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((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt much better when I woke up with Julia and I remember her being really nice to me. She didn't have a watch, but when I asked her about my home, she said my home was undergoing a mission thing. Someone should've come by to give her a new watch by now, but instead, we are still waiting. I wanted to ask more about the mission, but all she would tell me was that it was about me and what I could do to travel to other dimensions and not glitch without a watch. She said it makes me special, like a superhero. I already knew that, but it felt nice to be called a superhero.

Julia-Hey, since we got nothing to do. How about we go out to the park?... I'm just going to go out as me and not Spider-Woman.

(Y/N)-But if there are no other Spider-People here, do you have to go out as her?

Julia-I'm not Spider-Woman all the time. Superheroing 24/7 would be the death of anyone. I still sleep, go out and have some fun, and other normal... Julia things... I'll have my suit on me in case of emergencies.

I guess she was right, but I thought the whole many superheroes thing meant they would go and save other worlds... I would want to nap and relax too if I had to do all of that and deal with Miguel being a mean boss... What makes him the boss anyway?

(Liv's POV)

No more glitching is taking the only bad thing out of this. Now, I can focus on some real work, like building my own society, as the Spider-People have. I made my own little A.I. to pick up on atoms out of sync in a world and that means I will find the boy... It would also be a dead giveaway if they were spending time with a Spider-Man. I traveled the universe I was in and my AI found one anomaly in this universe, so I set out to find them. I tracked them down and made it to a construction site. Looked like everyone was gone for lunch or something.

Liv-Hello... Anyone from another universe here? I have something to help with those painful glitches. It just comes at a small price. ~

I used my arms to walk around a bit more until I saw some sand move under me, so I looked in the direction it was going. Suddenly most of the dirt and sand started to glitch and a woman formed and screamed in pain a little.


Liv-Ohhh. You look like you're having a bit of trouble with those glitches. You're a Sandman... or Sandwoman in this case.

???-*Grunt* Who are you? Another version of Doc Ock?

Liv-Well that depends. Are you going to join me and save yourself from glitching out of existence or should I just go?... How about something easier?... Your name.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out another watch and dangled it in front of me. She looked around and must know the stakes.

???-... I'm Keemia.

I smiled and tossed her the watch and she only absorbed it in her sand.

Liv-Well, Keemia... My friends call me Liv.

(Keemia's POV)

This was all so crazy. One moment, it's a normal day for me, next, I'm in some cavemen-looking world, I get captured by 3 Spider-Man that weren't mine, thrown into a hard light prison, brought to a Spider-Man base, get involved in a prison riot, escaped in a portal to whatever this world was, and now another version of Doc Ock called Liv is recruiting me.

Keemia's mind-Can this day get any damn weirder?

Liv-Well, let's head to a few other worlds. We have much more to recruit and find a place to set up shop. Our goal however is to find a little boy the Spider-Society was obsessed with.

Keemia's mind-Looks like it can get weirder. Something tells me, I am in for a looooooooooooong day.

She opened a portal and let me go in first before she followed me. We landed on another Earth and this one had short little chibi people all over the place and a bad gut was robbing a bank and he looked like a toy. He froze when he saw me and Liv come out of the portal, so he dropped his tiny bag of money.

Keemia-Why are we here?

Liv-Until I can perfect this, we're just going to jump from universe to universe to find more recruits and a place to set up shop... No anomalies and definitely not here. But... I would love to take a look inside these little chibis. ~

She suddenly grabbed the robber with her robotic arm and wrapped them up in it before we went back into a portal. I saw the tiny man wiggle and tried to pull out a gun and pointed it at me.

Man-T-Take this!

The gun sounded pathetic when it fired and it was almost like a BB gun bullet when it hit me. It barely penetrated the sand.

Liv-Aww, how cute. I wonder how fragile your world is if that is the weapon you brought to a bank robbery... Either that or you're an idiot.

He only kept on struggling when we got to another world. I hated this kind of life and even if he did try to shoot me, but...

Meekia-Liv... are you really going to dissect him?

Liv-I was thinking about starting with his belly. Why?

Meekia-Could you just get a book on his anatomy from his world?

Liv-... Where's the fun in that?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Julia and I were at the park having hotdogs made from a hotdog cart and at least these tasted like they were from home... I just think that man was in a bad mood today which... was also like home. Julia had me on her lap while we sat on a bench to eat, but also... she was bouncing me on her leg while rubbing my head... It did feel nice.

