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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and I heard a fire crackling and felt I was on something a little soft and tickling my nose. I opened my eyes to see that I was on a pile of grass that was put together to make a bushy nest. When I got up, my tummy still felt a little upset, but there was something dripping down my chin. There was juice and seeds in it when I cleaned it off my face. Light danced in here until I turned to see a fire going and the exit of the cave was right there. I tried to get up, but I felt so weak. That's when I heard something and looked at the other side of a cave to see a Pokemon looking at me and it was the Jigglypuff from before.



It hopped over to me to pat my head. I thought she wanted to pet me, but she was trying to pat me back into laying down, so I did and she stopped. She looked proud and happy that I did what she wanted... it was cute and a little funny. She comes over with a leaf bowl full of crushed berries and picks out a wooden spoon to try and feed it to me. It looks like the stuff I just got off my chin. I stayed where I was and she just stared at me until we heard someone else come in. It was the Salazzle.


She came up to me and I raised my head, only for her to push my head back down. Jigglypuff made some noise before Salazzle just looked at me and poked my tummy. It didn't hurt enough to curl up anymore, but it felt funny. I giggled a little at the surprise.

(Y/N)-Um... Hi. Are you trying to help me get better?

They both nodded their heads.

(Y/N)-Well... Do you know how I got here and how I got those berries in my sleep?... The ones that made me sick.

They replied, 'No' this time by shaking their heads at me.

(Y/N)-Well... I could use some help finding my friends. They could take me to a hospital.

They looked confused about how to answer until they did something I didn't completely understand. I just stayed here to rest a little longer and eat the berries that make me feel better. Later I could sit up, but the two Pokemon still pushed me back down onto the bed.

(Y/N)-Um, I'm feeling better. I have to get going. I still don't know how I got to this world.

They still wanted me to rest and when I didn't listen this time...

Jigglypuff-Jiiiig-glllypuff. Jiggll-lll-llypuuuufff. ~

She kept on singing and Slazzle smacked herself while;e shaking her head and I tried to cover my ears to block out her sleeping song... It didn't work because I felt so tired that I quickly fell back asleep. I then smelled something odd and felt a claw stroke my cheek again.

(Marina's POV)

Isabelle came over to our world and got law officials to commence searches in all of our houses with only needing a few hours for a search warrant which is really fast. I let Ankha into my home and she used her nose to sniff the place and flickered her ear at every sound. Better than agents coming in. She was pissed and insisted...

Ankha-WHERE IS MY BABY?!?!?!

Marina-I don't have (Y/N)! I didn't break into anyone's house!

Ankha-You could have a part in this! You were all mad and couldn't handle him staying with us! ONE OF YOU TOOK HIM!!!

Marina-It wasn't me! And even if it was, I would need to go through security with him which would've been a HUGE red flag to them! Not to mention, they would call his new parents!

I still hated to say that part, but she knew I was right and paced around while grunting in frustration before she left and slammed my door. I even heard her slam a taped paper on my door to show I was searched. I just held my head from being so angry that it hurt.

Marina's mind-Are you kidding me?! They don't only stab us in the back, BUT THEY LOSE HIM IN A SINGLE NIGHT?!?!?!?!


In anger, I dashed out of my house to go deal with this myself. If they can't protect him from getting kidnapped then I am taking him by fighting for custody rather if they like it or not!

(Krystal's POV)

We were forced to land The Great Fox for the government to search the ship for (Y/N) and Isabelle was here. I felt my heart shatter at why this happened and (Y/N) was kidnapped last night when we left. I followed her around the ship and she tried to snap at and accuse me!

Krystal-How do you lose a child overnight?! Didn't you lock up your house?!

Isabelle-How do you know he was in my house?!

Krystal-Because he was there when we left getting ready for bed!

Isabelle-It has to be one of you! You knew he was there are were all angry!

Krystal-All because of that stunt you pulled! Now, look what happened and this is going to be brought into question! I even know what you did to your 'beloved Mayor'.

