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(Blue's POV)

I could not bring myself to put (Y/N) down while I argued with Yellow that he was staying here in my quarters. It's none of her business what I do with my quarters anyway. She was furious and scaring my poor pet, so I held him close to my neck for support and comfort. I continued to stand my ground on this because I was not taking him to be put in the zoo after everything I did. I told her that cleaning was taken care of, his food and water, and even his containment areas. She still was not satisfied.

Yellow-How is this moving on?! You are keeping one of Pink's inhabitants here of all places!

Blue-Why does it matter to you so much?! I run colonies and manage my gems, so I deserve and can handle a pet!

Yellow-Why here though! You even had construction done on your throne with this thing!

I just turned a little and held (Y/N) closure when he was shaking like a leaf. I would love to put him in containment right now, but I can't trust Yellow not to do something. We argued for a while longer before she reached the point of frustration.

Yellow-Blue... *sigh* What even makes you think that this is a good idea?

Blue-He reminds me of 'her' and he understands the feelings I have.

Yellow-A human does?... I don't have the patience for any more of this nonsense, Blue. Just keep that human under control or I will take care of it.

Blue-You are not touching him!

(Yellow's POV)

I have no idea what's so special about this creature that is making her act like this, but they better not interfere with anything. I left Blue with her new pet, but this was not over. Grieving and visiting the Earth and zoo is one thing, but to bring one of those filthy creatures here and invest resources in it is going too far. They don't live that long anyway... She plans on bringing that thing to our throne room.

Yellow's mind-She thinks that the creature reminds her of Pink, but I do not see any resemblance... I should have a talk with it alone. Assuming she brings it to the throne room tomorrow... No, she wouldn't bring her pet to something so important.

(Timeskip to Tomorrow)

Yellow's mind-She would.

I looked over to see Blue walking in with a cube next to her and everyone saw her pet inside. She took them out and put them in a small space in the arm of her throne while having the containment area park next to her throne.


Lucky for her, White doesn't come to these anymore or she really would be in trouble. I tried to press through this, but during some reports, I caught her human hovering just outside its area for her to pet them as they tried to push her finger away. I can't believe she was playing at a time like this. She would put them back inside but pulled up a screen against her armrest to slide her finger side to side while stealing glances.

Yellow's mind-Is she rocking them?... Put that pet of hers to sleep. I am trying to focus.

Later on, during the reports from one of our fleet's captains...

Emerald-Blue Diamond, I request that you come with me to see new additions to your ship to increase speed and efficiency. We will need clearance to install these programs and access certain rooms.

Blue-Oh... I... suppose I should.

She looked nervous and looked at her pet before looking at me. It's clear she doesn't trust me due to our argument the other day.

Yellow-I won't harm your 'pet' Blue. Just go take care of this.

She did something to close the screen on her pet before she got up. I guess she didn't have her team alter her ship for her new pet. I carried on with the reports and hearings myself to be done with the last few. Now, I was in here all alone and I was going to leave, but then I looked back when I heard something coming from her throne... Crying.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It was not dark, cold, or uncomfortable, but this was all still so scary. I didn't want to talk still in case someone was still out there. Now, I could not stop myself from crying and wanted my Mommy, but things got worse when the door slid open and I didn't see Blue... It was Yellow.


I was more scared of her than Blue because she looked like she would really hurt me if I made her even a little mad. She scooped me out and kept me in the blanket, so I couldn't move... She made sure of it by holding me in her fist, so I couldn't even wiggle.



Yellow-How did you meet Blue and why did she bring you here?


Yellow-Answer me!


I tried my best to tell her the whole story, but she made me skip to the part where I met Blue and she took me here. She would look mad when I was about to cry and say it sounded annoying. I would rather be with Blue right now than with Yellow. Blue took me from my Mommy and Clare, but at least she didn't get mad at me for crying.

Yellow-You certainly cry a lot like her.

(Y/N)-I-I... I want to be put down!

Yellow-... Care to repeat that tone to me?

My heart sank and made my spike in anger disappear and I shook my head no.

Yellow-And don't make that mistake again. Now, tell me what Blue does with you.

(Yellow's POV)

He fell in line and at that moment, it was like talking to Pink when she was throwing a fit. Only now, he was scared and more willing to learn when Pink would go and break something. This was easier to control. I unwrapped him to examine this pet better.

Yellow's mind-Weak little limbs, even for a human, as small as an Aqua Marine, squishy, a little bit of fluff on top... What purpose does he serve that Blue has planned? He would fail even at the most simple of useful tasks.

