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((Y/N)'s POV)

Felicia had me on her lap to watch a cartoon after our bath and she was feeding me some boneless chicken wings and french fries. She would dip the mild chicken wings in ranch and the french fries in ketchup. All she wanted me to was rest my head on her arm and look up at her. She looked happy and when all the food was gone she took me out to the living room where I had piles of gifts still and everyone would watch me in front of a camera. I never had this many gifts before and while I was happy to get all of this cool stuff, I think most or all of this stuff was stolen from other universes. I got things like new clothes, games, toys, jewelry, shampoo, conditioner, soap, movies, and a few letters with 'cuddle coupons' or something. I even got one letter that said...

(Y/N)-Look up?

I looked up and I saw Gwenpool drop down by pulling her knives out of the ceiling and landing over me to give me a surprise hug with kisses.


Gwenpool-Hi, Cutie Pie. ~

(Y/N)-Gwenpool, what are you doing?!

Gwenpool-Giving everyone a show. We just love you so much and can do whatever we want to you. ~

I thought I heard something in her voice for a second... Maybe something got caught in her throat, but it did sound so... familiar. I swear I heard that somewhere before. Thinking about it made my head hurt and it felt a little fuzzy, so I stopped and held my head. Felicia came up to me and picked me up.

Felicia-Awww, do you have a headache? ~

(Y/N)-A-A little.

Felicia-Well then, let's go and get some medicine.

We left her house in this huge building and I noticed that it was almost completely quiet... Everyone out here was staring at me, waving, blowing kisses, smiling, and would pet me a little if we walked by them. It was nice and sometimes when they scratched under my chin, I had a little noise slip out and it just felt so nice.

Black Cat#1-So cute. ~

Black Cat#2-So you're the kitten we heard so much about. ~

After a couple more, I so one of the Black Cats that were here first and they were with silk.


Black Cat-*Gasp* There's our Little Kitten. Did you miss us? ~

Silk-Make room. We want to get a few cuddles in too. ~

I thought it was a little weird how she said that, but Felicia didn't stop with me in her arms and kept on going. I thought of something.

(Y/N)-Hey, where's Bad Luck?

Silk-Oh... She left.

Black Cat-Looks like she couldn't get used to being in a big group.

They all walked with me to get me the medicine they talked about and soon they gave me some medicine that tasted like bubblegum instead of the super nasty stuff that isn't even a pill you can just swallow. After I got the medicine they took me around this place for everyone to see me and somewhat play with me while, 'Mommy' held me the whole time. Soon, I saw Kitty come by and she smiled at me before looking at Felicia.


Kitty-Everything is all set for the big show. Everyone is waiting.

I wonder what she meant by that and she gave me a kiss before me, Felicia, Black Cat, Silk, Gwenpool, and Kitty went to another part of a lobby where there was a stage. This was even a bed on it that we all got on to bunch up together while people gathered around the stage. I felt so nervous and it was worse than standing in front of the class, so I turned into Felicia

(Y/N)-What kind of show is this?

Felicia-We all have a special surprise for you. When you were taken, we were all so heartbroken trying to get you back, and Mommy was so furious. She couldn't find you alone until... she found some help and made everyone better. The family that will never stuff you in a lab or make you feel unsafe. ~

I heard something in her voice and it scared me.

Silk-We are better than any Spider-Man or any other Avenger or superhero out there. The only one that will be unsafe is the one that so much as lays their filthy eyes on you... We are the only ones allowed to see and take care of you. ~

That voice in her voice again... Something was forming around everyone as Felicia rubbed my head and gave me kisses and... licks.

Black Cat-We are a family now, but there is something about you that won't let you become us. There is only one answer... You are not meant to be more ~

Just then Felicia finished transforming first and tears formed in my eyes. I couldn't even bring myself to scream.


Felicia-You are meant to be our baby... Our Kitten... Forever. ~

That's when I saw everyone change, but I just looked at the others on the bed with me.


