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(Lorina's POV)

I was kicking my feet off a table to keep myself from getting too bored. My help with these glitches had to come with a boring doctor's appointment. She put a watch around my wrist, but I broke it because it didn't remind me of Wonderland... She made one out of gold with a mini pocket watch on it which was much better. I gave her a round of applause for a good job. My mind went back to (Y/N) being in a cell in a lab with other techy things... Not really my style, so I think I should take my leave soon. I just hopped off the table and turned to the ladies in the room looking at my Dorm Mousey Boy until they looked at me.


Lorina-Well, it's been fun, but if this is it, I will be taking my Dorm Mouse and leaving. Heads up, if you go into a universe and see a random easter egg on the ground, think twice before picking it. Toodles.

I was about to grab my Dorm mouse by opening his cage, but Liv put one of her arms on me.

Lorina-... Lady. You're about to lose all 8 if you don't let me go.

Liv-Sorry, but I'm afraid that we need him.

Lorina-He's 'my' property. Tentacles off.

Liv-... Let me ask you something. Do you think my big plan is just to give out watches and send others on their merry way?... I thought in Wonderland, you think outside the box.

There's more than this team for her plan? What's in it for me?...

Lorina-I'm listening, but Mousey Boy is still mine.

She let me go and raised herself in the air with a smile. I saw the others smile, except that bug lady.

Liv-We can travel to other dimensions, but we know what is out there being rebuilt or waiting in other worlds... Our versions of Spider-Man and so many more versions of him. Did you ever have luck beating just 'one' of them?

I remember my short time in that prison and saw tons of that spider... She doesn't need to know my whole story with him. I just pulled out my pocketwatch to not look at her.


Liv-No matter what, Spider-Man always wins because any version adapts, and learns how we fight, and if we team up, they use this to come out on top... Now, picture our own society where we do not just take over New York City, but the entire universe. Just think, you can find or create your dream world. A 'true' Wonderland in your exact image. Spoiler alert... Nobody will be able to stop you as long as we have each other.

Lorina-My true Wonderland... Octo-Lady, you got yourself a deal, but the Dorm Mouse is mine.

(Y/N)-I'm not a... Dorm Mouse.

He tried to get out of his cage, but the drugs were still in effect. I just played with his fingers before I shook Liv's hand.

Liv-Ladies... I have all I need to start phase 1 of my plan, but I have assignments for all of you. You have a quota to go out and recruit 30 villains that you see fit to aid our cause. No Black Cats though... Now, some Green Goblins, Rhinos, TombStones, and Hob Goblins would be an excellent start. No average thugs.

(Liv's POV)

I pointed the girls to the bags and they went over to grab one each with 30 watches, but I stopped Beetle. I plan to keep her hear to help me and to also not annoy me while I work since she does not talk. Lorina or White Rabbit did a little tearful or... I don't even know what kind of goodbye that was.

Lorina-I'm going to have a big teacup for you to sleep in and teach you to be afraid of kitty cats. Yes, I am. ~

Francine-... Do we really need her in the main group?

Elain-She's crazy and that is coming from me.

Meekai-Let's just go.

They all left until it was just the 3 of us and I just gave (Y/N) another dose to knock him out.

Liv-Now, any questions before we begin?


Liv-Good. Get me a needle. I'm taking some blood first.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I was humming a little tone while I stuck (Y/N) in a machine to give him an MRI and X-ray, and to check his atom placement. When it comes to the glitches and he's not having them, my bet will be his atoms, but I wonder if they are affecting his body structure in any way. I doubt he has super strength or speed from how squishy and tiny he was. When the results came out his atoms just seemed fine as well as everything else...

Liv-Perhaps a field test is in order. If it adapts then the place it will be in action is the space between the portals... We're going to have to simulate that with a machine. Beetle, we got lots of work to crack this power he has. Just stay here and watch him.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I started to wake up and felt dizzy, but I could think straight from starting to feel scared already. I was with a weird villain and then a girl Sandman came, and now I am trapped with a girl Doc Ock. I didn't hear anything, but when my vision cleared up, I saw the girl Beetle. One of Spider-Man's super enemies.



