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(Bri's POV)

Miley and I were going to Rose's house to pick up (Y/N) to take him out to play and we even plan to sneak a treat in for him. As for playtime, I wanted to do some swimming lessons for him, but Miley said we should all be there for that, so she said to play on a trampoline or put on Just Dance at my house. I thought he would look adorable dancing, so I went for the second option. We got to the house and knocked on the door. Soon Rose answered the door and motioned for us to be quiet, so (Y/N) must still be sleeping.


When we walked inside we saw Ruth sitting on the couch with her tail wrapped around (Y/N), so all you can barely see was his head with his nose and eyes just poking out.


She unwrapped her tail a little to show us he was also sucking on a pacifier in his sleep. It was so cute that I had to get a picture for my wallpaper. I got the picture and set it up right away before Miley grabbed his bag.

Rose-Ruth and I are going to stay here and get things ready for work tomorrow. If Kinsely doesn't come to get (Y/N) or get a hold of you, just bring him to daycare before opening. I'll send you other things you need to know. *whisper*

Miley tried her best to pick up (Y/N) without waking him up, but that failed the moment she had her arms around him. He only groaned and turned to grab Ruth's tail. He really loves her fluff.

Miley-Hey, hey, hey, it's ok, Honey. We're just going to take you out for a ride... Wanna give Ruth back her tail? ~


She covered him in a blanket and gave them a little bit to warm up under it before she finally picked him up and had his head on her shoulder. Rose and Ruth said their soft goodbyes before we took him and Rose sent me a text with instructions on what to do with him. When we got in the car, I turned off the radio to keep it quiet for him and he was still under the blanket. Now, Milyey only did soft movements to slowly wake him up.

Miley-Oh, Honey Bunch. Are you feeling sleepy still? ~

he didn't respond, so Miley turned up the music and pulled the blanket off his head to put a little light on him. I could tell that he was a little annoyed by this and he tried to put the blanket back up, but she playfully kissed his cheeks and put him in front of her. I thought he was going to get fussy, but instead...

(Y/N)-*Snicker* *giggles*!

Miley-There's that smile. Let's wake you up because it's playtime. ~

She kept on doing what she was doing until we made it to my house and she walked him inside with us. I had his bag and put it by my couch when we walked in and I started up my game console. He looked curious about it and I would not be surprised if he didn't have one. Maybe his dad thought it would be too much for him right now, but all he needs to do here is dance.

((D/N)'s POV)

Tomorrow... Tomorrow is going to be it. Kinsely said she wanted to talk about something tomorrow very important and June should be there. I got my gift ready and plan to look sharp for her before I ask her out. I got the high-paying job, good looks, and I'm huge down there. What woman would turn that down, especially if they spend day after day taking care of a bunch of kids? I looked at the picture I had of her and smiled.


(D/N)'s mind-It's foolproof! The goergous angel will be mine!

I have the day off tomorrow to do this too.

(D/N)-I can't wait to pin you down and-. ~

(June's POV)

June--go crazy!

Bri had me on video chat to see (Y/N) play Just Dance and he was out of sync and tried different moves and it was adorable to see him dancing with Miley.


Kinsely called me earlier, sounding mildly upset while driving somewhere, and wanted me to get to work earlier with her and the others to go over something. I thought something happened to (Y/N), so I called Bri when Kinsely said she had him, but instead of crying, I got this.

Miley-Here comes the gold! Strike a pose!

This was so adorable and my mind went off somewhere. I would have him here with me and Betsy... Watching him play, being a proud mother and partner, I could cuddle both of them anytime I wanted, and...

June-Betsy. ~

Bri-What was that?

June-Oh, um... I said... Resting. I'm resting a little before I make some food.

Bri-You said Betsy.


Bri-My ears don't lie. What about Betsy?

June-Gotta make food, bye!

I hung up and my face was burning up from slipping like that! I never slipped up that bad before and I did it at one of the worst possible times!

(Bri's POV)

Wonder what all of that was about... The song ended and this was the 6th song, so (Y/N) was getting tired, but we were going to keep this going. I snuck behind him to pick him up and put him on my shoulders and he held on to me. That's when I got an idea for something fun for him.

Bri-Wanna help me and Miley bake a cake? You can stir the batter and lick the bowl after. ~

Miley-Ohhhh, do you like (F/F) cake? ~

He perked up on me, so we went to the kitchen and I put him on the counter to see a little glow in his eyes for the cake.


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We put the cake in the oven to cook after we took things step by step with (Y/N), so we gave him the bowl and the spoon to lick, but he only looked at them for a little bit before he held them out.

(Y/N)-Um... Do you want to share?

Bri-Awwwwww. Such a Sweetheart. ~

Miley-Why thank you. ~

We all shared the batter until it was time to wash the bowl and then we swung him around my house to play some more before the cake was done and would need frosting. Now, when we put him down, he would run around with us until Miley pounced him on the couch and reached into his bag to pull out something.


