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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up this morning covered in a little bit of feathers and Eda just said that some owls got in, but I thought the windows were closed last night and they were still closed when I woke up... When I asked her, she said not to think about it because owls in this world can hold a grudge if you blame them for stuff. She got up to stretch and looked at me before she checked the time and peeked down the hall like she was thinking of something. When she was done, she came back over to me and bent over a little.

Eda-Hey... You need a bath from all of those owl feathers. I only have one bath and... owl feathers can leave magic on you to make you very sick and crazy.

(Y/N)-I don't feel sick or crazy.

Eda-That's what a crazy person would say. Now, move it. Also, keep it down, the others might still be sleeping.

(Eda's POV)

I know last night was a close call with the curse and I took my antidote, but I don't think it's working as much anymore. I still feel this erg to have (Y/N) by my side... I was even going as far as to bring him into a shower with me to keep him close and he is old enough to bathe himself... I just couldn't bring myself to leave him alone!

Eda-'s mind-I need to talk to my guy about these potions to make them stronger.

I ended up getting in the shower with him and he was blushing a little when I wanted to help wash him, but it was only because 'he could do it himself. Looks like he doesn't want to be babied like King, but... they just make it so hard not to. I was conflicted myself because I had never done this before. I don't know if it's that potion because I don't know a potion that lasts this long. Has to be the curse because I do get obsessed with shiny things when I am me... I'll go after this shower.

Eda-Just hold still.

(Y/N)-I can do it myself! I was taught how to do it at the orphanage!

Eda-Well this isn't the orphanage, kid.

He would only put up a small fight here and there, but it was easy to put him in check. When I was done with him, I already got myself, but a part of me wanted to soak and cuddle with him to him to myself. After a mental slap, I turned off the water and got us both dried off and...

Eda-You don't have any extra clothes, do you?

He only blushed and looked away, so that gave me my answer. I got myself dressed to go out and just gave him a bathrobe to wear.

Eda-We'll figure out the clothes problem, later. I'm going out and I'm leaving you with Luz.

I took him to Luz's room and opened the door to see that she was just getting up.


She looked happy and was quickly full of energy before I could give him to her... Or was my body just moving slower... Just give her the boy, me!

Luz-Eda, he looks so adorable in that big bathrobe! It's just makes him look smaller! ~

Eda-Well, I'm letting you and King take care of breakfast. I need to go out and do some things... Maybe some clothes shopping for him. Take of the chores and don't burn the house down.

I just left them and it felt hard not to turn back and get it, but I pushed through.

Eda's mind-What's wrong with me?

(Luz's POV)

I could hold him and he was only a little heavier than King. The house seemed in good shape besides the kitchen and King was doing the laundry. I just had (Y/N) sit at the table to look adorable and even got breakfast started. I got distracted a little when I saw him shiver, so I picked him up again.

Luz-Are you cold? But you're in that fuzzy robe. ~

(Y/N)-My feet are cold. I-It also feels weird being in a robe.

Luz-Awwww... Let's get you in a nice blanket before my friends come over. Maybe when your clothes are all clean, we can go out for clothes shopping ourselves.

I poked his nose and played with his hair a little before I took him to the living room to get him wrapped in. He blushed a little, but the moment was ruined when I smelled something.

Luz-*Gasp* The bacon!

I rushed back to the kitchen and I saved them just in time. When it was done, I looked around for King, but all I saw was the clothes hanging and he was gone. I found a note with the clothes and it said, "Went with Eda, save us some food"... Looks like it's just us and Willow and Amity when they get here soon. I went back inside and gave us each a plate, but he looked so adorable bundled up.

Luz-*Squeal*! ~


He just gave me an innocent look and it was like King when we made him dress as a cheerleader, but only 10 times the amount of cuteness somehow. I don't know why or even think it was possible to be cuter than King!... I made a last-second decision and took his plate to hold to him and showed him a piece of bacon. He tried to take the plate, but I just tapped his hands back in the blanket.

(Y/N)-Hey, what are you doing?

Luz-It's just... Can I feed you?!

He looked confused now.

(Y/N)-... No.

Luz-Why not? I can be like a big sister to you!

(Y/N)-I can feed myself tho-.

I did not take that for an answer. I got the bacon in his mouth and he blushed for me and my heart raced even faster. He chewed the food that I fed him while looking fussy before he swallowed. It looked like he had conflicted feelings over how good the food was to me feeding him. King didn't even let me when I tried.

(Y/N)-I said I could feed myself! I-!

I gave him some pancakes this time and he chewed them while blushing all over again, but what I said next made him blush even harder.

Luz-The cutest thing ever. ~

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to tell her that I was not a baby, but she would only stop me by giving me more food and I couldn't talk with my mouth full. She said it was a 'human realm recipe', but I had no idea what that meant. We were finally done eating now and now, it just felt pointless... I just hid my face in the blanket while she cleaned. She came back to snuggle until the doorbell rang.

Luz-They're here!

I don't know who she meant and I peeked my head out when she got up to go answer the door.

Luz-Hey! I got someone for you both to meet! He's just the cutest sweetheart, and-!

???-Woah, slow down. Deep breath in... 4 seconds in and 4 seconds out... Ok, now who do you want us to meet?

Luz-Come in. He's bundled up on the couch.

I saw two girls come in and they both looked at me in a robe when Luz snatched me up from the couch and the blanket dropped to the floor.


They both looked surprised and Luz brought me closer to them and my face started to heat up when she did that voice again.

