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(Blue's POV)

The containment area was ready and I was given easy access to take him out by bubble whenever I pleased, but it would alert me when he was sleeping by asking if I was sure I wished to take him out. The features on the inside supplied him with 'food and water' that he would need to consume in order to sustain himself. I did find it a little disgusting he would put anything in his mouth, but I guess it was necessary. There's also a timer in there to keep him on a set sleeping schedule that is based on my schedule to mostly 'sleep' while I am gone for hours which would work, but I am nervous about him not moving for that long. I can use surveillance to check on him and his vitals, but I would much rather see more clearly that he is okay.

Peridot-Worry not, My Diamond. I have taken every precaution based on the data available from your sources and the news from the other half of the team.

Blue-Where is my human?

Peridot-Um... I-I will contact my team at once.

Blue-... No. I will call my Pearl to see how things are. Before you leave to join the others, are you sure the containment area is easy for the gems I grant access to?

Peridot-Quite sure. The Bismuth could not even smash through the walls, and the door can only be opened with your credentials or those you allow access to, such as your Pearl and Holly Blue Agate.

I dismissed them all and was left in my quarters alone. Worry struck me, so I was about to call Pearl, but when the Peridots and Bismuths left, Pearl and Holly came through with my pet and their half of the team.


They also had a few things with them and my Pearl came over to give me a ring to put around my finger. (Y/N) looked exhausted or something and I showed my disapproval for my pet, my reminder of Pink's property being in such a state. This made them all worry.

Blue-Why is (Y/N), like that?

Holly-It is merely the drugs wearing off of him from the procedure, My Diamond. We came by to tell you what we have come up with and the good news that the procedure was a complete success.

Blue-And what was it that you did to him?

She knew to choose her next words carefully.

Holly-When a human eats and drinks, they leave behind a mess of waste from their bodies that smells horrible, and we mustn't disturb you or any gem with that burden. Instead of cleaning it up, we placed an old prototype of teleportation orbs in both regions. Just enough to send the matter to an old colony. The liquid formed in the human, so it caused no discomfort and your pet did not notice it.

I was pleased by this, so they relaxed a little, but they were not done yet. They made a smaller bath for if I wished to wash him myself for bonding purposes and I smelled the things called, soap, shampoo, and conditioner that I could put on him to have him smell how I please. More options will be available later on. Finally...

Holly-The Peridots made this ring for my idea. It's related to what humans call a leash. When activated, it prevents him from leaving a certain distance you set from the ring, as well as pulling your pet to you, tracking the creature, and they are linked to the clothing and uniforms we have made for them.

Blue-What about my portable containment areas?

Pearl-We placed a mini one in the armrest of your thrown meant for containment and sleeping purposes, using a technique humans call 'swaddling' for human babies. The screen to look at your bed when in containment can be one-way, two-way, or completely covered. Soft lighting and ventilation have also been applied.

Holly-The second containment area also applies to the ring and floats by your side or whatever cordinatiates fit around you. While covering for food and limited water, it does not have as much open space as the main containment area in your quarters has. Both with the screens as the tiny one in your throne. There are more features to all 3 containment areas and the bath, but I am sure you will find them as you go.

Pearl-Are you pleased with the results, My Diamond?

I looked around and activated the ring to open the touch screen on it and called for my et to come. A blue aura formed around him and he flew up to me and landed on my palm.

(Y/N)-*Groan* *yawn*.

I checked the other settings and smiled when everything was functioning. I petted (Y/N) to keep him down and he only looked at me with a cute 'sleepy' look.

Blue-Very... That will be all for your team. I will have you stationed in here right away Holly... I will hold my pet for a little while until he falls asleep.

They all obeyed me and I focused on petting and toying with (Y/N) a little. He got a little mad when I rubbed his belly and tried to push me away, but it reminded me of Pink when she got fussy too. I smiled at this and gave him a few kisses before holding him against my cheek.

(Holly's POV)

Blue Diamond looked pleased with the work I put into her pet and I was relieved that I never have to worry about having someone clean up after that creature anymore. After a while of holding him, she tested out the other features. Like making his clothes and collar beep, and having his portable containment area move around, and this lasted until (Y/N) became more active.

Blue-Poor thing. Your mind must not be able to comprehend this all at once. You might need some more time... ~ Holly, take my pet to his containment area while I step out for a moment. Nobody is to know about my pet. If they ask... It is classified.

Holly-Yes, My Diamond.

She gave me her human and I was going to bring him inside, but then...

Blue-Oh, that's right. He hasn't had a bath, yet. Pearl, stay here.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I finally got this bath all set with the help of Pearl and now came the part to bath the human myself. I could let the small human do it, but young ones are awful at bathing themselves in the zoo and Blue Diamond will be angry if he's not properly cleaned. Pearl may not do it either because this is my job and I will not slack off and risk getting sent to that remote zoo again. I lowered him into the water without any clothing on and they got fussy and whiny.

