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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom and saw I was in a huge bedroom when I opened my eyes. I pulled the blanket over my head to block out the light and go back to sleep, but what ruined it was that I felt someone poking me behind my back through the blanket. I tried to wiggle away, but I just heard Kinsely giggling and she poked me again before she reached under the blanket to rub my head Her hand felt a little cold to the touch, but it also felt soft and gentle.

Kinsely-Come on, Honey. It's time to wake up. ~

I turned away, but all she did was pull the blanket away from me and pick me up to cradle me. She took me with her to the bathroom where I heard water running. The light stung my eyes, so I closed them while she put me down and got me ready for the bath. When I was ready, my eyes felt better, so I opened them. She was getting ready to get in the bath too with me.


Kinsely-There's those adorable pearls. After bathtime, I'm going to make breakfast for all of us before my husband goes to work. Do you like pancakes with bacon, sausage, and eggs? ~

Just then my stomach growled from how good that sound and she just giggled while she took the last of her underwear off and got in the big bath with me. It was more like a hot tub with things that sprayed out water. She got some water on my hair before she got the soap and pulled me onto her lap to start washing my hair... it felt like a massage for my head.

Kinsely-I thought you would've fought this a little. You're being such a good boy for Mommy. ~


Kinsely-Don't act like you hate it now. I can feel that you're getting more limp by the second... Just think, next time you can have fun bath toys to play with while Mommy cleans herself. Like rubber duckies, a squishy octopus, little boats and submarines. ~

(Y/N)-... D-Daddy said-.

Kinsely-Eh, eh, eh... What do we say about Daddy?... Was it that we don't listen to him and try listening to Mommy?

(Y/N)-... Yes... But he should pick me up soon.

Kinsely-When I got up early, my husband said that he got called in, so he asked me to watch you again. I'm also going to get more things for you since you are going to be here a lot.

I felt her rinse my hair and that's when she worked on my body next she also put her chin on top of my head. I was fully awake now from the water, but I still felt relaxed. When she was done with me, she washed herself before we got out to dry off and get dressed. I didn't have extra clothes here, so she just put me in a robe while my clothes got put in with other laundry.

Kinsely-Your tummy must be so empty. I'm going to get started cooking. ~

(Marcus's POV)

Last night was great, but I woke up and had to get ready for work. I went to my room to get in a shower, pulled out some clothes to wear to the office. I even smelled something good in the air when I got dressed. I got to the kitchen and saw the boy from last night at the table in my wife's robe and Kinsely was at the stove making breakfast.


Had to make a good impression for the kid being here to see us as the perfect husband and wife. Never know who might be a future employee.

Marcus-Morning, Honey. ~

Kinsely-Morning... Breakfast will be ready in a bit. I know you have to leave soon.

Marcus-Our staff should be here when I go. I'm sure you're going to have your hands full with my employee's son all day.

Kinsely-I actually have the whole day planned for the two of us. Along with a few packages coming with men to set things up. Just go focus on your new projects.

She didn't even turn to look at me the whole time, but she was flipping pancakes.

Kinsely-Heads up, I'm putting a lock on a guest bedroom door to turn it into something else.

Marcus's mind-What does she need another room for?

((D/N)'s POV)

I can't believe I got called in today, but on the bright side, I got something nice for June for when I pick (Y/N) up after I'm done with the work my boss wants done. I got to work about an hour ago and got a picture of June and her friends standing outside of the daycare from the website they had. I even got hard thinking about her, but I hid it until it went away.

(D/N)'s mind-I wonder what kind of man she likes in bed... Dominate or... Nah, she seems like a submissive type.

I took a peek at the necklace and matching ring I got for her while thinking of how happy she was going to be.

(D/N)'s mind-After spending so much time with kids, you must be craving a partner... I'm taking you home with me and you can be a housewife or take (Y/N) to work. He gets a mom and I get a wife... I say everyone wins.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)


Kinsely gave me the last bite of my pancake before I drank the last of my milk. She smiled and left me in my chair while she gave my plate to a maid to clean and whispered something to another worker. After that, she picked me up, she took me to the room I fell asleep in last night and woke up in hers.

Kinsely-*Sigh*... Do you think this is a nice big room? ~

(Y/N)-It's bigger than mine.

Kinsely-Well... This is going to be your room for when you stay here. ~

She bounced me a little before taking me back out and going to her room to turn on the T.V. and lay in bed with me. She rubbed my tummy while cuddling me and looked really happy, but I felt a little weird about this. We heard the doorbell ring during a show and sh didn't bother to get up to answer it, but soon someone came in with bags of clothes.

Man-Madam, here are the clothes that you ordered. Your shelves will be put in the guest room.

Kinsely-Be careful with those shelves. As for the old ones, just put them in storage or something.

I wondered why they were making a big deal about shelves, but the man left and Kinsely got up to look at the clothes and... they were my size. She looked at me with another smile before she held up a onesie with a cat ear hoodie.

