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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time and all of the girls were here, but not to have fun. I was just in Isabelle's room with Cream playing on a Switch That Isabelle had that she got from Nintendo for free when she joined Smash. Everyone was just having an adult conversation out there about me, but we can't be a part of it. It's about me and they took me from my home. I didn't feel like playing, so I let Cream play, but she wanted my head on her lap... Whatever it's not like I can go back home. I just did what she wanted, but it didn't make me feel better.

Cream-Are you sure you don't want to play? I can go on two players MarioKart, Marioparty, Splatoon,-.

(Y/N)-I just don't want to play right now.

Cream-Oh... Then how about a show?

(Cream's POV)

He didn't react that much and he didn't seem too thrilled about cuddles either. I just wanted him to smile, but he lost his home. Even if Mommy said it was for the best because it was not a loving home, it was still his and it looks like that counted for something to him. I would feel sad if I lost my home... I had an idea and put on the show I promised and had (Y/N) lay on his belly. Adults like massages, so maybe he will like it too, to relax and destress.

Cream-Is this helping? Mommy loves a massage.

(Y/N)-I guess it's nice... Can you hear what they are saying out there?

Cream-Not from how loud the T.V. is, but Mommy said I don't need to listen.

(Y/N)-Can you go up against the door?... Please? They are talking about me out there.

Cream-Well... I guess a little bit won't hurt... If it would help you feel better.

(Zelda's POV)

Isabelle is mad at Ankha for trying to manipulate the mayor and not show up to try and keep this a secret, and everyone is debating who (Y/N) should stay with. They will let others visit for sure, but it's hard to travel worlds unless you have you're own teleporters like Krystal and such. I know he lost his home and it wasn't a good home to begin with, but some of us think that it's insensitive to fight over this. Now, I want to adopt him for the right reasons and not treat it like a competition between all of us.

Peach-He needs a single and stable home.

Krystal-It's also worth noting that I can travel worlds by myself and can bring (Y/N) with me. Not to mention there is plenty of room on The Great Fox.

Rosalina-With weapons and such?... My observatory is more homey with Lumas to play with.

Ankha-Oh, Space alone is deadly for him.

Bayonetta-Which is why I can offer him comfort globally.

Rouge-Angels hunt you down! I saw your games!

Blaze-Plus, he needs to set down roots. I am a princess and can give him lots of room to play in the comfort of a new home.

Zelda-Ok, I think we can all assume, all of our homes have pros and cons. Evil manics, the vacuum of space, how some will fight over this daily, so why don't we get organized about this? We make a list of all the things he needs and needs to avoid having and then we go off of it with a pros and cons list from our worlds.

My first pitch for a thing he needs to avoid is fighting which will seem to happen a lot here. Just as we were getting things ready to list off...

Zelda's mind-What a minute... Where's the inklings?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Cream ran back to the bed for some reason and I wonder if she got caught by her mom before she had good hearing too. I only turned the T.V. down a little. How does she know? Soon the door opened and we saw Meggy, Marina, and Pearl come in, and Meggy dove onto the bed.


Meggy-Ahhh, sup kids. Having fun in here because it's like a business meeting out there.


Pearl-Oh, relax. We came back here to have some fun... Not to mention he would love to be with fun girls like us.

Marina-I don't think he needs to have fun right now. He just needs to take it easy.

Meggy-Then they got the right idea. They got a show on and all we need is the popcorn... Does Isabelle have popcorn here?

(Marina's POV)

I mostly came back here to make sure that these too don't make things harder for (Y/N). In my opinion, he just needs to have downtime to chill and collect himself. Meanwhile, everyone out there is talking about adoption since everyone doing it will move him around too much and complicate things. I thought about it myself, but...

Marina's mind-Oh, come on. A mom? You are an Octoling that shoots ink in battles. When would you have time for a kid?

Just then I looked to see (Y/N) holding a stuffed animal Isabelle had... or a stuffed... Mayor of this place... Creepy for her, but for a fan, I guess it's cute. He didn't watch the shows that the others were into and soon he got up to go to the bathroom, but he only went to the sink and put his hands in water. Others only gave this a glance, but I saw how depressed he looked, so I went up to him and closed the door. He looked surprised that I was in here.

Marina-Hey, you good?

(Y/N)-I'm fine. Just splashing some water on my face.

Marina-Oh... It's ok to not be ok, kid... If you want, I can take you to my world sometimes when things get settled. I heard you're a big fan of... Well, all of us. How 'bout it?

He looked a bit happier, but still sad... I tried the last thing I could think of and gave him a surprise hug. He only looked at me.

Marina-Things look bad now, sure... But this is because they care about you.

I flipped the switch to turn the fan on and had the water running to make some noise that drowned out his whimpers. He leaned over a little and tried to hold himself together... I felt so sorry for him.

(Rouge's POV)

Rouge-Instead of a big and overwhelming palace, I have someplace more cozy. Not to mention I have more than enough wealth to give him comfort.


