eyes and he had the guilty face, but then turned away... I used another tactic this time.

Marco-It's not even me, it's your mom wants to-.

Star-Listen, we or I stay here or we go back to that cupcake food truck and bury it in crystal cupcakes!

Marco-... Touche. Mind if I got a portal to my room at the castle?

I put a big smile on my face before I opened a portal with my scissors that left everyone in shock as Marco waved goodbye and walked through. I closed it and looked at (Y/N) with my heart racing.

Star-Sooo, what are doing?! SLEEPOVER?!?!?! I have tons of stuff we can do or go to other worlds! Oh, we can-!

Eda-Slow down, kid. I don't want to spend the night with a bunch of girls swarming a little boy.

(Y/N) looked relieved, but I then saw her look at something shiny in the election of the sun and she was entranced by it... A smile curved onto my face and summed a bunch of crystal cupcakes and shined a like onto them.

Star-What about now?!

I was bouncing in place and the other girls were looking at her too. She wanted these bad boys badly. She took them and it was all the proof we needed that she said yes, so we made a group huge with (Y/N) and King in the middle of us. I can't wait for them to meet Ponyhead, but she's a hard party pony, so maybe another time we can visit new worlds. They even had their own ways to do sleepovers, but after that... the boys tried to run away. We caught (Y/N) though.

Amity/Willow/Luz/Star-Oh, (Y/N). ~



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