Kinsely-Come here, Sweetie. I got you a lot of new clothes and we're going to try on 'all' of them. It's also good practice to smile for the camera. ~

She came over to help me up and took the robe off of me and I felt a cold breeze hit me while she grabbed underwear for me first. Next, she helped me put on the onesie and pulled the hood up before she pulled out her phone. I felt my face starting to warm up while my tummy felt weird.

Kinsely-Don't you just look adorable. Is it comfy? ~

(Y/N)-... Th-The inside is fuzzy... I kind of like it. *mumbled*

Kinsely-*Giggles* Say cheese. ~

She took the picture with flash on and...

(Y/N)-A-Are you sending that to Daddy?

(Rose's POV)

I was enjoying a nice breakfast out at my favorite cafe alone when I started to get pictures on our group chat of (Y/N) in different outfits. We all commented on them and they would stop for a little bit almost every time (Y/N) looked too flustered in a cute outfit. I had a nice meal and a show before I left to go the rest of my day off and later got more pictures of (Y/N) and gushed at him wearing a little tuxedo...

Rose's text-Mind if I come over?

I sent the private text and waited for a response and what she said next was cute, but annoyed me a little.

Kinsely's text-Sorry. Mother and son, one on one bonding time. Come over tomorrow and I can lend him to you for the day. I'm getting his nursery and everything set up.

Rose's text-Isn't his dad picking him up tomorrow?

Kinsely's text-He was supposed to do it today, but I just let my husband do me in exchange he called him in. I'm sure a little tease and promise can get him to keep (D/N) busy outside of work too.

Now, I just felt excited. Tomorrow, I get (Y/N) all to myself, but I think I want to invite Ruth.

Kinsely's text-Just keep in mind. If the tease is not enough and I let him fuck me again for you, then you will owe me a favor.

Rose's text-You're the best!

I got off our text and quickly called Ruth. The phone was ringing for a little bit and when she picked up.


Rose-Hey Ruth. Do you still have that textbook on medical massages for physical therapy?

Ruth-From college?... In my room collecting dust for years. Why?

Rose-See if there's a chapter for children.

(Kinsely's POV)

The nursery was finally done and I had (Y/N) in my arms with me and played a little guessing game with him. He had to guess his surprise,... but the game backfired. He guessed his dad right out of the gate, so I just took him to the room while bouncing him a little. I stood at the door with him and bent down a little.

Kinsely-Mind helping me, Sweetie? ~

He reached for the knob and opened the door and when we got in, it was just like the layout I left on the paper and it looked amazing.


I saw his cheeks turn pink again and I took a little picture of the room for the girls to see and I ended up closing the door and locking it to make sure nobody disturbs us.

Kinsely-Looky, (Y/N). Want to try the bed out? ~

I put him in the crib and took a picture for the chat too and (Y/N) tried to stand up, but I kept him down.

Kinsely-Eh, eh, eh. Noooo.... Awww, they forgot to put the mobile on. One sec. ~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just had to remember that she locked that door, but she was taking pictures and I have no idea what she was doing with them. She made me lay down with the bear and this bed was really comfy. Soon, she came back with the thing she talked about with a blanket and a binki.


She put the thing up, tucked me in the blanket, and the last part... I just looked away. She only held it up to me.

Kinsely-Come on, Sweetie. Say ahhhhh. ~

I only shook my head no and she took it away, but I saw she doing something through the bars. She brought it back and this time the rubber part was covered in pink sugar and something wet and sticky.

Kinsely-Come on, Sweetie. Mama dipped and coated it in candy. Just for you... Say ahhhhh. ~

It was going to drip and make a mess and Daddy hates it when food and stuff gets on things. I caught the drop and she put the binki in my mouth. It tasted like strawberries and watermelon... It tasted so good and she rubbed my head while making me lay my head down.

Kinsely-There you go. Good boy... You look so adorable!... When the workers get the house deep cleaned, I'll send them home with pay and get a play mat out for you in the living room. But until then, I'm going to prep something yummy for dinner... Do you want homemade chicken nuggets, chili, cheeseburgers, nachos, steak sandwiches? You name it and Mama will make it happen. Boop. ~

I shrunk into the blanket and she leaned down to kiss my head and played something before she left the room... It was the thing above me spinning and singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, but she also played a radio or something... It was her voice.

Kinsely (speaker)-Mommy loves you more than anyone else... Daddy is almost never around. That's not fair to you... Mommy wants to make sure you are always comfy and cared for... Daddy leaves you and is late for pick up... Mommy always knows what's best for you... Daddy doesn't know you much at all. ~

I thought about everything she was saying on there and it does make sense. I just flipped over to face the wall, but only buried my face in the teddy bear.

((D/N)'s POV)

I told the office that I was planning to get a girl soon and showed them a screenshot of June. Some gave me looks and wondered if I was lying, but a selfie of her kissing my cheek ill prove them wrong and it was going to happen soon.

(D/N)'s mind-You're about to get a new Mommy, (Y/N). You're welcome.


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