Luz-Isn't he the cutest?! Look at him! ~

???-Oh, hello there... I'm Willow.

Willow held out her hand a little nervously, but the other girl said something.


Luz-Yeah, Amity?

Amity-Does he have any more clothes?

Luz-Just the ones outside waiting to dry. I was thinking on our day out, we could find Eda in the market and get money for clothes for him... Oh, or we could go into the human world! Eda found a suitcase full of money for my world... She burned most of the money for fire, but there's more.

Willow-The human realm?

That's when I remembered that the orphanage must be looking for me and if they find me, I'm going to be in huge trouble by now.


They all looked at me and I felt so embarrassed. I had to think of something, fast. Before I could though...

Luz-Oh that's right. You're on the lamb from your orphanage. They might take you.


Amity-What happened, exactly?

(Eda's POV)

I told my guy that his potions were not as effective and that if they could see if they could be stronger. This is as good as they are going to get still. I just had to make do with what I had... I can also set a 15... 30-minute rule to be too close to the kid. I opened my cloak and looked at King sleeping in his harness. It's cute how when he feels weightless, his body just clocks out.


For some reason, I pictured (Y/N) there before I closed my cloak and headed home. After a bit of walking, I started to speed walk through town... When I made it to the woods, I wanted to run so bad, I could only stop myself for so long.

Eda-Would you get a hold of yourself?! Pace yourself!

Temptation got the better of me, so I summoned my staff and started to fly home fast. When I landed I checked inside the house.

Eda-Hey Luz, I'm back! Let me see the kid!... Wh-When you're ready! Doesn't have to be right this second!

I took my cloak off and put King on the couch and he just curled up. I went up to Luz's room and saw she was not there... She had to take him out with her friends somewhere.

Eda's mind-Ok, so the kid is out with Luz. I don't care. Why would I care?

I just went to my nest to relax and tried to take my mind off of (Y/N)... The closest I could get to was feeling restless and frustrated by checking the clock every minute... Each minute feels much longer than that.

Eda-Where are they?

(Willow's POV)

We tried to go to our clothing stores, but (Y/N) got scared of the citizens who looked less than human, so we went to the human realm after all. We got stares, but nothing we couldn't handle. We were also called, "Cosplayers". Whatever that is, it sounds fun. While in the store, Luz held (Y/N) the whole time... 5 minutes since we got in there and she went crazy to find cute outfits and more clothes for him.

luz-Hold him for a second! I'll get a few and we'll go to the changing rooms after!

She forced him onto me, so I had to think fast to hold him. When his body leaned onto mine while I tried to find my footing... He smelled a little sweeter and a small wave of something hit my body.


I looked down at him and he looked into my eyes... They were somehow giving me a different feeling than when we met back at the house.


Willow-Um... *Giggles* Hi.

(Y/N)-Hey... Can you put me down now?

I slowly did what he wanted but I gave myself something by holding his hand and playfully swung our ours a little while we walked. Luz got 5 outfits with some onesie pajamas too and Amity looked like she wasn't sure about it. I on the other hand barely kept my composure on the outside by just smiling and blushing, but on the inside my heart was racing and I wanted to see him in all of those outfits right now. Especially the onesie.

Willow's mind-Oh my god, this is going to be the cutest thing ever! I just want to squeeze him until he pops!

(Amity's POV)

I get that he looks cute and all, but he's not a baby and he doesn't want to be treated like one. I just went up to Luz and tried to ease her out of this, but then I saw Willow pick (Y/N) back up and he blushed at this.

Luz-So what do you want to try on first? I was thinking the jacket and jeans before the-.

I drew the line when I saw them both about to head into the stall with him, so I just grabbed Willow by her shoulder to stop her.

Willow-Huh? What?

Amity-What?! Did you-?!

She turned around and (Y/N)'s arm bumped into my hand. I got a bit of a weird feeling before I caught a sweet scent coming from (Y/N)... I felt my worries starting to slowly wash away. That's when Luz intervened.


Luz-Hey, he's so little. It's just to make sure he dresses himself right. Come on.

They brought me in with them and Willow seemed a little bashful about this, but I wanted to stick to my point from earlier.

Amity-A-As I was saying... Did you... see if he could dress himself?... Even in something easy?

((Y/N)'s POV)

They spoke for a little bit and decided I could put the onesie on by myself, but they all helped undress and dress me in my new clothes. They called me things like cute and took pictures, but when I was allowed to dress myself... I felt the most embarrassed.


Luz/Willow-*Muffled squeals* ! ~

Amity only turned away and her face was redder than mine. She's not the one in this baby suit! I am! After a while, I got to put normal clothes on again and we left the store to go the house where we hid the portal door. When we got the portal opened and walked inside the house, Eda gave me a surprised look on the couch or something.


Luz-Hey Eda! We're-!

She came over and took me from Amity's arms to hold me before she looked at Luz and took the portal door and key from her.

Eda-Don't take my stuff without telling me!

Luz-S-Sorry. He just needed clothes... We got pictures. ~


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(No POV)

(Y/N) sat in a corner while they looked at the embarrassing pictures they took in the dressing room, but that was not enough for the girls. They wanted to have him do poses in every outfit to get more pictures to adore. His face was red with embarrassment and he tried to reach out for King peeking in from the hallway for help... King feared he would be joining if he was spotted, so he only waved goodbye and went out the back door. Meanwhile, Eda sent Owlbert out to go far away to find a gift for (Y/N)... Or something shiny for her... Or both.


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