Julia-... Just like her. *mumbles*



She just held me a little tighter and turned me to cradle me a little. Some people walked by and I tried to sit down like a normal person, but she would not let me... She even shot a web on my back to keep me in place and hide her web from the public.

Julia-Just... stay here, Sweetie. We'll go home in a little bit. I know you boys your age like cuddles to be private. ~

I wiggled around a little more when people walked by, but soon she had to like go of me when we heard screaming. That's when we heard an explosion and she got up with me to run and when she got behind a bush, she took her normal clothes off to show her super suit and put her mask on.


Julia-I'll be right back. Stay. Here.

She ran off to go fight, but before she could even get away from me, she was shot at. I looked around the tree to see a woman in a costume. I never saw her before, but she was glitching... She's not from here.


???-Well, well, well. If it isn't another version of my favorite Spider-Man.

Julia-What are you supposed to be? An angry cosplaying bunny girl or a magician with a sadistic twist?

???-Allow me to formally introduce myself.

The new lady did a bow like she just did a performance at a play with the tip of her umbrella holding her up as she bent over with her other arm up.

???-I am the White Rabbit and I come with great news.

Julia-You have second thoughts about this and want to hang up the bunny ears to help find a way to get you home?

White Rabbit-Heavens no. My world has no taste when it comes to magic and fairy tales when it comes out of books, but thanks to me... I can turn your boring city into the perfect wonderland!

Julia-... Alice in Wonderland?

White Rabbit-See, you already know, but my Spider-Man was a stick in the mud... So how about it? One last tea party before I send you off?

Julia just webbed up he hand to a tree and webbed her umbrella to the ground... She only smiled and laughed a little.

White Rabbit-Not I, Spider-Woman. Get your basket because we got-!


White Rabbit-AN EGG HUUUUUNT!!! With a twist. ~

(Liv's POV)

We made it to another world and it won't be worthy of getting up shop due to lack of technology, but I did run into two new recruits that I gave the option to live and they fell line so easily... With a promise to destroy or be free of their Spider-Man.


Liv-So, just so I have things right... Electro, your name is Francine and Scorpian is Elaine.


Francine-Well, 'Liv'... Now what?

Live-Quick run-through. Find a base, get more recruits, find a multiversal-powered little boy, achieve new heights, and crush every Spider-Man in every universe we come across to mold unlimited worlds into our image. Any questions?

Elain-Huh. I like it. Simple and easy too... Wait, did you just say a multiversal-powered little boy?

Liv-Or something like it. He manages to not glitch like we do without our little watches. If we can get our hands on him, these watches will be obsolete.

Meekia-Ok, but in the infinite universes... How do we find this boy? Searching for him in one New York City will be hard enough. Now we have entire worlds and no end to them.

Liv-Which is why we build up and get more power. If these Spider-People want to study or secure him so badly, they'll flock to protect him, and when they do... We got him. So we need an army too.

I opened another portal to another world and the others followed me inside... This world looked like it was a desert city of New York City. Not base worthy, but...

Liv-What luck Another anomaly... Ladies.

Meekia turned into sand to lend in with this place and move faster and undetected. We moved too and they know how to use comms on the watches. I only have two left before we have to stop somewhere to make more before we can recruit more. After 20 Minutes of searching and going from building to building, I saw flashing coming from an ally.

???-Ahh-hh-hhhh! Ahhhhhhh!

Liv-... Girls, on my location. I believe I found our friend.

I checked with my AI and I was right, so I moved in and saw a Beetle standing over the body of a dead policeman.


Liv-Hello, Beetle.

She quickly turned to me and had nanotechnology to make a laser cannon. I grabbed her arms and legs before I held my real hands up.

Liv-Relax. I'm a friend... Glitching problems lately?


Liv-Not much of a talker huh? Well, I'll keep it brief. I have the only thing that can save you from dying from those glitches Pledge your allegiance to me and not only will you live, but you could travel to other worlds with us and do as you, please. I even have big plans and you can be on the winning side.


Liv-Come on... You can't really say no, right now... Well, I guess you could, but-.

She started glitching a little. Not enough to make her scream in pain though.

Liv-You could do that.