I backed up against the wall of the cage on the table and she turned to me, She then walked up to me when she saw I was awake.

(Y/N)-G-Get away!... Gh-Ghost-Spider or her friends are going to be here and you'll be sorry!


She only put her hand on the cage and her eyes glowed a little before they flashed. I moved a little and she kept her eyes on me. She looked at a clipboard on top of the cage before she tossed it and opened the door. She reached in and grabbed me, so I screamed and struggled and she instantly let go. I thought it was because I screamed, but she was looking at my arm, and... it was glowing a little from that thing I do.


(Y/N)-It's nothing! It's... just a thing from my universe!

She swung her arm and a rope wrapped around my legs to make me fly out and before I could hit the ground, she flew up and over a beam. I was hanging upside down and she broke the rope off from her suit and tirled it to the leg of the table.

(Y/N)-Put me down!

She only ignored me and only poked my tummy to make me swing.

(Beetle's POV)

I poked his exposed belly while he was still stressed and there was no glow this time. He kept on babbling to me, but I just ignored them to push forward on this. I put my hand on his belly for a few seconds and he got scared that I might do something to kill him. He glowed again and my hand got stuck. I used my nanotech to safely cut the fabric to not hurt the specimen. Meanwhile, I was free.

Janice's mind-So this is why Liv is interested in you and why she was not hands-on.

I looked at the clipboard again to see what she had planned and I did not see dissection on the list. Guess she doesn't want to kill her only chance to complete her goal... That or she has a soft spot or something for kids. I moved to his back to see what makes this kid's power tick by getting his reactions.

I gently scratched the back of my nail on him and he shivered his whole body, but no glow when I put my hand on him until he got scared of me touching him.

Janice's mind-So timid... I like to spook timid things to help me relax.

When I pulled him up higher and had him look at me in the face, he looked terrified of me.


He was blushing... Or maybe it was the blood rushing to his head. He babbled more about Spider-Man until he got dizzy, so I let him down gently. He tried to make a run for it right away, but only fell back on the ground.

Janice's mind-So pathetic... This is cute and funny to watch.

Not funny enough to laugh, but still nice to watch. I picked him up again and held him close while he was still recovering from being upside down. He was not glowing this time because he could not focus, so I took this chance to build some form of trust in case I needed to persuade him back into capture. I have a watch, but it would be a pain if he keeps jumping back to my universe.

Janice's mind-He needs another dose.

Just as I was about to give him another shot, a portal opened and I saw someone walk through while covered in a bit of soot.


Elain-Heads up. There's such a thing as too prideful and chaotic. I'm taking a break.

Just then she saw (Y/N) wiggling my grasp before she smiled.

Elain-Oh, my stuff is much stronger than your average sedative. Let me get that for you.

She swiftly stung his arm which quickly made (Y/N) limp and silent. It was so easy to hold him now. She then took him with her tail and pulled him on her lap.

Elain-*Chuckles* Are you numb, yet kid? Hope you don't need to move for the next 8 hours. Made this drug myself. ~

She continued to toy with him and I don't know why, but it sort of bothered me that she just took him from me like that. Nobody takes anything from me! I should just take the headshot for what she did to steal from me, but then Liv walked in. She looked at Elain and saw that she still had watches.


Liv-Why are you back if you are not done, yet?

Elain-Relax, boss. I almost got burned alive. Isn't the whole point of a team to work together?

Liv just took (Y/N) from her, placed him on the table in the cage while opening a portal. She grabbed Elain next and threw her through the portal with her watches and then the portal closed. Now, she looked at the state (Y/N) was in.

Liv-Oh good. He's already sedated. Beetle, do you mind going out to get a few parts for a machine?

(Gwenpool#1's POV)

This base was going to shit and all of out watches got blocked after this place was put on lockdown. I was trying to get out of here after my team got taken by those symbiote. Thankfully, I stole this motorcycle from a Wolverine in another universe, but it was suddenly yanked from behind and I was sent flying and hitting a wall.

Gwenpool#1-Ugghhh. Mommy, I don't want to go to-.

I was kicked at my side to flip over where I came face to face with my boss.


She pulled back her new suit. I hoped to one day see more of her, but not like this.


Felica-*Chuckles*. ~


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