I didn't know what to do, but my body tried to run, only for Felicia to keep her hold on me and Kitty leaned over me to play with my nose gently. I tried to push her hand away, but she only kept playing with my nose slowly while I couldn't even stop her finger.

Kitty-Your little hands feel so adorable... We wanna squish them. ~

I thought she was going to crush my hands, but she only squeezed them a little to treat my hands like toys. They saw I was crying from being so scared and my body could only shake now... Felicia just licked up my tears a little before using her new tentacles on her head to turn me to her and hold me close in front of her. She only placed kisses all over my face to make my crying worse.

Felicia-The fear will pass, Honey. We have so many plans to enjoy you. Maybe even go to other universes for more yous. That will make for an excellent market. ~

She stopped kissing my face to turn me to the huge crowd of monsters looking at us and smiling while waving and saying, 'Hello'. The girls got up from the bed with me and passed me around to give me cuddles and kisses, as well as promises of 'one-on-two' time with them... Silk had me last before we made it to the crowd and they were reaching out to me.

Silk-We love you so much... Just one thing... Don't forget what we promised about outsiders. You won't see it, but there will be carnage. ~

She gave me one last snuggle before she gave me to the crowd of monsters.

Black Cat#1-So soft. ~

Black Cat#2-He makes a perfect playmate for us. We will make good mothers. ~

Black Cat#3-No copies can compare to him... Still would be nice to use a few as decoration to adore. ~

They saw me as many things, but all of them led to a baby, pet, or other versions of me being used as other things to adore. I couldn't do anything. I tried to kick one of them, but they took my sock and shoe to use a tentacle to tickle my foot.


Everyone saw this and took my other sock and shoe and passed me around for most to tickle me. When I made it back up to stage, Felicia wanted me to walk to her and other with nowhere else to go. She even undid her suit a little.


Felicia-Come here, Honey. Come to Mama, so we can-. ~


Something busted out of the ground and was high in the high. It landed in front of me, so I landed on my butt and everyone here looked really mad. The dust cleared and I saw...


(Y/N)-P-... Penny?

Penny-*Growls*. ~

Just then Felicia tackled her and many charged in, only for Penny to shoot something and pull me in before she threw Felicia off her. They put up a soundproof force field and I saw many flashes that made everyone go down and look like they were in pain with the suits coming off a little with loose tentacles. She jumped back into the hole she came out of and then threw me in the suit to lock me in...

(Y/N)'s mind-She's a monster now too?!

She kept on running while I heard more noises outside and I knew it was all of those Black Cats and Silk.


They all sounded really bad. I was stuck in the dark and tried to find a way out until some goo grabbed me and tied me to the chair.


I got no answer and the ride soon got really crazy and I felt like I was going to get sick. The sounds got farther and farther away before we jumped and swirled around. Just when I was about to lose my food from earlier, we finally stepped... The door opened and my ears were ringing from being dizzy and sick. Soon, a pair of hands cupped my cheeks to have me look up.


Gwen-Hey, it's ok now. We got you. ~

(Y/N)-M-M- *gag* Monsters. *mumble*

Gwen-Monster's?... Oh, were they mean to you?... Well, Honey Bunch, we are not monsters. ~

Just then, her suit started to change and pulled me in for a gentle hug that felt comfy, but scary.


Gwen-We... are Gwenom. ~

She hopped in and closed the door while turning back. I heard Penny laughing outside while I felt Gwen kissing me all over my cheeks and face in the dark before she poked my nose.

(Y/N)-*Whine* *sobbing*.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is everyone... A monster now... No... No.

(???'s POV)

I saw something weird in the being made in the old mansion. These weird creatures were coming in and out. I tried to set one on fire, but it didn't do anything only to call others to search the area. I had to keep my distance for now, but just then, I saw something and someone running past some trees while rubbing and kissing the dome of the robot.


???'s mind-What the hell is happening?


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