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((Y/N)'s POV)

I only had a short nap I think because when I woke up, it was still light outside and Kinsely came in with some food for me and it was so good smelling and strong that it woke me up... She was also holding it close to me with the bars of this crib down. The only thing I saw besides her was a big plate of nachos with all kinds of toppings that I liked on them, but she took them away and held out her hand to me. I took it and she brought me to the kitchen to sit in a high chair before she started to feed me. I was still sleepy, but the food just tasted so good. The nachos were not soft either and only the good places do that.

(Y/N)-*Yawn* Where did you get this? Only the good food places keep the chips crunchy.

Kinsely-*Giggles* Mama made it, just for you. ~


Kinsely-This isn't the only time I cooked good food for a baby. And I even made it extra special. ~


Kinsely-I made it with love. Now, let's fill up that belly and get you some toys to play with. ~

(Kinsely's POV)

He loved my cooking and I didn't feel burdened by it at all unlike my husband who claims to have 'exquisite taste', but I can throw a frozen lasagna in the oven and he will be just fine. I went the extra steps for (Y/N) and he woke up more and more with each bite. When he was full, I had the rest before I cleaned the plate and took him to his playmat in the living room.


I carefully lied him down and even got a pillow to prop his head up a little. He only blushed at this a little and was about to talk, but I just poked his nose and tapped on the cloud to ring the little bell in it.

Kinsely-Now, let's get you that real toy to play with. ~

(Y/N)-Is it another baby rattle or something?

Kinsely-If you feel stressed, I can go get those for you, or would you rather play with this? ~

I walked to the closet and showed him something that I think he would a little more than a rattle and it's simple for him to use.


Kinsely-Now, you can only play on this for an hour while Mommy takes care of some things. After we watch a movie, you can play with your toys and cuddle with Mommy in your room, have a nice dinner, have bathtime with Mama, and then be off to bed by 8.

(Y/N)-... Is my Daddy not picking me up again?

He sounded so sad and disappointed, but I just gave him some comfort before I walked off to deal with my husband on the phone. I send him nudes to take his 'possible new friend' out tomorrow and he acts like a dog in heat.

(Timeskip To Night)

I spent the whole day with (Y/N) and my husband said he was going to be gone for the night, so he gets to sleep in my room with me for cuddles. He loved rocking with me on the rocking chair in his nursery after the bath with me. When he fell asleep, I took a selfie of us and sent it to Rose and said, "He's ready for you tomorrow". She responded with a smiley face emoji, so I went to sleep with my baby.

(Rose's POV)

Ruth was with me when Kinsely sent the photo and we spent all do studying her massage textbook and setting up the massage table as well as prepping for a full exam. Nothing scary, but things to do for a relaxing doctor's appointment. I let Ruth go to bed before me to get the last things ready. Because the moment we wake up, we are going to go pick up (Y/N). The last thing I did was get some treats for tomorrow ready for him in the freezer. I could hardly contain myself or sleep until I took some pills for it, and even then it was hard.

(Timeskip To Morning)

I told Kinsely I was on my way and (Y/N) was still asleep because it was only 6:30 AM, and she wanted (Y/N) gone before her husband got home. She even said she was going to pack his baby toys, a tablet with a 1-hour timer on it when it's turned on, some extra clothes, his pacifier, and a recording on a small radio of a lullaby and messages from her on repeat that he needs to listen to at nap time. When I got there, her husband's car was there and he must've just got here, so I ran out of my car. Just then, Kinsely walked out the front door with (Y/N) in her arms and he was awake and looked like he was crying while Kinsely was really angry.


Rose-*Gasp*! What happened? ~

Kinsely-Marcus came home drunk. I locked us in his nursery, but his little after-party scared (Y/N) for the past 40 minutes.

She gave me the bag I needed first before I got (Y/N) and I did my best to comfort him. He even clung to me while looking back to Kinsely and she leaned into him.

Kinsely-I'm so sorry for that, Honey Bunch. Mommy has to go have a long talk with the loud party man. He's not going to hurt anybody, but he's just... really, really, dumb. ~... Call me if anything happens.

She gave him a kiss and went back inside, so I went to my car and buckled him in the backseat before we drove off. He was still crying a little and it broke my heart to see a child hurt and even worse for him. We got back to my house and I took him out and I could see the stress in his eyes.

Rose-You poor baby. You need something more than just playtime... I think you need a nice and relaxing day. Would you like that? ~

He nodded his head yes and me before I brought him inside and put his bag down and Ruth saw that he was in bad shape.


Ruth-*Gasp* What happened? ~

Rose-Marcus gave him a hard time. Help me get his day started. I was saving the treats for after, but... can you get one from the freezer?