I only looked at her with a glare as Rosalina put thief on my con list. With that, my list was done with 6 pros to 3 cons. Thief looks bad, but at least I don't have a turtle constantly kidnapping me while putting a kingdom in danger. I almost never get directly involved and even if I do, Eggman doesn't know where I truly live... It's one of my pros of being secluded.

Peach-Ok, who's next?


We all looked to see who it was and it was the Octoling Marina raising her hand and she looked a little shy when we all looked at her.


Marina-I live in a cozy apartment and we are not in total danger. What can a paintball gun do to a child that a bath can't take care of? He's human and the paint we use is not toxic.

Vanilla-Um... It sounds nice.

Rosalina-But do you know how to care for someone (Y/N)'s age? Your world doesn't exactly have a lot of medicine and stuff made for him.

Marina-Actually, it does. We have medicine for humans on shelves that are only meant for humans that might be tourists. It's not exactly a go-to medicine for me and my kind.

With that, they made a list for her and I just saw this as new competition. While we were making her list, Isabelle looked stressed out before she got up.

Isabelle-I'll be right back.

The moment she left and closed the door...

Bayonetta-If she's not back in time, will that disqualify her from these lists?

(Ankha's POV)

I'm expecting a call from the mayor any moment now about the adoption papers and in the meantime, I lounged in my living room with a bowl of cotton candy grapes I had ordered from (Y/N)'s world. I even had them frozen to make them even better. Just then, I heard someone read my doorbell, so I went to go answer the door and when I opened it... I saw it was Isabelle and she looked angry.


Ankha-What is it? I'm expecting a call soon.

Isabelle-I already know your plan to swipe (Y/N) from under our noses after having a word with the mayor!

Ankha-I have no idea what you are talking about.

Isabelle-Don't you play dumb with me!

Ankha-I don't have to take this.

I was about to close the door, but she stopped it with her hand and looked directly into my eyes.

Isabelle-Listen!... Everyone is gunning for his adoption and will be confronting not only me and the mayor, but our CPS system... If the mayor doesn't take him in as a permeate citizen, neither of us will have him.

Ankha-... Why are you here?

Isabelle-We both want him, so I am willing to cut a deal in exchange we work 'together'.

(Waluigi's POV)

Stupid security and their stupid searches! Wario and I finally made it to Animal Crossing after they took our supplies and fined us. Considering that was a slap on the wrist, we almost ended up arrested and sent back to our world to be imprisoned. Now, there was no point in being here.

Wario-... We could try the boulder again?

Waluigi-That failed last time. The giant firework would've been perfect to glue him to! We gotta think of a new plan.

Wario-... We almost had him the first time... Maybe we can start by separating them.


Wario-Someone might have a private teleporter. We snag it and send him away... How about Bowser's Castle or Boo's Haunted Mansion?

Waluigi-... This is what I like about our friendship. We surprise each other.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Amy's POV)

It was getting super late, so we all ordered takeout for dinner. There was a nice sandwich place and we got one for each of us, but Isabelle was not back, yet. (Y/N) ate out here with us and was trying to avoid Phosphora and Daisy who wanted to tease him. Tomorrow night we will ask him who he wants to stay with, but before that, we need to get him more comfortable. So we are taking tonight and all day tomorrow to help him make a decision, but he just won't know about it yet. We just plan to show him a normal fun day with us, so no parties or anything too big to overwhelm him. Just then, Phosphora scratched behind (Y/N)'s ear a little which made him make a little sound before scooting over to me.

Amy-... Do you want to sleep with me, Rouge, Blaze, Sally, Vanilla, and Cream at a total tonight?

Rosalina-Don't be silly. I have my auditorium he can sleep in with me and my friends tonight.

Bayonetta-(Y/N)... How would you like to sleep with me and Jeanne tonight?

Everyone was asking, but Phospora gave I'm a look that made him blush and he looked around before he suddenly lunged at Palutina.


Palutina-Oh!... *Giggles* You want me to protect you from Phospora in my realm? ~

(Y/N) nodded his head yes to her and he finished his last few bites of his sandwich hiding behind her. I felt so angry by this because he was clearly cuddling up to me and was going to say yes if not for her. That's when she took him into her arms and Phosphra stood by her side.

Palutina-Well, we shall be back in the morning for breakfast. I'll see to it that he has properly bathed myself. Good night to all of you.

I kept my composure, but it wasn't how I felt at all... I will make sure he chooses me when the time comes. I know how to be sisterly and motherly.

Amy's mind-I know you can feel the love you never got from your family and mine will be different. I know Vanilla plans on babying you to try and make up for lost years... I know you don't want that!... Are you too sweet to admit it though?

(No POV)

While everyone was going to a hotel or finding some room to sleep in the house, two groups were at work. One was working on a ship and another paid a little visit to the Mayor's house.


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