Miley-Ohhhh... Say ahhhh, like a good baby. ~

I did not see that pacifier in there, but the cutest thing was how flustered he looked when she found it and he still took it.

Bri-Oh, my god! ~ *squeals*

I went over and we both cooed at him while she kept him pinned down for more kisses.

Miley-Why don't we play the game with you and Kinsely? Can you call us Mama and Mommy? ~

His blush just got bigger and I rubbed his cheek a little before giving him a kiss. Miley took the pacifier out of his mouth, but still held it over him.

(Y/N)-*Whine*... M-Mama... Mommy.

Bri's mind-He actually said it?! ~

Miley-Good baby boy. ~

She put the pacifier back in and then I heard the oven timer go off, so I left Miley to play with him while I finished up the cake.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Y/N) finished his slice of cake, so I was gently tipping a cup of milk into his mouth and he was letting me, just like he let Miely feed him. He was just so adoring.

Bri-How about when your cake settles, you can try to run on my treadmill for a bit? If you can do a light jog for 3 minutes, we will let you stay up an extra hour past bedtime for games and cuddles. ~

Miley-Ohhhhh. More just dance or we can even try a controller came for you. ~

(Y/N)-... I want to play a big boy game... What about-?

He looked at me games and saw a horror game, but got scared by the cover before he moved to the next game... Also horror. It was cute and funny for him to avoid all my horror games, but then he found one that he liked.

Miley-Rachet and Clank. Good choice.

We went to my workout room and I put him on a steady pace, had him hold off to the bars, put the safety clip key on him and Miley was right behind him. I got a video of him running with his little legs and he already got tired after a minute of this light jog. We encourage him to keep going, but the thing that made him keep going was Miley doing a fake monster voice.

Miley-You better keep running or the tickle monster is going to get you. ~

He ran faster to get away from her and he made it to the time limit, so I stopped the treadmill and he looked tired now. I just picked him up.

Bri-Ok, no tickle monster... You get the cuddle monsters. Yes, you do. ~

I held him close and nuzzled his face and Miley nuzzled his other said. He smiled and giggled a little before we went to go let him play some games. He just had to play while squished between us under a blanket. While we taught him how to play, we played with his hair, kissed his cheeks, and gave him little massages.

(Y/N)-Um... Br-. Mommy... Can you rub the back of my neck again?

My heart fluttered and I did what he wanted to massage his neck. He really enjoyed this, but...

Miley-Ok, break time for your bath. ~

She paused the game for him, so we can get him to the bath. I read the instructions for him incase there was something, but they just want us to take a group bath like we do at hot springs and open-air baths, and such. He also needed his bath toys, so I got them. I got the water going while Miely stripped him down and he looked embarrassed a little when we got in my big shower and bath, but not for the reasons men would be.

(Y/N)-Can I wash myself?... I know how to do it.

Miley-Hold. Up. Does Kinsely wash you?

(Y/N)-Um... A little.

Miley-Why does she get to have all the fun... And don't forget, Honey... It's Mama. ~

He looked at me hoping I would take his side, but the thought of babying him some more... I just poked his nose.

Bri-These little hands are for your toys. Mommy and Mama can take care of the rest. ~

We spent the bath washing him and then soaked when we filled up the bath and I turned on the jets. He even sat on Miley's lap innocently while facing her to share his toys for playtime.

Miley-*Chuckles* You think you're puny fleet can beat me? I am the mighty Kraken! *roar* ~

She grabbed to hold and tickle him a little.

(Y/N)-*Giggles* Hahahaha!

After a while of soaking we dried off and got him dressed in a onesie while we got into some new clothes. I let Miley borrow some of mine while we do a load of laundry tonight. We gave (Y/N) his extra hour of play time before we made a blanket fort with him for bed and I put on the radio Kinsely wants to be on while he goes to sleep. I heard a lullaby in the background of...

Kinsely(speaker)-Mommy gives cuddles and kisses to her good baby. Daddy doesn't even pay attention to you. Mommy promises to make you feel loved. Daddy breaks every promise he makes. Playtime with Mommy is fun and simple. Playtime with Daddy is so hard with lots of rules. You are Mommy's baby. You are Daddy's son to get rid of. Mommy loves you... Daddy never cared about you like Mommy does. ~

He only sucked on his pacifier while snuggling in between us to go to sleep. More messages kept on coming and he gripped onto my shirt a little before nuzzling his face into my chest. Miley massaged his neck again and he made cute little noises until he only snored softly with the sound of suckles in between.

(Kinsely's POV)

I made it home around 10 with the papers for me, the girls, and (D/N) to sign. This is only step one of my plan and when these go through, it will be time for steps two and three.

Kinsely's mind-I am sick of idiots making my life harder.


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