Pearl-I was under the impression that humans liked 'baths'.

Holly-They do, but they are going to have to adapt to this.

Pearl-Be careful not to damage our Diamond's property.

Holly-They hardly put up a fight.

It was easy but annoying. Their babbling filled the room until they just gave up and let me clean them. I only copied a video on to bathe them with this soap substance for his hair called, "Shampoo", but it did leave him smelling nicer. I kept on going with the bath and while I was scrubbing the human... They felt squishy. It was oddly satisfying, considering I was forced to do this.

Holly's mind-This is gross, but... at least I am getting approval from Blue Diamond herself now. What a true honor! ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Holly looked happy now while she was copying a video on how to give me a bath and when she was done, she took me out to dry me off and have flying fingers dress and comb my hair before she took me to the 'containment area'... It was like a bedroom, but also in a jungle. I big bed with pillows and blankets, a tree with crystals on it, bushes, soft pads that kind of looked like the grass, and some toys on a rock with cushions or something on it.

Holly-Definietly different than the zoo... I will be back later to check on you. The food is on the tree and you have plenty of water to drink in the stream.

She left me alone in here and I heard noises of the jungle in here, but it was not a speaker. There was a little wind blowing the leaves, the water from the stream, and the sound you get when you walk on grass was even copied. I wondered what she meant about food because it was only crystals on that tree... I just went to bed and hid under the covers to be alone while I could. I went from being a baby to being a pet to a giant lady who put my Mommy in a zoo. I was crying, but I tried to look at the good things... Mommy should be fine and maybe if I'm good or bad enough, I can see her again... I was just scared to be bad if she could crush me.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm alone without Mommy and Daddy again. I'm even in a cage... But at least, it can't get any worse from here.

(Blue's POV)

Blue's mind-It can only get better from here.

I reminder of Pink right in my quarters and I was testing a few things on my throne in private. I ran a simulation and I could even rock him in his little area in the arm rest or have him out. I love the thought, but Yellow and White would never accept this.

Blue-But you would look so adorable in there. ~

Yellow-'Who' in 'where'?

I quickly turned around and jumped a little when I heard that voice come out of nowhere. I was sure that I was not followed.



Yellow-You're hiding something Blue, and I am not stupid. I'm going to find out sonner or later.

Blue-It's... just not a good time Yellow. It's a little help I am taking to move on. Just let me have this.

Yellow-You're starting to finally move on?

Blue-Yes, and I will do it my way. I will tell you in time.

The look on her face said it all. She was going to be suspicious either way, but having her know that I am finding help to end my suffering might make her ease on this. I carefully closed the containment area on my throne in a way to not look very suspicious before I left to go be with my pet. I would love to show Yellow, but she can be so harsh and brutal and my pet is so timid and fragile.

(Yellow's POV)

She is hiding something and I know that it's here. She was standing next to her throne, so I started there. There was nothing to be seen and I even looked around it. The next thing I did was think about what she said.

Yellow-But you would look so adorable in there... Where?

I tapped and swiped around to look for secret compartments and then I tapped near the edge of her arm rest. I raised an eyebrow when I saw a small space big enough for one gem to fit. Does she really plan to put a gem in here or something? Along with that strange encounter earlier, like she was in a rush to leave or be alone... or just be away from the public.

Yellow-What are you hiding?... Enough of this.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Blue took me out and dangled a toy over me to try and play, like it was fun, but I didn't want to play... I did it anyway to see if I can get my Mommy here as a reward. I can get Clare another time. But for a moment... I find of got mad that I was not getting the string with a ball on the end of it from her because I was pretending to play at first, but now I hate losing.

Blue-*Giggles* Isn't he adorable? ~

Holly/Blue Pearl-Yes, My Diamond.

Holly looked at me when I looked at her before I fell off of Blue's hand and into the water. Blue scopped me out and smiled at me, but I also looked to see Holly and Blue Pearl laughing silently to themselves a little.


Blue-As cute as that was, don't do that again, please. I know humans can not breath underwater. Let's get you dried off and ready for more-. ~

Just then the door opened and Blue looked a little angry before she covered me with her hand while I was on her palm to hide me.

Blue-I said, I did not want to be dis-. *Gasp*!

I peeked through the gap of her fingers and I saw two gems... Or one of them was a Diamond.


???-Blue... What are you holding?

Blue-Nothing. I want to be alone. I am discussing private information with my Pearl and Holly Blue Agate.

She tried to hide me closer to her and stuffed me in her boobs. I would try to peek, but that yellow lady looked mad and scary. Blue was scared of her too. It was hard to hear outside right now and I could not breathe. I couldn't wait anymore and needed air, so I climbed out and...

(Y/N)-*Gasp*! *Pant* *pant* *pant*.

I was covered again, but then her hands were pulled away, so I was looking right at the giant yellow lady before Blue took me out of her boobs and held me against her shoulder to turn me away.


Blue-Yellow, I can explain!


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