I took out a watch and waved it to her while flashing mine to her by opening a portal behind me. That's when my team showed up and she just stared at us.


She was silent, but she put away her laser canon and I let her go. She slowly walked up and took a watch I offered her.

Liv-Wise choice. ~

(Julia's POV)

This crazy woman put explosive eggs around the park and I had to find them all while they went off at random. Meanwhile, she was stuck to a tree I webbed her to and I got her eggs thrown into the lake to contain the explosions. I think I just got the last egg... before I was suddenly sprayed with something from behind. I looked to see it was the White Rabbit again and she escaped my webs.


White Rabbit-Party Pooper. You got more eggs than I planned. I can't remake Wonderland with all of these boring buildings.

I rushed at her, but I felt so dizzy and weak while my vision was getting more colorful.

White Rabbit-You're just like my old Spider-Man He never wanted to see things my way. Always made me late to jobs I had planned, stopped and destroyed all the hard work I did... I had this made special for him, but I suppose I can show you the rabbit hole in-. Ahhhhhhh!

She glitched again, but then brushed it off by looking at a pocket watch she got from inside her shirt. I started to see rabbits running on their hind legs around more, flies that looked like rocking horse chairs, and the world looked a little swirly... I couldn't get up from how dizzy and weak I felt.

White Rabbit-Ignore that. Where were we? *echo*

(Y/N)-Stop! *echo*

She looked confused and I saw (Y/N) grab her leg to try and hold her back. I tried to yell at him to get away from her, but I could not even form words in my mouth.


(Lorina's POV)

I little boy grabbed onto me and tried to hold me back... I couldn't help, but laugh at this and he looked up to me confused before I turned and leaned over him a little.

Lorina-Awwww. Look at this little hero. ~

I poked his nose and he blushed while looking mad... How cute.

???-G-Get away from her!

Lorina-Oh, who's going to stop me?... You? Are you going to punch me with those baby hands of yours? ~

I stabbed my umbrella slash squirt gun I just got Spider-Woman with into the ground before I grabbed his shirt and bent down to his level.

Lorina-Tell you what, Little Dorm Mouse. I'll give you the first hit if you want to fight so bad. Better not waste it. ~

I stayed in place to dare him to do it, but to no surprise, he looked terrified of me.

Lorina-Tick tock, Mousey. ~


He winded back his arm a little to try and hit me, but pulled his punch a lot. It was barely a tap and he had a tear come out of his eyes.

Lorina-*Tsk* *tsk* *tsk* You wasted your free hit. What a-. ~

???-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

He was cowering before me and this was funny. He's the perfect little Dorm Mouse. Timid, but all he needs to be is...

Lorina-Are you tired, Dorm mouse? ~


I quickly slid a syringe from my strap I keep in my boots to stab his neck and he screamed a little before his eyes got more droopy. His body grew limp, so I scooped him up and now he was sleepy like the Dorm Mouse. I love it when people play their roles. Suddenly, someone grabbed my leg.


Spider-Woman-*Mummbling*... *babbling* *mumbling*.

I just stuck my shoe in her mouth to make her listen.

Lorina-I got big plans for this world. I'll be taking this little Mousey and we can play again later. Sound good?

I barely heard her muffled mumbling on my shoe, but I just walked away and left her there to enjoy what the 'rabbit hole potion' had to offer for her. I went to a warehouse to plan my next move after I tied my Mousey up. She cares about him, so he will make the perfect bait.

Lorina-Get plenty of sleep my Little Dorm Mouse. I have so many games for us and this world. It's going to be fun! Boop! ~

I booped his nose a little while he was still asleep and got to work on my next plan. These annoying glitches were getting annoying, but then I reminded myself that it was the price for being in an all-new world and making it into Wonderland since this Spider-Woman doesn't know my tricks.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

No help made this harder and I had those eggs on hand last time. I fell to the floor when I glitched again and then punched the ground because this is starting to get on my nerves.


???-Hey Glitchy.

I grabbed a gun I stole on the table before I pointed it at whoever talked behind me and it was some girl.


She didn't seem phased by a gun being pointed at her at all.

Lorina-Don't you know it's rude to come into someone's hideout uninvited? I don't even have tea set out... Why are you here?

???-I saw you had a problem with glitches like I did... I know someone who can help you with that.



I’m going to love The white rabbit in this book.