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((Y/N)'s POV)

Meekia had me on her lap while Elain played with my hands and rubbed my head with her tail. Not the pointy end though. Francine just adored me from laying on the bed Meekia was sitting next to. These were all villains, but they were not acting evil... unless I tried to leave them doing something to me and they got mad. I just wanted to get up to get water and argued with Francine about getting it myself... She shot lightning at my feet and told me to sit back down in an angry voice, so I listened to her. Now, I started to think what all of them could do to me if I made them mad, and they got me super easily. Just then, the door opened and we saw White Rabbit kick walk her way in a little to get our attention.


Lorina-Hello, ladies and mousey! ~

She walked normally now and bent down to me to poke my nose.

Lorina-Thanks for watching. I'll be taking him for his fitting... I might leave him a little extra room for the teapot I pick to put him in.

She was about to grab me, but Elain grabbed her wrist, so they looked at each other. Lorina gave a creepy smile while Elain looked clearly mad.

Elain-He stays here.

Lorina-Is that right? ~

Elain held her tail to Lorina's back while she put the tip of her umbrella to her neck. This made me shake like a leaf and cry a little because this is so much more different than watching a fight on the news.

Lorina-You don't wanna scare the mouse... Do you? Because I can start this off with a bang. ~

They stared at each other for a while, but Scorpian pulled her tail away from White Rabbit. She only did a stretch before she did something with her umbrella that made it shoot out a spike with a flag that said "BANG" on it.

Lorina-That was fun, but I will be taking my Mousey and be in my room alone. Byesies! ~

She took me from Meekia and left with me, but all three of them looked mad when the door closed.

(Y/N)-Um... They looked really mad.

Lorina-I know, where am I going to get a giant teapot for you on such short notice?

(Y/N)-I didn't say that!

Lorina-What do you think? Pink or blue?

(Y/N)-But I didn't say-!

Lorina-Blue can be soft on the eyes, but pink would look cuter for you to pop your head out of.

Ok, she's not listening to me at all. She kept on making choices for me, but while we were walking down the hall still, I felt like we were being watched. I couldn't shake the feeling, but we were the only two in this hallway. The thing that made me snap out of it...

Lorina-I completely agree, Mousey! A rabbit-themed leach and collar would be perfect! To think I thought you were going to say tea-themed. You almost got a spanking for that.

(Y/N)-But I didn't say anything!

Lorina-Well, I read your mind and there are things I disagree with. Like how you think the carrot stuffie would look better. The mouse loves tea, jam, and of course cheese.

(Y/N)-I wasn't even thinking of that!

Lorina-Well then why did I read it in your mind from my mind about reading your mind?

(Y/N)-... Huh?

Lorina-You know, maybe you do deserve some spankings. About 500 should do.


Lorina-Fine you twisted my arm, 5... also we'll double it because you twisted my arm.

(Gwenpool's POV)

We licked our lips as we stalked them and the thought of his cute little screams sounded adorable. Even more so when we snuck in through the vents and saw it happened when got 10 spankings before Lorina placed him on her bed. We were going to just jump and kill her to take our baby back and call in the others for some fun, but something happened.

White Rabbit-*Gasp* This universe has the perfect teapot big enough for you! And it's just sitting in a museum!

(Y/N)-I-I don't want to be in a-.

White Rabbit-I can slide a pillow and blanket in the spout when I bring it back! Oh, you're just going to look so cute in there! ~

He tried to speak again, but she only started to tie him up which made our job a lot easier and amusing as we watched through the vents. After tying him up with the curtains, she gagged him with a washcloth and red ribbon.

White Rabbit-Don't go anywhere. Be good and I'll think about not finding a universe with something to shrink you. Boop! ~

She left in a portal and since our baby was not going anywhere... We gave the signal on our watch and set off the explosions we planted on the generators to kill the power.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The power went out and the only light now was from the window. I wonder if it was because of Liv doing something that needs a lot of power or another villain. There has to be a lot of electros here now. Even one made the whole city go out for a little bit one time. This place is full of villains and... thinking about it is scarring me. I could be stabbed or blown up by a Green Goblin, stomped on by a Rhino, poisoned by another Scorpion, or even have my head cut off and mounted by a Kraven. I tried not to think about it anymore, but that's hard when the power is out.


???-Are you scared? We can keep you company. ~

I looked around the room until a vent got kicked open and landed by the bed. Someone came out and... I never saw this villain before.


I screamed, but since I was gagged, nobody heard me and then there was an explosion that shook the room a little. I kept on trying to scream until she cupped my cheek with her claws and I saw how sharp they were, but not cutting me.

???-You would look cute in Santa's sack in our opinion. You could even use more cookies. ~

(Y/N)'s mind-What?... Wait... Gwenpool?

She took the gag I had out before she picked me up with one arm and still cupped my face. I tried to turn away and she froze for a bit and chuckled. She then gripped my face and made me look at her.