She went to the freezer and I went to the massage table to put (Y/N) on it. He looked a little confused, so I bent over to his level.

Rose-Hey, it's ok. I'm gonna do a nice and relaxing check-up before we give you a massage. Does that sound nice... No needles. ~

He seemed skeptical before Ruth came over with a plate of the treats I made for him last night.


Ruth-We make cake pops. Take one now and you get one after. ~

Rose-And guess what. They're all yours. ~

He was about to take one, but I beat him to it and held it up to him to feed him. After he had one, I got started with the relaxing exam I had planned out. I started by checking his heartbeat and having him take deep breaths before I charted it down. Next, I checked his ears and I was glad that I did.

Rose-Honey, when was the last time Daddy had your ears cleaned?

(Y/N)-Um... He just makes me use a Q-tip.

Ruth-Honey, you're not supposed to do that! Your poor ears. ~

He curled up a little like he thought he was in trouble, but I assured him that he was not... I'm just pissed at his dad again while squeezing in an ear cleaning. Next, I checked his nose and then his eyes and saw they were in good shape. He could stand for a bath after too. Now, for his reflexes.

Rose-Ok, I'm going to give you a little tap with a tiny hammer just below your knee. Just relax your legs.

Ruth-Here, you can cuddle with my tail. ~

While he was distracted by her tail, I hit him a little and watched his little feet kick and dangle off the table. I did it a few more times because it looked cute before I stopped to move on to the next part of the exam.

Rose-Ok, I'm going to get your blood pressure before I get your exact height and wait, and the first problem we are tackling is those little ears of yours. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

The wrap and pump she put around my arm got really tight to squeeze my arm and when she stopped, she held it there before writing something down. She let me go and brought me to the floor and lay on Ruth's comfy tail. I was on my side with my head on a towel too before Rose came over with some tools and olive oil.

Rose-Now, just relax and try not to fall asleep just yet. ~

(Y/N)-Why would I fall asleep?

She only got started and Ruth rubbed my back while holding up a light for Rose. This felt super weird when she put some olive oil in my ear, but then she started to scratch the tool in my ear that felt so good. It felt like there was something hard in there and she was working at it until it slowly came out all at once... Or most of it because she went back inside.

Rose-Your Daddy was a dummy head for telling you to use a Q-tip for so long. It's a miracle you could hear anyone.

Ruth-Here, use this to get the rest around the walls before you use the cotton swab.

They used something else and I could feel them getting everything before they used the cotton thing to clean out the oil. They did the same thing with my other ear and I felt so sleepy when they were done and picked me up. I didn't know what the time was, but it was still light outside. The next thing they did was put me back on the table and made me lay on my belly with my face in a hole. One of them turned on the thing Kinsely gave them, and it played a lullaby with her messages.

Kinsely(radio)-Don't you just love Mommy's cuddles?... Daddy doesn't even hold you that much... Mommy and her good friends will play games with you... Daddy left you at the neighbor's house... Guess how much Mommy loves you... Guess how much Daddy leaves you behind. ~

I stopped paying full attention when they slipped off my shirt and whispered to each other before the massage got started. My leg was being pulled while my foot and toes were rubbed, and they popped a little... It felt good.

Rose-Did that hurt?


Ruth-Is there anything we can do to make this better? ~

(Y/N)-Um... C-Can you rub my head again?

(Ruth's POV)

I felt my heart stop for a moment before I gently rubbed his head, even after he soon fell asleep. None of us stopped and Rose decided to stretch out his massage before soaking in a bath with us. I only stopped when my phone vibrated and it was Betsy, so I stepped outside to answer it.


Betsy-Hey, what in tarnation is going on with Kinsely? She came over angry as hell.

Ruth-When Rose picked (Y/N) up from her, she had a problem with her husband being drunk. (Y/N) was still crying a little when he came over.

Betsy-Is the little guy hurt?

Ruth-No. But we're giving him a medical and spa day.

Betsy-Geez. He also needs more play time, and ah heard Bri and Miley were doing a workout day. Maybe he can go over an' burn off some of that energy. Ah would offer fer him to come here, but... Ah don't want him to see his 'Mama' like this.

Ruth-I'll tell Rose in a bit. Right now, (Y/N)'s sleeping from his massage.

Betsy-*Chuckle* Well, ah got more work to do. Call if you need me.

She hung up and I went back inside to tell Rose what happened and how we could call Bri and Miley later to take him out to play. Maybe while we clean things out here. She wasn't against the plan and we whispered over it during the bath and our baby was still out cold in the warm water.

Ruths mind-Yeah... He's gonna need that playtime if we want him to go down for bedtime on time... I'll call Miley after the bath to have them come get him.


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