She looked like she was ready to fight, so I pulled out my staff before government people came by to pass us and search the command center. We only glared at each other.

Isabelle-When I get him back... 'None' of you are seeing him.

She ran to go join them and Fox should be in there with them. I just went off to my room and when the door closed behind me...

Krystal-Who said you are getting him back?

I started to pack up and head out on my own in my own fighter ship to go look for him. I was going to tell the others about this, but I should keep this on the down low.

(Phosphora's POV)


Palutena used her magic anger which is a rare sight to behold in a place like this or at all when it's not in battle. We saw that (Y/N) was missing and the United government was involved and searching The Great Fox as we saw. She flipped to other worlds to look for him.

Palutena-... Bring your boss here... Bring them all here.


Palutena-All of them! Pandora, Vidiri, Pit! I want them on this, now!

Phosphora-When do I take orders from?

She unleashed a powerful amount of magic and I saw this amount before, but she was unhinged... She looked scary.

Phosphora-Y-Yeah... Don't worry, we'll get the kid here.

(Salazzle's POV)

Jigglypuff likes to tell me a lot about humans and how I should join Smash, but I don't have any interest in that. I still don't, but she said that this human needed help because it looked like they were force-fed poisonous berries. It wouldn't kill him because it would be the job of a predator that comes by.

Jigglypuff-So how much longer before he gets all lovey dovey? They pet and cuddle as well as some fight.

Salazzle-My pheromones aren't meant for humans. They are meant for my males. These berries will help him feel better, but I don't know about my powers working.

Jigglypuff-... So no cuddles for us if this doesn't work?... Well, mending a broken heart after he learns he was abandoned will have him all over us.

Salazzle-Just... go get more berries. he's getting more color back.

She hopped off and I just looked at the sleeping human child's face. I loved the feeling of his skin and he felt so soft, but I don't want to admit it or I will never hear the end of it. I kept working my magic on him, doubting it was working, even with help of these berries and herbs with some properties.

Salazzle-*Sigh* This is a waste of time.

And yet... I am still doing it for some reason... I'm more or less just watching him sleep while petting him. I only know humans wanting to capture me for battles or other reasons, and none of which I liked. I even killed some that tried to capture me, but this one is just a baby... Wait...

Salazzle's mind-Is that it? After being hunted my whole life, does this count as a trophy to me?... A human child... A small, weak, helpless, sick,... cute... Stop it!

(Jigglypuff's POV)

Humans from here always try to capture us, but humans from the last world we were in just want to hug and pet everything that's cute with no Pokeballs included. Even the little ones are adorable and now, we have one here. I just know he's from that world because I saw him on a social post at a party. I was heading back when all of the sudden, I heard footsteps, so I stay hidden. That's when a lone Pokemon trainer was walking by... AND IN THE DIRECTION OF THE CAVE!!!


There is no way she could know?... Unless, she was the one that did this to him... I did my bet to sneak up behind her.

(Dawn's POV)

The last battle was harder than I thought, so Piplup needs to rest in her Pokeball. I thought about what happened back at the Smash tournament and wondered how (Y/N) was doing, but I'm sure he was fine. He is in good hands. I was taking a shortcut by going off the path to the next town.

???-Jiiigglyypufff. Jiggl-lll-llyyyyypuuufff.

Dawn-... Huh?

I felt so tired as the song continued and before I could hit the ground, I blacked out.


(Jigglypuff's POV)


Jigglypuff-No! I just... knocked her out and brought her here while she was sleeping.

She kept on blowing up on me and I said she was coming this was and she countered that there was a town nearby. I would admit I made a mistake, but I am going to label this as better safe than sorry. Plus, it's not like we are hurting her. They were both out cold, so we got plenty of time... and more if I sing. I went to her bag and poured out her 4 Pokeballs to the ground along with other stuff. I even got a brush and went to brush the boy's hair as he slept.

Jigglypuff's mind-So cute. ~


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