Gwenpool#1-Don't... Turn away from us.


She kissed my face a few times before the door opened. I only heard someone screaming to attack, but then she stretched her arm to push them out of the room and smashed them against the wall. I tried to look as quickly as I could, but what I saw horrified me... That was a Rhino, now smashed into a flat bloody paste... She killed him so fast... And she was holding me. My body started to shake.

Gwenpool#1-If only our team were here. We could've been a team of 6 and destroyed this place... But she wanted this to go smoothly.

She bounced me a little before she opened a portal, but suddenly, a bunch of sand grabbed me. I was pulled away from her and I landed in someone else's arms.



Meekia ran off with me and turned into the sand to move faster. She formed a sandball around me and it was completely dark now, but I could feel how fast we were moving. I also heard all kinds of noise. Suddenly, someone broke through the sand, grabbed me, and rolled with me on the ground.


???-Don't touch our kitten!

(Y/N)'s mind-Kitty?!

Meekia-Give him back!

She threw a sand hammer at Kitty's legs, but she jumped up so high that she dug her claws into the ceiling 9 stories up so easily.


We hung upside down until she swung with her fingers stretching or something and even impaled a Shocker before landing. I saw her ears flicker before she turned around and grabbed Elain's tail and crushed the tip in her hands.


Elain-You bitch!


She threw her by her tail, but she still came over to fight. Before she could get over here, Kitty threw me in the air and I was grabbed by someone.


Cindy didn't look that different, but I still saw her new claws. She smashed threw a window and landed on a wall outside with me. When I was out of all that chaos, I realized I was not breathing until I sat on her lap and looked at her.

Cindy-Breath... Let me get these off of you.

She ripped the curtains off of me or cut them off. She didn't sound like a monster.

Cindy-Mommy is waiting for you at home, so you are going to-.

She suddenly flipped up the wall with me, but she got her leg cut... It quickly healed and the suit fixed itself which was weird. We looked to see Beetle pointing a wrist rocket at us.



Her claws got longer and I noticed I was breathing faster and it got worse when she got grabbed by a tentacle. We both looked to see Liv.


Liv-Hand's off my property! All of your friends will be on my dissection ta-!


Liv got tackled by someone and let Cindy go when they both fell but grabbed onto the building again... Classic. I couldn't take this anymore and tried to grip onto Cindy to leave to another dimension,... but it wasn't working now.


Classic-(Y/N) belongs to us! Mama is getting impatient!

Francine-That would be me!

Lightning hit the building and I think I was starting to black out... I could hear my own heartbeat getting louder. The last thing I saw before my vision got blurry was Francine going for Classic in her new weird suit.


My vision came back a little when I saw Francine get grabbed by tentacles that were turning red with black in the middle. I looked at the very last then before I closed my eyes... It was Cindy.


Cindy-*Growl*... *RRROOOOOAAAARRRRR*!!! *echo*

(Timeskip ???)

My ears were ringing and I felt so dizzy. My eyes hurt a little bit when I tried to open them, but I pushed through only to see my vision was a little blurry. Someone was petting my head and... I don't know how I got here or where I was. The last thing I remember is Lorina tying me up and leaving, the lights went out, and then... I'm here. Am I still in her room?

???-Ohhhh, you're waking up. My sweet baby. ~ *echo* *muffled*

That was not Lorina. My vision cleared as soon as the ringing in my ears stopped and I only saw a pair of lips almost kiss my eyes before I closed them a little. When I opened them again, I saw Felica.


Felicia-Hi there. Are you ok? ~

She rubbed my head some more and I couldn't think that much without my head hurting. When she saw I was in pain she got up with me out of her big bed in her base to try and ease the pain.

Felicia-Hey, it's ok. Mama's here... You must've really bonked that little head of yours. How about a nice soothing bath with me? We even got some nice treats and gifts the others left for you. They just missed you so much. ~

(No POV)

(Y/N) could barely remember anything after his last memory because of the amount of fear and trauma that his brain was trying to protect him from. He only closed his eyes when Felicia turned on a light, but saw it hurt him, so she turned it off. She then only lit some candles for soft light.

Felicia-Sorry, Honey... You need this bath with some Epsom salt to help ease the pain. ~

She turned on the water and his eyes closed from the sound making his head hurt a little. While being undressed, he didn't see her suit and gear came undone as a symbiote suit to form around her. It looked like her normal hair still. She got in the bath with her son and in the meantime, she communicated to 'her hive'.

Felicia's mind-It's as we thought. The memory was too much for him. When we come out of this bath, be ready to pamper and ease him into this... Our baby is very fragile, right now. ~

Everyone's mind-We understand. ~

Meanwhile, a few senses went off in the universe. It was a different hive mindset with... Spidey-Sense. They knew where that big response from such a large number came from and smiled.

Gwen-So do we. ~


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