I know we kept Pink around to adore her, but even she had potential... Given it was too soon and she's... gone... I looked at this from that perspective. I took him to my throne to put him in front of me as I sat down.

Yellow-Let's see what Blue finds so endearing about you. Try to entertain me.

He was speechless and clueless now, like he did not understand a word I just said.

Yellow-Well? Do something.

All he did now was fidget his fingers before he eventually just ran to a place to be out of my sight. I just held the bridge of my nose and at this pathetic attempt to hide. I went over to pick him up, but when I peeked around the pillar, he made a little sound.



I grabbed him and he made that noise again before he curled up as much as he could. The sound of his whining quickly stopped when he looked at me. He acted like I was going to kill him which is still a bit of a possibility if he pushes things too far.

Yellow-Your entertainment needs work if you are going to be of use for Blue.


I tested other methods of entertainment, but they ceased to function now. Unless you count curling up into a trembling ball in my palm. A fragile creature that could hardly entertain effectively... Pink was a lot like this, but not fragile... I tried petting them to entertain Blue's actions towards him and he flinched before he looked up at me.

Yellow-Is this how she treats you?

No answer which was annoying, but his species doesn't have much promise. Soon, the crying came to a stop, but he was still trembling and forming a ball. This reminded me of Pink now for some reason. She had to have been horrified when her life was coming to an end. Other than that, she liked to have fun... even at the times when it was not called for, her smile, and had to be given guidance and protection.

Yellow-... Pink.

I flipped the pet onto his back to get them to look at me and I saw their eyes looked a little puffy and pink now and looked like a mess compared to when he first got here...

Yellow's mind-Where is Blue, anyway? It shouldn't take this long to give access to areas on her ship.

When he closed his eyes, I felt a bit of worry for if Blue thought I damaged her pet... She has a caretaker.


(Holly's POV)

Holly-Worry not, Yellow Diamond. They were just tired and doing a ritual called, 'sleep'. After that, they will have a soothing bath and be as good as new. As for the actions, I'm sure it's merely the adaption to a new environment.

She seemed relieved for the human, given it's more for Blue Diamond than the worry is for the pet. Pearl was in the containment area to watch the human carefully and reported that Yellow dropped her pet off.

Yellow-Good... And one more thing. I want the information gathered on Blue's pet.

Holly-Yes, My Diamond.

She left and I was amazed. Not only one Diamond shows interest, but two of them. I sent the information to her direct line and went into the containment area to see Pearl sitting next to the sleeping human.


I got a closer look at this human and moved some of their hair away from their face. There was a moist feeling to it now that humans get when they move around too much. Other than that, they looked rather calm and peaceful now. Our Diamond would love to see this, but I found a bit of satisfaction from this sight.

Blue Pearl-Should I prepare a bath for him soon before Our Diamond comes back? She would not be pleased to see her pet in a messy state. *whisper*

Holly-Hmmmm... We sedate them a little first. Don't wake them up. *whisper*

We took preparations to sedate it and I took him out of its bed and had the system to clean the bed with a scent placed on it. It felt so limp in my arms... A Diamond's property and another Diamond's interest.

Holly's mind-You certainly have more value than the average human... I wonder what tricks I could be allowed to teach you. ~

(Blue Pearl's POV)

During the bath, Holly seemed more pleased to bathe Our Diamond's pet this time and despite his weird features, he does deserve some praise. To be acknowledged by both Diamonds like this would be something most gems would envy. I even took an interest in this. When Holly was watching a video on bathing again, she saw other techniques with a weird one at the end. It was not required, but she copied the female human on the screen and... kissed his head.

Holly-Hmm, we'll I could get used to this routine and award system. Pearl, take the pet back to bed. I will be preparing something for Blue Diamond's return.

She clapped her hands and I took him back to his containment area to dry him off and tuck him in bed. That's when I had a thought cross my mind... I kissed their head in secret before I stood next to the bed and... to a picture of the pet sleeping.

(Yellow's POV)

I read more on human behavior and it seems the smaller and newly made humans are referred to as 'children' or 'child'... I will stick with calling them a pet. The more I read about these behaviors, the more I understood what Blue saw in this creature. She did care about preserving Pink's legacy... I looked down at my Pearl and saw she was looking at me with curiosity.



Yellow Pearl-Yes, My Diamond?

Yellow-Send a message to Blue's Pearl about a private meeting with Blue here when she has time. It's about her new pet. I will be in my quarters.

Yellow Pearl-Yes, My Diamond.

(No POV)

Yellow Pearl's mind-Blue Diamond is really keeping that human here?... What does Yellow Diamond plan to do?


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