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((Y/N)'s POV)

Ankha had me put my head on her lap while Isabelle talked to the others outside. They were all pretty mad because I was supposed to pick, I guess, but they already got the papers. I wanted to listen out there, but with one ear on Anka's lap and she was playing with my other, I could not hear what they were saying outside. It was getting late and I was getting tired, but I wanted to stay awake to find out what was really going on... It was just hard before the way Ankha was playing with my ears was so relaxing.

Ankha-You like that, don't you? ~

She kept on going until I yawned, so she helped me up and took me to Isabelle's bathroom. She got the water started before she helped me take off my shirt.

Ankha-Good boy. So obedient. ~

She helped me with my other clothes before she got me in the water and then she came in after me. The water felt nice and she had me lean back into her.

(Min Min's POV)

Isabelle was making claims about this being a system she ran and CPS here would prefer to keep an eye on (Y/N) for a while, but there was one problem... SHE WAS BASICALLY THE CPS OFFICE AND WORKER!!! We were all so mad at her, but then she threatened to take this to the United government for all of our worlds. They can't do much, but they can cover stuff like us beating her outside of the ring in Smash.

Isabelle-You can feel free to come visit anytime you want.

Samus-Without a ship, it's hard to travel worlds!

Isabelle-Well... I can make it easier.

Min Min-You chibi looking backstabber!

If we were in the ring right now, I would make sure it was closed off, so there would be no ring-outs and I could beat the shit out of her. She went back in her house and left most of us angry and the rest heartbroken about this. Some of us were leaving, but I took Twintelle with me somewhere and she looked angry too, so I already know she was going to be on board with this.


Twintelle-Can you believe that little bitch?! The nerve to stab us in the back like that!

Min Min-And I don't think what she did was fair... How about a little revenge? There is no way the papers can be done, just yet. We take them and the copies they made and he is up for grabs again... You with me.


(Bayonetta's POV)

If there is one thing I hate more than Angels constantly harassing and trying to kill me and my friends, it's those who stab me in the back. The office-dress-wearing little brat should be put on a leash to learn proper manners. Jeane and I were heading to the teleporters, but there was no way I was letting it end like this.

Bayonetta's mind-You are going to regret betraying me.

(Sally's POV)

I could not believe Isabelle would do this! She can't do this!... Like really, she can't by the laws of any CPS! This has to be dealt with now and Blaze and I have people to help us terminate those clearly rushed papers. They can not be legal that quickly unless they cut 'so many' corners. Blaze and I already know where to start.

Sally-I'm getting into contact with the United government.

Blaze-I'm going to have a talk with that mayor.

Rouge-I'll come with you.

Cream-Can we stay?

Vanilla-Let the princesses try to sort this out. We're going home.

Bunnie-Come on, Sugar. Adults will get this settled.

They left and the first thing I looked for was a phone. Blaze and Rouge went to the Mayor's office.

(Rosalina's POV)

I took Daisy and Peach to my observatory and Daisy was just as upset as the rest of us, but she showed it more. It also broke my heart to be betrayed by a friend like that, but there were also some things that I found suspicious.

Daisy-And who does she think she is?! I'm a princess and she's some Mayor's Assistant on some small island!

Peach-I know law processes of many systems, but not many can just pick up an orphan child and call them theirs by legal right. She's not even in a society like that.

Rosalina-I thought so too... Let's take a closer look at this.

(Zelda's POV)

There is no way they adopted him that fast legally and going to some agency for an investigation will take way too long for my liking. When I made it back to my world, I took a horse to my castle before I could finally start to take some action. I opened a chest under my bed and started to get changed and geared up. When I was done, I looked in the mirror and seethed my final weapon in its holster.


Zelda's mind-Now, let's see what you are hiding.

I ran out the window and jumped out before I threw a grapple to a wall to swing and land on the ground safely.

(Krystal's POV)

(Y/N) loved his trip to space with me and I knew he was going to pick me, but that office skirt-wearing dog took that choice away from him. I don't understand how things can be set this quickly, but I am not going to let this stand. I turned around from heading back to The Great Fox and landed in front of the Mayor's office, but when I got inside, I didn't see the Mayor. Instead...


Krystal-... What are you two doing here?

Rouge-I guess the same reason as you, but don't bother with the file Cabinets. Nothing on the adoption.

She went back to searching the place and picked up a small jewel. She smiled as she held it up... She slipped it into her cleavage.

Blaze-Hey! Remember why we are here!

Rouge-Oh calm down. Odds are he is in on this too... Or you can consider this compensation.

