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((Y/N)#2's POV)

I was in bed with Elsa and Poppy in Poppy's room to play little games with them. Like building a mini snowman, writing and drawing in the snow, and watching her make snowflakes with pictures of us on them. She even shot a small cloud outside to make it look like it was snowing for me. I didn't want to play right now, but it's the time when I don't have a choice to play with them. They would at least make it small games where I don't have to run around a lot, but during the last hour of forced playtime, I think I wanted to play a video game. They took me to my old room where all the games were and Elsa put me in her lap.

Elsa-If you want, in an hour we can lay you down on the massage for a nice relaxing massage. I know you like the smell of the sugar cookie candle. Diane would be happy to give you one again. ~

I did like that, but I just wish I could go in alone from time to time. Judy came in and saw us playing a game together.


Judy-Hey. Is everything going alright in here?

Elsa-He's fine. We just said we would give him his favorite kind of massage after playtime is over.

Judy-We should still have a few bottles of oil and lotion. I can get things started for dinner while you guys are in there. How would you like some curry tonight?

Just then her ears flickered and one of them turned. I know that means that she hears something, but I just don't know what it is because I can't hear it. She just left and closed the door.

(Judy's POV)

I could've sworn then I heard something outside, so I went to check it out. We are in a new area, so I don't know if it's just hikers or not. I went to the camera room first and checked the feed on the inside to see who it was, but there was nothing. I checked outside next and there was nothing too, so I went back a bit to when I would've heard the noise.

Judy-Come on. What's out there? *whisper*

I could just be paranoid and we all have a right to be, but we need to keep (Y/N) from having another panic attack from how easily he gets those. In the video, I saw a rock was thrown at the gate, but other than that, nobody tried to get in.

Tigress-Who threw that?


I jumped and turned around in the chair to see Tigress while catching my breath.


Judy-Why would you do that?!

Tigress-I just walked behind you... You look tense.

Judy-Someone is near the house. They might be curious about it too.

Tigress-I'll go out.

Judy-No, I'm smaller and it's easier for me to hide. Just go get Diane and keep (Y/N) away from the windows.

I just got up and headed outside and checked the peephole to make sure the coast was clear to leave. I dashed to a hiding spot after I opened and closed the door, but it was not locked and I couldn't stay out here too long. I ran from hiding place to hiding place while using my hearing to make sure I knew my surroundings and in the distance...

???-We are already too far from the house. It's time we head back. I had enough of this nature walk anyway.

???-Come on, look how happy he is.

???-He's always happy! He is too happy!

???-Giggles! ~

???-*Chuckles*. ~

Judy's mind-Who are you?... Do you live close by?

I started to follow them and only followed them by hearing them and following their tracks. While tracking them... One of them sounded familiar.

(Sandy's POV)

I was exploring this house and there were extra rooms here for Fluttershy and I to take, but between a demon and all of this crazy news about being in a show named after my best friend... This place is full of red flags. The only one I can see as somewhat trustworthy to not attack us is (Y/N) because he told me who everyone was and what they did before he went out on a walk with Kitty and Holli.

Sandy's mind-I know they are bad, but someone that innocent and happy... They have to be hiding something.

I got to the kitchen and I found a drawer with a tablet on it. No password though. I guess if ya'll are alone out here, not much need for a password. I found files of cooking videos, chore videos, and other stuff, so I played one.

???-Alright (Y/N), this is one of my favorite meals, so if you screw up even one step a tiny bit, I am shoving it in your face and kicking you outside. Don't care what kind of weather it is.

Sandy-What in tarnation?

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Fluttershy's POV)

I just stayed in the room I was given to avoid the villains outside and wondered what they were doing. I don't think they can be all bad if he's that happy to be around them, but the things he said... Anypony or... anyone can change. Look at Discord.

Fluttershy's mind-Yeah... Maybe it's just taking the steps to friendship.

Just then Sandy came in and she she closed the door looking like something was wrong.


Sandy-We better get moving.

Fluttershy-Wh-Why? What happened?

She put a weird piece of glass in front of me and did something to make it move and saw stuff. It was a human lady and what was supposed to be instructions for mac and cheese also became a stream of insults and threats to (Y/N). He even came in the background only for...

Lady-I told you to stay out of here during these videos!

(Y/N)-(S/N) wanted water. And look, I kept the flower safe too by putting it in a pot.

Lady-Shut up!



The pot broke out of the picture and I saw a red and purplish mark on his cheek, but... he was still smiling.

Lady-Now clean that up! After that leave! You can sleep outside again!

(Y/N)-Ok, Mommy!

I covered my mouth with my hooves and had tears coming out of my eyes. How could a mother say and do something so horrible to her baby?! He even seemed happy with the abuse for some reason... What if they are doing the same thing to him?! Killers, thieves, abusers, manipulators, and he grew up with this stuff.

Sandy-We need to go!

Fluttershy-B-But we can't just leave (Y/N) here! He's just a baby and he's getting hurt!

Sandy-We will be back for him! Let's just go!

Fluttershy-... I... I am not leaving without him! He needs a loving caretaker and that is going to be me!

Sandy-Ugh... Alright, they are still out, so if we leave right now, we can still take him with us without all of them chasing after us. Can we go 'now'?!


She opened a window and hopped outside, but I flew and got under her to have her ride on me.

(Wanda's POV)

I had (Y/N) acting more like a baby. He knows it's a little guilt trip and we are not even extreme about it, but I think he's just gotten used to it and knows we won't stop... Also, we promise him treats like more toys, games, choice of a dinner and dessert or another meal, and other things to spoil him. Even if he uses it to get out of a walk around town... But seeing as we can't do that anymore, I have a feeling he is going to want more big meals besides just switching around with us until he is full.

Wanda-Almost, Sweetie. Give Mommy a cute little pose. Touch your toes. ~

He bent his legs a little before he reached for them and rolled over. I gushed and cooed at him until I saw something in the distance from the window behind him. I poofed up some binoculars and he looked confused while I looked outside and got a better look... It was more cartoon people.


Wanda's mind-What?! But we got rid of that USB?! Was there more than one?!

I only closed the window and curtain before I swooped down to pick up (Y/N).

(Y/N)-What's going on?

Wanda-We'll do baby time later in the bunker with everyone. Let's just get everyone down there.

I took him downstairs and sent a message to everyone to get to the bunker. I got there first and put (Y/N) in his crib before I closed and locked the top while having questions run around in my head. One thing was for certain...

Wanda's mind-I don't know who you are, but 'neither' of you are getting near my baby.

To Be Continued... In Book 4


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