Blaze was annoyed by this and I got to searching too. It wasn't long before I picked up a smell and it smelled awful, but faint. I followed it to the closet where it was stronger and opened it. A wave of that horrible order hit me like a truck when I saw a trash bag.

Krystal-*Cough* *Gag*.

I thought I was going to get sick and the others came to me, but didn't get a chance to get close when they smelled what hurt my nose. The smell was filling the room until Sally slammed the door shut and got away from it. I got prepared this time by covering my face with a mask. I could kind of smell it, but it was super faint when I opened the door. I opened the trash bag to find lots of trash like rotten fruit, manure, and... a recently dead body. I examined him and it looked like he got stabbed by something.

Krystal-Well... He was involved in this, but he was not on board.

I tied the bag and was going to bring this out to give to the police, but then I thought about her position of power and everyone trusted her. I know leaders who can lie and it will make things so much harder to book them. How hard would it be to say that it wasn't you and your crush was found dead in a closet?

Krystal's mind-So this is how you want to do things?... I'll take you out in one swoop.

I pulled the bag to bring it with me, but then I noticed a wire that shined in the faint light.


I let go of the bag and expected an explosion, but all that happened was a fire started from inside the bag that caught on quickly. It started to spread through the office, so I ran outside when I saw there was nothing to put the fire out. The fire extinguishers were gone. They planned for this.

(Isabelle's POV)

(Y/N) is sleeping in my house tonight and he looked so cute in his pajamas, and he was all mine to cuddle with! I got him into bed with me and closed my eyes while cuddling him and he cuddled my tail a little. I think I got a little bit of sleep before my phone vibrated against the wood of my nightstand, so I woke up and slowly grabbed it. It was Ankha and it was 2 AM, but I answered it after I left the room to not wake up (Y/N).

Isabelle-What is it, Ankha? It's 2 in the morning.

Ankha-The office burned down.

Isabelle-... Ex-... cuse me?

Ankha-Ok, so remember how we said one of us needs to take care of the trash at 3?

Isabelle-I had an alarm.

Ankha-But I was going to do it and take him first thing in the morning, but when I went by, it was burned down... Trash is ash now.

Isabelle-How did it burn down?!

Ankha-... Plan B.

She explained to me in context on what plan B was and she did this behind my back. But the bigger picture was someone is on to us and I was freaking out.

Isabelle-What are we going to do?! What do we do?!

Ankha-First, you are going to calm down. They can rebuild the office and the Mayor will understand. The important thing is, that nobody got hurt and everything is fine... I'm coming over.

She hung up and I tried to calm down... The positives. I just need to look at the positives. The body is gone, I still have copies of (Y/N)'s adoption papers here even though the originals were burned in the secret apartment in the desk, and my baby is still safe.

Isabelle-Noody will ever suspect you. You had a crush on him... Yeah, let's just get some water, Ankha will come over, and it's going to be okay.

I went to the kitchen and got some water before I went back to my room to be with (Y/N) until I got in there and saw the window was open. Not only that, (Y/N) was not in bed and I dropped my water.



I rushed to check the bathroom, only to see the copies were on ire in my shower, so I turned on the shower to put the fire out. MY BABY WAS KIDNAPPED!!! When I just barely collected myself while still panicking, I got really mad... It had to be one of them!

Isabelle-They were jealous and wanted him, even if meant to steal him! Who took him?!

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up feeling dizzy I was on the ground instead of a soft bed with Isabelle. When I opened my eyes, I felt the like sting my eyes and felt a little sick. I could not even get up. I was all alone as far as I could tell and I was scared.

(Y/N)-*Groan* My tummy.

I tried crawling until I could feel my stomach cramp and fell to the ground. Some dirt caught on my lips, so I wiped it of to see some kind of jelly on my lips. When I scratched a numb part of my neck, I felt too, I picked off a little bit of dry blood.

(Y/N)-H-Help!... Heeellp! *groan*


I looked to where the sound came from and something came out of the bushes... It hopped out and landed in front of me.



She came over and poked me a little, but when she poked my belly, it hurt. I curled up, so she backed away before she ran off.


She left and I started to cry. I have no idea how I even got here. I wanted to go home or even to be with one of the Smash girls again. After a while of crying, Jigglypuff came back and she had a friend with her.


Jigglypuff-Jigglypuff! Jigglypuff! Ha!

I know the Pokemon she is with... Salazzle and she's supposed to be super rare. She was also very poisonous. I tried to crawl away, but my body did not like that, so Salazzle got closer to rub her claws on my lips to see the jelly or juice before she looked at me. I started to pass out again, but the last thing I felt was Salazzles claws rubbing my cheek.


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